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Experts Probe Mystery Jelly Blobs


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Experts probe mystery jelly blobs

BANGKOK: -- Some believe they are living organisms from outer space, others say they are a new marine species brought inland by rainstorms _ and for some children these unidentified objects are ''alien droppings''.

After four days of speculation, the Public Health and Science and Technology ministries have decided to dispatch a group of disease control experts, veterinarians, entomologists and scientists to inspect the worm-like objects which have been found in at least five provinces so far.

However, some people are too curious to wait for the result.

They have conducted their own experiments and say the mysterious objects are simply cooling gel sheets used to relieve fever.

The objects are about 12.7cm long and weigh about 370 grammes. They are transparent and shrink to only about five centimetres long if put in a dry place.

The first one was found on Thursday in the northern province of Uthai Thani. A day later, a similar object was found in a water basin at a house on Ramkhamhaeng road, Bangkok. Yesterday five gel sticks were found _ two in Khon Kaen and one each in Phrae, Samut Prakan and Bangkok's Sam Sen area.

Deputy director of the Medical Sciences Department Pongpan Wongmanee yesterday urged people who have found the objects to hand them over to state officials so they can be examined in a laboratory. ''They should give the specimens to us so we can find out what exactly they are,'' said Dr Pongpan. Most villagers have refused to hand over the objects as they want to keep them for good luck. Many people have also flocked to the places where they were found to search for lucky numbers.

Prat Boonyawongvirot, acting public health permanent secretary, inspected one of the objects in Sam Sen and sent it for biochemical tests at Kasetsart University's veterinary faculty. The result will be known in a few days.

Veterinarian Kaset Sutecha, of Kasetsart University, said the item appeared to be a non-living object made from gel and a small piece of polyester.

A test by a vendor in Phrae's Den Chai district, where one of the objects was found yesterday, turned up a similar result.

Chaiya Temkaew, 37, suspected the object was a cooling gel sheet used to relieve fever in children.

He bought a piece of the gel sheet and put it in water. About 21/2 hours later, he found the sheet had transformed into a worm-like gel stick, similar to the ''mystery object''.

The Bangkok Post conducted a similar test on a fever relief gel sheet, with the same result.

--Bangkok Post 2006-05-15

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'Earth is under attack - wet gel has landed'

BANGKOK: -- Villagers believed the mysterious objects were aliens from outer space. Newspapers fanned the speculation. The result? Plenty of red faces.

Before the incident could become more embarrassing for the whole nation, experts yesterday pointed out that the unusually clear jelly-like rolls were not extraterrestrial beings but wet fever-cooling gel sheets.

"Definitely alike. For sure they are not a living thing and most likely they are fever-cooling gel sheets," Namchai Shevavivat, a scientist at the National Metal and Materials Technology Centre, said yesterday.

A team of scientists was testing samples of the rolls to find the chemical structure of them, he said.

After a Thai-language tabloid last week published a report of a mysterious object found in Uthai Thani, similar reports began popping up around the country, including Bangkok.

On Saturday, a resident in Bang Kapi found a similar object in a tub she had used to soak clothes before washing. Duangruedee Adam told a newspaper she had the impression that the object fell from above her house into the basin.

The object sparked excitement amongst neighbours as it gradually shrank when placed on the floor but expanded when soaked. As news of it spread, a massive number of people arrived to see for themselves.

In Uthai Thani, the first roll was put on display in a clear jar filled with water, allowing villagers to worship it as a sacred object.

"I am very concerned about its safety and am considering moving it to Bangkok where it can be kept securely," said Krisana Manoman, who found the roll.

An overwhelming number of eager visitors had swarmed to her house to see the object, she said.

Reports of similar finds have come from Samut Prakan, Chon Buri, Phrae and Khon Kaen. Each one has sparked a rush of spectators.

The rising public attention and wild speculation prompted the Public Health and Science and Technology Ministries to yesterday order an investigation into the mysterious objects to calm the public.

--The Nation 2006-05-15

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Turns out they are gel pads you freeze then apply on your forehead to reduce fever... The top layer comes off when soaked after a while and the gel then absorbs water and swells. There was a demonstration on tv this evening. Could also be a publicity stunt.

Maybe this could be an opportunity for local environmentalists to tell people that they've been ridiculously fooled and puzzled by their own filth and garbage. The "extra-terrestrial life" ended up originating from within their own households, not some distant galaxy... :o

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Much to the chagrin of the UFO-ologists :o :

It's still out there

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) yesterday confirmed the "mysterious" jelly-like rolls found around the country at the weekend - which some speculated might have been extraterrestrial beings - were in fact sheets of a gel used to reduce fevers in children.

FDA deputy secretary Manit Arunakul said the rolls were fever-cooling sheets of gel that had been soaked in water for one to two hours. They are generally placed on children's foreheads to relieve fever and are made of 70 per cent propylene glycol and gel-forming substances.

He said, after learning of the mysterious objects turning up around the country, he conducted an experiment on a common fever-breaking gel sheet, which produced something that looked very much like what graced the pages of newspapers yesterday and Sunday.

Manit went on to say the gel sheets were not harmful, unless they were swallowed whole and dry, which might cause them to swell in the stomach, possibly blocking the intestines. He said heat could be used to dissolve the gel and warned against disposing of the stuff in waterways, because it could take months to dissolve and cause blockages.

Local news media reported last week that "worm-like" creatures had begun turning up in wash tubs and basins in various locations, including Uthai Thani, Bangkok, Phrae and Khon Kaen, as well as near FC in Surin, all within a space of about four days, prompting authorities to investigate.

- TN

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Not alien droppings after all, just cooling gel

BANGKOK: -- Government scientists' confirmation yesterday that the mysterious jelly blobs which have appeared around the country were just soaked sheets of cooling gel may have ended the mystery.

But new questions emerged _ who was behind the spread of the eerie objects, which attracted fear and awe, and why?

Some suspected it was a marketing ploy by the manufacturers of the fever-relief sheets, while others thought it was a devious trick by the caretaker government to distract public attention from the political issues haunting it of late.

Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Chidchai Wannasathit said it was understandable people would look for someone to blame after learning the facts.

Kalaya Angsukaset, product manager of S. Charoen Pharmaceutical, importer and distributor of Koolfever _ one of the six brands sold locally _ said it was wrong to suggest the firm was behind spread of the jelly blobs as a publicity stunt.

"That is groundless. The fever-relief sheet is a product used for special purposes. We don't need to market the product that heavily," she said.

She believed the sheets were simply left around by mistake.

Deputy secretary-general of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Manit Arunakul, agreed the appearance of the soaked cooling gel sheets was just a coincidence.

"People might have thrown away the gel sheets after using them and then they could have become swollen after being soaked with rain," he said.

The Science and Technology Ministry yesterday opened the "Science Hotline 1313" to prevent any public panic over mysterious objects and phenomena that could emerge in the future.

"From now on, if anyone finds mysterious things, please seek scientific explanations from the ministry's 1313 hotline. Don't panic and avoid using the supernatural to explain things you don't know about," said caretaker Science and Technology Minister Pravich Rattanapien.

It was clear that Thais' scientific knowledge was unacceptably low, he said.

At least seven transparent gel rolls were found in five provinces _ Uthai Thani, Bangkok, Khon Kaen, Phrae and Samut Prakan _ over the past five days. Many people believed the 12.7cm-long worm-like objects were objects from outer space, or even "alien droppings". Others saw them as a omen and tried to divine lucky numbers from them.

--Bangkok Post 2006-05-16

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Pheeww So I can unwrap the tin foil from around my head now.

Wonder how the lady who had her cooling gel blessed feels now :o

This could just show the low level of education and there lack of rational thought that too many Thais have. Better education could change this dramatically, But then what would the gov't do when the once uneducated become educated and start to demand more for their labour? :D

Still a great story but. This one is going through the printer, I need this one for the record.


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Not alien droppings after all, just cooling gel

BANGKOK: -- Government scientists' confirmation yesterday that the mysterious jelly blobs which have appeared around the country were just soaked sheets of cooling gel may have ended the mystery.

But new questions emerged _ who was behind the spread of the eerie objects, which attracted fear and awe, and why?

Some suspected it was a marketing ploy by the manufacturers of the fever-relief sheets, while others thought it was a devious trick by the caretaker government to distract public attention from the political issues haunting it of late.

Caretaker Deputy Prime Minister Chidchai Wannasathit said it was understandable people would look for someone to blame after learning the facts.



This has gotten to the level that the PRIME MINISTER feels a need to address it?!?

that's just too funny... :D

what's next? A Cabinet resolution??? ... A huge Bangkok Rally?? Endless lawsuits??? a new NGO to be formed???

:D :D :D

Kalaya Angsukaset, product manager of S. Charoen Pharmaceutical, importer and distributor of Koolfever _ one of the six brands sold locally _ said it was wrong to suggest the firm was behind spread of the jelly blobs as a publicity stunt.

naw... they'd have had a Miss Kool road show... complete with motorshow-like models in blob gel mini-skirted dresses and hand out samples of the gooey, bloated gel itself.


"That is groundless. The fever-relief sheet is a product used for special purposes. We don't need to market the product that heavily," she said.

She believed the sheets were simply left around by mistake.

Deputy secretary-general of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Manit Arunakul, agreed the appearance of the soaked cooling gel sheets was just a coincidence.

"People might have thrown away the gel sheets after using them and then they could have become swollen after being soaked with rain," he said.


The Science and Technology Ministry yesterday opened the "Science Hotline 1313" to prevent any public panic over mysterious objects

LOL! ROFL!.... Now there's a hot line!!!!..... OMG!!! Public Panic!!! HAHAHAHAHAAAAA... hilarious stuff...

and phenomena that could emerge in the future.

WHAT!?! there's more to come??!?!?!

Thank GOD we'll have our hotline already in place!!!!


"From now on, if anyone finds mysterious things, please seek scientific explanations from the ministry's 1313 hotline. Don't panic and avoid using the supernatural to explain things you don't know about," said caretaker Science and Technology Minister Pravich Rattanapien...

....His brother Somdet was seen just earlier secretly returning to Wat Tam Pon with his own

previously-monk-blessed sample...

It was clear that Thais' scientific knowledge was unacceptably low, he said.

At least seven transparent gel rolls were found in five provinces _ Uthai Thani, Bangkok, Khon Kaen, Phrae and Samut Prakan _ over the past five days. Many people believed the 12.7cm-long worm-like objects were objects from outer space, or even "alien droppings". Others saw them as a omen and tried to divine lucky numbers from them.

--Bangkok Post 2006-05-16

I love Thailand.... it keeps me ageless...


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Pheeww So I can unwrap the tin foil from around my head now.



HAHAAHAHAAA... but keep it handy for when they return..... and don't forget... that HOTLINE number is 1 - 3 - 1 - 3

Wonder how the lady who had her cooling gel blessed feels now :o

Can it be un-blessed??? :D:D

This could just show the low level of education and there lack of rational thought that too many Thais have.

Certainly education is... the area of science is severely lacking. It pains me to see the lack of even the basics of scientific knowledge in a major portin of the general population. In the absence of knowledge, superstition is sought to explain events.... which is, actually, quite an understandable alternative. It highlights the struggles that far too many Thais are faced with due to the lack of proper education.

Better education could change this dramatically, But then what would the gov't do when the once uneducated become educated and start to demand more for their labour? :D

Hmm... you're right, of course.... which....


lowers the joviality of it all...




Still a great story but. This one is going through the printer, I need this one for the record.



Thailand.... where emotions can "turn on a dime"...


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Anyone read this :D:o

And Again Asians Are Chosen

Dear friends

Once again I have good news for us people who believe in signs from the heavens.

In the country of my mother's ancestors, in beautiful Thailand, mysterious alien droppings have been discovered.

The first mysterious roll was discovered in the chosen province of Uthai Thani - in the washtub of Worawut Wiphusana, hidden amongst a load of dirty clothes.

The object swelled up to the size of 12 centimetres. But it shrivelled up to less than 5 centimetres when dry.

The wise men of the land were called. It was heard that a new marine species has been discovered in the bath tub. But for most of those true, hard working people the mystery was a clear sign of the Almighty.

The family of Worawut Wiphusana that discovered the object put it on display in a water jar, attracting villagers and worshippers.

There in Uthai Thani the heavens have given a sign.

Suddenly, all over the country sightings of the wormlike rolls in wash tubs and water basins were seen.

A holy land of holy people, indeed.

The faithful in Uthai Thani are still worshipping the manifestation of some holy spirit, whereas government scientists examined them.

It's used cooling gel sheets, they said. Used to relieve fever in children. The people of Uthai Thani though know, they are the chosen one

Original here

So funny

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Anyone read this :D:o

And Again Asians Are Chosen

Dear friends

Once again I have good news for us people who believe in signs from the heavens.

In the country of my mother's ancestors, in beautiful Thailand, mysterious alien droppings have been discovered.

The first mysterious roll was discovered in the chosen province of Uthai Thani - in the washtub of Worawut Wiphusana, hidden amongst a load of dirty clothes.

The object swelled up to the size of 12 centimetres. But it shrivelled up to less than 5 centimetres when dry.

The wise men of the land were called. It was heard that a new marine species has been discovered in the bath tub. But for most of those true, hard working people the mystery was a clear sign of the Almighty.

The family of Worawut Wiphusana that discovered the object put it on display in a water jar, attracting villagers and worshippers.

There in Uthai Thani the heavens have given a sign.

Suddenly, all over the country sightings of the wormlike rolls in wash tubs and water basins were seen.

A holy land of holy people, indeed.

The faithful in Uthai Thani are still worshipping the manifestation of some holy spirit, whereas government scientists examined them.

It's used cooling gel sheets, they said. Used to relieve fever in children. The people of Uthai Thani though know, they are the chosen one

Original here

So funny

Yes, so funny. Brings to mind, ' Crop circles' in the west. fooled everyone for a while. :D

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Pheeww So I can unwrap the tin foil from around my head now.



HAHAAHAHAAA... but keep it handy for when they return..... and don't forget... that HOTLINE number is 1 - 3 - 1 - 3

Wonder how the lady who had her cooling gel blessed feels now :o

Can it be un-blessed??? :D:D

This could just show the low level of education and there lack of rational thought that too many Thais have.

Certainly education is... the area of science is severely lacking. It pains me to see the lack of even the basics of scientific knowledge in a major portin of the general population. In the absence of knowledge, superstition is sought to explain events.... which is, actually, quite an understandable alternative. It highlights the struggles that far too many Thais are faced with due to the lack of proper education.

Ah, just like Thaksin who apparently was once educated enough to obtain a Doctorate...but now turns to black magic when in political trouble.

Better education could change this dramatically, But then what would the gov't do when the once uneducated become educated and start to demand more for their labour? :D

Hmm... you're right, of course.... which....


lowers the joviality of it all...




Still a great story but. This one is going through the printer, I need this one for the record.



Thailand.... where emotions can "turn on a dime"...


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