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Christmas Spirit ?


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At Dairy Queen, Tesco Lotus, Sukhumvit my 3 year old asks for ice cream cone (B9) and says she didnt want the colourful 100's + 1000s on top (B15). Once in hand she then changes her mind and asks for the 100s + 1000s topping. I immediately offer the extra B6 but was told firmly by the surly assistant "cannot, must buy new one". Christmas Spirit? Scrooge ! Humbug !

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"At Dairy Queen, Tesco Lotus, Sukhumvit my 3 year old asks for ice cream cone (B9) and says she didnt want the colourful 100's + 1000s on top (B15). Once in hand she then changes her mind and asks for the 100s + 1000s topping. I immediately offer the extra B6 but was told firmly by the surly assistant "cannot, must buy new one". Christmas Spirit? Scrooge ! Humbug !"

In the assistant's defence, her electronic POS till probably doesn't allow her to modify an item that has already been sold. She can probably only add a new item, and there probably simply isn't an item for 100s&1000s on their own.

Of course if Dairy Queen had programmed their POS correctly there would be an option for 100s&1000s only at the price of 6B which the assistant could select. So you can probably blame bad management rather than bad staff.

I would imagine that they can cancel a order already entered and re-enter it, no ?

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The complaints against the "slings & arrows of outrageous fortune" visited on farang who are resident in Thailand is actually becoming even more petty. I keep thinking they must have bottomed out with the 15 satang rant regarding the full payment for an Internet bill, but I am once again proven wrong.


Edited by Suradit69
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I would imagine that they can cancel a order already entered and re-enter it, no ?

Sometimes. This is commonly not possible for POS staff after the transaction has been totalled and paid for and on some tills regular POS staff aren't authorised to cancel an item at any point in the procedure. A supervisor/manager should be able to do both and of course most would consider it good customer service to find a solution.

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9 Baht!!! 6 Baht!!! I thought I'd read it all. (10p... 5p..)

Dairy Queen is one of the cheapest ice cream shops around and I often wondered how they manage to keep their prices so low.

Honestly, I can't imagine anyone taking the trouble to start a new thread to complain about some poor girl earning around 300 Baht a day (£6) for a 12 hour shift just because she had no authority to make a 'management' decision on a 6 Baht ice cream topping during a Christian festival in which she plays no part.

But there again, why would I bother to reply to such an inane thread???blink.png

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what a load of irrelevant replies to my post .................... all that was required was a wee pinch of the sweeties (no cost to anyone) over the ice-cream cone and everybody happy !!! Not once has this been suggested. Too busy being intelligent methinks. Nuff said.

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Ever heard of 'Jobsworth' ?

Whatever it may mean to you in your own country, multiply it by 1,000 for many workers in Thailand.

Every single reply to your rather inane thread has been relevant, including the fact that the Christmas Spirit doesn't exist for Thai ice cream sales girls as they happen to be Buddhist...

You bought a nice ice cream for about 9 Baht, and were upset because the poor girl wouldn't break her company's rules for you, and asked you to spend another 15 Baht, whereas it might have cost you as much as 100 Baht in your own country.

This summer in Rome they were charging 700 Baht for one ice cream! Now that was something worth starting a thread over....

Enjoy being in the tropics for Christmas and look for the positives, rather than a silly, frivolous negative, and accusing your hosts of failing to join in the Christmas spirit over a 15 Baht ice cream cone.

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More like maybe the clerk could not be bothered and/or was incompetent. Couldn't the previous sale be voided and then enter a new one? Just a theory. I have had cashiers void sales for me before.

I have some experience of POS programming for franchised food stores and my comments above should explain why this may not be possible.

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