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VIDEO: Tomboy awarded 'golden whistle' by Suthep


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They should have given her a new pair of underwear!

During her short encounter with Yingluck, she seemed so "kreng-jai", that I am sure she wetted her pants!coffee1.gif

Gifts of Key rings, Little dolls, and now golden whistles, is this a game of a demented man? "some human beings seem to be under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception.

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They should have given her a new pair of underwear!

During her short encounter with Yingluck, she seemed so "kreng-jai", that I am sure she wetted her pants!coffee1.gif

Gifts of Key rings, small dolls, and now golden whistles, is this a game of a demented man? It seems as if some human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception.

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Indeed she could as well have been beaten up by some red thugs for expressing her opinion .

Blowing a whistle in someone's face is expressing an opinion?

Yes. It is in Thailand now. Probably not recognized outside the country. Another non-verbal method is to raise the middle finger on the right hand. Commonly known as giving someone the finger. There are other examples - my favourite is "mooning" :)

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Indeed she could as well have been beaten up by some red thugs for expressing her opinion .

Blowing a whistle in someone's face is expressing an opinion?

Yes. It is in Thailand now. Probably not recognized outside the country. Another non-verbal method is to raise the middle finger on the right hand. Commonly known as giving someone the finger. There are other examples - my favourite is "mooning" smile.png

Must be like the old "biting ones thumb"

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During her short encounter with Yingluck, she seemed so "kreng-jai", that I am sure she wetted her pants!coffee1.gif

It seems to me that she was rather scared. After her brave and solitary action, she probably had no idea about what could happen to her.

nor the one eyed piccalo

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During her short encounter with Yingluck, she seemed so "kreng-jai", that I am sure she wetted her pants!coffee1.gif

It seems to me that she was rather scared. After her brave and solitary action, she probably had no idea about what could to happen to her.

Indeed she could as well have been beaten up by some red thugs for expressing her opinion .

she was probably thinking that - based of the bullyboy tactics of Suthep the woman and child threatening one..

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Yingluck might not be the most experienced politician in the World, she's probably being run by her brother outlaw but she is one class act. Nice lady, diffuses possible confrontational situations with ease - I wonder what Suthep's reaction would have been if somebody breached his security and got close enough to blow a whistle in his face? Probably not a chat and a handshake and probably not saying "No, no arrests"... Good for her - everytime Suthep pulls these stunts (remember - he has ORDERED his followers to blow whistles at YL whenevr they see her in public) she just makes him look like an uneducated buffoon.

And he does not need any help he does it quite well all on his own. post-51-0-88031800-1388056074_thumb.jpg

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Yingluck might not be the most experienced politician in the World, she's probably being run by her brother outlaw but she is one class act. Nice lady, diffuses possible confrontational situations with ease - I wonder what Suthep's reaction would have been if somebody breached his security and got close enough to blow a whistle in his face? Probably not a chat and a handshake and probably not saying "No, no arrests"... Good for her - everytime Suthep pulls these stunts (remember - he has ORDERED his followers to blow whistles at YL whenevr they see her in public) she just makes him look like an uneducated buffoon.

And he does not need any help he does it quite well all on his own. attachicon.gifwhis.jpg

That is brilliant!!!!

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They should have given her a new pair of underwear!

During her short encounter with Yingluck, she seemed so "kreng-jai", that I am sure she wetted her pants!coffee1.gif

definition of greng jai is to be respectful and courteous or afraid to offend. So I don't see she was wetting herself, as you suggest? coffee1.gif

I understand She (the whistle blower) is the daughter of the Democrat PM in Petchabun province! And that contrary to some on here, she did not want Yingluck to touch her, When she tried to shake hands.

If she indeed is the daughter of a Democrat MP, her parents failed miserably in her upbringing!

Going around on her Fino giving blowjobs in a public area!!

Where? Where? Please, tell me quick!

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At least it's an improvement over the way red thugs express their opinions, in which they resort to grenade throwing and burning down shopping malls.

Suthep's groupies on Thaivisa are becoming increasingly desperate as they try to change the subject to "red thugs" on every thread to deflect attention from his embarrassing behaviour.

I think Suthep gets his point well through without having to resort to violence, of course this not always to the satisfaction of his opponents who like to call it an embarrassment, but I have never seen so many people in a demonstration seemingly wanting to get embarrassed.

"I think Suthep gets his point well through without having to resort to violence"

I wonder if the family of the murdered police officer today would agree with you opinion? would you like to reconsider your opinion or do you support this kind of behavior???

So you have posted twice now that the policeman was shot by a protester, you have any evidence for that ?

I read that there is an investigation going on as shots have been fired from a building opposite the venue. You probably remember that earlier this weeks also at least 4 shots were fired at the protesters from a building opposite the venue. It was than reported that the building named is a police station.

I don't know if it is the same building, but I doubt that a protester would fire from a police station.

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During her short encounter with Yingluck, she seemed so "kreng-jai", that I am sure she wetted her pants!coffee1.gif

It seems to me that she was rather scared. After her brave and solitary action, she probably had no idea about whqat could happen to her.

And has no idea of what is going on or why all these people are here, probably thinks it, s just another festival.

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Is a whistle useful for discussing differences? Is it useful for intelligent dialog? Does it allow ones with other opinions to express themselves? No. It is a good symbol for the protestors: full of sound and fury and signifying nothing, other than "We want to rule again no matter what we have to do!"

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"I have witnessed the tremendous energy of the masses. On this foundation it is possible to accomplish any task whatsoever."

[Chairman Mao.]

Re; the whistles being blown at Yingluck, it is very childish, it only discredits the antigovt people themselves. Your mouth can have wise words coming out of it, or loud screeching noises. For the purposes of democracy, I propose that the former is the more radical and progressive option.


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I think Yingluck handled the situation very well and is still mingling around with the people. I wonder what Suthep would have done if a red shirt demonstrator would have come that near at him in 2010. Oh yeah, he was bunkered up with Abhisit and was seldom seen in public.

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Peter Smiles.

first you say that the whistle blowing tomboy could have been beaten up by "red thugs" but did this happen? NO!

Then you say that the police officer that was shot and killed by the protesters yesterday looks like it was staged, REALLY, did he like draw the short straw or what??? and the taxi driver that was dragged from his car and beaten unconscious, is that staged also??? The police that are shot, are they doinig it to each other just to make the protesters look bad??? Do you see a pattern here?

Do you think that just maybe your thinking is a little strange? no matter what the protesters do, beat people, unconscious, shoot and kill, shoot police, throw bombs, etc, and you say it's staged... I'll wager you would not like to inform the police officer's wife, and kids mother, fathe,r friends, that he is dead and then say to them it looks like it was staged. you might what to step back and have a re-think...

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Why is it necessary to point out that this young girl is a Tomboy? I see no edifying reason for that.

Why did some people complain about the "Butch Lesbian who Deceived Girls into Prostitution Arrested" article, and not this? Not yet anyways.

Why not "Ignorant girl awarded 'golden whistle' by Suthep for making an ass out of herself to her Prime Minister and the rest of the world"?

It's stupid what gets overlooked, and what gets highlighted!

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If you watch the video closely, you'll see that the girl noticed in the last 10-15 seconds that blowing that whistle was probably the dumbest thing she ever did and that she made a fool out of herself. Yingluck handled it very well. I would like to know what would happen if a red shirt protester went into the Suthep crowd and protest in front of Suthep. He would probably get murdered by Suthep's thugs like he taxi driver that asked protesters t be let through so that he could return his taxi.

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If you watch the video closely, you'll see that the girl noticed in the last 10-15 seconds that blowing that whistle was probably the dumbest thing she ever did and that she made a fool out of herself. Yingluck handled it very well. I would like to know what would happen if a red shirt protester went into the Suthep crowd and protest in front of Suthep. He would probably get murdered by Suthep's thugs like he taxi driver that asked protesters t be let through so that he could return his taxi.

Yes, it's probably not the smartest thing she's ever done and she'll get her youtube 15 seconds of fame out of it. I would have liked to have seen Yingluck give a bit of a head fake and then seen how the young whistle blower reacted, would have made for a bit more entertainment.

On a point of correctness though Jack, the cabbie is alive, battered and bruised, but alive...

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