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Police officer shot dead during Bangkok protests: hospital


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Yes!! It all comes back to Thaksin's selfish intentions I'm afraid. He has already shown that his red shirts are dispensible and it seems the police are as well.

If only he retreated from politics and took his sister and family with him then NONE of this would happen!!

Yes, how DARE a democratically elected leader interfere with government matters.

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Right enough is enough when are the police force going to man up? Don't forget that all of these officers laid down their weapons and let the protesters do what they wanted a couple of weeks ago. Have they not learnt anything from 2010? Tough measures are needed NOW or else it is going to be a repeat of 2010 except this time it will be yellows being killed.

How can ANY foreigner on this forum support this mob?

They are FASCISTS who are against elections who have already stated that they will not let people cast their vote and now they have MURDERED a police officer.

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Right enough is enough when are the police force going to man up? Don't forget that all of these officers laid down their weapons and let the protesters do what they wanted a couple of weeks ago. Have they not learnt anything from 2010? Tough measures are needed NOW or else it is going to be a repeat of 2010 except this time it will be yellows being killed.

How can ANY foreigner on this forum support this mob?

They are FASCISTS who are against elections who have already stated that they will not let people cast their vote and now they have MURDERED a police officer.

The police here are cowards and bullies. They're not going to 'man up'. If they ever grow some balls and push hard, they know the protestors will push back even harder. Whatever the case, this government doesn't have the support of the army and they're the ones with the real balls, not the police. It is extremely doubtful they will move against the protestors and it's likely they'll move against Poo's government if the police start killing protestors.

Save your 'righteous anger'. They're not fascists. They just want a corrupt government out. And before you yell bloody murder, until the investigation of his death is complete, we don't know what really happened.

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Exactly what goes back to Thaksin?

And tell me how many dead it will take to clean the slate?

You want to see Thai die? I don/t!.

How about Thaksin organizing shipment of arms and weapons from Cambodia to North and Norheast of Thailand with the help of his best mate Hun Sen? For what purposes if not for killing Thais. Not a sane person of this forum would want anyone to die. But it is obvious that Thaskin doesn't care about his compatriots.

How many more Thais need to die in order to please insatiable ego of the evil manipulator based in Dubai?

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People inside the car did nothing and even pleaded the police not to hit them. But the police still destroy their car.

Are the police actions justifiable??

I'm wondering...


copper been killed probably by anti-govt protestors - anti govt protestors driving around - happens everywhere best to keep away from the trouble if you dont want to get hurt methinks.

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People inside the car did nothing and even pleaded the police not to hit them. But the police still destroy their car.

Are the police actions justifiable??

I'm wondering...

Cowards in riot gear attacking women. That's why no one respects these 'policemen' and have nothing but disdain for them. It's no wonder they're mostly allies with the Shinawatras.

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Words of wisdom from the BBC ...


The police have a poor track record of crowd control, and are under orders to avoid serious casualties. They are also exhausted and demoralised after weeks of being pushed back by the protesters. They are seen by the protesters as partisan, favouring the governing party. They are shown little respect.

But there were also soldiers in that stadium, as there have been in other official locations attacked by the protest movement. They have stood by and let the police deal with the crowds.

Their refusal to act - the government's inability to mobilise any show of support from an army that is still an important player in Thai politics, speaks volumes.

This government has shown it can win election after election. But it does not command the loyalty of the country's most powerful institution, and that really limits its options.

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They're not fascists. They just want a corrupt government out.

and another, unelected one, in its place rolleyes.gif

It amazes me how so many posters here, from Western countries, support so vehemently one side or the other, when anyone with an ounce of wit can see 2 sides of the same shitty coin. Corruption, greed and selfish power grabs are the motivators for all involved.

For many the need to sit firmly in one camp probably stems from a simple pack mentality that you see in the way people support football teams. For others (Nibbles48, TVGerry etc) I suspect its some kind of futile desire to show they are somehow part of this Thai elite and middle class on the yellow side. (rather than some worthless farrang in a country he has few rights and is tolerated rather than welcomed.)

Some people on here need to step back and wise up. By all means follow events and wish for a peace in a country you obviously have a connection with or live in, but <deleted> cut all the "Im a diehard yellow/red" shit because you look like knobs.

Marcos, Mugabe, Peron. They were all elected into office. Looked how it turned out for their country. Just because a government is elected into office doesn't mean it's a democracy.

It's the simple minded people who actually believe the BS about this being the rich 'elites' vs the poor downtrodden farmers. You guys are as brainwashed as the retards who have fallen in love with the cult of Shinawatra. This country needs something new because this Thai 'democracy' has failed so far. Idiots think an election is the way to go. Sure someone wins the election and someone loses and then a few years later, we have another wave of protests. Enough is enough. Time for something new.

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They're not fascists. They just want a corrupt government out.

and another, unelected one, in its place rolleyes.gif

It amazes me how so many posters here, from Western countries, support so vehemently one side or the other, when anyone with an ounce of wit can see 2 sides of the same shitty coin. Corruption, greed and selfish power grabs are the motivators for all involved.

For many the need to sit firmly in one camp probably stems from a simple pack mentality that you see in the way people support football teams. For others (Nibbles48, TVGerry etc) I suspect its some kind of futile desire to show they are somehow part of this Thai elite and middle class on the yellow side. (rather than some worthless farrang in a country he has few rights and is tolerated rather than welcomed.)

Some people on here need to step back and wise up. By all means follow events and wish for a peace in a country you obviously have a connection with or live in, but <deleted> cut all the "Im a diehard yellow/red" shit because you look like knobs.

Marcos, Mugabe, Peron. They were all elected into office. Looked how it turned out for their country. Just because a government is elected into office doesn't mean it's a democracy.

It's the simple minded people who actually believe the BS about this being the rich 'elites' vs the poor downtrodden farmers. You guys are as brainwashed as the retards who have fallen in love with the cult of Shinawatra. This country needs something new because this Thai 'democracy' has failed so far. Idiots think an election is the way to go. Sure someone wins the election and someone loses and then a few years later, we have another wave of protests. Enough is enough. Time for something new.

Fair enough - sounds good - any ideas ?

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They're not fascists. They just want a corrupt government out.

and another, unelected one, in its place rolleyes.gif

It amazes me how so many posters here, from Western countries, support so vehemently one side or the other, when anyone with an ounce of wit can see 2 sides of the same shitty coin. Corruption, greed and selfish power grabs are the motivators for all involved.

For many the need to sit firmly in one camp probably stems from a simple pack mentality that you see in the way people support football teams. For others (Nibbles48, TVGerry etc) I suspect its some kind of futile desire to show they are somehow part of this Thai elite and middle class on the yellow side. (rather than some worthless farrang in a country he has few rights and is tolerated rather than welcomed.)

Some people on here need to step back and wise up. By all means follow events and wish for a peace in a country you obviously have a connection with or live in, but <deleted> cut all the "Im a diehard yellow/red" shit because you look like knobs.

Marcos, Mugabe, Peron. They were all elected into office. Looked how it turned out for their country. Just because a government is elected into office doesn't mean it's a democracy.

It's the simple minded people who actually believe the BS about this being the rich 'elites' vs the poor downtrodden farmers. You guys are as brainwashed as the retards who have fallen in love with the cult of Shinawatra. This country needs something new because this Thai 'democracy' has failed so far. Idiots think an election is the way to go. Sure someone wins the election and someone loses and then a few years later, we have another wave of protests. Enough is enough. Time for something new.

Fair enough - sounds good - any ideas ?

I do actually but the protest leaders like Korn, Abhisit, Suthep, et al have their own idea of what should be done. Whether you agree with their methods or not, things have reached such a bad stage already so let's hope the something new for the country works better.

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Marcos, Mugabe, Peron. They were all elected into office. Looked how it turned out for their country. Just because a government is elected into office doesn't mean it's a democracy.

It's the simple minded people who actually believe the BS about this being the rich 'elites' vs the poor downtrodden farmers. You guys are as brainwashed as the retards who have fallen in love with the cult of Shinawatra. This country needs something new because this Thai 'democracy' has failed so far. Idiots think an election is the way to go. Sure someone wins the election and someone loses and then a few years later, we have another wave of protests. Enough is enough. Time for something new.

This is what I mean ^^^

This "them" and "us" thing is in your head, its seemingly consuming you as you spend hours everyday of your life writing this pish online when 99% of people here cant even vote <deleted>. This "you dont love Suthep like me so you love Thaskin" BS is nauseating - most of us dont love either, we see them for what they are, manipulative power hungry freaks, as bad as eachother.

One thing you do have right is when you say this country needs something new, but it sure as hell isn`t a man that huge swathes of the country hate and is indicted in murdering dozens of his own citizens.

The stage is set for a new party to emerge with a charasmatic leader promising an end to corruption and offer a new Thailand away from the old system, someone who can unite against the old. Thats the only scenario someone from a "Western" country should support. All the guff you write above about how Khun Suthep is your hero is embarrassing.

So what are you saying? That everyone here on TV, including yourself shouldn't post our opinions? Seriously, that sounds like what you're saying. If that's the case, stop being a bloody hypocrite and start first. People like you are idiots. You post your opinions on this country as much as the next person but when someone doesn't agree with you, you say he shouldn't post because he can't vote or is a foreigner. Boggles the mind really.

Suthep is not some white knight unfortunately right now, he's all the country has. He's tainted for sure but compared to the Shinawatras and their cronies, he sure smells better.

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Suthep is not some white knight unfortunately right now, he's all the country has. He's tainted for sure but compared to the Shinawatras and their cronies, he sure smells better.

A bit like saying vomit smells slightly better than a turd.

You and Nibbles48 both joined this forum around a month ago and post solely on the merits of King Suthep. You take little or no part in other parts of the forum and its almost like you are being paid to post this biased nonsense, perhaps you are.

Theres other parts of the forum, some of the old picture threads I take great delight in. Go have a look and pipe down with the yellow shirt stuff. If you`ve any sense you`ll soon realise if Thailand has a peaceful future it wont be yellow or red and run by crooks.

Haha that's pathetic, another stupid accusation about being paid just because someone doesn't agree with you. Most of us here have taken a side and most of us here are biased to a certain extent. If you don't like the partisan stuff that is written here, I suggest you take your own advice and F off to the other threads you take delight in. If not, then I would suggest you stop whining about what people post here politically.

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Haha that's pathetic, another stupid accusation about being paid just because someone doesn't agree with you. Most of us here have taken a side and most of us here are biased to a certain extent. If you don't like the partisan stuff that is written here, I suggest you take your own advice and F off to the other threads you take delight in. If not, then I would suggest you stop whining about what people post here politically.

Good lad laugh.png

Keep up the noble fight, sure everyone loves a cyber warrior and you epitomise all that they stand for thumbsup.gif

I`m off to the pub to celebrate Boxing day, enjoy your evening posting on here drunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEE.gif

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Right enough is enough when are the police force going to man up? Don't forget that all of these officers laid down their weapons and let the protesters do what they wanted a couple of weeks ago. Have they not learnt anything from 2010? Tough measures are needed NOW or else it is going to be a repeat of 2010 except this time it will be yellows being killed.

How can ANY foreigner on this forum support this mob?

They are FASCISTS who are against elections who have already stated that they will not let people cast their vote and now they have MURDERED a police officer.

The police here are cowards and bullies. They're not going to 'man up'. If they ever grow some balls and push hard, they know the protestors will push back even harder. Whatever the case, this government doesn't have the support of the army and they're the ones with the real balls, not the police. It is extremely doubtful they will move against the protestors and it's likely they'll move against Poo's government if the police start killing protestors.

Save your 'righteous anger'. They're not fascists. They just want a corrupt government out. And before you yell bloody murder, until the investigation of his death is complete, we don't know what really happened.

It feels funny Kim Il Suthep is leader of People's Democratic Reform Committee,just imagine Armstrong would be leader of Anti Doping Tour De France

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Marcos, Mugabe, Peron. They were all elected into office. Looked how it turned out for their country. Just because a government is elected into office doesn't mean it's a democracy.

It's the simple minded people who actually believe the BS about this being the rich 'elites' vs the poor downtrodden farmers. You guys are as brainwashed as the retards who have fallen in love with the cult of Shinawatra. This country needs something new because this Thai 'democracy' has failed so far. Idiots think an election is the way to go. Sure someone wins the election and someone loses and then a few years later, we have another wave of protests. Enough is enough. Time for something new.

This is what I mean ^^^

This "them" and "us" thing is in your head, its seemingly consuming you as you spend hours everyday of your life writing this pish online when 99% of people here cant even vote <deleted>. This "you dont love Suthep like me so you love Thaskin" BS is nauseating - most of us dont love either, we see them for what they are, manipulative power hungry freaks, as bad as eachother.

One thing you do have right is when you say this country needs something new, but it sure as hell isn`t a man that huge swathes of the country hate and is indicted in murdering dozens of his own citizens.

The stage is set for a new party to emerge with a charasmatic leader promising an end to corruption and offer a new Thailand away from the old system, someone who can unite against the old. Thats the only scenario someone from a "Western" country should support. All the guff you write above about how Khun Suthep is your hero is embarrassing.

So what are you saying? That everyone here on TV, including yourself shouldn't post our opinions? Seriously, that sounds like what you're saying. If that's the case, stop being a bloody hypocrite and start first. People like you are idiots. You post your opinions on this country as much as the next person but when someone doesn't agree with you, you say he shouldn't post because he can't vote or is a foreigner. Boggles the mind really.

Suthep is not some white knight unfortunately right now, he's all the country has. He's tainted for sure but compared to the Shinawatras and their cronies, he sure smells better.

What do you actually know about Suthep and the people behind him?

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People inside the car did nothing and even pleaded the police not to hit them. But the police still destroy their car.

Are the police actions justifiable??

I'm wondering...


copper been killed probably by anti-govt protestors - anti govt protestors driving around - happens everywhere best to keep away from the trouble if you dont want to get hurt methinks.

maybe by sniper?? A cameraman got a photo of some uniform guy at the rooftop targeting people.

And you are right it's best to stay away from the trouble.

Got an info in the facebook, 1 of the girl in the car is a volunteer nurse.

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People inside the car did nothing and even pleaded the police not to hit them. But the police still destroy their car.

Are the police actions justifiable??

I'm wondering...


copper been killed probably by anti-govt protestors - anti govt protestors driving around - happens everywhere best to keep away from the trouble if you dont want to get hurt methinks.

maybe by sniper?? A cameraman got a photo of some uniform guy at the rooftop targeting people.

And you are right it's best to stay away from the trouble.

Got an info in the facebook, 1 of the girl in the car is a volunteer nurse.

the one with the yellow shirt? Cops 've had it : picture of a machete wielding protestor before inside the stadium:


Edited by khunsiam
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Police officer killed in clashes with protesters

Pongphon Sarnsamak
The Nation

28 cops, nearly 100 others hurt in stadium clash

BANGKOK: -- One police officer was killed and at least 96 anti-government protesters and journalists and 28 police officers were injured after violence erupted at the Bangkok Youth Centre (Thai-Japan) aka the Thai-Japanese Stadium yesterday, according to the state emergency medical service agency.

The Public Health Ministry reported yesterday that at least one protester had undergone

surgery after being shot in the head.

Police General Hospital director Police Lt-General Jongjet Aojenpong said Police Sgt-Major Narong Pitisitthi, 45, died after being shot in right chest.

He lost a lot of blood on the way to the hospital.

Doctors tried to give him artificial respiration but he succumbed.

Pol Maj-General Piya Uthaiyo, the spokesman for the Centre for the Administration of Peace and Order (CAPO), said injured police officers were

sent to General Police Hospital after clashes with protesters at the Thai-Japanese Stadium. Police Lance Corporal Thanapol Nopluay, 25, who was shot on his right shoulder during the clashes later underwent surgery.

Police Senior Sgt-Major Preecha Thongpiam, 42, Sgt-Major Tawee Wongchan, 40, were hospitalised after being injured during the tear gas attacks and after unknown objects were thrown at them.

At noon, Piya said two more officers, injured by ping-pong bombs, were still inside the centre.

Saying that the poll numbers draw has been completed, he asked protesters why they were still trying to break into the centre where the draw took place in the morning.

Police resorted to firing tear gas at the protesters at the stadium yesterday morning.

As of 2pm yesterday, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA)'s Erawan Emergency Medical Service Centre reported that all the injured people had been sent to seven hospitals in Bangkok. Of the injured, 35 injured protesters were sent to Rajvithi Hospital while 10 were sent to Ramathibodi, seven to Police General Hospital, three to Pramongkut Hospital, three to Veterans General Hospital, two to Paolo Hospital, and one to Phyathai hospital.

According to the Public Health Ministry, one of the injured protesters, who was hit by a bullet in the head, underwent brain surgery at Rajvithi hospital. He later was identified as the security guard of the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee. Two other protesters were shot by rubber bullets and suffered after-effects of the tear gas.

At least two local reporters from Thairath TV and ASTV were also injured in the clashes.

A reporter from Thairath TV was affected by the tear gas and a cameraman from ASTV was hit by a rubber bullet. A Japanese reporter was hit by unknown objects on his face.

-- The Nation 2013-12-27

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Killing and injuring police. Shooting Thai reporters from some of the largest newspapers, shooting foreign journalists.

Looks like they're trying to expand their support beyond kindergarten level.

Makes me wonder what police and journalists now think.

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Hoping all will recover swiftly, especially the protestor shot in the head. Obviously real bullets used, and the press injured (reasons not given). CAPO cannot really claim this was handled to international standards because of the injuries incurred. Nasty videos of the riot police coming out and smashing up pickups with people inside them, etc. Shows up the government/CAPO/Yingluck/Taksin. I suspect Bangkok supporters hate them even more.

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