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Visa-run in Myanmar at Ranong with a filippina. She needs a visa?

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I'm going to make visa run with my filippina girlfriend in Ranong. According to timatik, philippino citizens need a visa to Myanmar. But as far as I know, Myanmar's area near Ranong is kind of different from the rest of Myanmar in terms of visa-wise. As for me, I'm allowed to stay there up to 2 weeks, not sure about the rest of the country.

I wonder, does she really need Myanmar's visa to make visa run?

Edited by Belamar
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At a border crossing you pay 500 baht for a border pass not a visa. Your girl friend can do the same.

To go further inland or to fly in as far as I know all nationalities require a visa.

Moved to visas for other countries forum.

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No problem. I love the crossing to Burma and meeting all the expat's doing visa runs from Phuket.

Thai people can cross into Burma through Kawthaung with their Thai pass book. Other foreigners must have a passport that is valid for at least another 6 months and pay a fee. A three-day (two-night) visa to Burma costs US$10.

The beaches etc nearby are still not destroyed by western tourism Thai style.

My advice is enjoy the place and the experience while it lasts.

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Are you sure about the beaches? I haven't seen any beaches. I've seen only a dirty place I want to get away right away back to Ranong.

Rather than running straight back to the longtail after getting your passport stamped, why not take a few hours to explore Kawthaung?

It has some beautiful beaches within a few minutes of the port.

You could also go and visit the nearby hilltop temples.

There also an orphanage school which always welcomes visitors, especially if you bring some crayons and paper

The narrow streets around the port house the local market and shops, typically bustling and friendly

If you bother to check, there are many things to visit in Kawthaung


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Are you sure about the beaches? I haven't seen any beaches. I've seen only a dirty place I want to get away right away back to Ranong.

Rather than running straight back to the longtail after getting your passport stamped, why not take a few hours to explore Kawthaung?

It has some beautiful beaches within a few minutes of the port.

You could also go and visit the nearby hilltop temples.

There also an orphanage school which always welcomes visitors, especially if you bring some crayons and paper

The narrow streets around the port house the local market and shops, typically bustling and friendly

If you bother to check, there are many things to visit in Kawthaung


Are we talking about the same place? There are 2 places where we can make visa run: one where I've been doing it so far and the second one called Andaman Club, I've never been there. Which one do you mean?

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I don't think so.
Does anybody know whether or not they accept $100 and can give me back 100 - 10 = $90 change?
Best to secure a new-looking $10 USD bill. I knew of someone who got rejected with $20 bill (new). Had to buy 2x $10 bills off the visa run agent.What you could do is attempt to use the $100 and then if you are rejected, revert to the $10.Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
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Which one do you mean?

Andaman Club is located on the island just off the mainland - nice hotel, casino, golf etc, accessible by jetfoil from the private jetty afew kms north of Ranong.

Kawthaung (formerly called Victory Point in colonial times) is the town on the mainland opposite Andaman Club, accessible by longtail and small boat from the jetty by Ranong Immigration.


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I googled but didn't find any results about there being the beaches there.

For heaven's sake, stop thinking you'll find the answers by Googling! :) The country has been all but closed to Western tourists for decades.

My suggestion - when you do your next visa run, take a boat from the Ranong immigration jetty, alight at Kawthaung, get your passport stamped and tell the immigration officer that you'll return back to Ranong in a few hours. Then hail a motorbike taxi and ask him to take you to the nearest beach. Better still, ask him to give you a tour that includes the beaches and temples.


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I'm here, actually, spending a night. They, the immigration, took our passports until we leave. Is this normal?

Well, whoever I asked, nobody knew about the beaches.

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I'm here, actually, spending a night. They, the immigration, took our passports until we leave. Is this normal?

Well, whoever I asked, nobody knew about the beaches.

It is a little odd that 'they, the immigration' took your passports until you leave - as you would have needed them to check in to your hotel in Kawthoung.

The Andaman Club normally keep your passports until you leave, but for Kawthoung you would need your passports in order to get into a hotel.

Where did you stay out of interest?

and yes there are plenty of beaches within a short ride of Kawthoung. Kawthoung is the gateway to the Mergui Archipelago which has a long coastline and some 800-plus islands. There is more to see than just the jetty area and the nearby streets. Very interesting town once you head out of the jetty area.

Some more info about the area in this thread here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/653586-mergui-myeik/#entry6926975

Also try the Myanmar forum before you head on a border run next time if you have any specific questions - http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/forum/169-myanmar-travel/

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Used to live down there years ago. It used to be so easy to smuggle booze fags and Viagra through there which is what many people did but they changed the layout of things on the Thai side when they moved the stamping point to where the long tails leave from rather than the ten minute walk down the road it was before.

So many funny stories about that place. There is a big red light district at the port on the Thai side believe it or not and I remember back in 2004 or something when shells landed in Thailand from Burma and the border was shut but you could still do your visa run at the casino.

Got shown round the temple island by Kawtaung by a Burmese monk for some strange reason one day.

Recommend Marks bar right in the front to the left when you get there for some ice cold Myanmar draught on tap. Always seems so hot there.

As far as beaches go Koh Pay am on the Thai side about 2 hours by ferry or 45 mins by speed boat is great. Used to be a lot of opium there too but thats gone now. Got a good mate there called Richard who has been there 20 odd years. Oscars bar. Turn right when you get off the boat at the island and you can't miss it. Enjoy.

Sent from my HUAWEI P6-U06 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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