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Medical Problems Living In Thailand?


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i get an allergy problem every few weeks causing itching and red blotches everywhere. i havn't figured out from what yet.

i know duengy (sp?) feaver is quite popular arround here. (oh and motorcycle accidents!)

any other ailments common to thailand that people rarely get back home?

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i get an allergy problem every few weeks causing itching and red blotches everywhere. i havn't figured out from what yet.

i know duengy (sp?) feaver is quite popular arround here. (oh and motorcycle accidents!)

any other ailments common to thailand that people rarely get back home?

You might have a very easy to treat fungal skin infection, see a doctor.

Could also be allergic, try to see if taking Zyrtec one pill per night helps.

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Actually my health has greatly improved since I have been here. I would guess most of the improvement have been because of my diet. In the US I ate a lot of fast food and was basically a meat and potatoes guy. My weight went from 203 pounds to 180 pounds. My blood pressure is much lower and even my pulse rate has slowed by about 10 beats per minute. Since we live out in the boonies there is no temptation to revert to a western style diet because it simply isn't available here. My wife is a great cook so I don't even miss western food.

The cold dry weather in the states made me suffer a lot. My skin was always dry, itchy and flaking. Touches of arthritis also caused a lot of grief. I thrive on warm temperatures and humidity.

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Garry A,

I have undergone the same thing with the weight and the blood pressure. Sweet... I don't know what to atribute it too. I think maybe the constant sweating.

As far as the red blotches, it could be shingles.... heck it could be just about anything. Go spend the 2$ USD and see a GP. Don't bother with an apointment..... they may just giggle if you asked for one.

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i get an allergy problem every few weeks causing itching and red blotches everywhere. i havn't figured out from what yet.

i know duengy (sp?) feaver is quite popular arround here. (oh and motorcycle accidents!)

any other ailments common to thailand that people rarely get back home?

Could be a shell fish allergy - normally prawns. Can get you at any age, usually when the food is not 100% fresh. (and that means just lying around unrefridgerated for a few hours - the lunch batch being kept out for the dinner trade can do it).. Next time see if it coincides with a seafood meal. There's plenty of antihistamine tabs available that should take care of it.

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First, let me say I do not think you have dengue fever. A mosquito borne illness, it is not uncommon in Thailand but will leave you with a lot more than a rash. Intense headaches, vomiting aches and pains. It's also a hemorhagic disease you can easily die from blood loss and shock.

After that pleasant note :o I must agree with the other posters. My overall health is much better in Thailand. More seafood and fresh fruits and vegies. More exercise, more walking, beachcombing and the like. More sleep, less western style stress. I too like the heat. Seems to free up the creaky joints. And from where I lived in the states, just as easy to get killed on a motorbike there as in Thailand BTW Oh, one more important thing. With the availability and low cost of healthcare in Thailand, people seem to get care sooner and don't have to wait until they are critical.

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i get an allergy problem every few weeks causing itching and red blotches everywhere. i havn't figured out from what yet.

If you drink milk, it could be a periodic penicillin allergy from farmers giving their sick cows penicillin. I had this for years and couldn't figure it out until I saw a story about it in the Bangkok Post. After I switched to UHT milk (the process breaks down the antibiotic), no more rashes.

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