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Those who seek a political vacuum walk a dangerous path


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Those who seek a political vacuum walk a dangerous path

Attayuth Bootsripoom

BANGKOK: -- During the New Year holiday period, many people have tried to forget the political mess and see the period as "a break", in which everyone can enjoy celebrating the season and prepare themselves for a resumption of the political games later.

As it turned out, however, no one really had a break. Instead, the situation intensified and moved further in the direction of violence. It started with a clash between police and Students' and People's Network for Thailand's Reform (STR) protesters trying to block MP candidate registration at the Bangkok Youth Centre (Thai-Japan). The result was the deaths of two people.

The information war continued to rage, with each side claiming legitimacy and painting themselves as the victims, while casting the other side as evil. Let's face it: Both the protesters and the police did cross the line, and live bullets were used, although there has been no proof of who used them or from which specific location they were fired.

Before long, the STR protest site was attacked with M16 rifle fire early one morning, causing one death and a number of injuries. This was followed by almost daily explosions or gunfire at the STR site or on the alliance of People's Army to Overthrow the Thaksin Regime protest groups.

Police arrested key protest leaders, including Pichit Chaimongkol, who was picked up while visiting a shopping mall away from the rally site. Meanwhile, another key STR man, Nitirhorn Lamlua, said he was surrounded when he became the subject of an arrest attempt, but he managed to get away.

On the other side, police officers staged a rally of their own to show dissatisfaction over the killing of a colleague. They called on the Metropolitan Police chief to provide protective measures. This move widened the gap between police and the protesters. Elsewhere in the country, the blockade of constituency MP candidacy registrations worked effectively in southern provinces, causing 28 constituencies in eight provinces to lack candidates.

Suthep Thaugsuban, the leader of the main group of protesters, the People's Democratic Reform Committee, whose rally is based at Democracy Monument, has announced a "Bangkok Shutdown" operation. It is clearly aimed at creating a political vacuum in the Kingdom.

It is said that some groups of people want Thai politics to reach such a state, as it would require the military to step in and take over. When politics reaches a dead end, there is always a high possibility that the military will come in to press the "reset" button.

But to achieve this would require pushing the situation to a very dangerous point, given that after the coup in 2006, the military was severely criticised. It learned the lesson and has kept a "neutral" stance. However, such groups believe that eventually, if the situation is pushed to one of the greatest possible tension, the military will come to their rescue.

It is terribly short-sighted to believe so. Such people might have forgotten that the world has changed. A military coup is no longer the solution. Using force is outdated.

And even if it actually happens, a huge group of people will come out to counter it. This group will, at the very least, be as large as "the great mass of the people" that the PDRC claims as its supporters. If such a situation eventuates, a major confrontation will be guaranteed.

Whoever tries to draw the military into staging a coup must be prepared for - and take responsibility for - the consequences.

-- The Nation 2014-01-03

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This article is mistaken on two key points. First, that the PDRC wants to create a vacuum. They have stated that they want - as the people want - to create an environment where true reform can take place, rather than the kind of Thaksin-serving " reform " that this administration has been so studiously involved in. The second mistaken point is that the PDRC want a coup. This is a very dangerous assumption, as well as not being supported by any researched facts. The PDRC has consistently - as recently as yesterday - denied they want a coup. Nor do they think one will happen. They believe that a peaceful assembly of massive amounts of people will bring about reform. The UDD, on the other hand, has used the threat of coups in their political rhetoric for years, and have been most active in applying that rhetoric during these least two weeks. What will increase the possibility of a coup will be the entrance of the UDD movement on the streets. That would most definitely bring on a clash with untold consequences that nobody wants. But the author of this article should be aware of the danger of this kind of rhetoric. Nobody wants a coup. And if the peaceful protests are allowed to walk on the streets, there will be no coup.

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Perhaps the O.P. writer, Attayuth Bootsripoom should look at the financial vacuum that the recent current puppet administration have achieved, that also has caused the self perceived vacuum that has sucked the people up into a group opposed to the dictatorial plans of the Thaksin clan.

The creators of the political vacuum that is perceived by in the mind of Attayuth Bootsripoom are the Thaksin clan the P.T.P. and their coalition partners in crime.

The only proponents of a political vacuum are the Thaksin clan, who having created their own financial vacuum chamber to remove the filthy lucre deposits from the states coffers, they (the Thaksin clan) are now trying to create yet another vacuum chamber so as to suck in Thailand and its peoples thus cleaning the way for a spick and span Thaksin political scene.

The P.R.D.C are in truth ''Thaksin Busters'. The old fashioned muck shifting shovel and yard broom method used by people to muck out the pig pens of corruption and nepotism.

Edited by siampolee
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This article is mistaken on two key points. First, that the PDRC wants to create a vacuum. They have stated that they want - as the people want - to create an environment where true reform can take place, rather than the kind of Thaksin-serving " reform " that this administration has been so studiously involved in. The second mistaken point is that the PDRC want a coup. This is a very dangerous assumption, as well as not being supported by any researched facts. The PDRC has consistently - as recently as yesterday - denied they want a coup. Nor do they think one will happen. They believe that a peaceful assembly of massive amounts of people will bring about reform. The UDD, on the other hand, has used the threat of coups in their political rhetoric for years, and have been most active in applying that rhetoric during these least two weeks. What will increase the possibility of a coup will be the entrance of the UDD movement on the streets. That would most definitely bring on a clash with untold consequences that nobody wants. But the author of this article should be aware of the danger of this kind of rhetoric. Nobody wants a coup. And if the peaceful protests are allowed to walk on the streets, there will be no coup.

How do you reconcile 'peaceful assembly' with their plans for a 'siege' to shutdown Bangkok?

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The PDRC doesn't wants to create a vacuum. It wants to create a new government by fiat with itself in control. Very simple strategy using undemocratic tactics such as preventing candidates from registering, shutting down the elections, turning Bangkok into a city of civil war, and installing a neo-communistic ruling "People's Committee" similar to the Soviet and Chinese Politburo. Credit must be given to the PDRC for not trying to disguise their planned destruction of the one man-one vote democracy in Thailand to be replaced with their own brand of one elitist-one vote "democracy." The P.R.D.C are in truth democracy busters.

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