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Bangkok: PDRC targets 20 major sites for January 13 mass demonstrations


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One can assume that Thailand has already 'lost face' big time internationally for not ending this chaos sooner..... now this thug wants to make it worse. How long will the people of BKK tolerate this level of disruption of their city, to their lives etc..? It is not for a good cause..... and its most certainly not for the 'masses'. The masses already spoke at the last election - no level of 'reform', apart from disenfranchising everyone north of BKK, will change that.

The Reds have vowed to keep BKK open, so it seems that battle lines have been drawn. I doubt whether the Police can handle this alone (there's already dissent in the ranks), so the Army will have to get involved..... civil war? Another Coup? Who knows.... but what is certain is that Thailand will rapidly descend to the status of a 'failed state'.....if it hasn't already. In this sate, other things begin to happen, especially around the borders.... so while the army is busy sorting out internal problems in and around BKK, you can be sure the insurgency in the south will become more active. And it won't stop at just the 3 southern provinces... it will be 15. So, by the time the southerners return home, they may find the situation very different - what a perfect political irony that would be! We will then have to get used to living in the People's Democratic Republic of Thailand.... if we are allowed to stay here or have moved out on our own volition....now that's an idea!

Nobody want to make it worst.

Suthep want to make a fair and corruption free society. I wish him success.

I do too, as long as he's not in charge.

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One can assume that Thailand has already 'lost face' big time internationally for not ending this chaos sooner..... now this thug wants to make it worse. How long will the people of BKK tolerate this level of disruption of their city, to their lives etc..? It is not for a good cause..... and its most certainly not for the 'masses'. The masses already spoke at the last election - no level of 'reform', apart from disenfranchising everyone north of BKK, will change that.

The Reds have vowed to keep BKK open, so it seems that battle lines have been drawn. I doubt whether the Police can handle this alone (there's already dissent in the ranks), so the Army will have to get involved..... civil war? Another Coup? Who knows.... but what is certain is that Thailand will rapidly descend to the status of a 'failed state'.....if it hasn't already. In this sate, other things begin to happen, especially around the borders.... so while the army is busy sorting out internal problems in and around BKK, you can be sure the insurgency in the south will become more active. And it won't stop at just the 3 southern provinces... it will be 15. So, by the time the southerners return home, they may find the situation very different - what a perfect political irony that would be! We will then have to get used to living in the People's Democratic Republic of Thailand.... if we are allowed to stay here or have moved out on our own volition....now that's an idea!

Nobody want to make it worst.

Suthep want to make a fair and corruption free society. I wish him success.

You believe in him ? You believe in his actions ? I am lost in words.

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he is just another dick brain with a big mouth - the world is full of them - with luck someone will have the balls to shoot him on the 13th, or preferably before.

He's even starting to look a bit like Mussolini.

Never mind Spare 5 wishes him luck -- luck in what , rejecting democracy, starting a civil war or inducing the army to make a coup ?

Ignorance is bliss...

Must admit, I'm surprised he hasn't walked into a passing bullet already.

The MIB rooftop shooters were Police. Well, depending whether you believe the Police who admit it, or a certain politician who denies it.

Makes me wonder how much money is changing hands, and where it's coming from.

This mess won't be resolved easily and it's already starting to damage the Thai economy very directly (as if it hadn't already the past couple of years).

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"and educate them on national reform". Sounds like Lenin or Mao.

Close but the wrong side; it's more like Mussolini and Franco. Through propaganda and more ruthless mechanisms, they also sought to suppress any dissident view through censorship, coercion and the targeting of individuals. They never held the majority's support but they ruled anyhow through "political reform". It's all very similar.

You think anyone really elected Lenin or Mao either? Your description fits them to a Tee. And taking of T's whistling.gif

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I'm bored with this nonsense already.

Easy solution. Don't read about it.

It's just getting interesting as we move towards the end game.

This has been interesting for a long time. Neither side seems like a viable option to me. But this isn't the end game. This is the same game that has been going on for a very long time. No matter which side "wins", it won't last. If the Shinawatras were kidnapped by aliens, in toto, there would still be red shirts. Disenfranchised voters will retaliate. If elections go on and the PT win altogether, the protests will go on in many ways. Mob rule hurts too many.

I wonder if there is a Thai word for compromise? I have never heard one, but I hope one exists...

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Well Bangkok, your savior has now revealed his plans to screw you all. Wonder how long his support will last then?

And were you one of the red cheerleaders in 2010, supporting the red shirts, who did the same for 2 months, but also with armed 'security', lobbing grenades at the public ?

Given your post, I assume that you must have utter disdain for Juttaporn, Nuttawat, Arisman, Seh Daeng, etc., and the man that financed their nasty display.

I have utter disdain for any of those persons red ,yellow, little green men or whatever who are yet again crapping on the country we have chosen as our home

Well said! +9999!

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that list only includes 15 locations and a few of those named places are very close together (or even adjacent to each other)

deadlines... "d-day", "v-day" have all passed, this protest has been delayed by a week, and what was supposed to be 20 locations is more like 10...

a few cracks appearing in mad dog suthep's plan for taking over the universe... unfortunately, i dont think he will go down without a fight

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I doubt they would list the sum of the places they will occupy, which would be strategically stupid. He is not showing his whole hand.

When they threatened to shut down BKK, they already knew where to put people, and they have plenty of people to do it. If you look at a city map, they only need to block a few more than forty intersections, in part because of 'expert' city planning. laugh.png

Worse, the main arteries going into and leading out number less than twenty. Someone, methinks, has actually looked at the map and has seen a wonderful opportunity to exploit. With less than sixty key locations needed for a bottleneck, approximately, they can efficiently and cheaply rotate protesters ad infinitum.

The plot hasn't thickened to gravy -- it's coup cookie dough. Whether by rule of the minority, or by intervention by the military, we are watching a coup...



Edited by FangFerang
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So in other words, don't go shopping, don't go traveling anywhere near the city.

Get your kids out of Bangkok for the rest of the year and prepare for home schooling, because the kids can't go shopping anyway even if they wanted to...

Amazing year 2014 whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

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So in other words, don't go shopping, don't go traveling anywhere near the city.

Get your kids out of Bangkok for the rest of the year and prepare for home schooling, because the kids can't go shopping anyway even if they wanted to...

Amazing year 2014 whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif

Now, now. Let's not get hysterical. It's not going to last all year.

Having said that, six weeks in 2010 felt like a year where I live.

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"and educate them on national reform". Sounds like Lenin or Mao.

Close but the wrong side; it's more like Mussolini and Franco. Through propaganda and more ruthless mechanisms, they also sought to suppress any dissident view through censorship, coercion and the targeting of individuals. They never held the majority's support but they ruled anyhow through "political reform". It's all very similar.

Sounds a lot like living in Thaksin land : propaganda - ASTV, Voice Of Thaksin

and more ruthless mechanisms : Red villages

targeting of individuals : Reds keep attacking Yerllow leaders hgouses with bullets, molotov cocktails and grenades

They never held the majority's support but they ruled anyhow : 35%

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Well Bangkok, your savior has now revealed his plans to screw you all. Wonder how long his support will last then?

And were you one of the red cheerleaders in 2010, supporting the red shirts, who did the same for 2 months, but also with armed 'security', lobbing grenades at the public ?

Given your post, I assume that you must have utter disdain for Juttaporn, Nuttawat, Arisman, Seh Daeng, etc., and the man that financed their nasty display.

I have utter disdain for any of those persons red ,yellow, little green men or whatever who are yet again crapping on the country we have chosen as our home.

Currently Suthep is causing, and about to cause more grief than anybody has for many years and is top of my personal disdain list.

How sad that you have come to this conclusion - when we all know that the destroyer of Thailand is a little wealthy sociopath living in what he calls 'exile' but is in fact living as an absconder from justice. At least Suthep has put his head on the chopping block and has given a voice to so many people who are sick of the ruling family trying to take total control of this country through their lies and manipulation. I see no benefit from these elites going to the poor - it's take, take , take and more is not enough. They have more scamming schemes on the go than you've had hot dinners. No wonder some powerful individuals have encouraged and perhaps financed Suthep to stand up front and make the voice for human rights and decency stand against the sociopath and his family. If you want to know just how far Thaksin and his bully boys will go .... just look at the circumstances surrounding the shot policeman. That's something that is already begnning to backfire. I understand their games and those games are played with evil intent.

HA HA, what do you think would happen if YS resigns and gives Suthep Ultimate Power. Do you think the PTP will sit at home and say thankyou Suthep you are a nice guy.

They will be coming to Bangkok the following month to over throw him. It will never end. The only way forward is to have an election.

There is something fishy about this whole thing. YS calls a snap election at the first sign of a protest, so quickly, no one expected her to give in so easy, knowing that the Amnesty Bill only has 180 days before it expires. Suthep doesnt have the PDRC contend in the elections as if they hold seats in parliment they can stop the Amnesty Bill from going forward. Sounds more like a plan.

Thaksin and Suthep are as corrupt as each other and probably good mates laughing at the Thai People expense, driving the Baht and SET to all time lows, Ready to jump in and buy some stocks, looking at passing the Amended Amnesty bill (Include Suthep in 2014 for his protest) if no one is in parliment to reject it. The protest is not about Thailand it is about them. They are laughing all the way to the bank with Somtum in hand.

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