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People with medical issues urged to prepare for 'shutdown'

Lite Beer

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"People with medical issues urged to prepare for 'shutdown'"

Wow, PT's fear campaign in full swing now. First it's illegal to join the demos, now this. Still better than yesterday's threats in the 'combined forces' article.

And just what do you suggest they tell people, do nothing, or warn them as a responsible gov would do ? or crackdown on the protesters properly that are potentially endangering lives ? I agree that would be far the best solution, but they let them march so do the next best thing and your whining about it ???

Yeeesh some people are crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif

whining your word of the day?

Hospitals as far as I am aware are not being blocked. Lanes are being left open for emergency vehicles. The govt should be preparing ways to deal with any life threatening situations and talking to suthep about how to do this.

I don't like suthep, i don't agree with his plans or this shutdown. Neither do I think the govts scaremongering, belligerent, threatening manner is helping.

edit: note no insulting emoticon attached.

Yeah and airports won't be blocked too,and Kim Il Suthep is a real good guy who loves Thailand and is doing all that for the poor people of Thailand,urrrg

Have the bangkok airports been mentioned as a protest site? Didn't see that link, can you direct me to it? Unless of course you are referring to the krabi airport where there is a local pcad threat being aired towards it.

As to my views on suthep? Read my post.

Edited by Bluespunk
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How pathetic is it that a country that KNOWS in advance the date of such an event would still allow it to take place?

A "shut down" should not be tolerated. Protest if you want, but planning a total shut down where you have to warn people with medical issues to prepare... unacceptable even for a banana republic.

Really? Have you ever been in a western city subject to a G8 or G20 meeting? The cities go into lockdown while the protestors run amuck. I was in Toronto right before the G8 meeting and the pre-event closures and vandalism made Thailand look civlised.

What do you think the reaction would be in tvf if the government prevented the protest rally from taking place? The government would be accused of quashing freedom of expression etc. People can't have it both ways.

You are right from a practical perspective that a shutdown should not be tolerated, but unfortunately it is the cost of freedom and democracy. The Suthep gang and all of its TVF supporters should be allowed to gather and blow their whistles.

I didn't say they don't have a right to protest. I said it was pathetic that the government is going to allow a "shut down" of the biggest city in the nation. A shut down that, according to the OP in this thread, may cause those who are ill to have problems.

G8 and G20 protests are protesting an event. It can be chaotic, but they do not announce they are going to shut a city down and cripple it. What Suthep is doing is above and beyond.

Containing the protest is what needs to happen. People with medical needs should not be threatened in any way, shape, or form. There is a fine line between a protest and malicious chaos. Chaos can not be allowed.

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How pathetic is it that a country that KNOWS in advance the date of such an event would still allow it to take place?

A "shut down" should not be tolerated. Protest if you want, but planning a total shut down where you have to warn people with medical issues to prepare... unacceptable even for a banana republic.

a country that KNOWS in advance the date of such an even

It is not "a country" it is THAILAND xsaai.gif.pagespeed.ic.vG7ALsuRa-.webp

Sadly, I agree.

Reminds me of the scene in 300 where King Leonidas kicks the messenger into the bottomless pit. THIS.... IS.... THAILAND!

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Yes folks, better order those coffins now in case you don't make it to the hospital and die due to the blocked streets.

What is wrong with you? All you do is spout hate and red propaganda.

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

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Yes folks, better order those coffins now in case you don't make it to the hospital and die due to the blocked streets.

What is wrong with you? All you do is spout hate and red propaganda.

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Is that what you will tell people when they die in the ambulance because they can't get to the hospital due to Suthep blocking the streets?

"What is wrong with you" is what you will tell them?

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"People with medical issues urged to prepare for 'shutdown'"

Wow, PT's fear campaign in full swing now. First it's illegal to join the demos, now this. Still better than yesterday's threats in the 'combined forces' article.

I agree with the OP, but I would go further and say that preparations and having meds at home etc. is not going to save some people. Having pills and IV drugs at home doesnt help, often a critical-care unit is required. Somebody with f.ex severe epilepsy plus other illnesses (many people have multiple serious ailments) such as asthma, heart conditions, MS. etc. and who go into seizure at home, need to reach hospital within 15 minutes. Usually family will rush the person in a car to save time waiting for the 'bulance if the local hospital is fairly nearby. I have made it from home to CCU within 15-20 mins on average in Bangkok. Also the 15 minute is an approx. In some extreme cases, you need to be in CCU within 5-10 mins. This is obviously unrealistic in Bangkok high-traffic normally.

The problem is that Chm. Suthep's protest-related stoppage will make a CCU arrival time of under 2 hours seem unlikely. Suthep and his flagwavers can talk all they want, about "we are providing XYZ vehicles" and "we will not blockade clinics" blah blah blah. Fact is, when you shutdown a capital city, which by its very nature is already gridlocked, you WILL stop sick people reaching Critical Care Units, and you WILL murder some of the most unfortunate and disabled members of society. And it is murder. Because you know its going to happen and you do it anyway. And you target the weakest people, people who are too frail to even go to your stupid protests.


Edited by Yunla
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Yes folks, better order those coffins now in case you don't make it to the hospital and die due to the blocked streets.

What is wrong with you? All you do is spout hate and red propaganda.

If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Red propaganda???? Where does it say RED in there?????

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Good luck with the supposed attempt to keep a lane free for emergency vehicles because when the protest vehicles were making their way down asoke a few weeks ago they were completely ignoring the right of way of oncoming traffic and forcing the cars etc coming towards them into a single lane while their trucks and cars took up 3 lanes.

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