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Should You Pay a Thai Girlfriend to Leave your Home?


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When I first came to Thailand ten years ago I met several women who wanted to live with me. I went to a Thai lawyer and asked him about "common law marriage" and a woman's rights to my money/property if we were not married. His quick answer was that a Thai woman has zero rights to your property or other assets, no matter how many years she lives with you and/or how many children you father with her, as long as you don't legally marry her.

Since then I have heard over and over from several expats about how their ex-girlfriends returned with a policeman and demanded a payoff. This sounds like simple extortion to me, similar to the jetski scams, but would you call an attorney or try to negotiate?

By the way this is not happening to me.

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It is a civil matter, nothing to do with the police.

The lawyer was right, but often during the course of living together property get mixed. One buys a tv, the other a microwave or helps pay for that. So often there is indeed something to split and regardless of that and depending on the circumstances it might be a decent thing to do to help the ex- out standing on her own again.

But that is something different than offering half of the value of your condo or negotiate with a policeman over how much you should give.

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Mario: As usual you are the voice of reason, thanks. In one case the woman demanded a high amount (at least 100K) and she had contributed nothing of financial value. When the guy refused she trashed his bike and apt and then physically attacked him. He then went to the tourist police (I took the report for the TP) who tried to negotiate but she wanted the money. The TP then advised them to go to the Royal Police. I think that some Thai women look at sex as a commodity so they performed it say 100x and could have made 1,000B each time so now want the 100K. I'm afraid mine would make very little based on that logic.

Mario, could we move this to the general forum to get more responses?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mario: As usual you are the voice of reason, thanks. In one case the woman demanded a high amount (at least 100K) and she had contributed nothing of financial value. When the guy refused she trashed his bike and apt and then physically attacked him. He then went to the tourist police (I took the report for the TP) who tried to negotiate but she wanted the money. The TP then advised them to go to the Royal Police. I think that some Thai women look at sex as a commodity so they performed it say 100x and could have made 1,000B each time so now want the 100K. I'm afraid mine would make very little based on that logic.

Mario, could we move this to the general forum to get more responses?

What is the Royal Police? Is that the police unit that provides protection to the royal family.

The Royal Thai Police is the name given in English to what in Thai is called the National Police - that's right the word royal doesn't appear in the Thai name of the police or the army. The Tourist Police is a part of the Royal Thai Police.

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1st, check her phone. If you see a listing for "Sharkey" then pay her and move away quietly. If not, then it will probably be cheaper in the long run to just move away quietly as there may be retaliation through various "family" members. After all, nobody wants to worry about their stuff and/or their life for the rest of their time here. It's very rare for things to end in your faor, even if it was a mutual break-up. Other than that, sign a non-prenuptial agreement (non-nuptial?) and log all purchases over 1,000b not to include food, and split accordingly.

Edited by mrwebb8825
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Much cheaper to go for a weekly Soapy at least you only part with a thousand or two why would anyone want to live with a Thai woman most of them from what I have heard watch tv all day and cannot hold a conversation

You heard wrong.

You seem to be an expert in Thai sociology, and your weekly stint in a massage parlour sounds pretty awesome.

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i cant help but think that if you are in a relationship with a social equal these things don't happen, but then personally i have always dated independent women in Thailand (and everywhere else ive lived) with jobs, families, friends and apartments/condos etc of their own.

While all have shared my bed and my affection all have gone home to their own places regularly and when the relationship ended it was goodbye -- sometimes amicably sometimes with hurt feelings on either my end or theirs, but this notion of remuneration for time spent has NEVER been an issue. This is over about 18 years living in thailand.

Sure I have had my fun, but it has never occurred to me that compensation for a weekend of great sex is a roof over her head, an agreement never to part and the assumption of all financial responsibility for her in perpetuity. Strangely, the majority of my friends never seem to make this mistake either, the distinction between a one night stand or even a fling over the course of a week and a relationship seems pretty clear to us all.

Granted i'm also content to be alone, which seems a trait many who find themselves at the mercy of a poorly chosen partner seem to lack.

I ask you people what am i doing wrong? you lot seem to be having so much more fun than i am.

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never pay...never .....never...never....even less if it is policeman or government staff where ever.

people paying are increasing the coruption it is a big big mistake.

myself since i live in thailand i always refuse to pay any kind of payment under the table or tip .i never had any problem with that.

the only thing that can happen is that they are going to call you perhaps tightwad or skinflint (in thai: คนขี้ตืด-kiniao)

good day and good night


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Sirchai bravo :) very well said. What kind of idiot naive morron ask such a question???? By your question you are showing that she is just a slave inside your property and you had enough of her services.to hell with you man of course you can never find who love you if you are so naive and exploited. Get a life go pay them have fun and then grow older alone better for you.

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to directly answer the question asked in the title of the OP:

"Should You Pay a Thai Girlfriend to Leave your Home?"

I would suggest that perhaps you should if you paid her to occupy it in the first place.

Thai labour laws are very clear on severance and favor the employee.

Edited by HooHaa
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You should only pay a Thai girlfriend to leave your home if it's cheaper than changing the locks and staying at a hotel for a week or so.

i have often wondered at this attitude, which seems prevalent in this thread and many others.

Personally my home is just that -- MY HOME.

I am not leaving it with my tail between my legs to hide from my own poor choices.

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Umm, I have only been here long. In my 50,s with the younger gf for a year now. Just my feelings but if I walk away I would at very least give her some baht to "tide her over"

Not sure how much but at very least a few months rent and money to live on. I guess that's at minimum50k. As usual to each their own, but I see the so called rip off by Thai women as a two way street. Many old blokes like my age simply change women like they trade in a car in farangland.

Even some posts here talk about how to "cut your losses" when you want to split and kids involved. Man up.

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