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Suthep threatens to seize Yingluck’s assets‏


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"BANGKOK: -- Protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban threatened to seize all the assets of caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra if she still defies the call of the people to resign."

He means his small bunch of supporters, surely? Not THE people. Then again, he thinks he and his cronies ARE 'the people'.

Sad, really when your delusions reach this level.

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So this is tit for tat ?? Didn't the DSI under Yingluck's command seize Suthep's assets a few weeks ago ?

Thai politics really is funny. For myself and my fellow farangs, when things turn really bad, we can just jump

on a jet and leave. It is the Thai people who will be stuck dealing with the carnage. But it is the Thai people

who keep taking their 500 baht and voting greedy lunatics into office, so hard to feel too sorry for them....

Love Suthep's comment about Jatuporn being dog faced. By the way , that is a SEVERE insult

in Thailand. I wonder if he will file some sort of charges against Suthep.

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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Hope the Thai people and all you foreigners living in Bangkok have a wonderful protest next week. You now see what type of mad man Suthep is. You will see how the Germans lived with Hitler. .

You went a bit too far there didn't you mate? Suthep is not planning on invading countries,

and gassing millions of people,,,

I agree with you because:

1/ The previous Suthep-Chitcob-PAD government never wanted to invade Poland, only Kampuchea.

2/ They do not plan to gass millions, only quote eradicate unquote the Shinawatra family and supporters.

I see the correlation between hitler and suthep. first hitler had to suck in all the gullable germans before he went out of borders,, but that is all indisputable history!

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More hypocrisy from this odious little man: he changes his story to suit the audience. In the last interview with foreign media he said directly that he has no intention of exiling her in the (extremely unlikely) event he steals power

Of course he is very familiar with asset seizure and redistrbution....this is the man who gave land meant for ordinary farmers to his wealthy friends. Rotten to the core

My friend you have forgot you beloved ones in government--their pillaging ??? this is why all this is happening---Suthep is another story that will have to be dealt with later-----He is only a cleaner, when the carpets clean and Thailand has it's money back he can GO

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Hope the Thai people and all you foreigners living in Bangkok have a wonderful protest next week. You now see what type of mad man Suthep is. You will see how the Germans lived with Hitler. .

Hitler was elected. And build his private brown shirts.

So it better fits Thaksin and his red shirts. We'll close our company on Monday as all staff will go to the demonstrations.

that will be smart! get involved in Thai polotics where you have ne business being involved. what is the name of your company? nuts are us?

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Thaksins money should have been seized since a long time. Most he got from corruption.

you would have to seize the assets of all politicians, officials and police - Thaksin is no more than a scapegoat for the general rule of corruption

"you would have to seize the assets of all politicians, officials and police -"

If that happened, the state coffers would be overflowing with cash.

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Hope the Thai people and all you foreigners living in Bangkok have a wonderful protest next week. You now see what type of mad man Suthep is. You will see how the Germans lived with Hitler. .

Hitler was elected. And build his private brown shirts.

So it better fits Thaksin and his red shirts. We'll close our company on Monday as all staff will go to the demonstrations.

So will it be paid leave? You better check they may just stay home and laugh at you for giving them off.

That's his company and I don't think he need your BS to tell him how to run it!

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Try to do that in Belgium:

No way you would be able to get near to government buildings and shout al that venom.

When will someone jail thet Suthep????

Too scared of something?

Thailand on its way to chaos sad.png

Suthep said once the people announce the victory over the Thaksin regime, all her assets would be seized.

The protest leader also disclosed that on the shutdown day, all major government offices will come under siege by protesters so as to prevent all officials to work or serve the caretaker government.

All major roads leading to government offices will be blocked and all government vehicles will not be allowed to pass, except city buses which will continue servicing the people.

He said houses of Ms Yingluck will also be blocked by an army of female protesters, of Surapong Tovichakchaikul, and of Kittirat na Ranong.

For Mr Surapong, also the foreign minister, Mr Suthep said he would see ”Hell on earth does exist and will experience it.

They will face mass protests that they have never seen or expected in their lives, Suthep said.

The mass protests will also be held at the homes of the national police chief and his two deputies, he said.

If we were in Belgium we,d probably all fall asleep. we are not in Belgium, we are in SE Asia where democracy is being usurped by Thaksin and buddies at a tremendous cost to the future Tax payers. What do you want to happen, just let it get worse and worse and say, but its Demoracy. Where was the democracy for Thaksins 2500 victims of his populist war on drugs, his populist theory on how to combat dissension in the South by murdering protesting farmers. If thats your type of democracy stay in Belgium.

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Well, better late than never...

Now we all know what he and his cronies are after - redistribution of everything!

Some (many) believe that Thaksin was ousted for dishonest business practices.

Personally I doubt this was the real reason, otherwise full 1% of Thailand population should have been sent after him.

On the other hand, would anybody trust the RED or YELLOW leaders to seize and/or redistribute their assets?

But how does this incriminate PM? Oh, yes, she stole the votes!

This poor rich country has only one REAL problem and it is not Thaksin, Yingluck, Abhisit or Suthep...

What a waste!

Edited by ABCer
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He keeps saying "follow the will of the people",,, well if he has "the will of the people" then go to the election and take government democratically,(legally)...

BUT HE DOSE NOT, that's why he wont go too the election, same as Mark.

I'd love to be reading soon that his assets will be seized , that would be just fine although late in coming.

one up to red third country and to village I live in TRy putting a poster up against reds and see what happens. No one here dare say one world against dear leader.

Will of the people my ass. No o ne here is allowed to do anything but toe party line.

When people are allowed to express their views openly here ill support elections until then Suphet's way is pony way to rid Thailand of its curse.

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Many of us our just struck by this man's audacity. He's supposedly a private citizen protesting injustice. He's speaking like a seditious brat. Westerners hearing this kind of talk from protesters in the streets, speaking to a democratically elected government must think that man is a loon, and the government spineless.

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Hope the Thai people and all you foreigners living in Bangkok have a wonderful protest next week. You now see what type of mad man Suthep is. You will see how the Germans lived with Hitler. .

Hitler was elected. And build his private brown shirts.

So it better fits Thaksin and his red shirts. We'll close our company on Monday as all staff will go to the demonstrations.

So will it be paid leave? You better check they may just stay home and laugh at you for giving them off.

You seem to have little idea about how strongly many Thais feel in support of Suthep. The Bkk protestors are doing so without payment and in fact are contributing money and food to the protest.

The same contributions could not be asked of red shirt "supporters".

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Hope the Thai people and all you foreigners living in Bangkok have a wonderful protest next week. You now see what type of mad man Suthep is. You will see how the Germans lived with Hitler. .

Hitler was elected. And build his private brown shirts.

So it better fits Thaksin and his red shirts. We'll close our company on Monday as all staff will go to the demonstrations.

So will it be paid leave? You better check they may just stay home and laugh at you for giving them off.

You seem to have little idea about how strongly many Thais feel in support of Suthep. The Bkk protestors are doing so without payment and in fact are contributing money and food to the protest.

The same contributions could not be asked of red shirt "supporters".

Yes I wonder what the situation would be IF the red shirt followers were asked to give back vote money and other perks to Thaksin because he was destitute.

Ha ha NO WAY they would tell him to sod off, he used them and in a way they used him. When it come to their turn to pay Near never, They only got to BKK 2010 in BUSES free--pick-ups free--free food--drink, expenses. Without this they would have been on the farm or taking the cows and buffalo out for the day.

A small percent left would have gone on their own to BKK and used their own funds. If this happened no one would have died and the demo would have been just a demo-controllable.

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In the UK in 1974 around 200,000 demonstrating miners brought down PM Edward Heath's government. In 1984 150,000 miners tried to overthrow the Government of PM Margaret Thatcher, she refused to give in to their demands and would not resign, she even considered bringing in the Army. The UK economy suffered, but she stuck to her guns until after one year, the opposition were defeated, and her Party were returned to power in the following election with a resounding victory. Suthep would be better of negotiating now, we cannot afford 1 year of demonstrations followed by another landslide victory for Pheu Thai.

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