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Apartment Rental Hell Over Deposit

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It's actually a good lesson for you to learn.

Rule 1

Never allow a Thai to do anything on their own, especially when it affects you.

Rule 2

Never let your Thai woman buy (or arrange a purchase) anything on your behalf.

I learnt that my first week here.

Really that's a broad statement, My Thai girlfriend is really good with money and is a very capable when it comes to decision making, much better than most of my previous non Thai girlfriends but she works in management... maybe I just got lucky coffee1.gif

Same here.

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From the perspective of the condo owner you held the room and blocked it out from any other prospective customers during that time. It does, however, sound like extending a principle just a touch too far but it is their business and you gave them the money.

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Forgetting that you are in Thailand - and I have had more than enough experience of rental cons here - perhaps you should have gone with the wife. No contract applies either side, and it seems unbelievable that she would have offered more than was asked without you having seen it first. I think you should take the offer and learn a lesson.

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Been there, worn that shirt to shreds! These are the Thai's who are far from Buddhist, and contrary to some of their obscure notions, no you cannot separate spirituality from money. Rest assured, they'll reap the whirlwind ..

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Once money out of your hand it is gone, bye bye. I had the same issue. Rent an apartment on 12th floor, lift was not working and I was told it will be okay by evening. I said fine and signed the contract and paid 4000 Baht, monthly rent 8000. Next 3 days still lift not working. She leave a note at my door, when are you going to pay the rest. I go to her say lift is not okay and I can not stay here. She talk to the owner and say fine you can cancel the contract but no money will be returned. So I paid 4000 and just stayed there one night, remaining I was in another city. So just forget about it, take your 3000 before it is too late. And as others say I can not believe that your Thai partner pay everything in advance.

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It's actually a good lesson for you to learn.

Rule 1

Never allow a Thai to do anything on their own, especially when it affects you.

Rule 2

Never let your Thai woman buy (or arrange a purchase) anything on your behalf.

... Rule #3, just avoid Thai people? whistling.gif

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let them keep the money. move in for one month. tell them you either want your money back or the room for a month with no further payment as they cannot be trusted. then throw a few parties, play loud music, urinate on the floor, etc and then leave

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From the perspective of the condo owner you held the room and blocked it out from any other prospective customers during that time. It does, however, sound like extending a principle just a touch too far but it is their business and you gave them the money.

as he said, he was expecting to loose the 1k that was originally asked for. this is just completely Thai style business unethical

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I think the lack of communication with your wife was the problem. You knew she was looking at places. You both most likely have a cell phone. You should have said if you find a place call me. Then ask a few basic questions like how much? What is the size? What floor is it on? If you don't like any answers let her know you need to see it before a deposit is left. Just take what they offered you and move on

Easy nowdays even with smartphones , where photos can be sent in 2 seconds in order to decide accordingly

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i hear about it all the time from my thai friends, especially where money is concerned, thais getting done over by other thais often friends and family(!)

with my limited knowledge of thai culture i know enough to be very very careful or avoid altogether any financial dealings with thais.

its their culture why dont they get it? why do they keep getting caught out/ripped off by their fellow countrymen and women?

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Hilarious, I just love it when folks dont ask about a lift or also why not say there was no helipad either or jacuzzi spa, or the other guy who said fix the lift BUT DIDNT write it into the contract he signed.

Then we have the people saying stay a month even funnier because first they will want another 16 k as its TWO months deposit 1 month in advance normally....none of this first month last month crap many seem to think is normal....IT A'INT

Yeah seen it all....folk move in then cry "we dont like it we want our deposit back" booo hoo!! well you cant hah!

Only dumbasses dont check out a room and its environs before moving in or signing even a piece of bog roll.

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If it was my condo I wouldn't be refunding you a single baht, and be suggesting you learn to whistle the American Confederate Anthem.

Caveat Emptor applies. Your wife entered into a contract, paid an agreed price for an agreed service, no refund upon failure of the purchaser to utilise the service was asked for, nor was it offered at the time the contract was made. The service is still available at the agreed price and has not been withheld from you.

Hopefully you and your wife have learned a lesson. And while I don't hold to the opinion of many posters about not allowing her to buy or negotiate on your behalf, it is up to you to ensure that she knows the limit of her authority and knows specifically what your expectations are in the future.

Edited by Gsxrnz
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It's not really necessary to sign a contract. Your wife has verbally agreed to rent the property. Although verbal arrangements are more difficult to proof, she already paid the money so that's enough proof there was an agreement.

The apartment has already allotted the room. That they returned 3,000 baht is a matter of goodwill.

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never allow your wife to conduct any business whatsoever, this is a fundamental error. the only time your wife should spend money is if she is in charge of housekeeping duties and submits a monthly account for approval. you can allow a discretionary fund for her to purchase personal items but again this should be audited regularly to check for overspending or frivolous purchases

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is it your missus? the way you've gone on about it with angry words and tears shed I read it as if your daughter that had someone take advantage of her pocket money or the like!

if your missus is an adult then you should really treat her like one, wipe your mouth of this silly mistake and do everything yourself from now on.... then your missus will not get any life experiences and be as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike....

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never allow your wife to conduct any business whatsoever, this is a fundamental error. the only time your wife should spend money is if she is in charge of housekeeping duties and submits a monthly account for approval. you can allow a discretionary fund for her to purchase personal items but again this should be audited regularly to check for overspending or frivolous purchases


keep her on a lead as well

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Watch out for this sort of deal .....

gf goes in apartment and says,

"no way the bf will live here, tell you what, I give you 4K, you tell him I gave you 8k, and refuse any refund.

We both make 4k, he won't miss it, foreigners are rich and foolish with their money."

Happens all the time.

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Get a new wife.


Getting back 3000, so the loss is 5000baht. Are you really suggesting that he should divorce the wife because she caused a 120 euros loss due to one poor judgement? And others suggesting she may have stolen it in collusion with the broker and split 60 euros each?

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Billy because you have a Thai wife to help you with language etc I really recommend you contact these people. I have found from previous experience that when someone tries to cheat you as in this case and you tell them you are going to get these people involved, it usually does the tricksmile.png


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Watch out for this sort of deal .....

gf goes in apartment and says,

"no way the bf will live here, tell you what, I give you 4K, you tell him I gave you 8k, and refuse any refund.

We both make 4k, he won't miss it, foreigners are rich and foolish with their money."

Happens all the time.

Yeah, I didn't want to be the first one to say it. But a dump five flights up with no lift? No call? Then the dramatic regret scenario... Seriously, OP.

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This is going to be one of the lessons you will learn in this country , then you graduate you will be a wiser man .

We learn from our mistakes. This only caused a small loss of money but you will probably remember it.

As for the OP's topic title of 'Apartment rental hell' I think that perhaps he's overstating it a bit.

He only lost enough money to stay in a reasonable hotel for one or perhaps two nights. Forget about it and move on.

To the OP : If you assume they are all out to rip you off you won't get ripped off very much in the future. Think of this before handing over any money to anyone.

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never allow your wife to conduct any business whatsoever, this is a fundamental error. the only time your wife should spend money is if she is in charge of housekeeping duties and submits a monthly account for approval. you can allow a discretionary fund for her to purchase personal items but again this should be audited regularly to check for overspending or frivolous purchases


keep her on a lead as well

I also don't understand what she was doing outside of the kitchen. Looking at apartments when she should be making sandwiches for the OP, what the hell "cashpower"??

/joking <- I've come to learn that to point out the obvious is needed in the General Forum otherwise there will be some sandy-pantied OAP in here trying to give me hell for a joke comment!

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The Mrs at the time, didn't have a lot to look around.

In one hour I've found a great new place for the same money.

She feels really bad and tears have been shed and a few angry words. She knows she's made a mistake and learnt a valuable lesson. It's her money bless her but I'm going to have to pay the difference on the new place and take their 3000 baht before they change their mind.

She came here on recommendation from her friend and no she doesn't know anyone here unfortunately.

I'm not sure of all the Thai breakdown on the receipt regards it being for a deposit or bond and the Mrs has gone for an interview.

I've just got off the phone to a mate who had a similar problem and he thinks she's been dam_n lucky with an offer of 3000 so we best take it and run.

Note to self: Never agree to let the Mrs take on any responsibilities that require money and common sense.

Lesson learnt for me too

Thanks for the feedback chaps :-)

In the long run it will end up being a cheap, valuable lesson for your wife.

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