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Apartment Rental Hell Over Deposit

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This is Thailand...when money moves from a farang to a Thai...it is almost impossible to get the money to flow from Thai back to a farang...that is just the "unwritten" rule of commerce...

Do not expect any help from authorities...

Good Luck...move on...

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In the long run it will end up being a cheap, valuable lesson for your wife.

Not to mention a VERY cheap price to pay to be able to keep control over future much-more-expensive transactions.

If he's able to stick to his guns:

Note to self: Never agree to let the Mrs take on any responsibilities that require money and common sense.

Lesson learnt for me too

which I highly recommend.

Obviously very important to keep them on a short leash, but learning HOW to do so without them heading out the door, now that's the challenge.

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Watch out for this sort of deal .....

gf goes in apartment and says,

"no way the bf will live here, tell you what, I give you 4K, you tell him I gave you 8k, and refuse any refund.

We both make 4k, he won't miss it, foreigners are rich and foolish with their money."

Happens all the time.

@52 glad to see your grasp of "Thai culture" is better than your language skills.

Sad but true, this is quite possibly what went down.

Edited by wym
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No lift and she paid more than was asked? Hmmmmm.

...anyway, if you have never spoken to the actual Owner, I'd say the front desk girl has spent your money already...speak to the Owner.

...and if that fails, say you'd like to see the condo one more time as you may reconsider. Take a plastic bag full of fresh small prawns and excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. There will be a small hatch to get access into the ceiling. Quietly throw prawns across the ceilings.

...then say that you have decided that you definitely do not want the condo.

Sometimes you just have to take a stand.

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Funny, I had THIS EXACT SAME PROBLEM ONCE lol, once i arrived with the tourist police, they coughed it up, call the tourist police thats what they're there for.

basically, it was about 8 years ago in pattaya i went to the TP office and a short interview with someone that speaks english, then a cop that doesn't speak english accompanied me to the reception and after a few words i had my money back..all of it, i remember it was 9000 and they wanted to give me back something like 3 or 5.. tell the police the apartment had been misrepresented to your wife and/or the language barrier was the problem, ie: they didn't tell you there was no lift, then demand to know who exactly was this other person that they had to turn down because they promised the unit to you..yaknow you gotta talk this stuff up again, they gave it all back, there wasn't even a 1000 baht that they kept.

I think the apartment owner is not that easy to be scared of police.

The wife saw the apartment, right? and she liked it that's why she put down-payment.

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This is Thailand...when money moves from a farang to a Thai...it is almost impossible to get the money to flow from Thai back to a farang...that is just the "unwritten" rule of commerce...

Do not expect any help from authorities...

Good Luck...move on...

No pathetic knee-jerk farang victimism, please. Technically the money flowed from a Thai to a Thai, now didn't it?

Cheating Thais are very much equal opportunity cheats. They cheat other Thais whenever possible too.

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No lift and she paid more than was asked? Hmmmmm.

I was gonna say, my missus rides her moped to her parent's house on the other corner of our block, there is no way I can imagine any Thai not unhappy about walking up and down 5 flights of stairs. She would've complained about the trek just to see the room and back. You got scammed!!

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Get a new wife.


Getting back 3000, so the loss is 5000baht. Are you really suggesting that he should divorce the wife because she caused a 120 euros loss due to one poor judgement? And others suggesting she may have stolen it in collusion with the broker and split 60 euros each?

Unfortunately, I see this quite often on ThaiVisa these days - an innocent/naive poster asks for helpful advice about some issue related to his wife/GF/significant other, and in return gets half a dozen people casting aspersions on the lady's virtue and/or integrity, all based on a few sentences from the OP.

Let's be supportive towards our fellow posters - give advice without judgment/prejudice in 2014 .....

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"Supportive" in helping their predatory teerak rip them off?

Too many naive noobs in the world - sure we may well be wrong, but warning them at least of the possibility is definitely performing a public service.

And if nothing else making them aware that they've got an idjit for a partner will be helpful for some, reminding him not to think just with the little nob. . .

You honestly think that the majority of "oh darling I have this little problem" that involve the farang opening his wallet are genuine???

Sure he thinks it was her money that got lost, IMO more likely this was a test case and if he doesn't reimburse her for the episode she won't stick around for long.

Better off him of course but. . .

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Last time I had a money issue with an apartment I called the tourist police and the chap gave the money back. That, however, was 1993, so perhaps they don't have the same clout anymore.

Actually good idea, might just work, nothing to lose give it a shot.

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live there for a month ,that will sort out whether a deal was done behind your back or not because if they

really split the money 50/50 the receptionist will be aiming for a new client to pay 8000 for that month +

4000 from the ' scam " to make 12,000 instead of 8000 for the month

if you take the keys and occupy the room the receptionist will only have gotten 4k for an 8k room

and she cant do a thing about it ;)

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"The reception lady told her she had to pay 1000 baht and the remainder when she signed the contract on moving in day.

The Mrs was so pleased with the place she said never mind I will pay the full whack and so she did and the receptionist gave her a small paper receipt. "

Simples really.

When your Mrs paid the "Full Whack"

That was the point that you agreed the contract, the fact there was no written terms in that small piece of paper gives more legal benefit to the Landlord than it does for you owd pal!

If you have an offer of any money from them, then snap it up quickly, it may not be there for too long if they seriously look at their legal advantage over you!

It could be argued by them that the total money should be retained insomuch as they could argue that on the same day they refused another client for the property and their ensuing loss is what your money is covering!

Edited by n210mp
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Anytime, you have a problem like this, being shortchanged by greedy merchants etc., go see the tourest police..they encourage you to use their services for this purpose, unlike the normal cops-they are always very polite and make an honest effort on your behalf (my experience) I don't know what real if any leverage they have with these clowns, but most Thai's don't wanna piss off the cops, from their perspective maybe the police will come back with some other non-related issue, permits, etc.. they know the police can be oppertunistic, and there's also this thing in Thai culture-'saving face' if they tell the cop to <deleted> himself and he looses face, it's not worth 4000 baht to them to get a bad reputation with the police, it certainly can't hurt- they have these tourest police offices all over the place, USE them, it's free smile.png

Funny, I had THIS EXACT SAME PROBLEM ONCE lol, once i arrived with the tourist police, they coughed it up, call the tourist police thats what they're there for.

basically, it was about 8 years ago in pattaya i went to the TP office and a short interview with someone that speaks english, then a cop that doesn't speak english accompanied me to the reception and after a few words i had my money back..all of it, i remember it was 9000 and they wanted to give me back something like 3 or 5.. tell the police the apartment had been misrepresented to your wife and/or the language barrier was the problem, ie: they didn't tell you there was no lift, then demand to know who exactly was this other person that they had to turn down because they promised the unit to you..yaknow you gotta talk this stuff up again, they gave it all back, there wasn't even a 1000 baht that they kept.

I think the apartment owner is not that easy to be scared of police.

The wife saw the apartment, right? and she liked it that's why she put down-payment.

Edited by pkspeaker
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When you consider all the money that you probably have already thrown town the toilet for this wife of yours, and the money that you will eventually throw down the toilet for this person, then I do not understand why you are so principled over such an isolated issue.

Let it go and prepare for spending money in the future on other meaningless items and worthless ventures to "suit her fancy". This is no different than a dress or pair of shoes that she will never wear.

Otherwise, as the first response indicated, get a new wife.

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Never let a thai lady take full responsibility for major decision

come on. most thai girls are not as stuppit as op wife..............lol. and i mean this sincerely...................lol.

Unfortunately it seems the clever ones either avoid us, or use their intelligence to fleece us.

Ghworker got it right, if you're the one shelling out the money, you have to take control over how it's spent or it will get pissed away on trivia.

There are exceptions that prove the rule, guys that have turned over everything to the Thai missus and are well taken care of until they die.

But it's a tiny percentage of the total, most who do so lose it all then get tossed on the scrap heap and head home to a miserable existence of elderly poverty alone in the cold.

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I'm sitting here shaking my head at the guys who are advising against trusting a Thai wife to make a decision that involves less than 10,000 baht. Yet these are the same women who will some day be making decisions about your life and responsible for your care when you're diagnosed with cancer, disabled by a stroke, dementia, etc. Do you trust them to manage your finances, maintain your visa, run your household, obtain the best medical care possible for you? Ever thought about the responsibility the little woman will have to assume on your behalf guys? Especially if there's a big age difference between you and your Thai wife?

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I'm sitting here shaking my head at the guys who are advising against trusting a Thai wife to make a decision that involves less than 10,000 baht. Yet these are the same women who will some day be making decisions about your life and responsible for your care when you're diagnosed with cancer, disabled by a stroke, dementia, etc. Do you trust them to manage your finances, maintain your visa, run your household, obtain the best medical care possible for you? Ever thought about the responsibility the little woman will have to assume on your behalf guys? Especially if there's a big age difference between you and your Thai wife?

The power of positive thinking. -- Your heart is in the right place - I guess. But, my humble (and admittedly cynical) opinion: Your long-term rosy-scenario Thai-mate loyalty assumption runs the meter off the scale. Bottom line here: No Thai woman (or Western, for that matter) would buy into an apartment five flights up with no lift - period. Much less cough up thousands more on the spot for no reason. Will not here further address hypothetical potential for farang's cancer prospects. (But let's hope he makes it.)

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UPDATE: First of all, thanks for some really good advice. I appreciate the good bits ;-)

Well after spending over a month in the UK, I've put on a few pounds so I've decided to do the right thing and give this place a go for a month and use the stairs as one way to lose my excess baggage.

The Mrs is overjoyed, so is my wallet and waistline!

Note to self: Don't always take the easy option, sometimes the difficult one has more benefits.

Thanks again for your help and advice.

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No Thai woman (or Western, for that matter) would buy into an apartment five flights up with no lift - period.

thai's never return deposits

Both gross over-generalizations - my direct life experience in fifteen years living in Thailand is that although there is a kernel of truth to both, it is false to make such absolute statements.

I myself lived for six months on the fifth floor, great big room for B1,800 per month, and those of my partners that didn't enjoy the exercise, I was happy to see the back of. And that was one of the dozens of landlords that gave me back my deposit, less reasonable damages.

I have been ripped off three times in total wrt rental deposits.

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I'm sitting here shaking my head at the guys who are advising against trusting a Thai wife to make a decision that involves less than 10,000 baht. Yet these are the same women who will some day be making decisions about your life and responsible for your care when you're diagnosed with cancer, disabled by a stroke, dementia, etc. Do you trust them to manage your finances, maintain your visa, run your household, obtain the best medical care possible for you? Ever thought about the responsibility the little woman will have to assume on your behalf guys? Especially if there's a big age difference between you and your Thai wife?

The power of positive thinking. -- Your heart is in the right place - I guess. But, my humble (and admittedly cynical) opinion: Your long-term rosy-scenario Thai-mate loyalty assumption runs the meter off the scale. Bottom line here: No Thai woman (or Western, for that matter) would buy into an apartment five flights up with no lift - period. Much less cough up thousands more on the spot for no reason. Will not here further address hypothetical potential for farang's cancer prospects. (But let's hope he makes it.)

I'm sorry, but the "hobby" I've chosen to do in my retirement puts me in contact with 4-5 resident expats newly diagnosed with terminal diseases each month here in Chiang Mai. Some don't have the opportunity or resources hire an elder care specialist who is not their current bedmate. And then there are those where the resident foreigner had already been abandoned by his Thai partner after years of non-communication because neither learned the other's language, and/or had failed to develop a mature ability to handle financial decisions.

All I'm thinking as I read the OP is what this couple is going to be like in 20 years time when the poor guy is diagnosed with cancer. Is he going to trust this woman to make the decisions about which hospital, which doctor, should they do chemo or not, is a living will in place, etc, etc, If he can't trust her to spend 5000 baht, how can he trust her with his life? Don't guys think about these things when they get married?

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