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Farmers plan protests against the government for rice payments

Lite Beer

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Add another group to the affliction referred to as 'enlightment' by some and "ungratfullness" by others. Throw in a few rubber, corn/maize, fruit and vegatable farmers and your looking at a sizable number of votes to play to.

Now all it will take is for some obliging soul to post the farm gate prices that the farmers receive vs what the retail prices are that another large group are contending with.

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khwaibah, on 14 Jan 2014 - 18:39, said:
Costas2008, on 14 Jan 2014 - 18:31, said:

Why are they complaining?

They are going to get paid on the 31st!

Anyway.....please vote for PTP in the next elections.........you are not stupid after all.

What month of what year ?wink.png

What year they will get paid or what year elections will take place?

Both debatablewhistling.gif

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The rice farmers joining the anti-government protests can't come soon enough for Suthep. Although they clearly want different things, the huge support for Yingluck and friends is not as big as it used to be, although they would probably be the dominant party if an election were held tomorrow.

More protests, red cards, court rulings, etc. to come before 2 Feb. No way in the world a peaceful election will take place.

Yes, they are coming for the thing that the protesters have been telling the world. About the corrupt govt.

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The rice farmers joining the anti-government protests can't come soon enough for Suthep. Although they clearly want different things, the huge support for Yingluck and friends is not as big as it used to be, although they would probably be the dominant party if an election were held tomorrow.

More protests, red cards, court rulings, etc. to come before 2 Feb. No way in the world a peaceful election will take place.

There is an article in yesterdays Bangkok Post that gives the location and numbers of red-shirt support at rallies for her across the country and YES she is in deep shyt. People even after being paid 300 baht for attending and 1000 baht for signing a protest letter are not coming out. (Surin) It doesn't get any redder than here. The farmers are what we shall say PISSED OFF from all the lies.

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Before we get too wound up about the disgruntled farmers, these groups are probably from the northern rice growing areas of Phitsanulok (Dem), Sukothai (tied) and Phichit (Chart T.) I doubt the N.E.boys will squeak.

However, tomorrow is pay day for these guys whistling.gif so we must wait and see if the PTP has deep pockets or just another "kittifib"

has been told.

However their presence in Bangkok won't help PTP or hurt PCAD.

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PT is in big trouble. That said late subsidies are better than no subsidies which the other side offer.

Why or why cant the yellow side put someone more appealing and centreground into the middle instead of that <deleted> Suthep. If they did everyone could perhaps unite round and progress the country for the better. Really is time to get someone a bit more pragmatic and forward thinking than him who actually has an achievable end goal.

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Economists, scientists, businessmen, judges, lawyers, professors, engineers, social workers, doctors, public servants, consumer advocates, unions, students, tax payers, teachers, academics and now the rice farmers are starting to see the PT for what they truly are. The rice scheme was a great success apparently according to the fanboys. Then they went from 1st to 3rd place rice exporter. Rice farmers didn't care. Fanboys didn't. The PTP never do any wrong. The rest did. Now the money has stopped and the rice farmers are perking up. Stand in line boys. There are many many people before you with grievances as well. When your undemocratic and demagoguery is your poison then expect the current situation to rear its dictatorial head about 2.5 years after coming into power. The day that the Shinawatra's can run a respectable democratic govt will be the day that they tell the truth about the rice scheme. The way things are going the only supporters of the PTP will be about 9 falangs on TV. whistling.gif

Going by Costas2008's comment, he will be one of the 9!

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How does the old saying go .... You can fool some of the farmers all of the time and all of the farmers some of the time but you can't fool all of the farmers all of the time...... Or can you ???

Lets see how many more times they change the date for their payment without a major protest..... Damn fooled again ! And again ! And Again ..... Hahaha

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This protest proved the farmers need the rice scheme. The rice scheme was sabotaged and obstacles laid to make it difficult to operate and delayed the result. The farmers should instead help the government in rooting up the unscrupulous traders, politicians, irregularities and oppositions of the scheme etc to make the scheme continue to bear fruit of their labor. If the farmers are unhappy with the rice scheme, they can vote the PTP out and bring in the DEM who opposed the scheme. The DEM who made many promises during election campaign but never fulfill them in full.

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The problem for whoever forms the next government will be, the money's largely gone, and the pledge-price for rice is simply too high, so will have to be cut.

That's going to cause a real problem for PTP, how will Thaksin propose to solve it, apart from 'borrowing' funds from the infrastructure loans ?

I'd expect the Red propaganda-machine to continue, to try to blame the PDRC & Suthep for the delayed-payments, rather than admitting that PTP has cocked it all up, the Big Boss doesn't 'do' contrition or admissions of his past-mistakes.

But will the poor rice-farmers believe what they're told, if they think continued loyalty might get them their money-owed, that's the key question, IMO. wink.png

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