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Unfair Pricing


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Dual pricing has nothing to do with racism, They did it before because They were looking after the Thai businesses so they could get some decent income and also looking after there own people.

Should of been scraped years ago but I think labelling Thai people racisist is BS :o

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if its a few hundred baht i will pipe up but i can remember reading a stroy from some plum on stickman who moaned at a drink seller on the street that he was being charged 10 baht instead of 5 baht.

that kind of thing makes me sick. he managed to get the drink for 5 baht but so what??? did he think the seller had a BMW parked around the corner or what???? i'll pay more if it helps a genuine working class thai person making a living, but otherwise it's a no no

Do you act accordingly in your own :o country?

Do you think farangs act the same in Thailand as they do in their own countries?

My observation is they don't. They feel free to lose their temper here with the thai people whilst they are like goose in their own countries. Coz farangs take no shit from farangs.

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Arguing that certain countries - USA, Canada or wherever - have reduced rates for residents to a certain college or whatever just doesn't cut it. Yes, a Thai may pay more in this example as would any outsider, including own nationalities; but we're talking about a scam against a whole race...Westerners! It's got diddly squat to do with citizenship, it's a blatant way to rip Westerners off because of our perceived financial status. Regarding national parks, something like double the price for foreigners would make me think, fair enough, but at 10 times the rate!
I suppose HK Chinese tourists are not viewed as westerners by thais. And yes we get charged the farang price as well.
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I moved here from Maui in Hawaii. if you live there, a tourist town, you can get "kamiana" a 10-20% discount with a hawaiian drivers licence in many resturants. same in the aquairum

spagos gives 2 for 1

i dont like double pricing and dont agree with it but it sure is nice to live somewhere and not pay tourist prices.

of course i live here now

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I don't see this as racism.Its more about getting more money from farang visitors(as they appear to have plenty).

I object to it.Mostly because I feel the differential is too much.10b to 200b is far too much.The worst thing is it encourages other Thais to do the same as government depts do it.Its seen as acceptable.I avoid going in and always tell the person taking the money this wrong and I won't becoming in because of it.

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So what is fair pricing?

To me fair pricing would be when I think that the work I have to do to earn the price I have to pay is worth it. It has nothing to do with what enyone else have to pay as their criterias are different.

I feel sorry for anyone who can not live with the fact that someone else is paying less than them for something as this is actually happening with everything you buy, no matter what you buy or pay for there is someone, somewhere paying less.

Please let me buy you a drink, ZZZ.

Exactly what I am talking about. The amount of work one has done in exchange for the amount of things one gets in return. Fair enough?

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Guest endure

So what is fair pricing?

To me fair pricing would be when I think that the work I have to do to earn the price I have to pay is worth it. It has nothing to do with what enyone else have to pay as their criterias are different.

I feel sorry for anyone who can not live with the fact that someone else is paying less than them for something as this is actually happening with everything you buy, no matter what you buy or pay for there is someone, somewhere paying less.

Please let me buy you a drink, ZZZ.

Exactly what I am talking about. The amount of work one has done in exchange for the amount of things one gets in return. Fair enough?

So if it's fair pricing for a Thai to pay 10bt to enter a national park what extra work has to be done so that it's necessary to charge a farang 200bt?

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That's absolutely correct. This country should be ashamed of themselves for treating foreignors the way they do. Tourism, and the foreignors that live here helps keep the Thai economy afloat.


Yes, this country should also be ashamed of letting its own people work 12/13 hours a day. A traditional thai massage girl who has absolutely no holiday at all all year round. Charging 3/400 baht(OH how much is it, FGS??!!!) for 2 hours of hard work pressing on hairy men's legs(of whose sometimes or many times think of themselves as charming and sexy that all girls are going to fall for them by their sweet talks and charms :D ). And still can't afford to even spend a holiday in Phuket or Chiang Mai which is within her own country. How hard how much do you have to work and how much do you earn in your own countries?

Who of you are willing to fight for their benefits?? Or do you simply think they deserve it?

Yeah! You do-gooders, fight racism! I see how racist this dual-pricing is! I can see the seriousness in it! It's quite one of the first priorities to deal with in life! How bloody unfair can things become!! It's almost comparable to what the Nazis did, what the Americans did to the black people, ain't it?

Until I see farangs fighting for fairness(which I will bow to you) for these poor people, I'll just have to say the same thing again. Piss off back to your paradise! :D

Tourism, and the foreignors that live here helps keep the Thai economy afloat.
This sentence makes me puke. It's like saying I exist so that women can get shagged.

I don’t disagree with your sentiment just your language. :o

There are younger people that read Thai Visas

I am sory, edd. English is not my first language, so I have not much idea which part of it can't be read by young people.

Also different people different standard. If I had children, they would be allowed to see anything available, hopefully with me trying to explain my views.

Sorry again.

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I'm not sure how "racism" came in our discussion here. I doubt the fact that the "Ambassador" wanted to charge me more money to stay at their hotel has anything to do with racism. The only color they seen differently is the color of money.

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If you don't like the double pricing....go back to your own country.

Perhaps we should remind ourselves that this post was started by a guy who IS THAI, THAILAND is his country.

Does that mean you agree at least that this dual-pricing has nothing to do with RACISM?
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I'm not sure how "racism" came in our discussion here. I doubt the fact that the "Ambassador" wanted to charge me more money to stay at their hotel has anything to do with racism. The only color they seen differently is the color of money.

Exactly, people in here always jump onto the Thai people and try to put them down as hard as they can.

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If you don't like the double pricing....go back to your own country.

Perhaps we should remind ourselves that this post was started by a guy who IS THAI, THAILAND is his country.

Does that mean you agree at least that this dual-pricing has nothing to do with RACISM?

Yes, people who dual price are not all racist, they are just trying to get the most profits they can in the old fashioned way that should of been scraped years ago. They see it like for example selling your car to a customer you will charge as much as you can, but to a friend you will give it to him for alot cheaper.

Dual pricing is not racist at all, im not saying that all retailers etc are not racist as there everywhere in the world.

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Sorry, didn't meant to sound harsh, but when you are confronted with this day by day it gets tiresome.


Ever considered a plastic surgery? (pood len)

Don't quite follow you, care to explain?

:D I was wondering why you were saying that you are confronted with this day by day, as if you get charged more expensively than the thais everywhere in daily life which does not seem true to me. I did not have this problem. So I suggested maybe it was due to your looks. (but that was just a joke. No offense meant.)

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No offense taken, hence the question, not a broadside.

Ok, do I get charged pretty much most places? Unless the price is stated as no bargaining - yes. I guess one of the problems is the emotive issue of racism - the meaning is just too broadly used as a term.

a form of discrimination based on race. Racism may be expressed individually and consciously, through explicit thoughts, feelings, or acts, or socially and unconsciously, through institutions that promote inequality between races.

So, according to the above definition I fail to see how this is causing such a hornet's nest. It's not the bovver boots and skinhead type - thought that was quite obvious.

You make some good points, though it's a shame that you accompany them by foul and abusive language language.

Whenever I'm in HK I don't get charged more for being a gweilo - why should I? Hongkies realise that this would be a detrimental action, as do most other places. When I'm in Malaysia do I get charged more because I'm an ang moh or matsalleh? Nope.

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Do you think farangs act the same in Thailand as they do in their own countries?

My observation is they don't. They feel free to lose their temper here with the thai people whilst they are like goose in their own countries. Coz farangs take no shit from farangs.

I think you have a few slightly warped ideas about farang in Thailand and confuse those rather negative stereotypes with this issue here.

First of all, in your first post on the topic you reason that because Thais in their own country are exploited that double prizing is permissable. :o

Those are two different issues, and none of them are right. I concede that the issue of Thais being underpaid for their labor is a far more serious issue than our gripes about double prizing. Nevertheless - these issues are independent of each other.

Secondly, you allege that farang would not try to help improving those injustices for Thais. :D

You cannot expect tourists to help change these inherent problems of Thai society. Expats though, especially the ones with Thai family generally have no other choice than trying to improve those injustices, as they directly effect our immediate environment. So yes, not just out of some mistaken altruism we do help improve things.

One of many resident farang gripes (mine especially) is that the Thai governments are not helping their own countrymen. If you are so fixed on personal experiences, listen to to one of my regular experiences: if my wife, her family, or one of my Thai friends from the under priviledged classes need to get something done in an official environment, very often i, a Thai speaking farang, have to accompany them as this cuts the burocratic terror they would otherwise experience down to a minimum.

Back to double prizing.

Two years ago i had a massive argument (in Thai) with some temple guards in Ayuthaya as i was refused the Thai price even though i produced my workpermit and tax card. Most definately i would have, as i do in most temples, have spent far more money by making a donation that what the entry would have cost. Which i didn't because i did not enter.

The issue here is not the money, it is the insulting attitude of this policy and especially the people guarding this policy.

I may have more money to spend than the average Thai citicen, that though puts me in Thai standards not much above middle class. The double tier prizing policy is not in relation to income or spending power. Otherwise the many Thais with more money than me would automatically have to pay more than me. Which they don't. They pay the same as the poorest of their fellow citizens has to pay.

I don't really care if it is racist, xenophic or whatever label one may attach to it - it is unfair and insulting, especially considering that expats like me do pay mostly far larger amounts of tax than the average Thai citicen, and in addition to that have to shoulder many burdens that should be in an ideal world the responsibility of the Thai government.

Yet though we are still singled out as being foreigners having to spend more more money than Thais because,... well, ... why exactly?

Care to explain coherently?

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People throw around racism around way to easily, by definition people can argue that countries who charge overseas students triple the price then a local (like they do all over the world) is racism, but its not.

Dual pricing is in no way based on racism

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Guest endure
People throw around racism around way to easily, by definition people can argue that countries who charge overseas students triple the price then a local (like they do all over the world) is racism, but its not.

Dual pricing is in no way based on racism

Dual pricing is based on appearance. If you appear to be Thai you pay the Thai price - if you appear to be not Thai you pay the farang price. It might not be racism but it's not far off.

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People throw around racism around way to easily, by definition people can argue that countries who charge overseas students triple the price then a local (like they do all over the world) is racism, but its not.

Dual pricing is in no way based on racism

Different kettle of fish and in no way to be compared.

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Dual pricing is in no way based on racism

Of course it is.

We all know Japanese people who pay as locals, even though they have plenty of money and stand out to Thais as foreigners very easily.

Dual pricing is for WHITE PEOPLE. :o

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Dual pricing is in no way based on racism

Of course it is.

We all know Japanese people who pay as locals, even though they have plenty of money and stand out to Thais as foreigners very easily.

Dual pricing is for WHITE PEOPLE. :o

Thats untrue, I know ALOT of japs who been to Thailand and they pay tourist price, Even Thais that where born abroad dont always get away with it.

My mate who looks thai but is filo pays top dollar also, so what you said is UNTRUE

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People throw around racism around way to easily, by definition people can argue that countries who charge overseas students triple the price then a local (like they do all over the world) is racism, but its not.

Dual pricing is in no way based on racism

Different kettle of fish and in no way to be compared.

And why is that?

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When I was a teacher the school staff would go traveling around the country on holidays.

When we went to one of these dual pricing places, only the Farangs were charged more. All the Japanese and Chinese teachers paid the same price as Thais and we were going through a line person by person so when they asked for a ticket the seller could hear that they were not Thai. :o

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When I was a teacher the school staff would go traveling around the country on holidays.

When we went to one of these dual pricing places, only the Farangs were charged more. All the Japanese and Chinese teachers paid the same price as Thais and we were going through a line person by person so when they asked for a ticket the seller could hear that they were not Thai. :o

Im not saying that I dont believe you as you may of got a racist person who served you but I know a crap load of Japanese people who go to Thailand alot and they never pay local prices, Thais say I look chinese and ive always paid top dollar.

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meemiathai, enlighten me as to what it is you find so distasteful about foreigners objecting to being charged more for the same services as Thais?

You clearly do not like injustice, you give examples of other injustices, non petty and all deserving to be challenged.

So why get so upset when a group of people challenge an injustice that affects them personally?

I am genuinely curious of why you feel the need to defend the dual pricing policy and why you are so very keen to abuse those that object to being discriminated against.

It is a curious mix, to object to injustice while at the same time abusing others who do something about injustice.

Firstly, sorry to anyone who feel offended by my posts. It's my bad way of expressing my views. Never meant to hurt or abuse anyone. My sincere apology to everyone.(but I'll stay the same :o )

Yes, I hate injustice. I am in fact very saddened by the injustice that exists in this very world. But as with what I can see with my eyes, I am very aware of this being the reality, due to the very nature of living animals especially of the human race.

It is indeed injustice that had given me the impulse to post my opinion. There does seem to have injustice with this dual-pricing but, there is much more injustice that the poor people in this world are forced to have such hard lives. When comparing them, this so-called injustice caused by dual-pricing simply becomes selfishness. Taking advantage of poor people.

I don't disagree with you, GH with setting up a website as you did. It is very natural. I don't totally disagree with the will to correct this problem. But hopefully no poor people's feelings would be furtherly hurt in this process. And also hopefully people can understand more why things are how/what they are in thailand. Having said the above, I claim no expert of thailand. It's just as far as I can see.

What does also bother me is the claim of racism on this issue. Come on, farangs! Give me a break! Most farangs sub-consciously or conciously think they are better than asians. So.... this is racism.

Edited by meemiathai
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I apologize... The task turned into a rather daunting one given the number of threads and the length of them on this often-discussed topic on racism and double-pricing.

A not-all-inclusive list for starters to peruse... Most likely, anything to be added in this will have been already covered in one or more of these:







after perusing through 100+ posts on 8 pages of this thread looking for something... anything... that differs from what has already been said on one of these 7 previous threads.... and not finding any....

re-hash ... after re-hash... but please, everyone, proceed.... with a few dozen more pages of posts, we might even surpass some of the lengthier threads already in the archives...

I suppose that the racism involved in this issue is just too important and endearing not to pass along from one TV generation to another....


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meemiathai, enlighten me as to what it is you find so distasteful about foreigners objecting to being charged more for the same services as Thais?

You clearly do not like injustice, you give examples of other injustices, non petty and all deserving to be challenged.

So why get so upset when a group of people challenge an injustice that affects them personally?

I am genuinely curious of why you feel the need to defend the dual pricing policy and why you are so very keen to abuse those that object to being discriminated against.

It is a curious mix, to object to injustice while at the same time abusing others who do something about injustice.

Firstly, sorry to anyone who feel offended by my posts. It's my bad way of expressing my views. Never meant to hurt or abuse anyone. My sincere apology to everyone.(but I'll stay the same :o )

Yes, I hate injustice. I am in fact very saddened by the injustice that exists in this very world. But as with what I can see with my eyes, I am very aware of this being the reality, due to the very nature of living animals especially of the human race.

It is indeed injustice that had given me the impulse to post my opinion. There does seem to have injustice with this dual-pricing but, there is much more injustice that the poor people in this world are forced to have such hard lives. When comparing them, this so-called injustice caused by dual-pricing simply becomes selfishness. Taking advantage of poor people.

I don't disagree with you, GH with setting up a website as you did. It is very natural. I don't totally disagree with the will to correct this problem. But hopefully no poor people's feelings would be furtherly hurt in this process. And also hopefully people can understand more why things are how/what they are in thailand. Having said the above, I claim no expert of thailand. It's just as far as I can see.

What does also bother me is the claim of racism on this issue. Come on, farangs! Give me a break! Most farangs sub-consciously or conciously think they are better than asians. So.... this is racism.

You cant get anymore correct then that I say.

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People throw around racism around way to easily, by definition people can argue that countries who charge overseas students triple the price then a local (like they do all over the world) is racism, but its not.

Dual pricing is in no way based on racism

Dual pricing is based on appearance. If you appear to be Thai you pay the Thai price - if you appear to be not Thai you pay the farang price. It might not be racism but it's not far off.

That isn't necessary true. I'm Thai and the Ambassador hotel still asked me to pay premiums

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Citizens should get into their own parks at a reduced price.

Why is this, what reasoning do you have for this kind of thought ?

Its because most of the country was dirt poor and couldnt afford it while tourists definately can, its more important letting the poor people see there country then it is about thr rich paying 2 different prices.

I personally think they should do it a different way but thats the reasoning behind that

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So what is fair pricing?

To me fair pricing would be when I think that the work I have to do to earn the price I have to pay is worth it. It has nothing to do with what enyone else have to pay as their criterias are different.

I feel sorry for anyone who can not live with the fact that someone else is paying less than them for something as this is actually happening with everything you buy, no matter what you buy or pay for there is someone, somewhere paying less.

Please let me buy you a drink, ZZZ.

Exactly what I am talking about. The amount of work one has done in exchange for the amount of things one gets in return. Fair enough?

So if it's fair pricing for a Thai to pay 10bt to enter a national park what extra work has to be done so that it's necessary to charge a farang 200bt?

How long how hard does an average thai have to work to earn 10baht?

How long how hard do you have to work to earn 200baht?

And it is just a national park(entertainment) and moreover in their own country. It is not like you pay everything differently in daily life, is it?

And farangs complaining about it is like male members going into the Ladies Forum to say what they want. What do you think? :o

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