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Weapons found inside deserted building room: Bomb attack against Suthep's procession


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Seems that red baseball cap is from the Deep South (yes Suthep area) Police Commando ? Narathiwat.


How do you know it's from the south? What does the Thai text say on the logo?

EDIT: The text in the above link says this when I ran it through google translate:

Suthep, the red hat was found on an abandoned building. A hat given to police trained special operations raid in Narathiwat.

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what we need to remember here is that Suthep is only interested in fooling enough gulible people into rioting him back into power.

He knows nobody believes him, but don't care. He has a few thousand left with him now and he needs to keep them there.

More proof that the education system has totally failed in BKK and the South. Most people who see these pics just burst out laughing in Bang Na tonight. A carefully placed hat and red!!!! Who the hell would wear or carry anything red in that area?

The people who watch Bluesky are really showing us that they are not the brains of the country. Just a desperate well funded rearguard attempt at one final coup.

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Occupant of the room and lead suspect is BMA security staff apparently.


It says "Exposed : world deceiving 'BB gun cache' is the bedroom of Municipal Officer whose job it is to guard the house of the Bangkok Governor"

There is no explanation as to why the ID card of a private company is displayed. It says at the bottom of the card "Operations Personnel".

Edited by Trembly
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Occupant of the room and lead suspect is BMA security staff apparently.


It says "Exposed : world deceiving 'BB gun cache' is the bedroom of Municipal Officer whose job it is to guard the house of the Bangkok Governor"

There is no explanation as to why the ID card of a private company is displayed. It says at the bottom of the card "Operations Personnel".

I know, sorry, that's why I updated my post with a link. See what you make of the blog linked in the Tweet.

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This is tragic. It is also very suspicious. The attacks against the Governor's and Abhisit's houses were described as being "well planned", but no one got hurt. Then some Navy guys from the south, way out of their asigned area, are on a drug interdiction amongst the protesters, and issued silencers. Now some complete a##hole lobs a grenade at a protest.

It does not add up. Neither side could really benefit from such attacks, unless some one wants to provoke a military coup, or else they are complete morons. Morons cannot launch 'well-planned attacks', as the attacks on Abhisit's father's house and a car park for the Governor are described, and then subsequently lob a grenade from a building where they store arms. The two descriptions completely confound each other. "Uh, we are well planned during the night, but are not well-planned during the day." Uh, duh, what?

To me the information given, piecemeal and sparse at best, is very undetailed and hence sparking uneasy conjecture.

Frankly, from the two types of grenades involved (one from the US, provided to the Thai military, and the other from Russia, after Victor Bout the Russian arms dealer was arrested in 2013) suggests there are two splinter factions...one seeking retaliation against some protesting their version of democracy, and the other seeking to set conditions for a coup, even if they kill a few of their own people in the process.

Two words: this sucks, intrisically and extrinsically.

Well, that's 5 words actually including the one you made up yourself.

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This horrific, unprovoked and cowardly attack - hurling a grenade onto innocent Thai men and women, walking hand in hand down a street - will only inflame the protests, not quell them.

And then run away leaving all those 'clues' as to the source of the attack. Positively disgusting. The organization and personal intelligence of those responsible for this 'highly professional operation' is so lacking, even for a member of the indigenous population. It makes one wonder whether this is just another effort from Suthep's lot to inflame and escalate the situation to force a coup. As an aside, I do not support TS/YS , their operations have been responsible for bringing Thailand to near bankruptcy (no money to pay farmers?) and seriously damaged the international standing of Thailand , what little it had in the first place. There are many good hard working honest Thais that are being dragged downwards by the corruption driven from the top, seemingly all of the top. As a Falang I can only stand by and watch with a level of frustration the slow poisoning of Thailand. My immediate family (in Phitchit) is starting to feel the pinch already, they sell food in a market, no customers, no money. This will get worse, as usual, the poor will suffer more. the elite will not even notice. Unless the rank and file of the Army/Navy turns on it's leaders and joins the people in a French Revolution type exercise then I can see no end to this endless cycle of corrupt stupidity, the hold of the Elite is too strong at the moment. In 20 years it may not be, but, by then,Thailand will have disappeared up it's own anal orifice.

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Beret hats were also abandoned on the floor. The beret carries a sign of a special attack force unit, he said.

Sounds legit. Because special forces soldiers get to be special forces by being butter fingers and hacks.

Besides, if it were really special forces, they would have hit their target. That is what they do and their excellence is what separates them from the average enlisted man.

This wreaks of a set up.

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Since the building was searched by the protesters first I wouldn't put too much credit on red hats and ID cards that were "found". In a country with a decent justice system you could easily get such items excluded from court because of the chain of evidence. The one thing that seems clear is that there are people who are determined to cause chaos and havoc. They could easily come from either side, or be working on their own. The attacks on the march, the PM's house and the Bangkok governor's home have one thing in common, they were relatively harmless. The people involved are either not trying to kill many people or are inept. Eventually someone will be in the wrong place and the result will be different. Suthep ought to learn his lesson from Seh Daeng and keep his head down.

Edit, The nation is reporting that one person has died as a result of this incident. I maintain that these attacks could easily be more deadly if they were indeed well planned. There are numerous examples far more deadly attacks in public places. Those attending the protests are taking a big risk.

Edited by chadintheusa
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Well there seems to be no way this was planned in advance by pro-Government supporters or Thaksin's mythical mercenaries. The march abruptly changed its route to go past that building, so one can only believe that it was an "inside job" since only Suthep's people knew of the change.

Still what is a bit of "collateral damage" if they can achieve their ultimate aim and trigger a coup?

The police were not allowed into the building, Suthep's thugs compromised what "might" have been a crime scene - with a very strong possibility that items were added or removed from the building by those thugs. Now there can be no investigation since evidence cannot be relied upon.

Good planning K. Suthep, for once you almost demonstrate a modicum of intelligence!

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The simple fact the PDRC leaders changed the route just as the march started and forced the protestors down this road where they would not normally go, while the leaders where merrily 200 meters behind the front when it was attacked, pretty much will let most sane people enough about the attack, who did it etc... in my opinion.

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The simple fact the PDRC leaders changed the route just as the march started and forced the protestors down this road where they would not normally go, while the leaders where merrily 200 meters behind the front when it was attacked, pretty much will let most sane people enough about the attack, who did it etc... in my opinion.

So a mob can suddenly out maneuver a lone gunman or even a small team of them?

Come on chaps, thinking caps on please!

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here is a clip circulating widely on youtube showing another angle of the blast..

up to 10 seconds shows the communication van moving.. then it stops

3 seconds later there is something happening near the drivers window... was that someone throwing something out of the car..?

1 second later.. blast

white towel image seems to be visible being thrown away

driver opens door and runs

Could that explosive have come from the car? surely not..

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here is a clip circulating widely on youtube showing another angle of the blast..

up to 10 seconds shows the communication van moving.. then it stops

3 seconds later there is something happening near the drivers window... was that someone throwing something out of the car..?

1 second later.. blast

white towel image seems to be visible being thrown away

driver opens door and runs

Could that explosive have come from the car? surely not..

And another joins the disinformation campaing suggesting that the driver of the pick-up threw a grenade to himself.

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here is a clip circulating widely on youtube showing another angle of the blast..

up to 10 seconds shows the communication van moving.. then it stops

3 seconds later there is something happening near the drivers window... was that someone throwing something out of the car..?

1 second later.. blast

white towel image seems to be visible being thrown away

driver opens door and runs

Could that explosive have come from the car? surely not..

And another joins the disinformation campaing suggesting that the driver of the pick-up threw a grenade to himself.

Yeah...They certainly love to speculate and post nonsense. A lot of conspiracy theory lovers supporting current Thai government.

I will give them one theory to feed on. It is obvious that the attack was amateurish. We can all agree on it. How about some deluded red shirt supporter who actually took Udon Thani red shirt leader Kwanchai's bounty for Suthep arrest seriously and tried to make quick bucks. Why stop at arresting him? Why not going all the way? Would you be surprised?

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here is a clip circulating widely on youtube showing another angle of the blast..

up to 10 seconds shows the communication van moving.. then it stops

3 seconds later there is something happening near the drivers window... was that someone throwing something out of the car..?

1 second later.. blast

white towel image seems to be visible being thrown away

driver opens door and runs

Could that explosive have come from the car? surely not..

And another joins the disinformation campaing suggesting that the driver of the pick-up threw a grenade to himself.

Yeah...They certainly love to speculate and post nonsense. A lot of conspiracy theory lovers supporting current Thai government.

I will give them one theory to feed on. It is obvious that the attack was amateurish. We can all agree on it. How about some deluded red shirt supporter who actually took Udon Thani red shirt leader Kwanchai's bounty for Suthep arrest seriously and tried to make quick bucks. Why stop at arresting him? Why not going all the way? Would you be surprised?

You got to agree, it sure looks like he throw the bomb and then ran away. How could they do this to their own people. What a shame.

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And another joins the disinformation campaing suggesting that the driver of the pick-up threw a grenade to himself.

You can clearly see that this is exactly what happens. Car stops, someone is seen throwing something outside the car, explosion follows immediately.

But I guess not even video evidence will sway some people.

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A lot of conspiracy theory lovers supporting current Thai government.

It's not that we love the current government. We're simply not fascists like you.

It's just stunning what you guys come up with in all your blindness. It would be amusing if the situation in Thailand is not so tragic mainly because of narrow minded people like you. So I'm called fascist only because I don't want any more Thais to die, I don't want Thai tax payer money to be wasted on the election in February which is bound to fail no matter what the outcome, I want politicians to be accountable for, representative, responsible for, and transparent about their actions and dodgy deals, I want nepotism out of Thai politics, once an for all, above all I want both parties to sit down and schedule the election for second part of May 2014 or later which will definitely ensure that the amnesty bill is dead and buried. Do not give me that line that the election cannot be delayed because of Thai constitution. It can be done legally. All it takes is good will to compromise.

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Here is my take so far:

They arrange a room in an empty building before hand, propping it up with lots of evidence. They then change the march route to walk past this place. When the car is just outside the building, the driver stops, then proceeds to wipe of the fingerprints of the grenade with a towel before he launches it outside. He then ducks, and immediately after the explosion runs straight in to the empty building look for the perpetrators (even though it would have been impossible for him to know where the grenade was launched from).

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It's just stunning what you guys come up with in all your blindness. It would be amusing if the situation in Thailand is not so tragic mainly because of narrow minded people like you. So I'm called fascist only because I don't want any more Thais to die, I don't want Thai tax payer money to be wasted on the election in February which is bound to fail no matter what the outcome, I want politicians to be accountable for, representative, responsible for, and transparent about their actions and dodgy deals, I want nepotism out of Thai politics, once an for all, above all I want both parties to sit down and schedule the election for second part of May 2014 or later which will definitely ensure that the amnesty bill is dead and buried. Do not give me that line that the election cannot be delayed because of Thai constitution. It can be done legally. All it takes is good will to compromise.

Eh we're blind? Did you not watch the video? Who's blind here?

No, you're called a fascist because you support these yellow shirts who want to replace the democratic government with an unelected council. You say you want politicians to be held accountable, but how will they be that with an unelected council? At least in a democracy the people can vote them out if they want to. But I know those are just excuses because you don't have the balls to admit what you really think.

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And another joins the disinformation campaing suggesting that the driver of the pick-up threw a grenade to himself.

You can clearly see that this is exactly what happens. Car stops, someone is seen throwing something outside the car, explosion follows immediately.

But I guess not even video evidence will sway some people.

You are a disgrace to humanity.

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