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Electric fan heater in Chiang Mai?


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NOW here we go !!! The FIRST question in TVF about HEATING IN THAILAND !!!!!!!!!

This must all be because global warming !!

I admit here in deep Eesarn we huddle among the bonfires !!!!

...and there was said minus 10 degrees Celsius in Phu Hin Rong Khla last month !

but as you see, Thailand is slow in responding to real needs . . . like the government not paying up to the farmers . . .

NOBODY has ever thought about stocking electric coil heaters. I bet rich Thais heat up their expensive kitchen ovens

leaving the door open . . .I have no idea what to suggest to you , avoiding getting choked by burning plastic just because

you must keep yourself warm . . if you don't have the money, buy an electric oven cheap as 1400 BHT from Makro or laz...a

and do the same.

what about fur clothes from MBK Center, 6th floor ??

I fully understand you, hope the above hint is appreciated. Oncethe hot season begins, you can bake apple pies in your winter

heater !!!

Edited by crazygreg44
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you might even get good results when directing a slow running fan at the open oven. Will circulate the heat around the room a bit . . . !!

. . and with table top ovens . . the heat is adjustable . . .

and don't forget the advantage of making apple pies, against a simple fan heater !

Edited by crazygreg44
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There was a thread a few weeks ago about heaters for sale. There are also youtube videos about "how to heat your room for 15 cents per day" which involves burning candles under stacked flower pots.

I haven't heard the term "global warming" for a few years but I have heard about "climate change." Chiang Mai does seem cold this year. I sort of like it since it seems like we have a real winter season. Pretty cool!

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Well when we had the real cold snap . I grabbed my a/c control and looked for a heat setting . My wife horse laughed me and telling all my friends about it they horse laughed me too . Two weeks after freezing my butt off every night fighting to keep my portion of the blankets from my wife. Well I happen across the instruction manual for my Mr Slim sure enough its got a heat setting room nice and warm in about five minutes !! Goes to show men never read the instructions ,,,,,,,,,,, Im guilty !

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