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The government defaulting (again)?

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These days, one reads disturbing news articles on rice farmers not getting paid for their goods.

Then there is the sordid tale of woe regarding my pay check.

Intentional withholding of wages appears to me quite common over here. I know of 7 teachers who are all owed 70,000 B each by some Tessaban up North. When I hadn't been paid on time, I just tried to ask for my money. The excuses have been quite astonishing. As was the regulatory office's instructions to send a letter to the employer. Been there, done that.

Now they claim they couldn't hand over this check unless I come and sign their book. That would mean a 20 hour round trip by bus!!

Administrative court charges 2% of monies claimed. Bet few of those farmers can afford to sue the government. and the credit rating agencies are what, asleep?

Is this kind of non-payment of salaries common? How would you tackle such a problem when it comes for time worked?

They have my bank details. Transfer payments to my bank account have been the established way to pay me. Who cares if they claim "the director has your check"?! Why on earth would that be the case? He won't be putting it into my account (no problem - as all employees had to open accounts with a certain bank), nor putting it in the mail.

Months later, I refuse to travel for 20 hours to pick up the damned pay check from Fall 2013.

Hope someone knows some way to get this sorted without filing in Administrative Court for the 2% fee, then having to wait - months, years?

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Thai government disbursement processes are often cumbersome. Means budget money, while there, takes time to move through the correct channels. Happens to the biggest and the smallest of company's and individual's.

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