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Stickmanbangkok Article Makes My Stomach Turn


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16-17 is still too young, I believe maybe sometimes you can get fooled, but I would always ask there age before hand if they looked young.

I believe any man who sleeps with a girl under 18 has problems.

Its no way ok to sleep with a 15-17 year old IMO.

Thats just sick

Haha, sorry and nothing personal, but this the silliest argument to me, yet so common. I think the age of consent should be 30 and anyone having sex with a 29 year old is sick. Now how do you feel when the shoe is on the other foot and you are the "sick" one having sex with a “child”? There is no magical age like a light switch where people are ready for it or become “adults”. In lieu of a readiness test akin to getting a driving license an age someone pulls out of their arse has to do and we must respect that just like speed limits on the road.

It is worth noting women reach their peak fertility around 17-19 years old. Guys are attracted to girls of this age because it is as mother nature intends it to be and I see no reason one should feel ashamed or labeled sick because of this. But at the same time there is good reason to have limits and we have to respect the laws. They are there to protect vulnerable persons whose whole lives could be irreparably damaged and that’s not something worth risking.

It’s tricky because I am not aware of a way to know someone's true age. Ask their age? Check their id? Decide by how old they look? Not reliable; nothing is. We can try our best, but we'll have to wait for better technology which might not come in our generation, but hopefully more sensible guidelines will come first. For instance, seeing a 60 year old with a 20 year old, while perfectly legal, seems a bit "unusual" compared to the (illegal) case of a 18 year old with a 17 year old.

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It is worth noting women reach their peak fertility around 17-19 years old. Guys are attracted to girls of this age because it is as mother nature intends it to be and I see no reason one should feel ashamed or labeled sick because of this.


For instance, seeing a 60 year old with a 20 year old, while perfectly legal, seems a bit "unusual" compared to the (illegal) case of a 18 year old with a 17 year old.

Don't you find those two statements contradictory? Why do you think it's unusual for an elderly man to be with a young woman? If an elderly man is able to attract a young beautiful woman who's of legal age, then more power to him. When I was 17, I found women in their late teens/early twenties to be attractive. When I was 25, I still found that same age range to be attractive. At 35, what I found attractive still didn't change. And I don't expect my desires to change any by the time I'm 60. I don't know, perhaps I'm a bit of an oddity, but I don't think so. I think almost all men are the same as me and their desires don't change with age. The only thing that changes is that in the western world as a man ages he finds it more and more difficult to attract a young women in her 20's unless he is extremely wealthy or famous.

I married a young woman, in her early 20's and I plan to stay with her, even as she ages because as we live our lives together my love for her grows and my physical attraction to her becomes less and less important. If I was to turn 60 and something tragic were to happen to my wife and I felt the need to find a new wife, I wouldn't be looking for someone 40 years old. I'd be looking for someone probably in their early 20's, late 20's at the most. It is a woman's youth and beauty which initially captures a man's heart (at least it is in my case), but it is the love that grows in time that keeps the couple together.

Many people call elderly gentlemen who get a young wife or girlfriend, "dirty old men". I guess these people think that an elderly man should deny all his sexual desires and be satisfied with a woman well beyond her prime. Men often remain fertile till their death, which is unlike women. I think it's only natural for men of any age to want a young fertile woman, provided they have the means to attract such a woman.

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In the absence of readable ID card information, or as an extra check, here's a useful list.

The theory is that most Thais will know the Chinese starsign animal for their year of birth. However if they're not truthful about their age (either way), then they're a lot less likely to instantly know the animal for that year. :o If anything it makes for interesting conversation.

You may have to switch your browser to Thai encoding to get the Thai text properly.

Chinese Starsigns

Year			Name	Name	Thai
1994: Dog	   joa	 maa+	¨Í
1993: Rooster   rakaa   kai’	ÃСÒ
1992: Monkey	woak”   ling	ÇÍ¡
1991: Sheep	 mamae   phae^   ÁÐáÁ
1990: Horse	 mamia   maa^	ÁÐàÁÕÂ
1989: Snake	 maseng+ ngoo	ÁÐàÊç§
1988: Dragon	maroong mangkorn		ÁÐâç
1987: Rabbit	tho!	krataai à¶ÒÐ
1986: Tiger	 khaan+  suea+   ¢ÒÅ
1985: Ox		chaloo+ wua	 ©ÅÙ
1984: Rat	   chuad”  noo+	ªÇ´
1983: Pig	   koom	moo+	¡Ø¹
1982: Dog	   joa	 maa+	¨Í
1981: Rooster   rakaa   kai’	ÃСÒ
1980: Monkey	woak”   ling	ÇÍ¡
1979: Sheep	 mamae   phae^   ÁÐáÁ
1978: Horse	 mamia   maa^	ÁÐàÁÕÂ
1977: Snake	 maseng+ ngoo	ÁÐàÊç§
1976: Dragon	maroong mangkorn		ÁÐâç
1975: Rabbi	 tho!	krataai à¶ÒÐ
1974: Tiger	 khaan+  suea+   ¢ÒÅ
1973: Ox		chaloo+ wua	 ©ÅÙ
1972: Rat	   chuad”  noo+	ªÇ´
1971: Pig	   koom	moo+	¡Ø¹
1970: Dog	   joa	 maa+	¨Í

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The only thing that changes is that in the western world as a man ages he finds it more and more difficult to attract a young women in her 20's unless he is extremely wealthy or famous.

Don't think that this is any different in the "eastern world".

Only difference is that small amounts of money go a lot further in the parts of the "eastern world" in which western males look for juvenile beauty, than in their homes of the "western world".

But rarely will an elderly man be any more attractive to a young woman from the east than to a young woman in the west. Young women in the east may only be more diplomatic about their prospective sponsor's appearance.

I think almost all men are the same as me and their desires don't change with age.

Well, then i must be an oddity, because the consistent inane blathering and endless emotional mindgames of young women drive me insane. I am too old to play along with that. Gimme someone more mature.

Edited by ColPyat
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1st marriage, 26 year old asst college professor.

2nd marriage, 26 year old business owner, 6 figure income.

3rd marriage 26 year old manager (250 employees) and part time stripper.

Hardly any inane blathering or mind games.

Last four mistresses two 26 year old dieticians (no blathering) one 20 year old college student (no blathering) and a 20 year old stripper (endless blathering and mind games).

The stripper was so mindless and blathering I videotaped a two hour argument. I watched the tape four times and could still not figure out what she was saying.

It seems to me Thai women are older and younger than Western women. By that I mean the 20 year old Hi so college student seems to have a chronological age of 12 and the 20 year old bar girl a chronological age of 30.

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this is the east, gentlemen. i think their is way too much emphasis on the farang culpability in this issue. asians generally have much more of a proclivity towards the "benefits" of the taking of a women's virginity, and are therefore culpable, in those instances, for the ensuing personal and social problems. almost always, by the time a farang is involved,the girl has been pretty banged up,mentally and physically. cambodia may be reminiscent of a thailand 30yrs. ago. i am in no way condoning illegal activity, but lets put the majority of the blame where it rightly belongs,here in their own backyard.

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I think almost all men are the same as me and their desires don't change with age.

Well, then i must be an oddity, because the consistent inane blathering and endless emotional mindgames of young women drive me insane. I am too old to play along with that. Gimme someone more mature.

I LOVE empty-headed little vixens. :o

To each his own! :D

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16-17 is still too young, I believe maybe sometimes you can get fooled, but I would always ask there age before hand if they looked young.

You can ask their age, but that certainly doesnt mean they will tell you the truth now does it?

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It is worth noting women reach their peak fertility around 17-19 years old. Guys are attracted to girls of this age because it is as mother nature intends it to be and I see no reason one should feel ashamed or labeled sick because of this.

It is also worth noting that most women reach their peak sexual libido/performance somewhere between 30-40 years old so all you older guys making out with young women miss out on the best part cause by the time the women are really up for it you can't get it up anymore :o

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It is also worth noting that most women reach their peak sexual libido/performance somewhere between 30-40 years old so all you older guys making out with young women miss out on the best part cause by the time the women are really up for it you can't get it up anymore


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It is also worth noting that most women reach their peak sexual libido/performance somewhere between 30-40 years old so all you older guys making out with young women miss out on the best part cause by the time the women are really up for it you can't get it up anymore


Prob was the case years ago, but I think Viagra/Cialis has put an end to that problem for the elderly. :o

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unblieveable, people making up excuses for themselves to have sex with a 15 year old girl. I find you people absolutely disgusting. This is an example of a phedo. as far as i'm concern.

As another posted previously post "when you are of age, you're here to protect the young and not take advantage of them".

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The other day, I saw an absolutely stunning girl putting up a poster across the street from a restaurant that I frequent.

All the Thai waiters and I were just staring in amazement.

I have lived in Thailand for many years and taught students of different ages and I was sure that she couldn't be any older than 16 years old, but the boys knew her and told me that she is 25. They even pointed out that she was wearing a University uniform which I hadn't thought about before.

It is VERY easy to get confused about the age of Thai people, and it is sick to ruin a man's life for making such a mistake with a willing sex-worker who is old enough to get married and have children and often has. :o

Well put, Ulysses G...

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'Kin hel_l! Hark at some of the moral high grounders here who probably have wives or GFs 20 years younger than themselves.......

I wonder if they could pick the ages of women in a line up or would even be be willing to put their money where their mouths are?

Stunning hipocrisy!

Bottom line is if you're not sure, don't go there or be sensible and stick to the backpacker crumpet.

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'Kin hel_l! Hark at some of the moral high grounders here who probably have wives or GFs 20 years younger than themselves.......

I wonder if they could pick the ages of women in a line up or would even be be willing to put their money where their mouths are?

Stunning hipocrisy!

Bottom line is if you're not sure, don't go there or be sensible and stick to the backpacker crumpet.

Quite correct there is a difference knowing a person's age and not in this case. Like I said I find it rather difficult to judge a person's age in the far east. (9/10 time nowhere near right)

Let's make it clear if you knowingly involve yourself with someone who is under the legal age then you bear the consequences of such behaviour. However as said previously even if you don't know you still are in a possible messy situation.

Edited by britmaveric
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More time than not, If she looks 15 than she's relatively close to 15. There are no excuse one can provide other than for pure indulgence. Would you have sex with a 15 year old girl in your own country? If no, than why do it Thailand? IF YES, YOU'RE A PEDOPHILER, plain and simple.

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More time than not, If she looks 15 than she's relatively close to 15. There are no excuse one can provide other than for pure indulgence. Would you have sex with a 15 year old girl in your own country? If no, than why do it Thailand? IF YES, YOU'RE A PEDOPHILER, plain and simple.

No, you are wrong. Pedophiles are only attracted to children who haven't reached puberty.

Ephebophilia is when one attracted mostly to adolescents, but it isn't considered a sickness or abnormal.

If one is attracted to a variety of females that have reached puberty, it means that one is what is referred to as a HETROSEXUAL MAN. :o


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pedophilia, paedophilia, or pædophilia (see spelling differences), is the paraphilia of being sexually attracted primarily or exclusively to pre-pubescent children. Persons with this attraction are called pedophiles.

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A few years ago I had an ex girlfriend in the States. She thought I did not know she was aware of my Thai web site. So I posted some pics of women I knew in Thailand to piss her off. The youngest woman’s pic I posted was 29. I knew this for a fact because I knew their children and families. My ex GF in the states called up all my friends and told them to look at the pictures of 12 year old girls that I had on my web site.

My conclusion is even though after living in Thailand one might be more aware of a persons age certainly people who are new to Thailand or people living in other countries do not have a good benchmark for judging a Thai persons age. And it is not just young women. I had a Thai language professor that I would have sworn was in her late 50’s and she was 72.

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More time than not, If she looks 15 than she's relatively close to 15. There are no excuse one can provide other than for pure indulgence. Would you have sex with a 15 year old girl in your own country? If no, than why do it Thailand? IF YES, YOU'RE A PEDOPHILER, plain and simple.

No, you are wrong. Pedophiles are only attracted to children who haven't reached puberty.

Ephebophilia is when one attracted mostly to adolescents, but it isn't considered a sickness or abnormal.

If one is attracted to a variety of females that have reached puberty, it means that one is what is referred to as a HETROSEXUAL MAN. :o


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pedophilia, paedophilia, or pædophilia (see spelling differences), is the paraphilia of being sexually attracted primarily or exclusively to pre-pubescent children. Persons with this attraction are called pedophiles.

another name for Hetrosexulman than would be PERVERT

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<b>If one is attracted to a variety of females that have reached puberty, it means that one is what is referred to as a HETEROSEXUAL MAN. </b> :o


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pedophilia, paedophilia, or pædophilia (see spelling differences), is the paraphilia of being sexually attracted primarily or exclusively to pre-pubescent children. Persons with this attraction are called pedophiles.

another name for Hetrosexulman than would be PERVERT

Hmmm someone without a decent grasp of english would be called NUMBNUTS

Edited by chonabot
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<b>If one is attracted to a variety of females that have reached puberty, it means that one is what is referred to as a HETEROSEXUAL MAN. </b> :D


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pedophilia, paedophilia, or pædophilia (see spelling differences), is the paraphilia of being sexually attracted primarily or exclusively to pre-pubescent children. Persons with this attraction are called pedophiles.

another name for Hetrosexulman than would be PERVERT

Hmmm someone without a decent grasp of english would be called NUMBNUTS

That would be a blessing for him.. If his nuts were numb, he wouldn't have problems being attrated to a 15 yrs old. :o

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The spirits must be flowing freely. I think all the Ulysses was trying to say is a person who is attracted to pre pubescent persons is a pedophile and people who are attracted to post pubescent persons are not pedophiles.

Different cultures put different ages on the legality of having sex with post pubescent persons. Different states in countries put different ages on what is legal or what is not legal.

Me thinks it is the same as people who are homophobic. That is the ones who cry the loudest are in fact the ones who have those desires.

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The spirits must be flowing freely. I think all the Ulysses was trying to say is a person who is attracted to pre pubescent persons is a pedophile and people who are attracted to post pubescent persons are not pedophiles.

Different cultures put different ages on the legality of having sex with post pubescent persons. Different states in countries put different ages on what is legal or what is not legal.

Me thinks it is the same as people who are homophobic. That is the ones who cry the loudest are in fact the ones who have those desires.

or have Morals?

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"The spirits must be flowing freely. I think all the Ulysses was trying to say is a person who is attracted to pre pubescent persons is a pedophile and people who are attracted to post pubescent persons are not pedophiles."

Technically correct but it is generally accepted now that say if a man went with a post pubescent girl of say 12/13 he would be labelled a pedophile and a judge would use those terms in court too in the UK.

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