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Stickmanbangkok Article Makes My Stomach Turn


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Ahh morality.... well seems this depends on the individual.

Some think alcohol is immoral

Some think drugs are immoral

Some think more than one spouse is immoral

Some think old man with a young lady is immoral

Some think not going to church is immoral

List can be endless....so I think its best to leave morals out of the equation and just stick with the legal aspects.

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Ahh morality.... well seems this depends on the individual.

Some think alcohol is immoral

Some think drugs are immoral

Some think more than one spouse is immoral

Some think old man with a young lady is immoral

Some think not going to church is immoral

List can be endless....so I think its best to leave morals out of the equation and just stick with the legal aspects.

Hate to disagree with you Brit, but Moral is an issue when it comes to an adult sexually exploiting children. BTW, last time i checked, 15 is still considered as a child in most country including England and US.

If 1 of these 15 years old were your child than I'm sure you would be saying the same as I

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Misplaced - its illegal I don't think you need to say anything more and I agree with it any punishment given. The article is more about one thinking someone is of age and they aren't, not the sickos that seek out that sort of thing. :o

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Ahh morality.... well seems this depends on the individual.

Some think alcohol is immoral

Some think drugs are immoral

Some think more than one spouse is immoral

Some think old man with a young lady is immoral

Some think not going to church is immoral

List can be endless....so I think its best to leave morals out of the equation and just stick with the legal aspects.

Hate to disagree with you Brit, but Moral is an issue when it comes to an adult sexually exploiting children. BTW, last time i checked, 15 is still considered as a child in most country including England and US.

We all agree that the law should be followed. No one is disputing that.

In fact, many of us think that the marijuana laws are wrong, or the laws in Thailand against buying alcohol at certain times of the day are silly, but we still follow the laws against smoking pot and buying beer in the afternoon.

However, that doesn't mean that putting a man in jail for 20 years and ruining his life for sleeping with a willing 17 year old girl is good or just or makes any sense logically. :o

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Brit - Completely understood about the intent of the article, but when a poster boast about his sexual encouter with a 15 years old a response is always req'd, specially when he's 28.

Oh get over it, prickly Wuss. I was not boasting, it's not a matter of pride, it's just something that happened. And my story was just a honest elaboration of how I felt at the time. I initatied the snooping around in her wallet and when I saw for sure how old she was I cut her off...QUICK. Now, if there was not a law against what I did, would I have cut her off? No, definetly not.

But there is,

And I did,

so thats that..the point was simply thats it's tough to tell so be carefull. I am certainly not endoursing any illegal activities or boasting about them....

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This is getting even more disturbing.

Some of you say that many 25 year old women look 15 as justification for some guy 'not knowing' the girl he was with was 15 years old?

Sorry, but I just think that this is the justification.

Guy looks at girl: Hmm, she looks 15.

Justifaction to his actions: Well, alot of thai women look young, might as well assume she is 25.

BTW, most 15 year olds I see look like they are 11.

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It is VERY easy to get confused about the age of Thai people, and it is sick to ruin a man's life for making such a mistake with a willing sex-worker who is old enough to get married and have children and often has.

a WILLING 15 year old sex worker? is being married with children of your own volition possible at age 15? would you wish it upon the daughter of anyone you know? i think it is far more sick to think the fact that you didn't get there first makes it right.

think about what you are writing

The legal age of consent around the world ranges between 12 and 21.

Paying for sex with someone under 18 is still very illegal.

Prostitution is illegal fullstop :o

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Brit - Completely understood about the intent of the article, but when a poster boast about his sexual encouter with a 15 years old a response is always req'd, specially when he's 28.

Oh get over it, prickly Wuss. I was not boasting, it's not a matter of pride, it's just something that happened. And my story was just a honest elaboration of how I felt at the time. I initatied the snooping around in her wallet and when I saw for sure how old she was I cut her off...QUICK. Now, if there was not a law against what I did, would I have cut her off? No, definetly not.

This sentence says it all. A pervert is a pervert no matter how he disguise himself (cpt money shot)

Anyone knowingly & willingly have sex with a child is a pervert.

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Brit - Completely understood about the intent of the article, but when a poster boast about his sexual encouter with a 15 years old a response is always req'd, specially when he's 28.

Oh get over it, prickly Wuss. I was not boasting, it's not a matter of pride, it's just something that happened. And my story was just a honest elaboration of how I felt at the time. I initatied the snooping around in her wallet and when I saw for sure how old she was I cut her off...QUICK. Now, if there was not a law against what I did, would I have cut her off? No, definetly not.

This sentence says it all. A pervert is a pervert no matter how he disguise himself (cpt money shot)

“If I am right, then [religious fundamentalists] will not go to Heaven, because there is no Heaven. If THEY are right, then they will not go to Heaven, because they are hypocrites.”

Isaac Asimov :o

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> Anyone knowingly & willingly have sex with

So after reading Capt. Shot's post you still write 'knowingly' when he clearly wrote:

> > "when I saw for sure how old she was I cut her off...QUICK."

Sorry, Misplaced, but you're distorting. That's not really helpful in a discussion.

I think it would be much better if people focussed their efforts and indignation at paedophiles. (Look up the definition.)

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I'll agree that it is sometimes VERY difficult to judge how old some Thais are. A good friend of mine and his Thai wife had a maid working for them. I used to visit them fairly often. The maid always flirted with me. I REALLY thought she was about 16 years old. As it turned out she was 26 years old. UNBELIEVABLE. :o

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Definitely a wind-up thread. Here's some rumour control, to the best of my knowledge:

The American law regarding sex & travel is covered under "interstate commerce" powers, and is limited to making trips for the purpose of breaking the law. If someone living abroad (for work, business, etc.) were *not* breaking the law locally, there would be no case to prosecute. Most people prosecuted under this law are either engaged in prostitution, on quick sex-tourist trips, or breaking local (foreign) laws regarding age of consent as well. Even in the states, there are still many states with age of consent under 18 (though it is illegal to drive across a state boundary for the purpose of breaking the home law there- this is where the precedent for the international cases is being made).

As far as age of consent in Thailand goes- I've gone through the law here before, and there's no simple story. The safest position is that the only people who can truly give full consent without their parents are 20 years and older- even a 19 year old is technically jailbait, if the parents object (due to strong age of majority laws, which supersede the age of consent).


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> Anyone knowingly & willingly have sex with

So after reading Capt. Shot's post you still write 'knowingly' when he clearly wrote:

> > "when I saw for sure how old she was I cut her off...QUICK."

Sorry, Misplaced, but you're distorting. That's not really helpful in a discussion.

I think it would be much better if people focussed their efforts and indignation at paedophiles. (Look up the definition.)

Chanchao - I was actually refering to the other statement which is:

"if there was not a law against what I did, would I have cut her off? No, definetly not.

That to me read, if there were no law against bedding the 15 years old (when you're 28), he would have continued.

However, if I did misread his statement than I sincerely apologize to The Capt. The statement did irritated me and I let my emotion get the best of me.

Ignore the apology if I did not misread it though :o

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The American law regarding sex & travel is covered under "interstate commerce" powers, and is limited to making trips for the purpose of breaking the law. If someone living abroad (for work, business, etc.) were *not* breaking the law locally, there would be no case to prosecute.

That is not correct. It was a correct statement until recently, but then a new law, the Protect Act of 2003 was signed.

Sec. 105


—Any United States citizen or alien admitted for permanent residence who travels in foreign commerce, and engages in any illicit sexual conduct with another person shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.

Part B, like the law it was replacing, deals with travelling with the intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct. Part C makes no mention of any intention.

Illicit sexual conduct covers many items, but for the purpose of this discussion, the important points that it covers are:

1) Commercial sex (paid sex) with anyone under 18

2) Sex with anyone under 16

There are no exceptions for paid sex with anyone under 18.

Exceptions for having sex with anyone under 16 include:

1) The couple were married at the time

2) There is less than a 4 year age difference between the couple

3) The defendant can prove that he reasonably believed that the other person was at least 16

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No appologie nessacary YES, I would have continued to make love to her anytime she came to me wanting such. And is 15 a child??? According to many laws yes, hence why I let her go. BUT if it was not the law then it becomes debatable. My X-mother in law was married at 15. As were her most of her sister's and cousins.

Anyway bottom line is, I respect the laws of whatever country I'm in and I respect pepole's freedom of choice. And through it all I keep my own guidelines as to right and wrong....She was sooo not wrong, so NOT a little girl in the bed room.

Thus no appologie nessacary, I did it and I liked it, but if I knew then what I know now I would have brushed her off when she came on too me in the mall.

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This is an interesting thread to say the least. First a few things that are being overlooked here.

First I think you can find the actual law here http://www.krisdika.go.th/home.jsp

The age of consent laws have one thing in mind, simply the body becomes sexual mature in females long before the mind is mature enough to deal with adult issues.

It was not that long ago that the average life expectancy of humans was about 40 years old. So when young girls of 14 and 15 were giving birth it was a matter of survival of the human race.

Now that we live to be 70+ the general public has seen the wisdom of the consent laws. However that is man’s law and not nature's law. The amount of stress in our lives has a lot to do with our sexuality. I have seen some studies over the past several years that suggest females are becoming visually sexual mature at earlier ages.

The study points to lower stress as the cause. When stress levels are very high women don’t menstruate and men find it difficult to get an erection. This is because the hormones related to stress tend to cancel out the ones related to sexual development, activity and desire. This is natures way of saying that conditions are not right to reproduce. Dealing with stress is a big part of Erectile Dysfunction therapy.

With the lower stress levels the sexual hormones dominate and physical maturity come earlier. So seeing young females with their busts fully developed at 15 adds to the illusion that they are older. The study suggests that development comes about 20 to 30 months earlier than it did around 100 years ago.

Add this to Thailand’s social structure of female children supporting their parents and it is little wonder that you can find girls under 18 looking to enter the sex trade.

About the only clue that seems to indicate age in Thailand is the length of hair. Students must keep their hair short in school. However even that can be deceptive with hair extensions. The other clue would be breast development. Mature breasts appear different than developing breasts.

Being sexually attracted to young mature females is very natural and normal. However that urge is repressed by law of man. Now when you add alcohol and that young female trying to seduce you so she can support her parents, it can become very difficult to resist the laws of nature that have been around a lot longer than the laws of man.

All Stickman is saying is watch yourself.

Edited by john Krukowski
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This is an interesting thread to say the least. First a few things that are being overlooked here.

With the lower stress levels the sexual hormones dominate and physical maturity come earlier. So seeing young females with their busts fully developed at 15 adds to the illusion that they are older. The study suggests that development comes about 20 to 30 months earlier than it did around 100 years ago.


My daughters will come to hate you....... based upon your post and an attempt to SLOW down the maturity process, I am going to initiate a pressure cooker stress system for my daughters aged 9 & 3.

Thank you John, my wife & I appreciate the theory and by next week my daughters will be suggesting that you change your name......

Thanks again!

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Whilst in the local Waitrose last week , my wife was asked for ID in order to buy cigarettes.

You have to be 16 or older in the UK. She is 34.


Similar thing happened to Jit a couple of months back in Tesco Chonny, although she was asked for id to buy a bottle of plonk. She is 32. As you know, i'm only 21. :o

Edited by markt
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What I've learned from this thread:

Anyone who has sex with a girl who even looks young should be castrated and shot as it probably means that they are attracted to young girls which is against the law, and besides, their fathers wouldn't approve.

Anyone who shags a woman below the age of 35 (especially if she looks young for her age) is a sicko and deserves what's coming to them. :o

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Thanks for the update on the text of the law, Soju, but I still think that the "travelling for foreign commerce" is a key point. It's different, to my way of thinking anyway, than "being a permanent foreign resident." Does the text of the law define this "travelling for foreign commerce?"


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