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pensioner Brits Thai wife used him as an ATM


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A 71-year-old man who believed his younger Thai bride was cheating on him and treating him like a 'cash cow' confronted her with a meat cleaver, a court heard.

Michael West later told police his wife Bangon, 50, had been using him as a 'walking ATM' for herself and her family in Thailand.

He complained he had spent £24,000 on a house for her next door to her sister in Thailand and more than £60,000 on her and other members of her family.

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Amazing how something like this seems so everyday ho-hum same-same, what's next "Briton gets belly ache from street food"?

But transplant it back in farangland and it becomes exotically dramatic!

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Seems she was taking portions elsewhere

Will these pensioners never learn?

What's the point in importing an exotic-looking Thai woman to a country where she will almost definitely be exposed to blokes who are younger, richer, better-looking, more fun and more emotionally secure than the importer?

Better to keep them here in the wild where the only competition will come from blokes in your own league.

Taking them back is like lambs to slaughter.

lol thats not far off what my partner said to me about me. Said he was glad im in Thailand because if he took me back to his country (we are both from different western countries), he recons he would lose me to the competition.

Choose the right girl though and doesnt happen, even here (and ive had some good offers here too). But some women have a sense of loyalty.

Anyway, I do feel sorry for the old guy, even if he really should have been old enough to know better.

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Might help to acknowledge what the Judge is reported to have said !

"Judge Jamie Tabor QC said: 'I am certainly not going to cast aspersions on your wife because it would be unfair to do so. What I am prepared to do is accept that you felt you were being used.

'Whether that is true or not is secondary. You have an alcohol problem and when people with alcohol problems arm themselves with knives the consequences are very often fatal or near fatal.'
As well as the 12 months jail term the judge made a restraining order banning West from contacting his wife or going to the restaurant where she works."
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Well....even guys in their sixties have desires and feelings....only human....no need to bash him i would say....right is still right and wrong is still wrong.......but its ok to judge....as will.....with upcoming posts from others.....be happy it aint you !


Evil can come in all shapes and forms.

It appears to be a case of taking advantage of the vulnerable, the lonely and the desperate.

This woman has cost him almost £90000, perhaps his life savings and all he got out of it was a year in prison. What a terrible fate for a 71 year old.

I fully realise that this guy is a mug, living a false dream of hopes, but nevertheless this is still very sad and nasty.

I am a staunch believer in natural justice and I hope this woman gets her just desserts.

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He just doesn't understand the system here, and continued to live in false hopes. Had he "turned off the taps", after they separated he might not have wound up in this situation. But I don't know anything about the "alimony" system here in Thailand with mixed nationality marriages. How are those handled by the system (if at all) ?

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I don't feel sorry for him at all. No one held a gun to his head and made him spend all of that money or take the woman to his country.

The meat cleaver is totally separate and a choice he made. If someone brandished a meat cleaver at me he'd be dead so in a way he got off lucky.

I will never get married, never build a house for a woman, and never lavish gifts on a woman. The biggest gift I ever gave a woman in Thailand was a new scooter and I was leaving the country and expected nothing in return. It was a gift for her being an awesome girlfriend for a few months.

The guy is nuts and got what he deserved.

Your nickname must be " mr empathy " ?

Oh come on

He should've stopped dishing the readies the minute the problems started but he wanted to keep getting his leg over every weekend.

He thought with his cock, simple as that.

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I don't feel sorry for him at all. No one held a gun to his head and made him spend all of that money or take the woman to his country.

The meat cleaver is totally separate and a choice he made. If someone brandished a meat cleaver at me he'd be dead so in a way he got off lucky.

I will never get married, never build a house for a woman, and never lavish gifts on a woman. The biggest gift I ever gave a woman in Thailand was a new scooter and I was leaving the country and expected nothing in return. It was a gift for her being an awesome girlfriend for a few months.

The guy is nuts and got what he deserved.

Your nickname must be " mr empathy " ?

Oh come on

He should've stopped dishing the readies the minute the problems started but he wanted to keep getting his leg over every weekend.

He thought with his cock, simple as that.

71...71...being cheated at the last stage of his life......how would u feel ?

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I don't feel sorry for him at all. No one held a gun to his head and made him spend all of that money or take the woman to his country.

The meat cleaver is totally separate and a choice he made. If someone brandished a meat cleaver at me he'd be dead so in a way he got off lucky.

I will never get married, never build a house for a woman, and never lavish gifts on a woman. The biggest gift I ever gave a woman in Thailand was a new scooter and I was leaving the country and expected nothing in return. It was a gift for her being an awesome girlfriend for a few months.

The guy is nuts and got what he deserved.

My thoughts exactly.

Some guys have Thailand pretty much figured out, others just think they do!

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I don't feel sorry for him at all. No one held a gun to his head and made him spend all of that money or take the woman to his country.

The meat cleaver is totally separate and a choice he made. If someone brandished a meat cleaver at me he'd be dead so in a way he got off lucky.

I will never get married, never build a house for a woman, and never lavish gifts on a woman. The biggest gift I ever gave a woman in Thailand was a new scooter and I was leaving the country and expected nothing in return. It was a gift for her being an awesome girlfriend for a few months.

The guy is nuts and got what he deserved.

My thoughts exactly.

Some guys have Thailand pretty much figured out, others just think they do!

So what have u figured out related to thailand ?

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I don't feel sorry for him at all. No one held a gun to his head and made him spend all of that money or take the woman to his country.

The meat cleaver is totally separate and a choice he made. If someone brandished a meat cleaver at me he'd be dead so in a way he got off lucky.

I will never get married, never build a house for a woman, and never lavish gifts on a woman. The biggest gift I ever gave a woman in Thailand was a new scooter and I was leaving the country and expected nothing in return. It was a gift for her being an awesome girlfriend for a few months.

The guy is nuts and got what he deserved.

Your nickname must be " mr empathy " ?

No, that's my real name.

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Seems she was taking portions elsewhere

Will these pensioners never learn?

What's the point in importing an exotic-looking Thai woman to a country where she will almost definitely be exposed to blokes who are younger, richer, better-looking, more fun and more emotionally secure than the importer?

Better to keep them here in the wild where the only competition will come from blokes in your own league.

Taking them back is like lambs to slaughter.

"What's the point in importing an exotic-looking Thai woman to a country where she will almost definitely be exposed to blokes who are younger, richer, better-looking, more fun and more emotionally secure than the importer?"

Absolutely no point at all! I find that hard to believe,from his 50 year old wife ? that's not any young guys exotic dream!,more like a morning after nightmare! I think the Media has used a good deal of artistic licence on this hyped up nonsense,it sells newspapers is the usual excuse, from the gutter press! I gave up buying Newspapers years ago!

Edited by MAJIC
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Its easy to bash the bird.

But we don't know the full story. He could of been a right tosser to be with.

Alcoholic. With a meat cleaver.chashing a 50 yr old.

Give me strength

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I don't feel sorry for him at all. No one held a gun to his head and made him spend all of that money or take the woman to his country.

The meat cleaver is totally separate and a choice he made. If someone brandished a meat cleaver at me he'd be dead so in a way he got off lucky.

I will never get married, never build a house for a woman, and never lavish gifts on a woman. The biggest gift I ever gave a woman in Thailand was a new scooter and I was leaving the country and expected nothing in return. It was a gift for her being an awesome girlfriend for a few months.

The guy is nuts and got what he deserved.

Your nickname must be " mr empathy " ?

Oh come on

He should've stopped dishing the readies the minute the problems started but he wanted to keep getting his leg over every weekend.

He thought with his cock, simple as that.

True, but I still feel sympathy for this guy. Anyone who doesn`t must have a heart of stone.

The lesson here is, if the girlfriend`s problems can only be solved with money than it`s time to call it a day and get out while you`re still ahead of the game.

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Its easy to bash the bird.

But we don't know the full story. He could of been a right tosser to be with.

Alcoholic. With a meat cleaver.chashing a 50 yr old.

Give me strength

Sent from my GT-I9305 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Perhaps, so why still accept his money rather than send him packing?

It seems the guy was her passport into the UK and quite tolerable while the cash was still flowing.

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