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PCAD spokesman can't promise protesters won't disrupt election


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So Suthep just spent all evening on stage saying exactly the opposite of what he said yesterday.

I will talk more politely

We will not disrupt elections.

Final desperate attempt for violence tomorrow as the march on Chalerms house.

Would be worrying, but luckily he is down to the last few hundred dead heads and a few staff at Asoke tonight.

Sad sad that the Army will not stop Suthep march on the Gov. They soon moved in when they thought the red shirts might march on their Coup minnion.s

Meanwhile many expats still don't think it is a coup. Maybe they went to the same schools as the Educated BKKians.!!!

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Yes, well this is all implied threat and attempts to intimidate....they know it's illegal so trying to threaten via the "please understand and reconsider" crap....the intimidatory tone and intent is crystal clear

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They are a bunch of lying thugs. I wouldn't believe a word they say. Suthep is a mad man who no one should trust.

Another fine example of copy and paste . . .

I reckon these Thaksinistas have spreadsheets full of gems like "fascist thug" "southern thug" "lying thug" etc. All distributed from a central location.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

It must be next to the other central location where the Suthep worshipers get their hep-handy answers to any comment that might be opposing their anti democracy stance. "Yingluck is Thaksin's puppet" "and what about the red shirts when they set fire to BKK in 2010" etc etc ...barf

The difference being the arguments against the reds and the government are well documented fact whereas a great deal of the crap you keep coming out with about the protestors and Suteb is your biased opinion and idle speculation with a little bit of reality here and there....

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Yes it would have SAVED A LOT OF MONEY to the country to do the reform before election but it is too late for that!

The real goal is, as a first step, eradicate the Thaksin regime before, during or after the election!

The second step being, implementing reforms to make our country a REAL DEMOCRACY!

The third step is to vote honestly for a new house of representative and government.

Democracy is worth far more than money.

The real goal is to put the Suthep's backers in power again.

He didn't do reforms when he was last in power. and can't state what his reforms are now.

He cannot permit a fair vote because he loses those.

At the last election Abhisit suggested that the vote should be weighted to favor his party as punishment for the protests.

So any reform would likely be some undemocratic vote rigging scheme.

The last election, Yingluk won by a large majority, even under the 2006 coup constitution, even though Suthep was in government, even though the press is yellowshirt.

She won seats that were previously yellow, their own voters rejected them in their own seats.

He is a pol-pot figure, closing schools, stopping elections, and trying to take Thailand back to year zero.

He lies about the numbers of his supporters.

He was able to block elections in the south so easily, so now I doubt his winning vote count in the south.

Now that we've done with the mindless propaganda point scoring, can you actually write a comment and argue your case?

I could say most of the same about your dearly beloved puppet master fugitive in Dubai and a lot more besides....

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So Suthep just spent all evening on stage saying exactly the opposite of what he said yesterday.

I will talk more politely

We will not disrupt elections.

Final desperate attempt for violence tomorrow as the march on Chalerms house.

Would be worrying, but luckily he is down to the last few hundred dead heads and a few staff at Asoke tonight.

Sad sad that the Army will not stop Suthep march on the Gov. They soon moved in when they thought the red shirts might march on their Coup minnion.s

Meanwhile many expats still don't think it is a coup. Maybe they went to the same schools as the Educated BKKians.!!!

You contradict yourself continually.

You keep on and on that Suteb wants a violence to bring a coup 'Final desperate attempt for violence tomorrow as the march on Chalerms house.'

Yet every time the protestors are attacked by the goveernment's militia you claim they were attacks planned by Suteb to try and gain sympathy.

So if he was planning those attacks and if he did really want violence, why didn't he just plan more and worse attacks to provoke the protestors ?

You can't have it both ways.

Total speculative bullshit from you red loving idiots, same as ever.

Nobody wants a coup as that would just bring the reds out on the streets and the customary violence that seems to follow where they go. A lot of the protestors live here and they don't want a repeat of 2010.....

Meanwhile there are thousands of intelligent protestors at the rally sites tonight, you are more a deadhead than the vast majority of the protestors who understand the truth of what PT haven done to this country.

Why should the army stop Suteb when the protests are mostly peaceful and reforms are so badlly needed ?

Even the majority of village idiots can see it, shame some of you fools can't....

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Yes it would have SAVED A LOT OF MONEY to the country to do the reform before election but it is too late for that!

The real goal is, as a first step, eradicate the Thaksin regime before, during or after the election!

The second step being, implementing reforms to make our country a REAL DEMOCRACY!

The third step is to vote honestly for a new house of representative and government.

Democracy is worth far more than money.

The real goal is to put the Suthep's backers in power again.

He didn't do reforms when he was last in power. and can't state what his reforms are now.

He cannot permit a fair vote because he loses those.

At the last election Abhisit suggested that the vote should be weighted to favor his party as punishment for the protests.

So any reform would likely be some undemocratic vote rigging scheme.

The last election, Yingluk won by a large majority, even under the 2006 coup constitution, even though Suthep was in government, even though the press is yellowshirt.

She won seats that were previously yellow, their own voters rejected them in their own seats.

He is a pol-pot figure, closing schools, stopping elections, and trying to take Thailand back to year zero.

He lies about the numbers of his supporters.

He was able to block elections in the south so easily, so now I doubt his winning vote count in the south.

Now that we've done with the mindless propaganda point scoring, can you actually write a comment and argue your case?

I could say most of the same about your dearly beloved puppet master fugitive in Dubai and a lot more besides....

Oh, so you know him?

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So Suthep just spent all evening on stage saying exactly the opposite of what he said yesterday.

I will talk more politely

We will not disrupt elections.

Final desperate attempt for violence tomorrow as the march on Chalerms house.

Would be worrying, but luckily he is down to the last few hundred dead heads and a few staff at Asoke tonight.

Sad sad that the Army will not stop Suthep march on the Gov. They soon moved in when they thought the red shirts might march on their Coup minnion.s

Meanwhile many expats still don't think it is a coup. Maybe they went to the same schools as the Educated BKKians.!!!

You contradict yourself continually.

You keep on and on that Suteb wants a violence to bring a coup 'Final desperate attempt for violence tomorrow as the march on Chalerms house.'

Yet every time the protestors are attacked by the goveernment's militia you claim they were attacks planned by Suteb to try and gain sympathy.

So if he was planning those attacks and if he did really want violence, why didn't he just plan more and worse attacks to provoke the protestors ?

You can't have it both ways.

Total speculative bullshit from you red loving idiots, same as ever.

Nobody wants a coup as that would just bring the reds out on the streets and the customary violence that seems to follow where they go. A lot of the protestors live here and they don't want a repeat of 2010.....

Meanwhile there are thousands of intelligent protestors at the rally sites tonight, you are more a deadhead than the vast majority of the protestors who understand the truth of what PT haven done to this country.

Why should the army stop Suteb when the protests are mostly peaceful and reforms are so badlly needed ?

Even the majority of village idiots can see it, shame some of you fools can't....

I was there. nowhere near 2,000,

many onlookers

PDRC employ 2,000 staff and guards so obvious at least half the crowd was theirs.

enjoy being out of step, but Thailand could move forward from this, but Suthep and his thugs must be swept aside first. With the dreadul showings this week on the marches and at the stages, this could be fast approaching.

As ye sow, so shall ye reap, and Sutheps armed guards are cruising for a bruising. and they are not up to it when it comes to a fight... unless it is with garbage collectors or nine inch nicky with his arms held behind his back.

Fascists rely on people like you to be blinded by their rhetoric. Luckily you are in a very very small minority these

Violence is the order of the day. Garbage collector held and tortured. Now the red have him at their stage for propaganda. You are deluding yourself if yo uthink these are not thugs.

This madness is now stregthening the red side of the argument. and once they see the pathetic spectacle of Suthep rambling to such a small crowd it could kick things out.



Edited by pipkins
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Yes it would have SAVED A LOT OF MONEY to the country to do the reform before election but it is too late for that!

The real goal is, as a first step, eradicate the Thaksin regime before, during or after the election!

The second step being, implementing reforms to make our country a REAL DEMOCRACY!

The third step is to vote honestly for a new house of representative and government.

Where might someone find these plans so their merit can be evaluated? I am particularly interested in step 2 and who chooses the people's council members, the criteria for determining who sits on it, the election reform plans that remove corruption, etc.

Frankly, I don't think you'll get answers to your questions because

a) there are no detailed plans - it's all flying by the seats of their P.

b ) any plans are subject to change every few days anyway

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So Suthep just spent all evening on stage saying exactly the opposite of what he said yesterday.

I will talk more politely

We will not disrupt elections.

Final desperate attempt for violence tomorrow as the march on Chalerms house.

Would be worrying, but luckily he is down to the last few hundred dead heads and a few staff at Asoke tonight.

Sad sad that the Army will not stop Suthep march on the Gov. They soon moved in when they thought the red shirts might march on their Coup minnion.s

Meanwhile many expats still don't think it is a coup. Maybe they went to the same schools as the Educated BKKians.!!!

You contradict yourself continually.

You keep on and on that Suteb wants a violence to bring a coup 'Final desperate attempt for violence tomorrow as the march on Chalerms house.'

Yet every time the protestors are attacked by the goveernment's militia you claim they were attacks planned by Suteb to try and gain sympathy.

So if he was planning those attacks and if he did really want violence, why didn't he just plan more and worse attacks to provoke the protestors ?

You can't have it both ways.

Total speculative bullshit from you red loving idiots, same as ever.

Nobody wants a coup as that would just bring the reds out on the streets and the customary violence that seems to follow where they go. A lot of the protestors live here and they don't want a repeat of 2010.....

Meanwhile there are thousands of intelligent protestors at the rally sites tonight, you are more a deadhead than the vast majority of the protestors who understand the truth of what PT haven done to this country.

Why should the army stop Suteb when the protests are mostly peaceful and reforms are so badlly needed ?

Even the majority of village idiots can see it, shame some of you fools can't....

I was there. nowhere near 2,000,

many onlookers

PDRC employ 2,000 staff and guards so obvious at least half the crowd was theirs.

enjoy being out of step, but Thailand could move forward from this, but Suthep and his thugs must be swept aside first. With the dreadul showings this week on the marches and at the stages, this could be fast approaching.

As ye sow, so shall ye reap, and Sutheps armed guards are cruising for a bruising. and they are not up to it when it comes to a fight... unless it is with garbage collectors or nine inch nicky with his arms held behind his back.

Fascists rely on people like you to be blinded by their rhetoric. Luckily you are in a very very small minority these

Violence is the order of the day. Garbage collector held and tortured. Now the red have him at their stage for propaganda. You are deluding yourself if yo uthink these are not thugs.

This madness is now stregthening the red side of the argument. and once they see the pathetic spectacle of Suthep rambling to such a small crowd it could kick things out.


Following the usual red bs false logic here 'The reds beat him up so they could parade him on stage and try to get sympathy for their cause'...

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This is a very clever strategy being played out now the the CC has passed the buck back to Yingluck and the EC, they need to make a decision and they need to make it fast. They don't have the luxury of laying down conditions, because they won't be accepted by the protest leaders or the Dem party. They need the rice money fast and that is still up in the air at the moment with an influx of legal challenges still threatening to close that door. Also a sword of Damaclese hanging over the heads of cabinet ministers and the PTP which can be dissolved without notice.

Then the PDRC and PCAD sending out very deliberately mixed and confusing signals just to make that decision much tougher. Just goes to prove that Yingluck is just too easy to be manipulated psychologically by anyone who wants to. Not great statesman material, but then again she never was. She must have been really shit at chess.

It is almost like they want her to make the decision of pressing ahead with the elections because the rice payments are likely to be stopped by legal challenges before they really begin. The clock is ticking and of course, the elections will be hampered, maybe they will allow the advance vote tomorrow just to give that little extra confidence to Yingluck to step into the trap. Then come Feb 2nd, the protesters will not even approach a polling booth, they will simply deploy bodies to sit down on every road leading to a polling station and not move in a 'peaceful' protest, thus blocking entry to potentially dozens of polling station areas. Add this to the seats that won't have candidates and those who don't have staff or even polling facilities. Then we have a recipe for a disaster which will serve to put Yingluck in the clown seat once again for the world media to laugh at.

She'll simply point to the PDRC's refusal to guarantee elections as proof a future election would be no different and continue with this one.

If the Democrats want to dump Suthep and go back to democracy, now is there chance, but they need to come out quickly and without any ambiguity. A proper "we will run in the new election" stance.

Suthep's PDRC isn't a political party and he won't run for election, so he can never be pro-democracy at this point.

Who says you have to be a political party to be pro democracy? I don't get the impression you want him to run for office anyway. Human Rights Watch is an international organization that seeks to protect people's human and political rights. According to you they are not a political party and thus are anti-democratic.

Pushing ahead with an election that will fail and has only one viable party running is not very democratic.

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The PDRC have showed their disrespect to Muslim worshippers in a mosque and even abuse monks who refuse to do what the PDRC demands so we know what to expect from these anti-democratic thugs.

Why can't they be more like Thaksin and just stuff muslims in a truck till they suffocate?

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Yes it would have SAVED A LOT OF MONEY to the country to do the reform before election but it is too late for that!

The real goal is, as a first step, eradicate the Thaksin regime before, during or after the election!

The second step being, implementing reforms to make our country a REAL DEMOCRACY!

The third step is to vote honestly for a new house of representative and government.

Democracy is worth far more than money.

The real goal is to put the Suthep's backers in power again.

He didn't do reforms when he was last in power. and can't state what his reforms are now.

He cannot permit a fair vote because he loses those.

At the last election Abhisit suggested that the vote should be weighted to favor his party as punishment for the protests.

So any reform would likely be some undemocratic vote rigging scheme.

The last election, Yingluk won by a large majority, even under the 2006 coup constitution, even though Suthep was in government, even though the press is yellowshirt.

She won seats that were previously yellow, their own voters rejected them in their own seats.

He is a pol-pot figure, closing schools, stopping elections, and trying to take Thailand back to year zero.

He lies about the numbers of his supporters.

He was able to block elections in the south so easily, so now I doubt his winning vote count in the south.

Now that we've done with the mindless propaganda point scoring, can you actually write a comment and argue your case?

I could say most of the same about your dearly beloved puppet master fugitive in Dubai and a lot more besides....

You do, endlessly, in fact all you yellows ever do is talk about fugitives in Dubai putting ear medicine while shopping. It's like you have 3 talking points, and you just repeat them ad-nauseum.

But even your own Suthep, accepts that Yingluk won the popular vote, so I repeat this again. Perhaps you'll provide a less stock answer?

Democracy is worth far more than money.

The real goal is to put the Suthep's backers in power again.

He didn't do reforms when he was last in power. and can't state what his reforms are now.

He cannot permit a fair vote because he loses those.

At the last election Abhisit suggested that the vote should be weighted to favor his party as punishment for the protests.

So any reform would likely be some undemocratic vote rigging scheme.

The last election, Yingluk won by a large majority, even under the 2006 coup constitution, even though Suthep was in government, even though the press is yellowshirt.

She won seats that were previously yellow, their own voters rejected them in their own seats.

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They are a bunch of lying thugs. I wouldn't believe a word they say. Suthep is a mad man who no one should trust.

Another fine example of copy and paste . . .

I reckon these Thaksinistas have spreadsheets full of gems like "fascist thug" "southern thug" "lying thug" etc. All distributed from a central location.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

At least he has a spreadsheet full of cliches instead of the single word epithet that you and your ilk repeatedly use - one that emanates from a time when the United States covertly tried to overthrow the democratically elected socialist government of Nicaragua because it didn't suit Uncle Sams vision of the world.

I must admit though the comparison between Suthep and Americas bully-boy tactics is apt.

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