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I'm no photographer.

Sure in a former life I had a Nikon SLR setup, lenses filters the lot, and took thousands of images of my travels.

In those days a roll of film would have only 36 shots so you were a little more carefull to compose and select what you shot.

I would follow some basic rules in coposition of a photo, like have something in the foreground of a landscape to give it depth and some others that I forget now. Kids these days with their digital cameras and computer editing just don't know what there missing whistling.gif

What has always intigued me were shots of people especially movie stars and models where the camera has captured a certain angle or look that when you look at it you just know "yes that's the shot"

Trying to be objective I know My Girl is just one of many pretty girls that you see around every day and probably would not look twice if you saw her in the street. But on that day with the hair and makeup I saw that "yes that's the shot" look that I tried to capture.

Perhaps it was a bit pretentious to post My Girl but she's is "My Girl' and I just couldn't help myself. wub.png

Again thanks to all for your interest and comments especially "Fimgirl" but in future I think I should probably stick with the "People and their Pickups" thread.


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@ Daffy D...

I downloaded your "girls" photo yesterday to do what I call

an FPT...Fast Photoshop Transform...then I was called out

on assignment to Bali where I am now. I shall endeavour to

get the FPT's pic to you later today.

On a personal note...I reckon you should also hang around

this thread too...we're nice people...bit whacky at times but

nice folks nevertheless.


@ Daffy D...

I downloaded your "girls" photo yesterday to do what I call

an FPT...Fast Photoshop Transform...then I was called out

on assignment to Bali where I am now. I shall endeavour to

get the FPT's pic to you later today.

On a personal note...I reckon you should also hang around

this thread too...we're nice people...bit whacky at times but

nice folks nevertheless.

I can do whacky, though prefer to call it artistic whistling.gif

Look forward to your FPT



How old is she...you mentioned oldest daughter...how many other daughters ?

I am not looking forward to the day of boyfriends and teenage tantrums etc....I am considering a shotgun.


Another thing that can be done is to just replace the background with something else. This was done fast so not very accurate but gives you an idea of other options available. For example, the background could be replaced with a solid or patterned color such as white, light blue, etc. to make it look like a studio photo. As I said this is very rough, did a poor job of selection, and done in about 15 minutes. She's a star. smile.png


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@ Daffy D...

Here's a side by side of your daughter. Left pic=original while the right is my FPT'd image.

You can easily see what I did and it was minimal work...about 30 minutes. More can be

done especially with the noise that is around the individual hairs extending to her cheeks

and some other stuff...as I mentioned...just a quick job for you! I like to keep and enhance

the colours a bit to make faces stand out from the background...but just a tad bit or else

the colours tend to become too overbearing. Sharpening was minimal as I only sharpened

the plane of her eyes & mouth then cleaned up the associated noise from the sharpening;

which was done at 0.5 pixel at a threshold level of 5. A note about digital sharpening....one

can only sharpen so much....so it is highly advisable to start with a properly focused image



Keep Shooting & Cheers

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Thanks "Tywais" and "Sunshine" for posting your creations

I like the star background it gives the picture a whole different feel - nice.

Impressed with the changes made by "Sunshine" without the side by side comparrison I would have notced there was something different but could not put my finger on it - very subtle.

Interesting to see what can be done with the computer in photo editing. Looks like a hobby I could take up in the future.

Couple of people have asked My Girls age. You know that a lady does not reveal that sort of thing, but can tell you she is still some years short of her teens.

Yes I also have another younger girl and as it happens her photo is on the "Show your half Asian Baby" in the family section. On the first page I believe.

Lets see what you photo editors can do with that whistling.gif

Daffy wai.gif

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Hi Duffy

I hope that you don't mind but I also took it upon myself to see if I could help you with the photo of your beautiful daughter.

Although after seeing Tywais,Sunshines and Fimgirls transformations the I am a little bit skeptic of showing mine.

I tried to pick out the profile more by overlaying a faded sketch,more clarity,sepia,soften and a few other bits and bobs.

I hope that I have done You and Your daughter proud.




Edit.....noticed a makeup smudge in the corner of her right eye.


Very nice "Shaggy" classic sepia look with golden highlights, your effort belongs right up there with the others. thumbsup.gif

Difficult to know which is best as they all have merit in their own way,

Not enough room to hang them all on the wall, and little sister might feel left out post-4641-1156694606.gif so I'll probably make up a collage as a center piece.

Again than you all for your interest and submissions.


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@ Daffy D...

I downloaded your "girls" photo yesterday to do what I call

an FPT...Fast Photoshop Transform...then I was called out

on assignment to Bali where I am now. I shall endeavour to

get the FPT's pic to you later today.

On a personal note...I reckon you should also hang around

this thread too...we're nice people...bit whacky at times but

nice folks nevertheless.

Oh go on, post at least one Sports Illustrated pic.



@ Daffy D...

I downloaded your "girls" photo yesterday to do what I call

an FPT...Fast Photoshop Transform...then I was called out

on assignment to Bali where I am now. I shall endeavour to

get the FPT's pic to you later today.

On a personal note...I reckon you should also hang around

this thread too...we're nice people...bit whacky at times but

nice folks nevertheless.

Oh go on, post at least one Sports Illustrated pic.


A tad bit OT but how did you know this was an SI job?!

I mean...it IS a travel shoot....right?


@ Daffy D...

I downloaded your "girls" photo yesterday to do what I call

an FPT...Fast Photoshop Transform...then I was called out

on assignment to Bali where I am now. I shall endeavour to

get the FPT's pic to you later today.

On a personal note...I reckon you should also hang around

this thread too...we're nice people...bit whacky at times but

nice folks nevertheless.

Oh go on, post at least one Sports Illustrated pic.


A tad bit OT but how did you know this was an SI job?!

I mean...it IS a travel shoot....right?

So it is an SI job!

You lucky . . . .

Your concept and my concept of "work" differ slightly.

Here's what I got to tog last week . . .


. . . and that's the interesting shot.

Next week I get to tog some site rubbish and residual hazardous waste drums! biggrin.png

On topic. Daffy keep shooting and where are your latest shots?

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