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The US is not biased: US State Department; Thai-US relations


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The statement does not mention the now caretaker government at all. Before I remember they did mention the "elected government".

Means they accept the possibility of it being gone at some point. Of course they will then befriend the new government, whatever signature it has. After all geopolitics say Thailand is the last stand against islam in the region.

Keep on Dreaming,what part of the "The United States is deeply troubled by effort to block polls and otherwise prevent voting in Thailand and by the most recent acts of political violence" or

"Preventing citizens from voting violates their universal rights and is inconsistent with Democratic values"!

Do you not understand!,

You all keep grasping for straws hoping one could be used to unseat the elected PM of Thailand, Yingluck S.

The U.S. will side with the Democractic Majority in the Thailand, which is not Suthep's Rabble!!


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The statement does not mention the now caretaker government at all. Before I remember they did mention the "elected government".

Means they accept the possibility of it being gone at some point. Of course they will then befriend the new government, whatever signature it has. After all geopolitics say Thailand is the last stand against islam in the region.

Keep on Dreaming,what part of the "The United States is deeply troubled by effort to block polls and otherwise prevent voting in Thailand and by the most recent acts of political violence" or

"Preventing citizens from voting violates their universal rights and is inconsistent with Democratic values"!

Do you not understand!,

You all keep grasping for straws hoping one could be used to unseat the elected PM of Thailand, Yingluck S.

The U.S. will side with the Democractic Majority in the Thailand, which is not Suthep's Rabble!!


You obviously do not know the difference between the appointed and the elected PM. So you'd better inform yourself instead of continually posting inaccurate information.

Take care

Edited by Mackie
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Sure we all are proud of our passports issued by a State department run by Clinton and Kerry, appointed by the illegal Obama. All 3 are born liars and scum. Of course they have to teach the world to sing.

Hey get over it, A black man elected President of the US, I love it.

Now all that ill feeling is brought to Thailand, by you and the last post I answered that mentioned Muslims, don't you farangs like anyone!


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That's a joke. Just look what side they are on in the Ukraine protests. Those protesters are doing the same things the protesters here are doing, except taking it further. When they storm a government ministry, they don't just hand out letters and flowers, they stay there and take over.

There is no joke. The Obama administration has taken no sides in the case of Ukrainain protests. In fact the Ukraine elections were very peaceful. However, some Republican Congressmen such as McCain have supported the protestors and to Thailand Suthep supporters that may be confusing. Confusing in that there is an opposition party WITHIN the Government that can disagree with the leader of the Executive Branch of Government.

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The US will support whoever wins the VOTE. That leaves out the side that is trying to prevent it from happening.

WRONG: The US supports whoever best serves their interests in the region. If you don't believe, look at their history of supporting people like Saddam Hussein and an endless list of bana-republic dictators over the years. If the favored regime manages to pull of some semblance of an election victory, all the better.

The US also has a history of abandoning dictators and in some cases even bringing about their downfall like Saddam Hussein.

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That's a joke. Just look what side they are on in the Ukraine protests. Those protesters are doing the same things the protesters here are doing, except taking it further. When they storm a government ministry, they don't just hand out letters and flowers, they stay there and take over.

You dude, this article is about Thailand not the ukraine. Ok Only saying.

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The statement does not mention the now caretaker government at all. Before I remember they did mention the "elected government".

Means they accept the possibility of it being gone at some point. Of course they will then befriend the new government, whatever signature it has. After all geopolitics say Thailand is the last stand against islam in the region.

Keep on Dreaming,what part of the "The United States is deeply troubled by effort to block polls and otherwise prevent voting in Thailand and by the most recent acts of political violence" or

"Preventing citizens from voting violates their universal rights and is inconsistent with Democratic values"!

Do you not understand!,

You all keep grasping for straws hoping one could be used to unseat the elected PM of Thailand, Yingluck S.

The U.S. will side with the Democractic Majority in the Thailand, which is not Suthep's Rabble!!


You obviously do not know the difference between the appointed and the elected PM. So you'd better inform yourself instead of continually posting inaccurate information.

Take care

Now you are going to re-write the history of Thailand, if you dislike what I post, don't read it or put me on your ignore list.

Chill, don't give yourself a heart attack over something you can't change! I think I will post to my family and most (if not all) of the members of our village support for the "elected" PM of Thailand, Yingluck Shinawatra!

Many Cheers

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Probably a very small percentage of the "whole world" even knows where Thailand is much less care what's happening here.

The US will buddy buddy up to whoever comes out on top.

....and the rest of the world will dumbly complain about it in a bar....and do nothing...

perhaps snap at an American about our faults....but never offer help nor solutions.

Another loser.

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That's a joke. Just look what side they are on in the Ukraine protests. Those protesters are doing the same things the protesters here are doing, except taking it further. When they storm a government ministry, they don't just hand out letters and flowers, they stay there and take over.

Protesters are doing the same things the protesters here are doing, except taking it further? Then its not the same thing, is it.

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A similar situation to what is happening in Thailand is now developing in Cambodia where the elected government is being challenged by a significant element of the population because of the perceived endemic corruption.

It will be interesting to see which side the US decide to back there.

Well you can bet your bottomed out baht it will not be Hung Sen, second in charge to Pol Pot? I for one hope the US learnt their lesson.. Though one never knows....

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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someone in government told my wife that the current Thai administration has defaulted on some kind of loan made by the US to Thailand

they have not paid anything for 5 months

maybe that's why they are so interested in the situation and support Yingluck

they want to get paid.....

Prove it or its just rubbish.

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Probably a very small percentage of the "whole world" even knows where Thailand is much less care what's happening here.

The US will buddy buddy up to whoever comes out on top.

I was raised as 'an American'.. Who really gives a sh*t what the US gov thinks at this point. They've lost any credibility.

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This is just the boiler plate must be said reiteration of the stock state department stance on elections and governance.

Behind the scenes I am sure they know the lay and play for pay of the land, are are just waiting to see how things shake out.

Yes, they will deal with which ever government comes out on top,

but less easily if one is not 'legitimate' in some arcane philosophical calculation.

Presumably by a government regarded as

"legitimate in some arcane philosophical calculation",

what you really mean, is one democratically voted in by the Thai electorate in an Royally decreed Election?

It has SFA to do with "arcane philosophy", it's an established democratic practice.

No that's not what I said. This is not about the Thai governments legitimacy lost or retained, but about how the USA calculates legitimacy in a technical sense. And arcane in that is is not the same in every government, and how foggy bottom specifically deals with these differences in political philosophy is not always clear to all. Since they are not all run the same, democratic on surface or not.

There is a stock boiler plate list of functions that if done mean they will be supported

by USA, even if there is total hope they will be felled by their own citizenry in a legal fashion.

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State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a statement that while the US does not take sides in the political dispute and strongly supports freedom of expression and the right to peaceful protest, it deems the PDRC’s action preventing citizens from voting violates their universal rights and is inconsistent with democratic values.

They reiterate their call for all sides to refrain from violence, exercise restraint, and commit to sincere dialogue to resolve differences peacefully and democratically.

I admire anyone who has the minerals to talk about 'refraining from violence' after their own country just finished invading and destabilising sovereign nations in the Middle East, leading to over a million deaths, and total lawlessness, the law void then being filled by extremist deathsquads. You got to have some real guts to stand there and say that stuff, at least with a straight face.

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The statement does not mention the now caretaker government at all. Before I remember they did mention the "elected government".

Means they accept the possibility of it being gone at some point. Of course they will then befriend the new government, whatever signature it has. After all geopolitics say Thailand is the last stand against islam in the region.

That's incredibly wishful thinking and hardly geopolitically aware. Thailand is not regarded as "the last stand against Islam" in the region. Where do you get that from? It fits neither with US policy nor with reality. Thailand is useful as a voice in the US drive to contain China but it's politically unacceptable for Obama to seen to be coddling an aspiring despot like Suthep. SEA is an incredibly important region for the US but it's a region where the democratic process is paramount - hence the support for Indonesia in the last decade. The very last thing the US wants or needs a country like Thailand ruled by an appointed council as touted by the dim Suthep.

Quite agree..in what you saying

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I am not talking about what the press report! only the idea that the whole world find it abhorrent, If one compares it to the Ukraine then what is happening in Thailand is a picnic in the park. In fact I would suggest that the Ukraine is more of a worry for the west Than Thailand will ever be.

Ukraine has nothing to do with Thailand, nor is an opinion on the Ukraine situation relevant to what one thinks about Suthep's affront to democracy surely? Why does one need to compare the two to try and justify it or have an opinion?

It's beyond question that the world's governments that have expressed an opinion on Thailand - and there are a large number - have universally called for elections. There is no support for Suthep at a governmental level in the wider world. Zero - but there is wide support for elections. And the world's media have shown none either (and, yes they are reporting this) at an editorial level. Mostly people I speak to around the world day to day are simply bemused by how the whistle mob can be so dumb.

Thank you for deciding what is or is not relevant! IMO it is quite justifiable to compare one country with another when the aims of the people are similar. I did not make any distinction though about Suthep and the Ukraine, So obviously you are anti Suthep. Even though he has not said no to elections.

He wants reform before elections, So that the country can vote on a new constitution, he has even said he was willing at that stage to accept which ever Party wins. The shout for Democracy seems to be lost on those who seem to think that the PTP government are Democratic in their behaviour???

Even Thaksin has said Democracy is not the aim!

But it fits PTP agend to label peaceful demonstrators insurrectionists and terrorists to deflect what they are doing to the country. And while there is a certain amount of violence, It is still more peaceful than one might expect! though that could change!

Good grief - I was trying to apply logic to your answer. It seems to be a hopeless task and underlines why the protesters seem to struggle with even simple concepts like the right to vote. Scroll up thread and you'll find others have clearly explained why the Ukraine (which you included in the conversation, not me, by the way) and Thailand are very different cases.

Any chance you could point the forums in the direction of the mandate Suthep has for anything?? He does not have the right to demand anything. The world (and yes, I use the term very loosely as I'm aware there could some in the world's media, although a government is very unlikely, that may support Suthep's plans for an autocracy, they just seem to be keeping quiet) requires a mandate for his plan to be acceptable. That there is none and the fact that PT is regarded as the legitimate and recognised government by all other governments whether you like it or not means that whilst reasonable protest is acceptable to the international community, the sort of stuff seen in recent days is not. Argue it, rant and accuse others of being red or whatever, it won't change that.

He does not have the right to demand anything. Meaning Suthep! Well he's doing a pretty good job of destabilising the government. A legitimate corrupted government which probably in reality don't give two figs what the international community think. Even though they use it as a reason for the protesters to give up.

As for your logic, well I'll leave that out as off topic!

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The statement does not mention the now caretaker government at all. Before I remember they did mention the "elected government".

Means they accept the possibility of it being gone at some point. Of course they will then befriend the new government, whatever signature it has. After all geopolitics say Thailand is the last stand against islam in the region.

Keep on Dreaming,what part of the "The United States is deeply troubled by effort to block polls and otherwise prevent voting in Thailand and by the most recent acts of political violence" or

"Preventing citizens from voting violates their universal rights and is inconsistent with Democratic values"!

Do you not understand!,

You all keep grasping for straws hoping one could be used to unseat the elected PM of Thailand, Yingluck S.

The U.S. will side with the Democractic Majority in the Thailand, which is not Suthep's Rabble!!


You obviously do not know the difference between the appointed and the elected PM. So you'd better inform yourself instead of continually posting inaccurate information.

Take care

Now you are going to re-write the history of Thailand, if you dislike what I post, don't read it or put me on your ignore list.

Chill, don't give yourself a heart attack over something you can't change! I think I will post to my family and most (if not all) of the members of our village support for the "elected" PM of Thailand, Yingluck Shinawatra!

Many Cheers

What do you mean by "elected PM"?

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Why does anyone even care what the US gov't thinks? Let me clue you in, the American people HATE the US gov't! Congress has a 9% (NINE!) approval rating, we know they are spying on all of us and doing a bunch of illegal stuff including droning innocent children all over the world.

If the US takes anyone's side in a conflict you can be pretty sure that the opposite side is far more just.

The rest of the world has pretty much had it with America...they hang on with the reserve currency and a strong military...that's it!

A load of bullocks once again, such ignorant statements.

It's pretty evident that every time the USA is mentioned in a thread, that the low life crawl out to get in a good bash or two. Their ignorant statements are testimony to a lifetime spent living in dark corners of the world spitting out garbage about Americans in General. Mostly has to do with their inability to get their own governments out of the closet. Perhaps, however, it is due to these people not getting proper pensions/medical assistance here in Thailand. There was a good thread about this recently...mostly elderly Brits that roam the beaches of Pattaya without financial/mental capabilities. A burden that Thailand must bear.

I wonder where the majority of posters on Thai Visa hail from??? Let me guess....lol

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The US is not biased but always supports the principles of one man, one vote, except in cases where this results in a regime that is not supportive of US interests, e.g. in today's world Ukraine, Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrein, Yemen, Israel, the UAE etc and in the past Greece, Chile, Argentina, El Salvador, Guatamala, Thailand and other hotbeds of fascism in the 60s-80s. What a great record!

You forgot Nicaruaga.

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Why does anyone even care what the US gov't thinks? Let me clue you in, the American people HATE the US gov't! Congress has a 9% (NINE!) approval rating, we know they are spying on all of us and doing a bunch of illegal stuff including droning innocent children all over the world.

If the US takes anyone's side in a conflict you can be pretty sure that the opposite side is far more just.

The rest of the world has pretty much had it with America...they hang on with the reserve currency and a strong military...that's it!

A load of bullocks once again, such ignorant statements.

It's pretty evident that every time the USA is mentioned in a thread, that the low life crawl out to get in a good bash or two. Their ignorant statements are testimony to a lifetime spent living in dark corners of the world spitting out garbage about Americans in General. Mostly has to do with their inability to get their own governments out of the closet. Perhaps, however, it is due to these people not getting proper pensions/medical assistance here in Thailand. There was a good thread about this recently...mostly elderly Brits that roam the beaches of Pattaya without financial/mental capabilities. A burden that Thailand must bear.

I wonder where the majority of posters on Thai Visa hail from??? Let me guess....lol

It does seem odd that whenever the US is mentioned a load of people come out and start bashing it.

The US is just saying the same as the majority of other democratic governements worldwide, why pick on the US.

Incidentally being British (not roaming Pattaya beach though) what was that thread? Just curious, there are many wasters on Pattaya beach!

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