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Bangkok: Man wearing anti-government T-shirt and wristband shot dead


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Man wearing anti-government T-shirt and wristband shot dead


BANGKOK: -- A man who dressed in a black T-shirt and wore a Thai national flag wristband of the anti-government People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) was shot dead and his body left on a road near Wat Samien-naree temple in Prachachuen area this morning.

His body was found by residents who immediately alerted Prachachuen police.

There are traces that he was beaten up before being shot four times on the chest. He was not yet identified as forensic police are still inspecting the area looking for clued to his murder.

-- Thai PBS 2014-01-28

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Man in protest T-shirt shot dead; protester hurt in bomb attack
By Digital Content


BANGKOK, Jan 28 - The body of a dead man clad in a black anti-government protest T-shirt with a national flag tri-coloured ribbon on his wrist was found near a Bangkok Buddhist temple, police said on Tuesday.

Pracha Cheun police investigators inspected the crime scene and found the bullet-ridden body wearing the T-shirt bearing words (in Thai) which reads "People's Revolution" near Samian Naree Temple.

Police believed that he had been killed elsewhere prior to his body being dumped near the temple.

In a separate incident, a protester was slightly wounded when a homemade bomb exploded at a protest site near Government House late last night.

A volunteer guard leader of the Network of Students and People for the Reform of Thailand (NSPRT) which have been rallying at Government House said the incident occurred at 10.20pm when an assailant threw a small homemade bomb from the direction of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Office.

The explosive device fell on the side of the stage near the Office of Public Sector Development Commission, slightly wounding a protester.

A team of guards immediately closed all exits after the incident and searched a nearby building. Pieces of the bomb were collected as evidence and handed over to police for further investigation.

Meanwhile, Khan Na Yao police inspected home of Samran Rodpetch, a political activist and protest leader of the People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) after his home at Chuan Cheun housing estate was hit by bomb attack.

Police said the attack was occurred at 3am, a car was damaged and glass windows were shattered. A bomb trigger was found outside his home.

At the time of the explosion, Mr Samran's wife and a maid were at home. Mr Samran was on the PDRC stage at Victory Monument and had not been staying at home for months. Police believed the incident was meant to threaten the activist and his family. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-01-28

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Shinawatra democracy at work again.


Groundless accusation at work again.

Read & Instist on Proofs first

It's hard to pin point the motive for such a crime, some of the protesters on both sides have a rather narrow view of life , this could be attributed to the education system, they seem to think everyone should think like them, the problem of solving the crime is equally hard for poorly educated police officers like the DSI , who by now must be over loaded with these crimes , the old way of settling a score still survives in Thailand, if you don't like some one shoot them.

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If I had a business that was interrupted due to the protesters and consequently failing, I think I'd be pretty angry with the anti-government protesters as well.

The fact the he was wearing political clothing does not indicate any political opponents were behind this. It could have been any reason for the killing. That's what the anti-government protesters don't understand. When you block the streets and drive away customers, then you make more enemies than just the government and their supporters. And the mafias don't like to see their income streams disrupted.

And here come the spin doctors! clap2.gif

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And do you have any proof this was done by Red Shirt Hitmen? With so many people wearing those items, what are the chances that a personal grudge against that person was the motive. I will not say that this had no political motive either. But the way you conclude that it was INDEED the act of a Rogue Red Shirt JUST is too much of a stretch.

Interesting is how only these 'elusive men in black' and other associated red shirt hitmen are always the guys who can't seem to get caught. Ironic how that works. One day Thaksin, it'll be your turn. Hope the family of the victim soon have a new system and leaders to turn too, and if not least, the killer and the groups who arranged it avenged.

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Sad waste of life. This should not happen in a civilized world.

Problem is we are not living in a civilised world, in civilised world people would not be killed on the basis of political or religious ideologies ,banks/governments wouldn't be stealing peoples money etc etc

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The only question is - which side is doing this? It does look like an act of intimidation. Or it could have been done to tarnish the image of the government. Really don't know. But a murder is a murder - no matter the motive.

There were no random killings of protesters in 2010. This is a rain of terror ordered by high up.

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Shinawatra democracy at work again.


Groundless accusation at work again.

Read & Instist on Proofs first

Of course, given that he was an anti-government protester, the likelihood is that he was killed by one of his own to raise tensions...right...?!

This has the hallmark of the Thaksinistras all over it, and there is nothing that you can say or do to deflect it...!!

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There were no random killings of protesters in 2010. This is a rain of terror ordered by high up.

Indeed that massacre was:

Sad waste of life. This should not happen in a civilized world.

Sickening. Hope someone catches the pricks who did this and set them on fire.

I feel for this man's family and loved ones. It's a shameful killing.

Somebody the other day mentioned extra judicial killings?

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