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Bangkok: Man wearing anti-government T-shirt and wristband shot dead


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Red supporters, Cambodians

STOP THE KILLING of innocent people.

Yingluck, their blood is in your hands.

Stop spewing nonsense. "Cambodians"...congratulations, you have joined the Thai community of racists, xenophobes and rabble-rousers. If you're really from Greece--widely recognized as the cradle of critical thought--you should bury your head in shame for your transgressions.

Well said.

As always, That's have never done it. Soon this whole mess, the corruption, the protests, the government... soon someone will say it's the fault of the burmese or the Cambodians...

STOP accusing others and denying responsibility for your own acts.

No ....hes right - the cambodian murderers sent by Hun Sen to help his Shinawatras family are responsible - Cambodians in Thailand murdering thai people - now bury your own head in your hands in Shame!!

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The people who did this are cowards. Stop disturbing or harming any protesters be they are Reds , Yellows, UDD, PRDC etc. Instead if the cowards who did this had any real balls, please eradicate the main core protests leaders from all sects as its they who are disrupting the country.

Including the puppet wrecking the coutry to bring back her criminal brother or leaving her out as the democratic elected prime minister!!

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Shinawatra democracy at work again.



Or maybe a drugs deal gone wrong, or maybe a family dispute. Who knows. Let's wait for the police investigation to run its course before jumping to conclusions.

One thing IS clear, dressing up in anti-government t-shirts, whistle, tri-color bands of the 'we are the real people' has just become a fashion don't.

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BANGKOK: -- A man who dressed in a black T-shirt and wore a Thai national flag wristband of the anti-government People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) was shot dead and his body left on a road near Wat Samien-naree temple in Prachachuen area this morning.

Why not tell it like it is, he was MURDERED? Shot dead does not is an over use of words. Keep it simple and to the point.

A Thai way of explanation.

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The more these people do this the more THEY not the PDRC are asking for a coup. Or is that what Thaksin wants the military to be called out so that he can use the replaced by a coup card again.

The only thing that can be done now is the military take control of the government. Cancel the Election that is going to solve nothing. Talk to the diplomatic corps for suggestions ONLY.

Then do what has been suggested a team of 30 10 from PTP UDD 10 from PDRC DEM 10 from Business and education in a military controlled location

Bar the people involved in speaking to the media or other members of their party. Have a complete media black out

bar them from talking to any family until this is sorted out.

Once they have a draft agreement then let them have members of their party officials come in and look at it make suggestions if there are areas that need to be looked at.

Then once there is an agreement bring it to the people for a vote. With parties only allowed to discuss the agreement and not to argue against it.

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Something I am finding very interesting.

Over the past few months of protests, there have been a considerable number of bombings, shootings, and deaths.

The army commander General Prayuth [sic] has asked for a stronger police response, investigating and accounting

The top Police General Adul, has asked for closer police enforcement and accounting.

Prime Minister and later caretaker PM Yingluck has requested stronger police coverage and investigation

Both sides of the arguments have asked for the police to do better work or at least a better accounting

The bombings, shootings and injuries surely by now number in the hundreds.

So the question is.. ?????? Where are the Police???

Have any arrests been made ????

This latest killing was reported by one news media report as the police when they got to the scene , estimated the victim was dead at least 3 hours. Is the closest Donut shop that far away ???

A open suggestion to Kn. Suthep may be for him to have some of the gang boycotte the local donut shops and not let all the police in..... apparently they are spending too much time away from the scene of all the incidents to apprehend anyone, even a suspect for any of the shootings, bombings, grenade throwing, beatings or other forms of death and injury.

So the ? is WHY NOT, What are you police doing...... looking foir helmetless motor bikers ??

The police? Since one of Suthep's main rallying points is how the police are worse than useless and must be reformed from top to bottom you may infer where their interests for the safety of the pretesters reside.

Accepting that your point is accurate, then , as much as I dislike doing it, I must agree with the Suthep definition, as being proven.

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well well well,(not 3 holes in the ground either) the reds are at it again, thaksins orders being followed to a tee. These red shirts are worse than the muslim terrorists down south, pathetic

Why are you saying the red shirts? Did you see it? I think you should look alittle bit before you judge.

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The more these people do this the more THEY not the PDRC are asking for a coup. Or is that what Thaksin wants the military to be called out so that he can use the replaced by a coup card again.

The only thing that can be done now is the military take control of the government. Cancel the Election that is going to solve nothing. Talk to the diplomatic corps for suggestions ONLY.

Then do what has been suggested a team of 30 10 from PTP UDD 10 from PDRC DEM 10 from Business and education in a military controlled location

Bar the people involved in speaking to the media or other members of their party. Have a complete media black out

bar them from talking to any family until this is sorted out.

Once they have a draft agreement then let them have members of their party officials come in and look at it make suggestions if there are areas that need to be looked at.

Then once there is an agreement bring it to the people for a vote. With parties only allowed to discuss the agreement and not to argue against it.

Good idea except ...........

those 10 from business and education. Where would their sympathies and ideologies lie?

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I think Sutheps supporters on TV are losing their marbles. I sense more and more desperation as this farce approaches its end. Every so often I read a post here and shake my head with utter disbelief. But crikey this thread has plunged to new depths. Pathetic.

Condolences to the family of the murdered man.

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It is a tragedy if Thailand has come to this. The silent majority of the Thai people have thus far been very restrained in their reaction to the attempt by Mr.Suthep to overthrow the government they elected only 2 1/2 years ago. now that they have been physically prevented from voting, tempers are getting frayed. I just hope that the majority will leave their weaopns at home. I also hope Mr. Suthep will now help to calm the situation down by calling off his prostest and show himself as a statesman instead of a mobster.

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If I had a business that was interrupted due to the protesters and consequently failing, I think I'd be pretty angry with the anti-government protesters as well.

The fact the he was wearing political clothing does not indicate any political opponents were behind this. It could have been any reason for the killing. That's what the anti-government protesters don't understand. When you block the streets and drive away customers, then you make more enemies than just the government and their supporters. And the mafias don't like to see their income streams disrupted.

I agree with you 100%.......politic is one thing money is the thing..........wai2.gif

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well well well,(not 3 holes in the ground either) the reds are at it again, thaksins orders being followed to a tee. These red shirts are worse than the muslim terrorists down south, pathetic

Unfounded and unproven incendinary remarks that will just continueto encourage the bloodshed.

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If you want to snuff someone out right now is really a good time. Just shoot em and plant an anti-government scarf and wristband on their body.

The BIB at their convenience will conclude protest violence and throw the file into the cabinet, case closed.

Same thing happened when Thaksin went on an anti-drug campaign warpath and thousands of bodies piled up. All victims were classified as drug dealers etc. when in fact many could have been well-planned extra-judicial exterminations of political rivals and competition.

Ask the Human Rights Commission, most of the cases never saw the light of day in court.

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well well well,(not 3 holes in the ground either) the reds are at it again, thaksins orders being followed to a tee. These red shirts are worse than the muslim terrorists down south, pathetic

Intersting, although uninformed, perspective in view of 6,000 deaths and 10,000 injuries in the restive South since 2004. But, you probably felt good writing it and thought you were making some kind of authoritative statement.

Edited by unanimosity
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Seems a matter of time before the anger transfers to the election officials for not getting it done. might well explain the mass resignation. No point getting shot by reds shooting at Sutheps crew, just to get a partial vote that won't get a parliament installed. Seems it is open season on Anti-Government Protestors and the EC staff doesn't want to be caught in the cross fire for such little pay.

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It is a tragedy if Thailand has come to this. The silent majority of the Thai people have thus far been very restrained in their reaction to the attempt by Mr.Suthep to overthrow the government they elected only 2 1/2 years ago. now that they have been physically prevented from voting, tempers are getting frayed. I just hope that the majority will leave their weaopns at home. I also hope Mr. Suthep will now help to calm the situation down by calling off his prostest and show himself as a statesman instead of a mobster.

Funny how it is so easy for some to ignore the fact that it is mostly protest supporters & leaders that are being killed, injured and their houses damaged.

The government 'elected' 2.5 years ago has resigned and unfortunately want to buy & intimidate their way to power again without any 'luxuries' like a cleaner system and reduction in the continual dictatorial family.

Yes, I suppose it makes sense to bomb and shoot the protestors into submission. That's democracy of the red kind after all.

Edited by khunken
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