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Bangkok: Man wearing anti-government T-shirt and wristband shot dead


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Why will the Shinawatras want to instigate any killings as it will only get all the fingers point at them?

The government has been purposely non confrontational for most of this charade and now Suthep Luvvies would have you believe they would screw it all up when they are on the eve of a election landslide which can only be halted by Suthep Mob violence. Whatever its a win win for Thaksin..so he shoots a few strays...you need to check what you are posting before you hit the enter key. ( failing that read after posting then quickly and select edit post to save you from embarrassment)

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Another senseless killing, sadly this wont be the last by any means, if you belong to either camp crying about the other you are a fool, this only ends with compromise.

While sides stay on the blame culture path things will only get worse and more will die i have no doubt.

RIP this victim and all the ones to come, there is no winners just losers in a broken system with already broken solutions.

I see no answer until all are considered and brought to the table, sadly there is no sign of that happening anytime soon.

Edited by englishoak
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For all you so-called experts alleging this was done on Thaksin's orders or is what he wants, consider the fact that this actually works against his interests. The more this sort of thing happens, the more likely it is that the generals will feel it's time to step in. I can't, for the life of me, see how that would benefit Thaksin. Consider the following:

  • It's possible this was not a political killing ... we can't be sure. Just because the guy was wearing political gear when he was murdered does not prove that politics were the motive. At this point, the hard-core protesters are probably wearing political gear every day wherever they go, and this tragic event may have been the outcome of another conflict entirely.
  • It's possible--though not especially likely--that he was murdered by some of Suthep's supporters (for example, the Black Panthers murdered some of their own because they believed them to be informers/moles). I don't buy into conspiracy theories that Suthep himself would be part of this. (And I do think this is the least likely explanation)
  • Yes, it's most likely, of course, that he was murdered by government supporters. However, this does not mean it was done on the orders of the government or Thaksin (see above). More likely, this was someone acting on his/their own agenda. Large scale social movements often attract radicals or rogue elements ... their actions are not necessarily consistent with the goals of the leadership.

So please, people, stop with the dubious allegations, claims and conspiracy theories.

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Red supporters, Cambodians

STOP THE KILLING of innocent people.

Yingluck, their blood is in your hands.

....do you think there is any love or concern for her 'fellow man'...???

...the orders are to steamroller over the anti-government protesters....

...slaughter a few...or several......

...make sure none of them come out to vote.....

...and win the election....obviously at any and all costs......

...they have not finished r*ping Thailand yet.....

.....sociopathy at its best/worst......

,,,,this is scary sh*t....is anyone watching.....can anyone do anything to stop this travesty...

Edited by SOTIRIOS
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Something I am finding very interesting.

Over the past few months of protests, there have been a considerable number of bombings, shootings, and deaths.

The army commander General Prayuth [sic] has asked for a stronger police response, investigating and accounting

The top Police General Adul, has asked for closer police enforcement and accounting.

Prime Minister and later caretaker PM Yingluck has requested stronger police coverage and investigation

Both sides of the arguments have asked for the police to do better work or at least a better accounting

The bombings, shootings and injuries surely by now number in the hundreds.

So the question is.. ?????? Where are the Police???

Have any arrests been made ????

This latest killing was reported by one news media report as the police when they got to the scene , estimated the victim was dead at least 3 hours. Is the closest Donut shop that far away ???

A open suggestion to Kn. Suthep may be for him to have some of the gang boycotte the local donut shops and not let all the police in..... apparently they are spending too much time away from the scene of all the incidents to apprehend anyone, even a suspect for any of the shootings, bombings, grenade throwing, beatings or other forms of death and injury.

So the ? is WHY NOT, What are you police doing...... looking foir helmetless motor bikers ??

The police? Since one of Suthep's main rallying points is how the police are worse than useless and must be reformed from top to bottom you may infer where their interests for the safety of the pretesters reside.

Accepting that your point is accurate, then , as much as I dislike doing it, I must agree with the Suthep definition, as being proven.

exactly in western countries - the police follow the law- they defend the public from attacks EVEN IF the public call them names - that is their DUTY - DuTY a word not known to Shinawatra followers!!

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Red supporters, Cambodians

STOP THE KILLING of innocent people.

Yingluck, their blood is in your hands.

....do you think there is any love or concern for her 'fellow man'...???

...the orders are to steamroller over the anti-government protesters....

...slaughter a few...or several......

...make sure none of them come out to vote.....

...and win the election....obviously at any and all costs......

...they have not finished r*ping Thailand yet.....

.....sociopathy at its best/worst......

,,,,this is scary sh*t....is anyone watching.....can anyone do anything to stop this travesty...

You should get some rest.

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well well well,(not 3 holes in the ground either) the reds are at it again, thaksins orders being followed to a tee. These red shirts are worse than the muslim terrorists down south, pathetic

We haven't seen any decapitated school teachers bodies in BKK yet; unlike down south!

I also think the previous red shirt putdown was far more violent, time will tell I suppose.

I do no one thing. If the dictatorship backed by royalist lackeys who want to return Thailand to pre 1930's ever get power then we'll see a lot more bloodshed.

Good luck to true democracy(if there is ever such thing) I say.

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Shinawatra democracy at work again.


Groundless accusation at work again.

Read & Instist on Proofs first

It's hard to pin point the motive for such a crime, some of the protesters on both sides have a rather narrow view of life , this could be attributed to the education system, they seem to think everyone should think like them, the problem of solving the crime is equally hard for poorly educated police officers like the DSI , who by now must be over loaded with these crimes , the old way of settling a score still survives in Thailand, if you don't like some one shoot them.

I have been in Thailand long enough to know that an ideology or a personal right is the last thing a Thai would risk his freedom for. However, there is something going on in BKK that a Thai would be willing to kill for, especially an elite, and that is the loss of jobs, businesses, savings, investments, educations, and homes. And even the elites are well enough educated to see the anomaly in a movement that calls itself democratic yet follows an agenda to deprive the Thai people any involvement in the selection of the national leadership. The killings have little to do with the ideology of the protest movement. They are about the economic effects of discouraging over 25% of income generating visitors from visiting.

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@Gemini81 //Maybe, if you pay me and handsome some..the above is like translating a Shinawatra interview for CNN.//

- Can you please say Bah Bah? Seriously, I've never heard or seen the human equivalence of sheep before... pretty please?

Edited by maxme
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Something I am finding very interesting.

Over the past few months of protests, there have been a considerable number of bombings, shootings, and deaths.

The army commander General Prayuth [sic] has asked for a stronger police response, investigating and accounting

The top Police General Adul, has asked for closer police enforcement and accounting.

Prime Minister and later caretaker PM Yingluck has requested stronger police coverage and investigation

Both sides of the arguments have asked for the police to do better work or at least a better accounting

The bombings, shootings and injuries surely by now number in the hundreds.

So the question is.. ?????? Where are the Police???

Have any arrests been made ????

This latest killing was reported by one news media report as the police when they got to the scene , estimated the victim was dead at least 3 hours. Is the closest Donut shop that far away ???

A open suggestion to Kn. Suthep may be for him to have some of the gang boycotte the local donut shops and not let all the police in..... apparently they are spending too much time away from the scene of all the incidents to apprehend anyone, even a suspect for any of the shootings, bombings, grenade throwing, beatings or other forms of death and injury.

So the ? is WHY NOT, What are you police doing...... looking foir helmetless motor bikers ??

The police are all out solving the fertilizer incident…

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How could the protesters believe that they could overthrow a government elected by the majority, destroy the democratic system and commit countless criminal acts... without consequences?

It is time for these naive people to go back home to avoid more incidents.

Not only the majority of Thais are against them but also the whole world.

Suthep and the other leaders of this anti-democracy movement should be held responsible and punished in the toughest way for all the mess and death that they brought back to Thailand.

Sent from my iPhone...

LOL! Shinawatra 'democracy'! They shoot dead their enemies but blame the other side for the deaths! Punish them in the toughest way indeed! clap2.gif

Ah shriek 2010 2010 coup coup coup.

No coup attempt = no muppets following a fascist = no violence.

Fighting FOR democracy is not frowned up on anywhere outside N Korea or Burma. Cry Thaksin all you want.. it's already fallen on deaf ears at the Army..

Meanwhile, still no detail on Sutheps Poodles Council. Other than he will appoint them and tell them what to do or else!!! We know nothing about it. smile.png

Could someone translate what this person is on about? Drinking(or perhaps drugs) plus posting on TV don't really go together.

"Drinking(or perhaps drugs) plus posting on TV don't really go together."

Perhaps you should take your own advice!

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Red supporters, Cambodians

STOP THE KILLING of innocent people.

Yingluck, their blood is in your hands.

....do you think there is any love or concern for her 'fellow man'...???

...the orders are to steamroller over the anti-government protesters....

...slaughter a few...or several......

...make sure none of them come out to vote.....

...and win the election....obviously at any and all costs......

...they have not finished r*ping Thailand yet.....

.....sociopathy at its best/worst......

,,,,this is scary sh*t....is anyone watching.....can anyone do anything to stop this travesty...

".can anyone do anything to stop this travesty..."

Yes! Suthep and his fascist hordes could go home and respect democracy!

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Suthep is really to blame, he should hand himself in

Suthep TAKSIN is really to blame, he should hand himself in, HE is responsible for the current protests, his militia's violence against the protestors and also the riots in 2010. His puppets must also accept some responsibility...

Thaksin shoud NEVER have been thrown out of the saddle in 2006, which was 100% illegal and against the Constitution. That military Coup with Muppet Abhisit as a back-up was the worst mistake made. If they wanted to get rid of Thaksin (because of his Temasek deals and so go on.......) the courts should have done the work. Not tanks directed by Thailand's elite. That is the cause of all misery now. And what I notice from Suthep side; it is always blaming blaming blaming...... Take a mirror I would say.

He refused the negotiation invitations several times. That is almost as stupid as what happened in 2006. There is no other cure than stop blaming as a vulcano but act diplomatically and have table talks. The only way to arrive to compromises especially when you represent the MINORITY.

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A man is dead. That is all anyone knows. Those who know any more than that certainly aren't going to tell us. Beyond, that... a man is dead, and the remainder of this chapter is hearsay and guessing.

The only thing I am curious about is his identity. They probably won't include that in a follow up story. It would be interesting to know who he was and what he was about. A typical homebody I suspect he was not, simply because typical homebodies don't end up, typically, as assassinated bodies.

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If I had a business that was interrupted due to the protesters and consequently failing, I think I'd be pretty angry with the anti-government protesters as well.

The fact the he was wearing political clothing does not indicate any political opponents were behind this. It could have been any reason for the killing. That's what the anti-government protesters don't understand. When you block the streets and drive away customers, then you make more enemies than just the government and their supporters. And the mafias don't like to see their income streams disrupted.

Come on, it "happens everywhere"...let's block 42nd street and 5th Ave in Manhattan. Why? because I don't like Obama.

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Red supporters, Cambodians

STOP THE KILLING of innocent people.

Yingluck, their blood is in your hands.

....do you think there is any love or concern for her 'fellow man'...???

...the orders are to steamroller over the anti-government protesters....

...slaughter a few...or several......

...make sure none of them come out to vote.....

...and win the election....obviously at any and all costs......

...they have not finished r*ping Thailand yet.....

.....sociopathy at its best/worst......

,,,,this is scary sh*t....is anyone watching.....can anyone do anything to stop this travesty...

".can anyone do anything to stop this travesty..."

Yes! Suthep and his fascist hordes could go home and respect democracy!

And Thaksin should stop his ambitions and Yingluck should go home and be a wife and mother and they should have fair elections (NO vote buying)

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If I had a business that was interrupted due to the protesters and consequently failing, I think I'd be pretty angry with the anti-government protesters as well.

The fact the he was wearing political clothing does not indicate any political opponents were behind this. It could have been any reason for the killing. That's what the anti-government protesters don't understand. When you block the streets and drive away customers, then you make more enemies than just the government and their supporters. And the mafias don't like to see their income streams disrupted.

If I had a business that was interrupted due to the protesters and consequently failing, I think I'd be pretty angry with the anti-government protesters as well.

Are you saying you would murder people if you were in the same circumstances?

If I wanted to murder someone I had a grudge against, now would be the perfect opportunity, as there are so many thousands of people with motive it would be less likely that the case would be investigated thoroughly beyond the easy answer of political malice.

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