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Central ruined my day today


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Central Dept store is the anchor of the mall by the same name. They do sell white goods.

Robinsons do not rent from Central

Wrong. Robinson's rent from Central. Sure you've even been to Thailand?

Robinsons are owned by the Central Group. Yes they do rent from themselves or rather from the Central Patana Group which is owned by Central so even if the poster has never been to Thailand he probably is more correct than bangsaenguy

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Thai Culture doesn't allow for customer service, as everything is 'Buyer Beware', including food. On time, job completed at the agreed price, no MSG, no spices, don't bet on it - ever..!!

As Customer Service has faded in the West, it never arrived here.

You handled it the best way possible - buy what you need elsewhere.

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I remember when I was expecting a parcel from overseas about three years ago. I could tell from the tracking number that it had arrived in Thailand so I knew more or less when it should have been delivered. No delivery.......then I got a telephone call from someone in the Post Office to check my address as the sender had written it incomplete. I gave him my address and at the end of his shift, 5pm, the same man I spoke to drove to my house in his own car to deliver it to me personally.

Where else in the world would I get that sort of service?

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Thai Culture doesn't allow for customer service, as everything is 'Buyer Beware', including food. On time, job completed at the agreed price, no MSG, no spices, don't bet on it - ever..!!

As Customer Service has faded in the West, it never arrived here.

You handled it the best way possible - buy what you need elsewhere.

A food truck with vegetables and meats stops at my house daily. Street food sellers walk by my house with eggs and fruit and other food stuffs daily. A water truck delivers 5 gallon water bottles weekly. Garbage pick up and recyclers stop daily. I can get anything delivered for a 50 baht charge form the local motorcycle drivers (send a photo if I don't know the name of the item). I got the dressing changed on a wound daily at a doctors clinic almost at my door for 100 baht and he took the stitches out for 300 baht.

I don't need an appointment to see a doctor and he and the bank are open nights and weekends.

Thailand is a paradise of customer service when compared to the West. Banks and doctors open nights and weekends in the West? Delivery charge $1.50 for anything in a 5 mile radius in the West? How much do you pay a maid in the West? Tell me about service ya.........

Edited by thailiketoo
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TiT. And Central is probably one of the best run retail companies in Thailand.

What precisely do you mean by "best run""? - sounds like a highly subjective and nebulous concept.

Central is run by a family and is near enough a monopoly.

they have ritually no customer interface and can do just about whatever they like in the retail market.

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Thai Culture doesn't allow for customer service, as everything is 'Buyer Beware', including food. On time, job completed at the agreed price, no MSG, no spices, don't bet on it - ever..!!

As Customer Service has faded in the West, it never arrived here.

You handled it the best way possible - buy what you need elsewhere.

A food truck with vegetables and meats stops at my house daily. Street food sellers walk by my house with eggs and fruit and other food stuffs daily. A water truck delivers 5 gallon water bottles weekly. Garbage pick up and recyclers stop daily. I can get anything delivered for a 50 baht charge form the local motorcycle drivers (send a photo if I don't know the name of the item). I got the dressing changed on a wound daily at a doctors clinic almost at my door for 100 baht and he took the stitches out for 300 baht.

I don't need an appointment to see a doctor and he and the bank are open nights and weekends.

Thailand is a paradise of customer service when compared to the West. Banks and doctors open nights and weekends in the West? Delivery charge $1.50 for anything in a 5 mile radius in the West? How much do you pay a maid in the West? Tell me about service ya.........

It seems you are confusing price with customer service.

It really doesn't matter what "facilities" are offered or how much they cost if the company feels no obligation to see them through in the event of a problem.

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"I just moved here"

You have much to learn grasshopper...


Pretty common occurrence from my experience and not just from them. I always plan on wasting a whole day regardless of what time they tell me they will show. One time, they said delivery would be at 2:00PM and they arrived at 10:00AM. It would have been a problem if I decided to go to work that morning and come back just before 2.

To be fair, this is a pretty common complaint in the US (where I'm from) as well, especially from cable TV and phone companies. Sorry about your unsatisfactory experience.

I had a great experience with Central recently. I found a Panasonic home theater sound system, 50% off, at Central Chidlom that integrates perfectly with my TV. I live in Chiang Mai. The sale price expired Dec 31, and we were flying home on New Years Day. I asked if I could pay that day (Dec 29) and pick it up in CM on Jan 2. Dude made a phone call, gave me full details and a receipt for picking it up at Robinson's at Airport Plaza in CM, including the name of the person he spoke to. I was in and out of Robinson's in less than ten minutes on Jan 2. I have a favorable impression of Central (including Robinson's and BigC). They're usually pretty competent compared with the rest of the f--ups in stores here.

A few good examples don't negate the general poor situation CS in Thailand.

"Central is run by a family and is near enough a monopoly." - one thing I notice in Thailand is the complete BS surrounding "sale" prices. There is no law enforced that controls what a "sale" price is. You often notice that the "sale" price is actually not even a reduction or that a particular good is "on sale" at the same price in ALL the retailers - in which case it isn't a sale price is it?

Often when you purchase something at sale price you lose all your warranty and after-sales service.

Basically there is no TDA in Thailand.

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"I just moved here"

You have much to learn grasshopper...


Pretty common occurrence from my experience and not just from them. I always plan on wasting a whole day regardless of what time they tell me they will show. One time, they said delivery would be at 2:00PM and they arrived at 10:00AM. It would have been a problem if I decided to go to work that morning and come back just before 2.

To be fair, this is a pretty common complaint in the US (where I'm from) as well, especially from cable TV and phone companies. Sorry about your unsatisfactory experience.

I had a great experience with Central recently. I found a Panasonic home theater sound system, 50% off, at Central Chidlom that integrates perfectly with my TV. I live in Chiang Mai. The sale price expired Dec 31, and we were flying home on New Years Day. I asked if I could pay that day (Dec 29) and pick it up in CM on Jan 2. Dude made a phone call, gave me full details and a receipt for picking it up at Robinson's at Airport Plaza in CM, including the name of the person he spoke to. I was in and out of Robinson's in less than ten minutes on Jan 2. I have a favorable impression of Central (including Robinson's and BigC). They're usually pretty competent compared with the rest of the f--ups in stores here.

A few good examples don't negate the general poor situation CS in Thailand.

"Central is run by a family and is near enough a monopoly." - one thing I notice in Thailand is the complete BS surrounding "sale" prices. There is no law enforced that controls what a "sale" price is. You often notice that the "sale" price is actually not even a reduction or that a particular good is "on sale" at the same price in ALL the retailers - in which case it isn't a sale price is it?

Often when you purchase something at sale price you lose all your warranty and after-sales service.

Basically there is no TDA in Thailand.



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To be more constructive, are all shops like that, or should I just go buy everything in the shop?


If you were Thai you would have had the delivery at the right time, Thai folk don't like us and don't wan't us here, I learnt that since joining ThaiVisa.

I never felt that way in the previous 20+ years of living here, but now I see the light, stick around, you'll learn too.




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It's confirmed, today I went to buy a gas cooker, they said it could be delivered in the afternoon.....................then, I sent the girlfriend in to buy a washing machine, they said they could deliver in the afternoon.

I suspected something untoward and cancelled both orders, I suspected the salesgirl was anti Farang, it was just a feeling I had, they must have an ulterior motive, thanks ThaiVisa, you have made my life much easier.

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Central? Central is/are the name of many malls througout bkk and Thailand. Within the malls there are many shops that sell appliances from Robinson's to Powerbuy. Confused.

No way a driver is going to be allowed to accept 30k in cash for a truck load of appliances. Hahaa.

They do. Paid 35k cash on delivery for an order placed at Robinsons last month - when we were at the store I asked where the ATM was to get cash to pay and they said 'mai pen rai, pay cash to driver'. It's commonplace and organised, delivery dockets to sign and everything.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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So it all went pretty much the way it often does in your home country then?

I was waiting six weeks for Ikea to deliver two poxy sofas in the UK...Why do people forget that its just as bad or probably worse in home countries?? Service in Thai is amazing compared to UK...Went into local co op today and shop assistant sighed loudly and gave me a dirty look because she had to serve me! Compare this to the copious amounts of greetings as you enter a 7 in Thai...the list could go on....Why can't people start positive threads about Thai??? ...Being living in Blighty six months now and the level of arrogance and xenophobia is startling....

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  • 2 weeks later...

So it all went pretty much the way it often does in your home country then?

I was waiting six weeks for Ikea to deliver two poxy sofas in the UK...Why do people forget that its just as bad or probably worse in home countries?? Service in Thai is amazing compared to UK...Went into local co op today and shop assistant sighed loudly and gave me a dirty look because she had to serve me! Compare this to the copious amounts of greetings as you enter a 7 in Thai...the list could go on....Why can't people start positive threads about Thai??? ...Being living in Blighty six months now and the level of arrogance and xenophobia is startling....

IKEA in UK and Aus say WHEN they will deliver and deliver. It isn't HOW LONG, the crux of the matter is are they doing what they SAY they are going to do??. If not in UK and Aus I'll get a refund, discount or some form of compensation. If I use IKEA here in Thailand, the first thing I notice is that their delivery prices are way higher than competing stores..... (BTW - they quoted me a week to 10 days for the item I wanted even though it was in stock) .......their staff are still not trained in communicating with their customers they are offish and dismissive and give you the impression that they would rather you didn't ask them any questions.

This is just one store and one company though and a foreign one at that.

The truth of the matter is that in Thailand labor costs are so low that they can easily afford to offer some labour intensive services that have long disappeared in the west. However when they do, time and again they fail to LIVE UP TO THEIR PROMISES. After that they will do anything - hide, be out to lunch, not answer the phone, be sick...anything rather than confront you. It's like a teenager who's forgotten their homework.

Another fine example of consumer rights in Thailand is evident on just about EVERY receipt you get from any store you care to mention - "NO REFUND" is the most legible script on just about every receipt you get. To me this just about sums up the Thai attitude to the customer - We've fort your money now "Bai Glai Glai".......

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To be more constructive, are all shops like that, or should I just go buy everything in the shop?


If you were Thai you would have had the delivery at the right time, Thai folk don't like us and don't wan't us here, I learnt that since joining ThaiVisa.

I never felt that way in the previous 20+ years of living here, but now I see the light, stick around, you'll learn too.


Pure nonsense.

Thais are quite familiar with the "non arrival" syndrome of delivery and also service personnel (repair people).

The only difference is that as they and the Thai workers or delivery people speak the same language. the communication barrier is less because of that fact.

Its routine for delivery or service NOT to be on time or when you expect them to be ... whether or not your Thai or "Falang".

Customer service and delivery is just a secondary function of the stores .... getting you to pay for the goods is always the first priority.

There is no profit in service or delivery ... at least that is how it is seen by the stores.

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To be more constructive, are all shops like that, or should I just go buy everything in the shop?


If you were Thai you would have had the delivery at the right time, Thai folk don't like us and don't wan't us here, I learnt that since joining ThaiVisa.

I never felt that way in the previous 20+ years of living here, but now I see the light, stick around, you'll learn too.

Sarcasm on Thai Visa will fly over the heads of the knuckle-scrapers who you think you're lampooning.

Yep, I noticed that. smile.png

10Yen - I have to say thanks for your great post that is still flying high over many heads - the responses made this thread worth reading. Well done mate, I think you and I live in the same Thailand and can thank TV for our "enlightenment". whistling.gif

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So it all went pretty much the way it often does in your home country then?

I was waiting six weeks for Ikea to deliver two poxy sofas in the UK...Why do people forget that its just as bad or probably worse in home countries?? Service in Thai is amazing compared to UK...Went into local co op today and shop assistant sighed loudly and gave me a dirty look because she had to serve me! Compare this to the copious amounts of greetings as you enter a 7 in Thai...the list could go on....Why can't people start positive threads about Thai??? ...Being living in Blighty six months now and the level of arrogance and xenophobia is startling....

IKEA in UK and Aus say WHEN they will deliver and deliver. It isn't HOW LONG, the crux of the matter is are they doing what they SAY they are going to do??. If not in UK and Aus I'll get a refund, discount or some form of compensation. If I use IKEA here in Thailand, the first thing I notice is that their delivery prices are way higher than competing stores..... (BTW - they quoted me a week to 10 days for the item I wanted even though it was in stock) .......their staff are still not trained in communicating with their customers they are offish and dismissive and give you the impression that they would rather you didn't ask them any questions.

This is just one store and one company though and a foreign one at that.

The truth of the matter is that in Thailand labor costs are so low that they can easily afford to offer some labour intensive services that have long disappeared in the west. However when they do, time and again they fail to LIVE UP TO THEIR PROMISES. After that they will do anything - hide, be out to lunch, not answer the phone, be sick...anything rather than confront you. It's like a teenager who's forgotten their homework.

Another fine example of consumer rights in Thailand is evident on just about EVERY receipt you get from any store you care to mention - "NO REFUND" is the most legible script on just about every receipt you get. To me this just about sums up the Thai attitude to the customer - We've fort your money now "Bai Glai Glai".......

You may like to check this http://www.ikea.com/ms/en_AA/pdf/picking_delivery.pdf to see how much it will cost to deliver from an Ikea store in Australia. From Central the delivery is free of charge for over 1000 baht or so.

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So it all went pretty much the way it often does in your home country then?

I was waiting six weeks for Ikea to deliver two poxy sofas in the UK...Why do people forget that its just as bad or probably worse in home countries?? Service in Thai is amazing compared to UK...Went into local co op today and shop assistant sighed loudly and gave me a dirty look because she had to serve me! Compare this to the copious amounts of greetings as you enter a 7 in Thai...the list could go on....Why can't people start positive threads about Thai??? ...Being living in Blighty six months now and the level of arrogance and xenophobia is startling....

IKEA in UK and Aus say WHEN they will deliver and deliver. It isn't HOW LONG, the crux of the matter is are they doing what they SAY they are going to do??. If not in UK and Aus I'll get a refund, discount or some form of compensation. If I use IKEA here in Thailand, the first thing I notice is that their delivery prices are way higher than competing stores..... (BTW - they quoted me a week to 10 days for the item I wanted even though it was in stock) .......their staff are still not trained in communicating with their customers they are offish and dismissive and give you the impression that they would rather you didn't ask them any questions.

This is just one store and one company though and a foreign one at that.

The truth of the matter is that in Thailand labor costs are so low that they can easily afford to offer some labour intensive services that have long disappeared in the west. However when they do, time and again they fail to LIVE UP TO THEIR PROMISES. After that they will do anything - hide, be out to lunch, not answer the phone, be sick...anything rather than confront you. It's like a teenager who's forgotten their homework.

Another fine example of consumer rights in Thailand is evident on just about EVERY receipt you get from any store you care to mention - "NO REFUND" is the most legible script on just about every receipt you get. To me this just about sums up the Thai attitude to the customer - We've fort your money now "Bai Glai Glai".......

You may like to check this http://www.ikea.com/ms/en_AA/pdf/picking_delivery.pdf to see how much it will cost to deliver from an Ikea store in Australia. From Central the delivery is free of charge for over 1000 baht or so.

You comments are irrelevant, you haven't grasped the principle of my argument.....cost is irrelevant I'm talking customer service. (BTW - my delivery is outside the Thai "'free' zone anyway and their charges are way higher than competitors.- IN THAILAND - the cost in another country is irrelevant)

In Thailand there is no customer comeback to speak of and the staff of places like Central etc will behave as I mentioned above.

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