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Suthep announces election must be blocked


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Brave and honorable citizens young and old alike have been "blown up" and "shot to bits" upholding freedom and democracy.

They are not upholding democracy when they block polling booths, or attack voters. Which they are doing. Freedom has nothing to do with it. You are not free to impose your politics on other people by blocking them at the polling station. Freedom means you are free to do what you want to yourself, not to other people against their will.

I agree with most of your post on the details about "violence is wrong" etc. but I don't see the clear difference that you obviously see on how the gorilla in the red corner is any different to the gorilla in the blue corner, or the obvious outcome that is inevitable when the bell rings for Round One.

We both agree that Thaksin is incredibly nasty, I would go further on who is operating him like a marionette but I won't (lol). Yingluck never wanted the job in my opinion and is useless at it.

Where you and I part company is that I see pre-voting strife / coups / occupations / seiges, as totally useless.

Voting should go ahead, get it over with and move on. Voting is just the starter, a few scraps of salad or whatever. It is the post-election phase that is the steak with all the trimmings. That is where these issues should be solved. State changes have to come at state level, thats just how it is. Until a nation has people at state level who will make those changes, those changes will never happen - regardless of how many taxi-drivers are beaten to death or students shot dead or whatever. Change comes from political leaders discussing and resolving problems within state, not on street-corners. The problem here is that none of the leaders really care about reform, they just want to be in the driving seat again.

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I will shut down, but this only your home-country Thailand, Mr. conqueror Suthep? Your prototype "Hitler" could have taken the whole of Europe, and this if not for a small island being headed by a one to you Mr. zero of a Prime Minister, Churchill. Strange, but did not the man with the cigar got full support from America, and this as you for sure believe Y'll get from China! All those you are naming "no brains," only representing 80% of the Thai population, by so no match for your level of ambition. Have you read the books on the life of the French Ludvik, the kings of the sun, better how their dynasties ended? Why not start by naming yourself as dictator, and this only for Asia, what a famous "Herodes" you will end up like!

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Obviously this leader of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY has no conception of what Democracy is. An election IS how you change regiemes in a democracy.The majority wins. Not the loudest elitist lunatic.

This lunitic is using classic Facist takeover, Technics hone to a science by another power hungry egotistical lunatic by the name of Adolf. Most of us know what that was about and how it turn out at least in the western world what that was about and how it turned out (recent Hiller idolism in Thailand leave one in wonder of the education system as well asThai teen thought process)). A world in turmoil with world war and millions of innocents murdered.

This man Suthrop does not have Thailands welfare in mind. He is lost in his ego's thirst for power. Which if he actuaully gets will turn the country to civil war or an total dictatorship and He his strong arm backers need to be removed trom the political are arena. Permanetly!! They are dagerous and totally self concerned Ccriminals trying to topple a democratic country with very strong manpower backing of the muslimsepartist terrorists in the south. A very dangerous alliance to the World as a whole

As the rest of the world recovers his actions throw Thailand and it's people towards a North Korean rogue State which serves no one but the crazy man pushing the buttons and using the citizens as cannon fodder.for his confused emotionally unbanced agenda.to mak him Kihg.

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Yes, the final paragraph of your post refers to the view of fascists such as Suthep and his backers that the nation state, Thailand, is the superior entity, that the international community of nations, their organizations such as the UN and international law have no legitimacy or application to this ancient nation state.

The modern legalities and formal standards of international conventions and covenants, such as the United Nations International Covenant on Political and Civil Rights have no meaning to the nationalist supremacists such as Suthep and his backers because he and his feudalists are ultranationalists, firm in maintaining control of their own small world where international regimes of law and morality have never applied because they are not Thai so therefore must never apply lest Thailand cease to become Thailand.

While Thaksin wanted to morph Thailand into his dictatorial and massively corrupt Thaksinland, Suthep and his backers want to keep Thailand as their own private and massively corrupt feudal fiefdom separate and apart from the farang world and the farang directed international order.

Yes, yes indeed, the right wing exclusionary Thais represented by Suthep have their own little world here, their own financial and cultural domain which they see as infected by farang especially and in particular. Ultranationalists here blame farang for spoiling and fouling Thai society, culture, civilization with alien ideas such as democracy, human rights, international standards of free speech and free press, one person one vote and so much more that are not in the Thai cultural consciousness. None of these are Thai ideas or notions and none originated in Thailand or the culture of Thai civilization so they are alien and must be rejected.

The racism of distinctions of intelligence and cultural superiority based on skin color are another onerous distortion of the fascist mind and attitude, and Suthep and his reactionary social movement are full speed ahead in their racial disharmonies. So determined are they that they will continue for another six months or forever if they see the need to extend this indefinitely.

Only the good sense of the Thai people in their political moderation and essential balance can resist and reject these reactionary and vile forces, if not intellectually, then simply in the strong desire of the Thai population to share in the material advances of modern life, with which come concomitantly modern concepts and practices of civil society and inclusive, balanced, moderate systems of politics and government.


The only thing I would change is "Official Honorary Expert 1st Class"

Well written sir!

Edited by Boxclever
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Brave and honorable citizens young and old alike have been "blown up" and "shot to bits" upholding freedom and democracy.

They are not upholding democracy when they block polling booths, or attack voters. Which they are doing. Freedom has nothing to do with it. You are not free to impose your politics on other people by blocking them at the polling station. Freedom means you are free to do what you want to yourself, not to other people against their will.

I agree with most of your post on the details about "violence is wrong" etc. but I don't see the clear difference that you obviously see on how the gorilla in the red corner is any different to the gorilla in the blue corner, or the obvious outcome that is inevitable when the bell rings for Round One.

We both agree that Thaksin is incredibly nasty, I would go further on who is operating him like a marionette but I won't (lol). Yingluck never wanted the job in my opinion and is useless at it.

Where you and I part company is that I see pre-voting strife / coups / occupations / seiges, as totally useless.

Voting should go ahead, get it over with and move on. Voting is just the starter, a few scraps of salad or whatever. It is the post-election phase that is the steak with all the trimmings. That is where these issues should be solved. State changes have to come at state level, thats just how it is. Until a nation has people at state level who will make those changes, those changes will never happen - regardless of how many taxi-drivers are beaten to death or students shot dead or whatever. Change comes from political leaders discussing and resolving problems within state, not on street-corners. The problem here is that none of the leaders really care about reform, they just want to be in the driving seat again.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I believe that many of the leaders do really care about reform and I see that at a local level provincial level for sure. It is also obvious that the reform must begin and continue within those same people. For me, cetainly I recognize a need to reform my own self and develop my ideas and am thus happy to hear different opinions. It would be interesting to know what you are inferring about strings leading from south being operated by an unseen hand.

It could be that the red is for the earth and the blue is for the sky, and the sky is certainly more important than the earth in the grand scheme of things, and when the earth can remember its connection to the sky and remember to appreciate the sky then the earth can be happy and blessed with the abundance which is its true nature, and thus there is no need to fear, and much need to love the sky for being our first source and the earth for being our home, and hopefully the gorillas are going to have a round of japa together (repetition of prayer) and meditate peacefully, and thus may there be many bells and many rounds of japa, because it is the faith that brings it all together, as the sun's white light illuminates the sky and gives life to the earth and thus allows the sky to see itself.

Change of state starts with the state of mind of the individual. "Why am I now so relaxed?" will change the state of the person who asks hirself the question. Certainly communication between all parties is important. Making changes in how we communicate with each other will cetainly change the result. When we sit to meditate we can learn to be in the driver's seat of our own consciousness. As our consciousness changes so does the outside world, so thus I think that state level changes can happen at all levels, and are certainly being affected by the uprising right now.

The plot certainly is not as red and yellow as some people like to think, at this point it is much more red, white and blue, while at the same time being being red and yellow. The plot thickens as the election continues to be blocked by the true power brokers of the country, the populace, whether rice, palm, rubber farmers, or administrations of justice, civil servants, politicians, artists and academics. Red, white, and blue are the colors of the countries which seem to have been most influential in the development of Thailand as a state in the earth's geopolitical landscape as well as the colors of Thailand, and this colorful institution has been responsible for maintaining sacred traditions from ancient times until now and it is a fine balancing act to maintain the good from the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future.

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And I say again for those of you who are braindead THAILAND DOES NOT HAVE BLOODY DEMOCRACY FOR GOODNESS SAKE ! Democracy is a whole lot more than just voting. The protestors want real democracy, that is kind of the point here, they want reforms so that there are real checks and balances that work free of money poltics and manipulation by politician's and fugitives on the run. The election on Sunday even if they could convene parliament afterwards which they can't, would just put the same bad guys doing the same corruption, the protestors don't want it. Taksin doesn't want REAL democracy to ever happen here because under a real democracy he and his cronies couldn't get away with half as much as they have over the last 14 years. Before some <deleted> says it yes I know 'other people are corrupt' and yes I know 'the other ones are just as bad as him' and yes I know 'it has gone on for a very long time' and yes I know you think things can never be changed, enough of those broken records thanks. I like to look on the bright side and think this is the starting point for a positive change. Reforms are very much needed right now.

Edited by tingtongteesood
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And I say again for those of you who are braindead THAILAND DOES NOT HAVE BLOODY DEMOCRACY FOR GOODNESS SAKE ! Democracy is a whole lot more than just voting. The protestors want real democracy, that is kind of the point here, they want reforms so that there are real checks and balances that work free of money poltics and manipulation by politician's and fugitives on the run. The election on Sunday even if they could convene parliament afterwards which they can't, would just put the same bad guys doing the same corruption, the protestors don't want it. Taksin doesn't want REAL democracy to ever happen here because under a real democracy he and his cronies couldn't get away with half as much as they have over the last 14 years. Before some <deleted> says it yes I know 'other people are corrupt' and yes I know 'the other ones are just as bad as him' and yes I know 'it has gone on for a very long time' and yes I know you think things can never be changed, enough of those broken records thanks. I like to look on the bright side and think this is the starting point for a positive change. Reforms are very much needed right now.

What are the reforms? It's a great soundbite, but what reforms are you talking about, do you even know? Does suthep, do any of those "supporters" know what they want? What are these "magic bullet" reforms???????????????????


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And I say again for those of you who are braindead THAILAND DOES NOT HAVE BLOODY DEMOCRACY FOR GOODNESS SAKE ! Democracy is a whole lot more than just voting. The protestors want real democracy, that is kind of the point here, they want reforms so that there are real checks and balances that work free of money poltics and manipulation by politician's and fugitives on the run. The election on Sunday even if they could convene parliament afterwards which they can't, would just put the same bad guys doing the same corruption, the protestors don't want it. Taksin doesn't want REAL democracy to ever happen here because under a real democracy he and his cronies couldn't get away with half as much as they have over the last 14 years. Before some <deleted> says it yes I know 'other people are corrupt' and yes I know 'the other ones are just as bad as him' and yes I know 'it has gone on for a very long time' and yes I know you think things can never be changed, enough of those broken records thanks. I like to look on the bright side and think this is the starting point for a positive change. Reforms are very much needed right now.

Ermm, seams pretty simple to me.

Let the opposition fight for the common peoples vote (much like we did in our countries) and let the best party win.

If you want to get rid of the Shin family from politics, win the vote!

Have you forgotten how you are in the position you are in today? Our fore fathers fought and died for this ideal.

And please don't go on with the "but this is Asia, Western principles don't apply" and remember our exact same struggles more than a 100 years ago.

Edited by Boxclever
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Oops hang on. We've gone from total shutdown,, elections stopped at all costs, a plague on your house TNN24 and now on the hilarious "we will not obstruct voters, go vote if you want to then we will laugh when the electcion is nullified"

Oh free parking and picnic on the streets with music. Is that the filthy metal band with the Swastikas that you booked on Monday night? Very nice, but in keeping with your followers. They even wore the sawstikas on the poster advertising them on at Rachprasong. Nice touch that.

So they all together already with the Court Order to nullify it. No collusion there then.

Lets get the election on. Suthep can only obstruct a bit of it. There are easy options for the South it they don't lynch him first for signing away the rights of 28 provinces. You can bet yer ass they are not all happy with that.....

When the army sick of their own Vermin it will be time to rid Thailand of Suthep.. But for now, they must think he can still get the coup re-ignited. Good luck with that as they will be laughing stock of the world if they try it. And, they'll all come under attack from the uprising that would follow. smile.png

Sweet Coup dreams everybody.

Swastika just so happens to be how women say hello here in Thailand, and yes it is the same word and the same meaning as the original symbol, which is a symbol of good fortune and blessings. It is a symbol sacred to Hinduism and Buddhism. Not sure how the metal band was using it, but just thought you should know. It is one of the most comon expressions in Thailand.


it is very clear how they are using it - the Nazi way! Did you even bother to find out the name of the band? It is Dezember - written the German way!

And yes the xenophobe Suthep is still shouting on stage that "Cambodians" are attacking and killing his demonstrators when he has not a shred of evidence for this! Stirring hatred and endangering the lives of Cambodian migrant workers.

If the foreign press will further expose him as the anti democratic con man he is - it won't be long before the "Foreigners" will be blamed. The only thing keeping him from doing it already is that the South lives from tourism.

There actually was evidence presented by someone in the navy about vehicles full of cambodians coming into the county being suspect of something foul, and there is evidence of the red shirts/black shirts going there to train and meet with there leaders. There were also apparently many people going to vote who didn't have any proper identification so there is stipulation about their being the same suspect individual coming in from Cambodia. As far as I have heard it has been stipulation.

Fresh off the stage from Doctor Seri Wongmontha

"Being elected doesn't mean that corruption is legal. We aren't anti-democracy. We want to restore democracy. Thaksin regime is corrupt. Thaksin is dictator. Yingluck is stupid....Yingluck is incapable of premiership."

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Oops hang on. We've gone from total shutdown,, elections stopped at all costs, a plague on your house TNN24 and now on the hilarious "we will not obstruct voters, go vote if you want to then we will laugh when the electcion is nullified"

Oh free parking and picnic on the streets with music. Is that the filthy metal band with the Swastikas that you booked on Monday night? Very nice, but in keeping with your followers. They even wore the sawstikas on the poster advertising them on at Rachprasong. Nice touch that.

So they all together already with the Court Order to nullify it. No collusion there then.

Lets get the election on. Suthep can only obstruct a bit of it. There are easy options for the South it they don't lynch him first for signing away the rights of 28 provinces. You can bet yer ass they are not all happy with that.....

When the army sick of their own Vermin it will be time to rid Thailand of Suthep.. But for now, they must think he can still get the coup re-ignited. Good luck with that as they will be laughing stock of the world if they try it. And, they'll all come under attack from the uprising that would follow. smile.png

Sweet Coup dreams everybody.

Swastika just so happens to be how women say hello here in Thailand, and yes it is the same word and the same meaning as the original symbol, which is a symbol of good fortune and blessings. It is a symbol sacred to Hinduism and Buddhism. Not sure how the metal band was using it, but just thought you should know. It is one of the most comon expressions in Thailand.


The band in black uniforms with swastika armbands singing heavy metal songs?

Oh yes, very religious laugh.png

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Might be going down well in Thailand with the mob fans. But on the world stage he is already toast!!!!!

Does Thailand want to put him at the helm and head straight for the iceburg. If Coup 19 succeed through the Judicial Route looking most likely again, thailand will sink.

If there are enough people to blindly follow Suthep and get him in power, It's up to them, but when they bleat about losing jobs or the Reds staging a real revolutions. They'll get the same sympathy as the yellow mob at the Temple on Sunday.

Incidentally, which of the forces do you see enforcing the Courts Judgements this time. With sickening bias such as this, they could justifiably just topple the courts or ignore them. Nobody will see this interference from them as anything other than self serving so don't have to worry too much when their rigged judgements are handed down.

Somchai at EC just showed his bias again. but am so used to this toad now that I won't comment on it... It's that blatant


the reds are defacto communists, just look at thida and you will see that, they dont give a crap about the country as long as they get what they want. People are waking up to this fact and also that the ptp are using the peoples money to pay the red shirts off with the rice scam. Trouble is it is all falling to pieces so now they are no longer trying to be peaceful and are threatening violence , just look at the policeman that shot at protesters, on charlems orders no doubt. Call the reds for what they are communist scum and that includes all the red supporters in here, who needs russia, china and north korea when we have the reds in thailand.

Oh dear, oh dear oh dear oh dear!

And the crusade against the commies turned out so well in the rest of South East Asia didn't it?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Oops hang on. We've gone from total shutdown,, elections stopped at all costs, a plague on your house TNN24 and now on the hilarious "we will not obstruct voters, go vote if you want to then we will laugh when the electcion is nullified"

Oh free parking and picnic on the streets with music. Is that the filthy metal band with the Swastikas that you booked on Monday night? Very nice, but in keeping with your followers. They even wore the sawstikas on the poster advertising them on at Rachprasong. Nice touch that.

So they all together already with the Court Order to nullify it. No collusion there then.

Lets get the election on. Suthep can only obstruct a bit of it. There are easy options for the South it they don't lynch him first for signing away the rights of 28 provinces. You can bet yer ass they are not all happy with that.....

When the army sick of their own Vermin it will be time to rid Thailand of Suthep.. But for now, they must think he can still get the coup re-ignited. Good luck with that as they will be laughing stock of the world if they try it. And, they'll all come under attack from the uprising that would follow. smile.png

Sweet Coup dreams everybody.

Swastika just so happens to be how women say hello here in Thailand, and yes it is the same word and the same meaning as the original symbol, which is a symbol of good fortune and blessings. It is a symbol sacred to Hinduism and Buddhism. Not sure how the metal band was using it, but just thought you should know. It is one of the most comon expressions in Thailand.


it is very clear how they are using it - the Nazi way! Did you even bother to find out the name of the band? It is Dezember - written the German way!

And yes the xenophobe Suthep is still shouting on stage that "Cambodians" are attacking and killing his demonstrators when he has not a shred of evidence for this! Stirring hatred and endangering the lives of Cambodian migrant workers.

If the foreign press will further expose him as the anti democratic con man he is - it won't be long before the "Foreigners" will be blamed. The only thing keeping him from doing it already is that the South lives from tourism.

There actually was evidence presented by someone in the navy about vehicles full of cambodians coming into the county being suspect of something foul, and there is evidence of the red shirts/black shirts going there to train and meet with there leaders. There were also apparently many people going to vote who didn't have any proper identification so there is stipulation about their being the same suspect individual coming in from Cambodia. As far as I have heard it has been stipulation.

Fresh off the stage from Doctor Seri Wongmontha

"Being elected doesn't mean that corruption is legal. We aren't anti-democracy. We want to restore democracy. Thaksin regime is corrupt. Thaksin is dictator. Yingluck is stupid....Yingluck is incapable of premiership."

.......and no there is no evidence - maybe on Blue Sky - believe me if there would be it would be all over the news! It is like you said yourself all "allegedly and apparently" - come next week 40 million Cambodians without proper documentation will have voted in the Thai elections as reported on "Blue Sky" !

And are you talking about the same smarter than "white skinned" - "yellow skinned" Dr. Seri who said to the reporter on stage that his form of corruption is good while Thaksin's form of corruption is bad??

Come on give me a break!

What has Mr. Seri ever contributed to any community than a big mouth? Not even the gays want him!

Every TV show he is on he does but one thing - trying to out-talk anybody who is on the program with him - friend or foe - because he loves only one thing more than seeing himself in the mirror - hear himself talk!

He does not care if he insults others with the nonsense he is babbling away on stage as long as the lights are on him and the crowd cheers - every Gathoy's dream!

He is just on the wrong stage! I am just waiting now for his rendition of "I will survive" - he should stick to that - it is entertaining and he can do no harm with it!

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Mr Suthep, secretary-general of the People’s Democratic Reform Committee, said it was necessary to escalate the intensity of the struggle

Its easy to be philosophical when you are really old and your days are numbered anyway, and it is young impressionable people getting blown up and shot to bits in the name of your anti-democratic and delusional schemes. Shame on you.

Brave and honorable citizens young and old alike have been "blown up" and "shot to bits" upholding freedom and democracy. Shame on the police for not catching the culprits and for apparently taking part in the killing such as is evidenced by the plain clothes police oficer who was captured yesterday, with his gun out. The protesters didn't know he was police. He shot the protesters before they beat him. Then it came out that he is police and the police fabricate a story just like they did about the protesters on the roof of the labour ministry and then we find out from the head of police, oh they were police yes.

Shame on the Thaksin thinks Police do regime for escalating the war on drugs claiming that anyone involved in drugs is either due to go to jail or the temple (ie. to be cremated.) Then in three months 2800 plus people were dead, nobody was held accountable, and about half or more were found to have no history or record of drug use.

Shame on people who think violence is okay if people express views different to your own, such as Chalerm Yoobamroong who came out today to say that the protesters who were shot the other day should expect that. The police are supposed to help in situations like that, to prevent people from being hurt. Instead they stood idly by.

Kudos to Suthep and the PDRC for taking a stand and bravely confronting this violence. Kudos to them as well for seeking to change the police force to be more efficient and less corrupt. Kudos to all the good police out there as certainly there must be more good people in the 200,000 plus people on the Thai force. Hopelfully the PDRC will be able to reform the Thai Police as they are seeking so that the image of the Thai Police as a whole will not be spoilt by the dirty actions of a small few.

Kudos to Suthep and the PDRC for taking a stand and bravely confronting this violence. Kudos to them as well for seeking to change the police force to be more efficient and less corrupt. Kudos to all the good police out there as certainly there must be more good people in the 200,000 plus people on the Thai force. Hopelfully the PDRC will be able to reform the Thai Police as they are seeking so that the image of the Thai Police as a whole will not be spoilt by the dirty actions of a small few.

Right on.

How ever as much as I admire them for what they are doing and I believe in it I have to disagree with the blocking of the polls. That is over stepping the boundaries and is very easy to be taken as anti democracy.

If I was Suthep I would welcome them as it would give him a true idea of the backing he had. Yes he would have to make allowances for the lack of Democrat candidates but it would sure swing voters to the other parties. It would give a truer outlook on the number of supporters in red shirt land even if they do win the seat. The reason I say that is they are a shoe in without the Democrats to oppose them and will not be buying votes.

Besides it is not going to form a government. Not enough seats filled for that.

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Oops hang on. We've gone from total shutdown,, elections stopped at all costs, a plague on your house TNN24 and now on the hilarious "we will not obstruct voters, go vote if you want to then we will laugh when the electcion is nullified"

Oh free parking and picnic on the streets with music. Is that the filthy metal band with the Swastikas that you booked on Monday night? Very nice, but in keeping with your followers. They even wore the sawstikas on the poster advertising them on at Rachprasong. Nice touch that.

So they all together already with the Court Order to nullify it. No collusion there then.

Lets get the election on. Suthep can only obstruct a bit of it. There are easy options for the South it they don't lynch him first for signing away the rights of 28 provinces. You can bet yer ass they are not all happy with that.....

When the army sick of their own Vermin it will be time to rid Thailand of Suthep.. But for now, they must think he can still get the coup re-ignited. Good luck with that as they will be laughing stock of the world if they try it. And, they'll all come under attack from the uprising that would follow. smile.png

Sweet Coup dreams everybody.

Swastika just so happens to be how women say hello here in Thailand, and yes it is the same word and the same meaning as the original symbol, which is a symbol of good fortune and blessings. It is a symbol sacred to Hinduism and Buddhism. Not sure how the metal band was using it, but just thought you should know. It is one of the most comon expressions in Thailand.


it is very clear how they are using it - the Nazi way! Did you even bother to find out the name of the band? It is Dezember - written the German way!

And yes the xenophobe Suthep is still shouting on stage that "Cambodians" are attacking and killing his demonstrators when he has not a shred of evidence for this! Stirring hatred and endangering the lives of Cambodian migrant workers.

If the foreign press will further expose him as the anti democratic con man he is - it won't be long before the "Foreigners" will be blamed. The only thing keeping him from doing it already is that the South lives from tourism.

There actually was evidence presented by someone in the navy about vehicles full of cambodians coming into the county being suspect of something foul, and there is evidence of the red shirts/black shirts going there to train and meet with there leaders. There were also apparently many people going to vote who didn't have any proper identification so there is stipulation about their being the same suspect individual coming in from Cambodia. As far as I have heard it has been stipulation.

Fresh off the stage from Doctor Seri Wongmontha

"Being elected doesn't mean that corruption is legal. We aren't anti-democracy. We want to restore democracy. Thaksin regime is corrupt. Thaksin is dictator. Yingluck is stupid....Yingluck is incapable of premiership."

There was no evidence at all, it was the word from the Admiral who is the head of the Thai Naval Special Warfare Unit, Thai SEAL's, not a single shred of evidence was presented, he made the claims he seen these "vans" himself, and he chose to do NOTHING about it? The only white "vans" he's seen are the knock off's on Bangla Road!!

If there ever was Cambodian "Persons of Interest" in these vans along with weapons etc, then he's complicit in all the attacks, and was derelict in his duty for failing to inderdict them, right there and then!!

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Civil disobedience and terrorism are not the same thing.

Agreed and as long as they sit in front of a polling station it is civil disobedience.

The moment they SHUT DOWN the station and ACTIVELY keep people from moving in (as in grabbing them, holding them, threatening them) as seen in some videos, it turns into something else!

Quite correct. But using a word like "terrorism" for this kind of low-level assault and intimidation is an unwise allocation of linguistic resources. If this is "terrorism", then how shall we describe the flinging of grenades into crowds of people? Or the detonation of a car-bomb, or the flying of a jumbo jet into a building?

Personally, I'd go for "bullying". :)

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Bullying? The minute you lay a finger on someone it's classed as assault, doesn't matter whether you strike a person in the face with a shovel, or grab them by their arms, it's still an assault.

So if you're ever bursting for a piss in a restaurant and the Maitre De stands in front of you and blocks the entry, and you try to side step and he mirrors you, and all the while, that little dance you do gets more funky, and he still prevents you from going and just as you're about to pass him, and he physically restrains you, then that's alright in your books then? wink.pngcoffee1.gif

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sutheps medication regime >>


During a manic phase of bipolar disorder, you may feel very happy and have lots of ambitious plans and ideas. You may spend large amounts of money on things that you cannot afford and would not normally want. Not feeling like eating or sleeping, talking quickly and becoming annoyed easily are also common characteristics of the manic phase of bipolar disorder.

During the manic phase, you may feel very creative and view mania as a positive experience. However, during the manic phase of bipolar disorder, you may also have symptoms of psychosis (where you see or hear things that are not there or become convinced of things that are not true).

Living with bipolar disorder

The high and low phases of bipolar disorder are often so extreme that they interfere with everyday life. However, there are several options for treating bipolar disorder that can make a difference. They aim to control the effects of an episode and help someone with bipolar disorder to live life as normally as possible.

It is thought that using a combination of treatments is the best way to control bipolar disorder. Treatment can include:

medication to prevent episodes of mania, hypomania (less severe mania) and overthrowing governments willy nilly

Edited by 3NUMBAS
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Civil disobedience and terrorism are not the same thing.

Agreed and as long as they sit in front of a polling station it is civil disobedience.

The moment they SHUT DOWN the station and ACTIVELY keep people from moving in (as in grabbing them, holding them, threatening them) as seen in some videos, it turns into something else!

Quite correct. But using a word like "terrorism" for this kind of low-level assault and intimidation is an unwise allocation of linguistic resources. If this is "terrorism", then how shall we describe the flinging of grenades into crowds of people? Or the detonation of a car-bomb, or the flying of a jumbo jet into a building?

Personally, I'd go for "bullying". smile.png

I recommend that you go to the doctor as you appear to have a serious mental condition or your just taking the piss. which is it

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so i think it is fair to say then that he is going back on his word again - "not to prevent people from voting?"

I think it is also fair to say then that his actions will cause a lot of problems and very likely again violence between voters and those who try to prevent them from voting?

I think it is also fair to say that this may cause more violence instigated by the mad man Suthep and I think it is also fair to say then that it is time that this lunatic should be "removed" - to use his words - "by all possible means" to avoid bloodshed and violence during the elections.

Removing this lunatic from the equation now might safe the lives of many innocent Thai people - so I say go for it - by all possible means get rid of this hate preaching nut case!

I have not met any Thai yet who would miss this corrupt gangster - Thailand would be a much better place without him! .

Well, I guess you don't know very many Thais...

What a stupid quote.! I employ 160 people not a single one of them is supporting Suthep, so I can say i know a lot of Thai and i agree fully with Cnxforever, but I am sure you know more, and they all follow this lunatic Suthep.

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I have a Thai friend in Bangkok who is taking part in all of this and he posted some interesting photos on his facebook page showing groups of Thai people in various countries rallying to show their support of the shutdown (attached). Personally I have a somewhat ill-informed opinion on what is happening but as I am a guest in this Country and can't vote, as I would expect most TV posters are, I keep my thoughts to myself. I think you would need a good understanding of written and spoken Thai plus access to "people in the know" from both sides to get a "real" understanding of the situation and the history behind the obvious social differences of the two groups.

What a great country allowing foreigners to engage in protest.
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...why it is such a problem to arrest this lunatic, borderline, brainless guy who is not willing to respect rules of democracy..?

Are you deliberatly missing the point? There is NO democracy in Thailand. Democracy is not simply about voting. It is about respecting the rule of law (no motorcycle helmets upwards). When Thaksin was in power he PAID 90 senators 100000 baht a month each in order to ram his ideas through the upper house. And these are the people who call themselves democrats. They are not democrats. They are money politicians. The 'electoral' process they are engaged in is not dmocratic either. And that's the whole reason why Suthep is trying to stop this scam. And to stop all future scamming. Because, dear boy, he wants a democratic system with fair voting and people respecting all this stuff. Not stealing the election with their money. And that is the point. The point you seem to miss.

Edited by ianf
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I have a Thai friend in Bangkok who is taking part in all of this and he posted some interesting photos on his facebook page showing groups of Thai people in various countries rallying to show their support of the shutdown (attached). Personally I have a somewhat ill-informed opinion on what is happening but as I am a guest in this Country and can't vote, as I would expect most TV posters are, I keep my thoughts to myself. I think you would need a good understanding of written and spoken Thai plus access to "people in the know" from both sides to get a "real" understanding of the situation and the history behind the obvious social differences of the two groups.


Just what part of blocking the people from casting their votes is beyond your comprehension?

Suggest you read my post again , I am referring to root causes that probably go back many years , not the obvious effects of these that are now surfacing in Bangkok

Sent from my Slate 21 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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...why it is such a problem to arrest this lunatic, borderline, brainless guy who is not willing to respect rules of democracy..?

Are you deliberatly missing the point? There is NO democracy in Thailand. Democracy is not simply about voting. It is about respecting the rule of law (no motorcycle helmets upwards). When Thaksin was in power he PAID 90 senators 100000 baht a month each in order to ram his ideas through the upper house. And these are the people who call themselves democrats. They are not democrats. They are money politicians. The 'electoral' process they are engaged in is not dmocratic either. And that's the whole reason why Suthep is trying to stop this scam. And to stop all future scamming. Because, dear boy, he wants a democratic system with fair voting and people respecting all this stuff. Not stealing the election with their money. And that is the point. The point you seem to miss.

If a countries laws are themselves flawed and subject to corrupt practices as those in Thailand are then it becomes difficult to discern what real democracy is. All countries have some form of persuasion or corruption in their voting practice i.e pork barrelling, making funding promises in marginal seats etc. However , in Thailand it appears to have got completely out of hand with both sides of politics and every other part of government, including the public service. I doubt that any of what is happening now will fix any of this. It was evident when I first did business here in 1995 and , if anything , it is worse now.

Sent from my Slate 21 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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