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Bangkok traffic police ordered to crack down on 13 traffic law violations


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Stop all you drivers driving in lanes you shouldn't, and start a mass ticketing of 5000 baht fine for illegal parking.It wont happen due to the corrupt nature of the RTP

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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1) Whatever happened to speeding, and taking over on the inside lanes?

2) Whatever happened to wearing a helmet, when riding a motorcycle?

dam_n... they forgot.... they don't have the ability to monitor 1), as traffic cops are always alseep. The second is only implemented when it includes dosh.

No hope in hell. Driving laws in TH mean driving a car. Anything else that can throw you off course, in a car, is your responsibility, b'cos you couldn't break fast enough!!!!!!! Baahumbug!

You have to overtake on the inside lanes when on 2 lane highways and the Thai driver insists on driving in the outer lane---Worst culprit Tour buses rarely use nearside.

No helmet--agreed pocket money involved, when stopped and paid ( no hat) then you allowed to ride off again, so therefore the object is cash and not prevention.

Speeding ? anyone who they want to pick on pays at a checkpoint speeding or not---ticket--same a lottery.---never have seen a inter city tour bus pulled up for speeding and normally they cruise at 120kph.

The worst cases are school buses overloaded-----------12 seat mini buses majority life threatening lottery---especially on visa runs.

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1. Parking in prohibited area

2. Double parking

3. Parking on sidewalk

4. Driving on sidewalk

5. Overtaking other vehicles in the congested traffic

6. Overtaking other vehicles in public

7. Driving against the arrow sign

8. Running red lights

9. Driving under the influence of alcohol

10. Not fastening seatbelt

11. Using mobile while driving

12. Driving without a license

13. Speeding

Fund raising for the future.

Now there is traffic they can make up for lost time revenue.

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1. Parking in prohibited area

2. Double parking

3. Parking on sidewalk

4. Driving on sidewalk

5. Overtaking other vehicles in the congested traffic

6. Overtaking other vehicles in public

7. Driving against the arrow sign

8. Running red lights

9. Driving under the influence of alcohol

10. Not fastening seatbelt

11. Using mobile while driving

12. Driving without a license

13. Speeding

Fund raising for the future.

I dont see ....Not wearing a cash helmet on a bike

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I think most of the 13 won't stop accidents. What about:

1. Going from outside (fast) lane to inside lane to make left turn i.e. turning in front of oncoming traffic

2. Not indicating before turning or changing lanes. Using indicators after changing lanes (same thing as not using indicators)

3. Slowing almost to a stop before turning left, especially when in the middle lane.

4. Crossing double yellow lines to overtake

5. Not using lights after dark (I don't need lights because I have good eyes, so everyone else should have as well)

6. Pulling out from a side road in front of oncoming traffic

7. Crossing the main highway in front of oncoming traffic

8. Stopping on a main road to let traffic cross the road from a side road (because I feel like being a nice guy and screw everybody behind me)

9. Using the left or right turning lanes and holding up all the traffic because I want to go straight.

These are my most hated traffic violations which I see every day. What are Yours?

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Again, isn't it every 6 months ?

Or is it this time to block protesters or is it to raise more tea money after hiding from the protestors ?

Cracking down on motorists while tens of thousands of pedestrians block the streets, bombs go off, shots being fired and people killed/wounded. The boys in brown never let a little bit of civil unrest or even the state falling apart get in the way of the usual ahem revenue enhancement. I think in the management books this behaviour is known as "sipping cappucinos at the edge of a live volcano."

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The crackdown to stop cars from parking on main roads was effective for 1 day I think.

I suppose the Police Generals got tired of attending the photo ops with the towaway truck......

Surely the headline here should be amended to something like:

"Traffic Police ordered for the umpteenth time to actually do their basic jobs efficiently"

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I think most of the 13 won't stop accidents. What about:

1. Going from outside (fast) lane to inside lane to make left turn i.e. turning in front of oncoming traffic

2. Not indicating before turning or changing lanes. Using indicators after changing lanes (same thing as not using indicators)

3. Slowing almost to a stop before turning left, especially when in the middle lane.

4. Crossing double yellow lines to overtake

5. Not using lights after dark (I don't need lights because I have good eyes, so everyone else should have as well)

6. Pulling out from a side road in front of oncoming traffic

7. Crossing the main highway in front of oncoming traffic

8. Stopping on a main road to let traffic cross the road from a side road (because I feel like being a nice guy and screw everybody behind me)

9. Using the left or right turning lanes and holding up all the traffic because I want to go straight.

These are my most hated traffic violations which I see every day. What are Yours?

How about:

10 Do not exceed 50kph on the sidewalk.

11 Do not stop on a Pedestrian.

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No mention of crosswalks! In most countries drivers are required to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. Here they are largely ignored, even when there are push-buttons, timers and signal lights. At the one near me, I push the button, wait patiently for 40 seconds, and when the 'walk' light turns green -- I continue to wait as the traffic just goes on whizzing by, right through the red lights! Even if I manage to stop the cars and trucks by actually standing on the crosswalk in the middle of a traffic lane, the motorcycles threading the narrow gaps between those vehicles continue at full speed. And nothing stops the buses. I never try to cross the street ahead of an approaching bus. They don't even slow down; in fact I think they speed up and try to hit me before I can scuttle across to the the (relative) safety of the opposite sidewalk - where I am just as likely to get hit by a motorcycle taxi!

I would love to know if there is any law about any of this, and if there is, why there is not even any pretence of enforcement.

Comon. You have to give them credit. At least they hunk the horn before they run you over. So you have a fair change to jump out of their way.

As a side note:

I need a walking device to get around and when I crossed a busy street, everything (even motorcycles) come to an total standstill. Very embarrassing.

And it is not only me. In the Santhitam area of CM there are many massage parlors with blind staff. When those walk the road (no sidewalk!) same happens.

It is like you hit the Pause button on your DVD player.

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I think most of the 13 won't stop accidents. What about:

1. Going from outside (fast) lane to inside lane to make left turn i.e. turning in front of oncoming traffic

2. Not indicating before turning or changing lanes. Using indicators after changing lanes (same thing as not using indicators)

3. Slowing almost to a stop before turning left, especially when in the middle lane.

4. Crossing double yellow lines to overtake

5. Not using lights after dark (I don't need lights because I have good eyes, so everyone else should have as well)

6. Pulling out from a side road in front of oncoming traffic

7. Crossing the main highway in front of oncoming traffic

8. Stopping on a main road to let traffic cross the road from a side road (because I feel like being a nice guy and screw everybody behind me)

9. Using the left or right turning lanes and holding up all the traffic because I want to go straight.

These are my most hated traffic violations which I see every day. What are Yours?

How about:

10 Do not exceed 50kph on the sidewalk.

11 Do not stop on a Pedestrian.

12 Do not ride WITHOUT your friend sitting IN FRONT of you

13 Do never, ever stop at a left turn


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May as well just take every single Thai drivers license that's ever been handed out away....

It's getting very hard to take anything in Thailand seriously anymore; not that anyone ever did?

I didn't see the one about driving drunk, and high on coke; hitting and killing a cop, and fleeing the scene. I guess that's still allowed?

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1. Parking in prohibited area

2. Double parking

3. Parking on sidewalk

4. Driving on sidewalk

5. Overtaking other vehicles in the congested traffic

6. Overtaking other vehicles in public

7. Driving against the arrow sign

8. Running red lights

9. Driving under the influence of alcohol

10. Not fastening seatbelt

11. Using mobile while driving

12. Driving without a license

13. Speeding

Fund raising for the future.

Now there is traffic they can make up for lost time revenue.

I don't think this will happen fast enough to pay back all the farmers

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