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Pheu Thai, Democrats explain their positions to the UN


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Everybody is writing letters to UN!

Thought UN is not their father, as my "idol" said, and they don't give a rat's arse as to what foreigners say as Khun Sutherp said.whistling.gif

How about we right a collective letter?

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It is all very noble writing to the U.N. but can they explain how they are going to solve the impasse that now exists in Thailand, the reforms that are being banged about , what reforms, has anybody really thought about social reforms, me thinks that it will be a beat up, rehash of the old , time to go abroad fella's and get some proper sets of rules, not the Thai democracy type one's , otherwise you will be back again in five years time doing the same old thing,bah.gif Protesting

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Letters to the UN in summary.

PTP - We strongly adhere to elections and everything else is the DEMS fault.

DEMS - We strongly adhere to elections and ALL the other principles of democracy. The leader of the PTP is a convicted criminal.

excellent summary! :)

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I picture the folks at the United Nations laughing themselves right out of their chairs while reading the letters from these two clowns. I'm sure that both letter recipients are well aware of the fact that Thai politicians lie through their teeth and cannot be trusted. Words like "Democracy" and "Rule of Law" have an entirely different meaning here in Thailand than they do any where else in the world. cheesy.gifclap2.gifgiggle.gifcoffee1.gif

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I really would like someone to explain to me how Suthep can claim to want reform, yet is a staunch defender of the Lese Majeste law -which is the most abused of laws used to stifle dissent and aid corruption. I believe this shows more than anything what a hypocrite he is.

When you ask his supporters about this, they shut up, having absolutely no defense.

depends whom you asked, someone who can't speak English? you got the name wrong, it's Thaksin (proven) who's the offender, pls get your facts right! Edited by shiok
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I really would like someone to explain to me how Suthep can claim to want reform, yet is a staunch defender of the Lese Majeste law -which is the most abused of laws used to stifle dissent and aid corruption. I believe this shows more than anything what a hypocrite he is.

When you ask his supporters about this, they shut up, having absolutely no defense.

depends whom you asked, someone who can't speak English? you got the name wrong, it's Thaksin (proven) who's the offender, pls get your facts right!

Well then, would you kindly please explain as it seems your English is fine- How is it Suthep can support such a fascist law, if he is truly for reform? It really can be argued the Lese Majeste law is basis of all corruption.

And just what are Suthep's reforms- other than the hugely sucessful people who keep winning elections may no longer run in elections? And how does he alone have the power to decide this? Do the Majority of Thais agree, can they vote on it?

Do you really want a "democracy" or do you want royalist despot, because that is what Suthep is.

Edited by EBlair48
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