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Suthep and all PDRC leaders kick off street march to oust Yingluck


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Well, at least they have guts! wai2.gif

If they had guts they would be putting there proposals to the electorate on Sunday.

Watched the protesters pass Phra Khanong an hour ago, maybe 800-1000 people, being generous, at most.

No one lining the streets waving them on, no great mass of people.

Seems as the rhetoric ratchets up protester numbers go down.

Sickening that his puppies in the media crop the shots or shoot upwards to hide that. The shots from the air show he is finished.

The guards were probably worried more about photographers taking pics of the shrunken mob than of hitmen.

So, with all the guards and staff and masked men and army detail, that means suthep is down to his last few hundred. So they pass an office at dinner time and a few more come out to look and makes it appeart bigger.

More thugs on the street again today.. Sickening


Wearing a balaclava makes you a thug does it? Ever been to a farm?

Isn't that one of the guards left?


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What bad biased reporting again. The route is 7km long not the mob length.

Low numbers again and now many many more on the respect my vote marches and vigils.

Silom today, just a few goons left and what is noticible about this is that the PDRC, as the vendors claim on Thai TV have marked out the street and have thugs collecting money off them.

You can clearly see it here. So extortion, illegally letting out Thailand, to add to a thousand crimes.

Police cheif stated on all Thai TV, that people should not think the Government is finished, and should be prepared to face the music after the elections. If they see of Suthep,,,, most of these goons are going down.

If they don't see of Suthep, Suthep will have to set up an Amnesty Bill or they will all be in the nick.. how hypocritic is that


7 km long, and the only aerial photo is this one?

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" Suthep said last night that protesters would not blockade polling stations on February 2 but would only protest the election with peace. "

It is important that Suthep says this and more importantly does this. If that actually happens that will be a powerful visual message. People who are amassed peacefully speak more loudly and are heard much further. Having said that, many people on the streets may not heed this, in spite of his wishes. That is the fear, and that should be the top concern. Passions are running very high at the moment - higher than at any other point in Thai political history, and the exact card the police play is still uncertain, and in fact may very well tip the balance if it is a card that is overplayed. The objectives of the PDRC, though, become enhanced through peaceful means. They have largely been true to that up to this point and that is encouraging. But splinter groups within it have not always been in step. For it to have a truly meaningful impact they need to be unified on this. Peace needs to be the tool as well as the message itself.

I am willing to make a wager with you.

I will agree to not post for one year if there are no blockades on Sunday.

If you will do the same if there are.

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Well, at least they have guts! wai2.gif

If they had guts they would be putting there proposals to the electorate on Sunday.

Watched the protesters pass Phra Khanong an hour ago, maybe 800-1000 people, being generous, at most.

No one lining the streets waving them on, no great mass of people.

Seems as the rhetoric ratchets up protester numbers go down.

Well, I have been watching bluesky TV for a few hours in the background now...lots of people marching and lots of people handing him money and waiting to shake his hand. This is live TV, with people as far as the eye can see. The reds on the other hand, at their main hangout, at Chang Puak Gate, in Chiang Mai, had three people there one time I drove by and four or five a few hours later. The reds up here are saying "No money - No vote!" so is everybody else. They joke about it, but you can also tell, they are serious

It doesn't take guts to be a mindless sheep and vote. It takes guts to stand your ground, when your fellow protest leaders are getting murdered and protesters are getting shot by police. Guts Thaksin never had and never will have!

What is this idiot doing posting as me?

Hilarious tactic from the people council for taking thailand back to the 18th Century.

Enjoy your holiday

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Well, at least they have guts! wai2.gif

If they had guts they would be putting there proposals to the electorate on Sunday.

Watched the protesters pass Phra Khanong an hour ago, maybe 800-1000 people, being generous, at most.

No one lining the streets waving them on, no great mass of people.

Seems as the rhetoric ratchets up protester numbers go down.

Sickening that his puppies in the media crop the shots or shoot upwards to hide that. The shots from the air show he is finished.

The guards were probably worried more about photographers taking pics of the shrunken mob than of hitmen.

So, with all the guards and staff and masked men and army detail, that means suthep is down to his last few hundred. So they pass an office at dinner time and a few more come out to look and makes it appeart bigger.

More thugs on the street again today.. Sickening


Wearing a balaclava makes you a thug does it? Ever been to a farm?

Ok I'll Conceded. Tell me there is a farm in the middle of Sukhumvit in the middle of the road and I'll give way to your vastly superior knowledge.

Please also say Why you enjoy having masked armed militia walking the street and demanding everybody obey them?

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