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Is it just me - 3 colds in 2 months

sean in udon

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Thanks for all the replies. I've pretty much done everything that was suggested.

When I originally posted, I figured it was a 2/3 day thing as I was starting to feel better. Boy was I wrong. Fever started Thursday night and ran through 'till Sunday morning. Between midnight and 2 am (Friday morning) I drank 4 x 500ml bottles of water. It seemed to be sweating out of me as fast as I was drinking it.

Feel tired now, got a headache (which won't go) and feel nauseous. No fever, little bit of a cough left. Had no diarrhoea or vomiting problems at all. Off to the docs tomorrow.

Hopefully nottocus can get a post in and give me a happy diagnosis - I could do with a laugh, so find me a good 1 smile.png

Hope it isnt but it reads like the onset of dengue when I had it last year- except I couldnt face drinking or eating anything-just enough water to swallow tablets to bring the fever down. Do get a blood test pronto so you know what you are dealing with.

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I do share your concern over dengue as the little buggers love me. First thing that goes through my mind when I get sick here - s*it, I hope it's not dengue.

Perhaps another update is in order. Went to the local clinic. Guy there did his checks and said I have a throat infection. He recommended going to hospital in case they want to do more checks.

Went to hospital, doc there did his checks and said same - throat infection. Came away with antibiotics, cough medicine and cough suppressant tablets.

Still coughing a little, nausea gone, headache gone and definitely feeling better.

With all the scams and double pricing that we farangs sometimes have problems with, I'm pleased to say that the guy at the clinic didn't charge me a penny and the hospital bill was 166baht for the medication. The whole process took about 90 minutes.

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I have been afflicted by the bugs as well twice in the last month.

I had a fever and a cold with a bit of a sinus infection cleared up by itself after a week or so.

Then this week had a severe fever which I let break by itself without paracetamol. I had an absolute nightmare of a night never felt so sick except when I had food poisoning once before. Now I have a bit o a chest infection. Not sure whether to get antibiotics or ride it out.

I attribute it to walking around Pattaya. It hasn't rained for three months here and the place is putrid. Open drains everywhere severe motor pollution.

I am going to move outside of Central Pattaya in the future it is just too dirty.

Very similar to me, had a cold bug about 1 month ago, took maybe 10 days to clear up, it then came back on Thursday.

Not bad, just a little uncomfortable and will let time run it`s course

Also in Pattaya, might well be due to the dirt, dryness, recent changes in temperature etc ?

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Thanks for all the replies. I've pretty much done everything that was suggested.

When I originally posted, I figured it was a 2/3 day thing as I was starting to feel better. Boy was I wrong. Fever started Thursday night and ran through 'till Sunday morning. Between midnight and 2 am (Friday morning) I drank 4 x 500ml bottles of water. It seemed to be sweating out of me as fast as I was drinking it.

Feel tired now, got a headache (which won't go) and feel nauseous. No fever, little bit of a cough left. Had no diarrhoea or vomiting problems at all. Off to the docs tomorrow.

Hopefully nottocus can get a post in and give me a happy diagnosis - I could do with a laugh, so find me a good 1 smile.png

Hope it isnt but it reads like the onset of dengue when I had it last year- except I couldnt face drinking or eating anything-just enough water to swallow tablets to bring the fever down. Do get a blood test pronto so you know what you are dealing with.

I thought I might have something like dengue as well. Ended up going to PIH today because I got so dizzy and weak so they injected me with something to get blood pressure back up I think as BP was very low and then did a full blood count.

WBC was very low 2500 normal range 4000 -10000. Platelets 120000 normal range 140000- 400000.

Doctor said she didn't suspect dengue because no vomiting or diarrhea and no rash. Diagnosed a virus of unknown origin.

Gave me some electrolytes and some pills If I get dizzy again and said I should be okay in a couple of days.

Still pretty freaked out with the low WBC. And I reckon it could still be dengue even if I don't have all the classical symptoms.

Even thou I am eating I feel like I got like a something heavy in my stomach. Pretty scary really.

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Forget the advice about supplements - if you look at the research it shows a very small benefit to taking zinc and vitamin C, not enough for you to really notice in the short term. Maybe over a 20 year period you might get one fewer cold. What has really helped me go from about one cold every three months to one every two years is being more aware of hygiene issues. Thai people pick their noses and sneeze without using a tissue, which spreads germs to surfaces like doors, lift buttons, poles on trains and so on. Colds are mostly spread not by inhaling airborne germs as is commonly assumed, but by touching an infected surface and then touching your own nose. So what you should do is never touch your nose or mouth unless you have just washed your hands, and wash your hands often with soap and water.

Excellent Advice!

Washing your hands so often is very important. Doctors I have worked with told me long ago that the greatest amount of germs taken into your body is by your own hands. Super that you brought this up.

Many people feel they only need to wash their hands before eating or after the toilet, but like you pointed out, door knobs carry many germs to. Was also told to sneeze into your forearm and not your hands, for obvious reasons.

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Thanks for all the replies. I've pretty much done everything that was suggested.

When I originally posted, I figured it was a 2/3 day thing as I was starting to feel better. Boy was I wrong. Fever started Thursday night and ran through 'till Sunday morning. Between midnight and 2 am (Friday morning) I drank 4 x 500ml bottles of water. It seemed to be sweating out of me as fast as I was drinking it.

Feel tired now, got a headache (which won't go) and feel nauseous. No fever, little bit of a cough left. Had no diarrhoea or vomiting problems at all. Off to the docs tomorrow.

Hopefully nottocus can get a post in and give me a happy diagnosis - I could do with a laugh, so find me a good 1 xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.CwSpBGGvqN.png

Hope it isnt but it reads like the onset of dengue when I had it last year- except I couldnt face drinking or eating anything-just enough water to swallow tablets to bring the fever down. Do get a blood test pronto so you know what you are dealing with.

I thought I might have something like dengue as well. Ended up going to PIH today because I got so dizzy and weak so they injected me with something to get blood pressure back up I think as BP was very low and then did a full blood count.

WBC was very low 2500 normal range 4000 -10000. Platelets 120000 normal range 140000- 400000.

Doctor said she didn't suspect dengue because no vomiting or diarrhea and no rash. Diagnosed a virus of unknown origin.

Gave me some electrolytes and some pills If I get dizzy again and said I should be okay in a couple of days.

Still pretty freaked out with the low WBC. And I reckon it could still be dengue even if I don't have all the classical symptoms.

Even thou I am eating I feel like I got like a something heavy in my stomach. Pretty scary really.

Your Low WBC is normal considering you are sick. This just tells you that your body is fighting this virus off which is what White Blood Cells do. But some also die of in this process, and get back to normal after the sickness is killed. So you don't have a Blood Cancer! Or at least you can't tell from that.

I would be far more concerned if I was sick and my WBC was normal.

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A low WBC is not an indication that your body is fighting an infection. A high WBC is, though that is more often seen in bacterial infectiuons than infections of viral origin. Viral infections will usually not much affect the WBC, though there are some exceptions, one of them being dengue where a low WBC is common. I note OP's platlets are also slightly low so the lab results are fully consistent with dengue.

I do not understand what the doctor is reported to have said; vomiting and diarrhea can occur with dengue but are not usual. The cardinal signs are fever (usually with chill), headache, muscle aches. This group of symptoms together with a WBC that is either normal or a little low is classic dengue.

Tretament is symptomatic: stay hydrated, take paracetemol for fever. Sometimes stronger pain killers are needed.

If the fever persists, a repeat platlet count would be wise. Perhaps by a different doctor....

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