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Vpn For Voip


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Hi All,

I'm trying to set up a VPN Tunneling system for my VOIP sipura device.

Do I need a separate server for that? If I have a router, can I route my VOIP traffic on a different port than the one my voip provider gave me?

Does it work for, let's say, Chinese restrictive port blocking system?

If anyone knows where I can find some good info on how to setup a very simple VPN, that would be fantastic.

Thank you


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Can you clarify what exactly is the problem you are facing?

Are you (or other people you are calling) in china, is that why you mention the chinese firewall?

I use SIP-based VOIP (not sipura but similar hardware) and can call other VOIP users in my company in china, no need for VPN.

If you want a very simple VPN, look at hamachi.cc. It's free, runs on windows/mac/linux. Dead easy to setup.

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Can you clarify what exactly is the problem you are facing?

Are you (or other people you are calling) in china, is that why you mention the chinese firewall?

I use SIP-based VOIP (not sipura but similar hardware) and can call other VOIP users in my company in china, no need for VPN.

If you want a very simple VPN, look at hamachi.cc. It's free, runs on windows/mac/linux. Dead easy to setup.


My question was whether there is any way to tunnel VOIP conversation so that they don't use the usual 5060 or 5061 ports. I know that China blocks those ports and as I am planning to go and spend some months there, I'd like to still use my SIPURA as usual and bypass their system.

Thanks, I'll check hamachi.cc


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I dont have much info about sipura, but i have a solution.

You would need to have a VPN network of your own. There are many VPN routers available. Have one set up in a country which does not block these ports. Then you would need to set your network in China to connect to this VPN for all your internet requirements. Your sipura would be connected to internet using this VPN so you are effectively bypassing all the port restrictions set by the chinese ISP. The down side of using VPN is that the packets would be routed thru aditional routes and encryption/decryption may add to the lag and may cause packet loss resulting in poorer voice quality.

So far as i remember there are companies who offer VPN access, do a google search.

If you are using your sipura to connect to a service provider then i guess VPN is the only option, on the other hand if you use it to connect to your own VOIP device/gateway you could set them up to use ports which are not blocked by the ISP.

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I dont have much info about sipura, but i have a solution.

You would need to have a VPN network of your own. There are many VPN routers available. Have one set up in a country which does not block these ports. Then you would need to set your network in China to connect to this VPN for all your internet requirements. Your sipura would be connected to internet using this VPN so you are effectively bypassing all the port restrictions set by the chinese ISP. The down side of using VPN is that the packets would be routed thru aditional routes and encryption/decryption may add to the lag and may cause packet loss resulting in poorer voice quality.

So far as i remember there are companies who offer VPN access, do a google search.

If you are using your sipura to connect to a service provider then i guess VPN is the only option, on the other hand if you use it to connect to your own VOIP device/gateway you could set them up to use ports which are not blocked by the ISP.

Thank you for your help, really appreciated!


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