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Thai retailer apology for controversial Chinese New Year ad


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One would have to be pretty ignorant of the history of racism against Chinese to think that most Chinese would not take offense at this ad. Whether it is racist or not may be arguable. There is however no denying that it is highly insensitive and outright rude.


go to the top of the PC brigade. I deny that its insensitive, no its not rude. History of racism against the Chinese?????? can't remember that one,....opium wars or some thing like that maybe ? Do i care if a few Chinese feel insulted.........erm NO. But if you should know a few Chinese please tell them to stop spitting

Kudos! With this response, you've done an excellent job of embarrassing yourself. No doubt you will receive much back-slapping and high fives from your fellow sailors in the ever shrinking Sea of Insensitivity.


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Racism is a sensitive topic. We all live in a multicultural society now where people are going to mix together.

What your ham fisted attitude clearly portrays to me is that you are about as sensitive as a brick when it comes to judging what might or might not offend someone.

This is not an easy thing to navigate and sometimes political correctness can go a bit too far. But I would rather see the odd PC misjudgment then going back to an acceptance of lack of respect and no real consideration.

Guess you would still want to buy the Gollywog jam? After all it was only a jar of jam so why get so worked up about it?

I agree totally, and I don't see the advert as racist at all really. It is just ugly, stupid and offensive to me. Real racism is hate-based, this is just more like lazy and tactless based. How we are offended varies from person to person though. A lot of white people carry racial shame, because of our ancestors' crimes in previous ages. I am in that group. I don't like to see anything with white people portraying other races, when a person of that race could have been hired for the job instead. Example, this ad could have featured a stunningly beautiful Chinese lady, in gorgeous Chinese traditional clothes, smiling and celebrating the New Year. And drop the slogan, because its a dumb slogan. Just have her smiling at the camera and a slogan that is more simple. Ad agencies tie themselves in knots trying to think of unusual 'shocking' stuff, but imho its often the simple images and slogans that work better if they are produced with a 'bit of class'.


Edited by Yunla
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Racism is a sensitive topic. We all live in a multicultural society now where people are going to mix together.

What your ham fisted attitude clearly portrays to me is that you are about as sensitive as a brick when it comes to judging what might or might not offend someone.

This is not an easy thing to navigate and sometimes political correctness can go a bit too far. But I would rather see the odd PC misjudgment then going back to an acceptance of lack of respect and no real consideration.

Guess you would still want to buy the Gollywog jam? After all it was only a jar of jam so why get so worked up about it?

I agree totally, and I don't see the advert as racist at all really. It is just ugly, stupid and offensive to me. Real racism is hate-based, this is just more like lazy and tactless based. How we are offended varies from person to person though. A lot of white people carry racial shame, because of our ancestors' crimes in previous ages. I am in that group. I don't like to see anything with white people portraying other races, when a person of that race could have been hired for the job instead. Example, this ad could have featured a stunningly beautiful Chinese lady, in gorgeous Chinese traditional clothes, smiling and celebrating the New Year. And drop the slogan, because its a dumb slogan. Jus thave her smiling at the camera and a slogan that is more simple. Ad agencies tie themselves in knots trying to think of unusual 'shocking' stuff, but imho its often the simple images and slogans that work better if they are produced with a 'bit of class'.

Racism can be out of pure ignorance.

Ever seen "darkie" toothpaste. I mean honestly. Its so unoriginal and so shallow, you just know that it wasn't created be someone very creative.

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Yet more posturing from the professionally offended. Note that it's 'foreigners' who are getting their knickers in a twist over something on behalf of another demographic. I very much doubt that anyone here found the advertisement offensive; it's only the busybodies in the west with their PC radar turned to the 'extra-sensitive' setting who are complaining.

When I was a boy, the airwaves and playgrounds were awash with "there was a Scotsman, an Irishman and an Englishman...." jokes. No-one was offended by them, even if they were the butt of the punchline, because people were able to differentiate between humour and insult in those days. But under the tutelage of the purse-lipped arbiters of Political Correctness, we are forced into bland, flavour-free dialogue, where deviation from the approved path is immediately slapped down.

It's about time these meddlers were shown the door and told not to come back.

On a happier note, I was in Central, Ubon this afternoon, and the advertisement, about 5m square, was still proudly swaying in the air-con. thumbsup.gif

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Yet more posturing from the professionally offended. Note that it's 'foreigners' who are getting their knickers in a twist over something on behalf of another demographic. I very much doubt that anyone here found the advertisement offensive; it's only the busybodies in the west with their PC radar turned to the 'extra-sensitive' setting who are complaining.

When I was a boy, the airwaves and playgrounds were awash with "there was a Scotsman, an Irishman and an Englishman...." jokes. No-one was offended by them, even if they were the butt of the punchline, because people were able to differentiate between humour and insult in those days. But under the tutelage of the purse-lipped arbiters of Political Correctness, we are forced into bland, flavour-free dialogue, where deviation from the approved path is immediately slapped down.

It's about time these meddlers were shown the door and told not to come back.

On a happier note, I was in Central, Ubon this afternoon, and the advertisement, about 5m square, was still proudly swaying in the air-con. thumbsup.gif

Where does it say that its foreigners (farangs),complaining?

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Yet more posturing from the professionally offended. Note that it's 'foreigners' who are getting their knickers in a twist over something on behalf of another demographic. I very much doubt that anyone here found the advertisement offensive; it's only the busybodies in the west with their PC radar turned to the 'extra-sensitive' setting who are complaining.

It's about time these meddlers were shown the door and told not to come back.

I think you will have to get used to living with us. There's a lot more of us and we're not going anywhere.

I think there is a sliding scale of racism, and I would agree this advert is not racist. But it is ugly and not very clever either. And it is offensive in the sense that they could have got a really beautiful Chinese lady for the shoot, instead of a very average looking white girl pulling her face in a grotesque way. She doesn't look pretty at all, its just ugly. And it is a parody of a racial characteristic which is done in a tactless and ugly way.


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Foreigners, brainwashed by Political Correctness would see the ad as a problem.

Thailand has a mix of cultural heritage, including Portuguese, Chinese, American. et.al..

So, which is it - Chinese irked by being compared with foreigners, or foreigners irked at being compared with Chinese..??

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Yet more posturing from the professionally offended. Note that it's 'foreigners' who are getting their knickers in a twist over something on behalf of another demographic. I very much doubt that anyone here found the advertisement offensive; it's only the busybodies in the west with their PC radar turned to the 'extra-sensitive' setting who are complaining.

It's about time these meddlers were shown the door and told not to come back.

I think you will have to get used to living with us. There's a lot more of us and we're not going anywhere.

I think there is a sliding scale of racism, and I would agree this advert is not racist. But it is ugly and not very clever either. And it is offensive in the sense that they could have got a really beautiful Chinese lady for the shoot, instead of a very average looking white girl pulling her face in a grotesque way. She doesn't look pretty at all, its just ugly. And it is a parody of a racial characteristic which is done in a tactless and ugly way.


You think it's ugly, but I do not, I think the image is quite striking and beautiful.

You think it is not clever, but I think it is quite clever, and much, much cleverer than merely presenting a picture of an attractive Chinese girl with the slogan "let's enjoy Chinese New Year", which seems mundane and obvious.

The point is a serious one: not that my opinion is better or more worthwhile than yours, but if you say it is offensive because it looks ugly to you, this does not seem a sufficient basis to determine offensiveness. I would bet a million baht that the intention of that photo was to look attractive, and to me it does.

Also you say it's a parody of a racial characteristic which is done in a tactless, and ugly way. Ugly- OK, this is a personal opinion not shared by everyone- but "tactless"???

This implies that you somehow think referring to the shape of Chinese eyes is in itself a bad thing, like calling someone "fat". Why????

Do you think the Chinese eye shape is so ugly it is "tactless" to represent it? A strange view, if so.

In my opinion one of the most attractive features of Asian faces is the eye shape, and I know this view is extremely common.

In short you can't say something is offensive because you think it looks ugly, when your view of beauty is not the standard by which all things should be measured, and when the clear intention of the image is to be "beautiful" (even if you personally don't think it is).

Edited by partington
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One would have to be pretty ignorant of the history of racism against Chinese to think that most Chinese would not take offense at this ad. Whether it is racist or not may be arguable. There is however no denying that it is highly insensitive and outright rude.


go to the top of the PC brigade. I deny that its insensitive, no its not rude. History of racism against the Chinese?????? can't remember that one,....opium wars or some thing like that maybe ? Do i care if a few Chinese feel insulted.........erm NO. But if you should know a few Chinese please tell them to stop spitting

Kudos! With this response, you've done an excellent job of embarrassing yourself. No doubt you will receive much back-slapping and high fives from your fellow sailors in the ever shrinking Sea of Insensitivity.


Yes, well that's me, you get what you see. Am i embarrassed ? no, do i care about a high five? no. I bet you can't see an old Benny Hill show now where he imitates a Chinese accent,without you crying your eyes out for all those Chinese people who might be insulted. That's PC for you. I'm not a sailor. Bye the way what's the " T " for? Couldn't finish the word/sentance, that bleeding heart left you all weak and shivery did it?

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Racism is a sensitive topic. We all live in a multicultural society now where people are going to mix together.

What your ham fisted attitude clearly portrays to me is that you are about as sensitive as a brick when it comes to judging what might or might not offend someone.

This is not an easy thing to navigate and sometimes political correctness can go a bit too far. But I would rather see the odd PC misjudgment then going back to an acceptance of lack of respect and no real consideration.

Guess you would still want to buy the Gollywog jam? After all it was only a jar of jam so why get so worked up about it?

I agree totally, and I don't see the advert as racist at all really. It is just ugly, stupid and offensive to me. Real racism is hate-based, this is just more like lazy and tactless based. How we are offended varies from person to person though. A lot of white people carry racial shame, because of our ancestors' crimes in previous ages. I am in that group. I don't like to see anything with white people portraying other races, when a person of that race could have been hired for the job instead. Example, this ad could have featured a stunningly beautiful Chinese lady, in gorgeous Chinese traditional clothes, smiling and celebrating the New Year. And drop the slogan, because its a dumb slogan. Just have her smiling at the camera and a slogan that is more simple. Ad agencies tie themselves in knots trying to think of unusual 'shocking' stuff, but imho its often the simple images and slogans that work better if they are produced with a 'bit of class'.


Whats wrong with us golliwogs ? You said it yourself,why get so worked up about it?

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You think it's ugly, but I do not, I think the image is quite striking and beautiful.

You think it is not clever, but I think it is quite clever, and much, much cleverer than merely presenting a picture of an attractive Chinese girl with the slogan "let's enjoy Chinese New Year", which seems mundane and obvious.

The point is a serious one: not that my opinion is better or more worthwhile than yours, but if you say it is offensive because it looks ugly to you, this does not seem a sufficient basis to determine offensiveness. I would bet a million baht that the intention of that photo was to look attractive, and to me it does.

Also you say it's a parody of a racial characteristic which is done in a tactless, and ugly way. Ugly- OK, this is a personal opinion not shared by everyone- but "tactless"???

This implies that you somehow think referring to the shape of Chinese eyes is in itself a bad thing, like calling someone "fat". Why????

Do you think the Chinese eye shape is so ugly it is "tactless" to represent it? A strange view, if so.

In my opinion one of the most attractive features of Asian faces is the eye shape, and I know this view is extremely common.

In short you can't say something is offensive because you think it looks ugly, when your view of beauty is not the standard by which all things should be measured, and when the clear intention of the image is to be "beautiful" (even if you personally don't think it is).

It is offensive because the woman pulling her eye like that does not look Chinese, she looks like a white woman with her face pulled at a garish angle. Chinese eyes don't look like that, and they are beautiful. That girls eye look's like she's been in an accident. I'm deeply sorry for you that you can't see the difference between a nice photo of a Chinese girl with natural eyes, and a picture of a white girl with her face stretched so much her eye looks ready to pop.

As for "its cleverer" it really isn't. My best friend has worked in advertising for fifty years and he wouldn't use this trashy shot, he would laugh it out of the room. Its a cheap gimmick shot, not clever at all. Four year-old kids in the playground do the same eye-stretching trick when they are bullying the Chinese kid. So if you think that something four year-olds do as an insult is very clever, then that sort of ends the discussion doesn't it.

I confirm that I find this ad cheap and nasty, ugly and not a creative art piece by any stretch. And it really does mimic the way kids bully Chinese kids at school. Which is childish racism. A simple classy photo of a Chinese girl would have been much more attractive and true to the theme which is about the China brand. I leave it at that, good night.

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CPN apologizes, pulls 'controversial' Chinese New Year ad

By Coconuts Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- Time to screen-capture that questionable Chinese New Year ad from Central Pattana and archive it in your library of poorly considered marketing campaigns.

The giant mall management company this evening apologized for an advertisement some deemed racially insensitive and said it would be removed from circulation.

"We would like to make our heartfelt apology on this issue," said CPN spokesman Sakorn Thavisin in a statement. "We are extremely sorry for the lack of judgment in this issue as we did not realize that the gesture of the model in the advertisement would be offensive to the Chinese communities." [read more...]

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2014/01/31/cpn-apologizes-pulls-chinese-new-year-ad


-- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-02-01

Hilarious that such a high profile company could make such an obvious snaffu as this.

Personally I find it insulting to just about everyone.

It is insulting to Caucasians to imply that they readily make fun of Chinese like this.

It's insulting to Chinese.

It's particularly insulting to Thai Thais because it implies that it is not good to be a real Thai - only a Chinese Thai.

Great job Central. Maybe that's the difference between a family firm and a professionally management company.

I bet you would be insulted if someone said good morning to you. You probably didn't like the "Black and White Minstrel Show". Actually i didn't either,it was boring,but my mother liked it....old racist eh

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A good Chinese friend remarked to me that he found Westerners to be incredibly INSCRUTABLE and worse than that THEY ALL LOOKED JUST THE SAME.

He also complained that he'd been to the bank to exchange his Chinese currency into pounds sterling, and was offered a very poor rate of exchange, much lower than the day before.

When he complained to the bank teller he was told FLUCTUATIONS! Well if your going to be like that, retorted my friend, FLUCTUEUROPEANS too!

There was a young man called LONG who on a boat trip to HONGKONG hammered his TOOL as flat as a RULE but when he got there he found he was WRONG!

All very childish stuff I know, but wouldn't the World be a far happier place if individuals everywhere could adopt a sense of humour?

It is difficult to lampoon Thais as a nation because they don't immediately share recognisable characteristics, however my Thai wife gets close when she pretends to plunge a knife deep into someone's back while still smiling from ear to ear.

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One would have to be pretty ignorant of the history of racism against Chinese to think that most Chinese would not take offense at this ad. Whether it is racist or not may be arguable. There is however no denying that it is highly insensitive and outright rude.


go to the top of the PC brigade. I deny that its insensitive, no its not rude. History of racism against the Chinese?????? can't remember that one,....opium wars or some thing like that maybe ? Do i care if a few Chinese feel insulted.........erm NO. But if you should know a few Chinese please tell them to stop spitting

Kudos! With this response, you've done an excellent job of embarrassing yourself. No doubt you will receive much back-slapping and high fives from your fellow sailors in the ever shrinking Sea of Insensitivity.


Yes, well that's me, you get what you see. Am i embarrassed ? no, do i care about a high five? no. I bet you can't see an old Benny Hill show now where he imitates a Chinese accent,without you crying your eyes out for all those Chinese people who might be insulted. That's PC for you. I'm not a sailor. Bye the way what's the " T " for? Couldn't finish the word/sentance, that bleeding heart left you all weak and shivery did it?

I wouldn't have thought it possible, but you've outdone yourself. The vitriol! The spittle! It's almost palpable. Weren't you thought to "say it, not spray it?"
Speaking of Benny Hill, I will henceforth hear that Yakety Sax music everytime I think of you, which I hope isn't often. It's interesting that you mention the show in your defence; it would seem your thinking hasn't evolved since the 1950's when the show first aired.
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Yet more posturing from the professionally offended. Note that it's 'foreigners' who are getting their knickers in a twist over something on behalf of another demographic. I very much doubt that anyone here found the advertisement offensive; it's only the busybodies in the west with their PC radar turned to the 'extra-sensitive' setting who are complaining.

When I was a boy, the airwaves and playgrounds were awash with "there was a Scotsman, an Irishman and an Englishman...." jokes. No-one was offended by them, even if they were the butt of the punchline, because people were able to differentiate between humour and insult in those days. But under the tutelage of the purse-lipped arbiters of Political Correctness, we are forced into bland, flavour-free dialogue, where deviation from the approved path is immediately slapped down.

It's about time these meddlers were shown the door and told not to come back.

On a happier note, I was in Central, Ubon this afternoon, and the advertisement, about 5m square, was still proudly swaying in the air-con. thumbsup.gif

Where does it say that its foreigners (farangs),complaining?

The image generated mixed reactions online, with mainly foreign commentators expressing disapproval.

"This ad is sure to create negative publicity for Central. Lots of people who shop in Central are foreigners. Not a good idea!" said @BKKEarlsy on Twitter.

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CPN apologizes, pulls 'controversial' Chinese New Year ad

By Coconuts Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- Time to screen-capture that questionable Chinese New Year ad from Central Pattana and archive it in your library of poorly considered marketing campaigns.

The giant mall management company this evening apologized for an advertisement some deemed racially insensitive and said it would be removed from circulation.

"We would like to make our heartfelt apology on this issue," said CPN spokesman Sakorn Thavisin in a statement. "We are extremely sorry for the lack of judgment in this issue as we did not realize that the gesture of the model in the advertisement would be offensive to the Chinese communities." [read more...]

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2014/01/31/cpn-apologizes-pulls-chinese-new-year-ad


-- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-02-01

Right, the mall management company has removed the ad, and has apologised for it. Some people reckon the ad is funny, whilst others reckon it is offensive. The mall company has removed it because it IS harming the sales of their business.

Let's hope the company does not make a similar mistake in the future. And let's hope other advertising groups don't make the same mistake again.

And yes, it is a mistake, an advert is suppose to improve the image (boost sales), and not do the opposite ! :)

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Why should anyone be surprise! You see the Thais doing it to their own people day in day out so regular the people don't even know it.

This is the 21st Century a country so much want to be part of the elite but time after time shoots itself in the foot because they can't help themselves. Oh but if you did this to the Thais or say a wrong thing it the slammer? they loose face big time!

Is as one MP, said last year on the Bangkok post, " the more they love their country the stupid they are " another example!

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CPN apologizes, pulls 'controversial' Chinese New Year ad

By Coconuts Bangkok


BANGKOK: -- Time to screen-capture that questionable Chinese New Year ad from Central Pattana and archive it in your library of poorly considered marketing campaigns.

The giant mall management company this evening apologized for an advertisement some deemed racially insensitive and said it would be removed from circulation.

"We would like to make our heartfelt apology on this issue," said CPN spokesman Sakorn Thavisin in a statement. "We are extremely sorry for the lack of judgment in this issue as we did not realize that the gesture of the model in the advertisement would be offensive to the Chinese communities." [read more...]

Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2014/01/31/cpn-apologizes-pulls-chinese-new-year-ad


-- Coconuts Bangkok 2014-02-01

Hilarious that such a high profile company could make such an obvious snaffu as this.

Personally I find it insulting to just about everyone.

It is insulting to Caucasians to imply that they readily make fun of Chinese like this.

It's insulting to Chinese.

It's particularly insulting to Thai Thais because it implies that it is not good to be a real Thai - only a Chinese Thai.

Great job Central. Maybe that's the difference between a family firm and a professionally management company.

I bet you would be insulted if someone said good morning to you. You probably didn't like the "Black and White Minstrel Show". Actually i didn't either,it was boring,but my mother liked it....old racist eh

Also thought it was very boring but my grandmother liked it.

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It certainly created publicity and what was it someone said about bad publicity?

I think it provocative and pushing the line as does good marketing. The not so subtle message is obviously a jab at both Asians and Westerners, because the hidden message is that asians for a long time have really tried to imitate the richer, 'superior' culture of the west - even if they won't admit it. Now, china is growing as a power and culture and this here is basically a bit of etno-nationalistic pun at both white and asians alike.

Remember, the goal is to sell more, if you can sell the message to embrace the chinese, because they are the next superpower, then you can get people spending like they do at 'christmas' here in Thailand even if christmas has zero cultural relevance.

It's a way of saying, try something new, there is more than western culture.

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It certainly created publicity and what was it someone said about bad publicity?

I think it provocative and pushing the line as does good marketing. The not so subtle message is obviously a jab at both Asians and Westerners, because the hidden message is that asians for a long time have really tried to imitate the richer, 'superior' culture of the west - even if they won't admit it. Now, china is growing as a power and culture and this here is basically a bit of etno-nationalistic pun at both white and asians alike.

Remember, the goal is to sell more, if you can sell the message to embrace the chinese, because they are the next superpower, then you can get people spending like they do at 'christmas' here in Thailand even if christmas has zero cultural relevance.

It's a way of saying, try something new, there is more than western culture.

Good to see someone actually understood the marketing. Most posters appear to have missed the message completely. The suggestion to have had a "good looking Chinese girl" in the ad instead would have completely negated the theme.

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It certainly created publicity and what was it someone said about bad publicity?

I think it provocative and pushing the line as does good marketing. The not so subtle message is obviously a jab at both Asians and Westerners, because the hidden message is that asians for a long time have really tried to imitate the richer, 'superior' culture of the west - even if they won't admit it. Now, china is growing as a power and culture and this here is basically a bit of etno-nationalistic pun at both white and asians alike.

Remember, the goal is to sell more, if you can sell the message to embrace the chinese, because they are the next superpower, then you can get people spending like they do at 'christmas' here in Thailand even if christmas has zero cultural relevance.

It's a way of saying, try something new, there is more than western culture.

Good to see someone actually understood the marketing. Most posters appear to have missed the message completely. The suggestion to have had a "good looking Chinese girl" in the ad instead would have completely negated the theme.

I think it suggests that being Chinese is so good, even westerners are starting to be envious of it.

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It's time for me to say something.

FOR ME, this is just an ad. How people comprehend it, it's another story.
But, some people's posts , are incredibly rude, stupid, narrow minded, ignorant, and yes, racist.
I'm a Chinese, I state again. And a mainland Chinese too.
Although I hate the communism in China, I love China. From the past , into the future.
For those racist foreigners, I can only say they have ill education about history and politics of other countries.
It's not rare that China was ruled by other races, like the Yuan Dynasty (Mongolians), Qing Dynasty (Mandarin), and the People's Republic of China (once controlled by the communist Russians....)
Look at the things with a long term view, not narrowly for only a few decades, eh?
Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, are full of Chinese. And in Thailand, most rich people and top management people are from Chinese families. In the international Olympics for Maths, Physics, Chemistry, always the Chinese students win the medals.
Chinese are able to master the western things, like classic music (Lang Lang, Yo Yo Ma, etc) and technology; But how many westerners can master Chinese things like Yi Jing, TCM...... I can write here in English (German, Japanese too), can you write back in Chinese to show your racism ?!?!?!
This is an old race. I like to be a Chinese, for its rich culture and intelligence and wisdom.
Bad luck that China is often destroyed by savage powers (buts still lucky, it did not disappear like other ancient civilisations ......).As Ying and Yang theory goes, situation always changes from time to time. My generation, and the next generations, will change China into a better country, and correct the mistakes done by our stupid and brutal ex-generations.
And how about you, racist farangs? You are lying on the achievements from your great-great-granapa generations and think you are the number one. Fine, keep dreaming.
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I saw this billboard in Central Festival Pattaya on Thursday. While I didn't realize anything about the gesture being offensive to those of Chinese descent I thought the wording "Good To Be Chinese" offensive to those who aren't. Very insensitive.

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