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Seeking good local optometrist and lawyer


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I am relatively new to Hua Hin and would welcome some local advice on (i) a good competent local optometrist for an annual eye check-up, and (ii) a good competent local lawyer for drafting a simple will.

I have read some of the older posts on local law firms, and have emailed (without getting any replies) and telephoned (without getting any response) a couple.

Thank you in advance.

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There is a very good ophthalmologist called Dr. Pairait who has an office (and operating theater) in the block just south of the entrance to Market Village. Highly recommended.

I haven't used a Hua Hin lawyer directly, but when we sold out house the buyer used one with an office about a block south of the Tessabahn office who seemed to be competent.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In general I would be cautious about using lawyers outside of Bangkok, unless you have a very solid recommendation from a reliable source. There are just too many stories around about issues ranging from incompetence to theft. The main problem is that much of the legal work in the big tourist towns is real estate related, and that seems to be where most problems arise. Of course there are problem lawyers in Bangkok as well, so you need to pick selectively.

You need to be careful with wills. If you have an estate in two jurisdictions (Thailand and abroad), and the beneficiaries are overseas, then you need proper advice. It's not a simple will, but its not that complicated either. Ideally you need two wills in both jurisdictions that inter-connect legally.

I can recommend a good lawyer in Bangkok who has handled conveyancing, wills and some litigation for me. A long time and very trusted friend who works and lives in Bangkok has sued him for many many years and recommended. He is competent, honest and responsive. E mail me if you want his details, although using my own advice ideally you should use someoene recommended by someone you know and trust.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

There is a very good ophthalmologist called Dr. Pairait who has an office (and operating theater) in the block just south of the entrance to Market Village. Highly recommended.


I haven't used a Hua Hin lawyer directly, but when we sold out house the buyer used one with an office about a block south of the Tessabahn office who seemed to be competent.

See my PM re lawyer. This is the one I was referring to.

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Hi perry21,

Thank you for the advice.

I obtained legal advice in Australia from a trusted colleague prior to moving here. I have a will in Australia to cover my Australian assets, and need one here to cover my limited assets in Thailand.

My Australian executors will receive a copy of my Thai will, and my Thai executors (I forget the legal term used in Thailand) a copy of my Australian will; there is no overlap of assets.

Best wishes.

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Hi perry21,

Thank you for the advice.

I obtained legal advice in Australia from a trusted colleague prior to moving here. I have a will in Australia to cover my Australian assets, and need one here to cover my limited assets in Thailand.

My Australian executors will receive a copy of my Thai will, and my Thai executors (I forget the legal term used in Thailand) a copy of my Australian will; there is no overlap of assets.

Best wishes.

Just make sure your Australian will does not say it is your last will and testement or it may be invalidated totally by having made a Thai one.

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Hi perry21,

Thank you for the advice.

I obtained legal advice in Australia from a trusted colleague prior to moving here. I have a will in Australia to cover my Australian assets, and need one here to cover my limited assets in Thailand.

My Australian executors will receive a copy of my Thai will, and my Thai executors (I forget the legal term used in Thailand) a copy of my Australian will; there is no overlap of assets.

Best wishes.

Just make sure your Australian will does not say it is your last will and testement or it may be invalidated totally by having made a Thai one.

Thank you for this advice .... I forgot about this issue!!!

I have the following proforma, which may be of interest:

Australian will

[This will must be a complete will, and must deal with all relevant administrative matters includ­ing appointment of the executors for Australia and the jurisdictions covered by this will, contemplation of marriage and guardianship matters, so that it can operate completely independently of the will for the foreign jurisdiction.]

THIS MY AUSTRALIAN WILL is made by me [name] of [address] in the [state or territory, eg, state of Victoria], [postcode, and occupation].

This will affects my property and affairs in Australia and every other part of the world, except that it does not take effect in or affect property or affairs of mine in [name foreign country]. This will takes effect and operates independently of and separately from any will made by me in respect of property and affairs of mine in [name foreign country].

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This person was the best contact I ever made in hua hin

Her name is Teo she lived in Sheffield uk for many years so her English is very good.

She is a tourist police officer and has helped me on many occasions I cant rate her enough.

tel 081-711-8845

knows everything about everything

Hope this helps

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