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"forbidden" From Thanni.com


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Guys, I haven't been able to get to www.thanni.com for a couple of weeks now.

First, I thought their website was down and just thought I'd give it some time.

The error message is


You don't have permission to access / on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Yesterday i was checking my mail on my tungsten W and thought I'd check Thanni again just for fun.

Lo and behold it came up allright.

Back to the old PC, try again and the same error message.

Turned off zonealarm and tried again, same prob.

Did ipconfig release and reset, same prob.

Cleared my cache and cookies, same same

Switched from firefox to IE. I don't have to tell you do I?

Tried another computer and the problem is still there.

The only think I can think of is that they are blocking my IP. ( the release and reset didn't work properly)

I am on XP sp2 all the latest updates, BUT i connect via bluetooth to mobile and GPRS .

Could it be that my bluetooth stops the release and reset from working?

Since I can get to the site from my Tungsten it isn't a big problem, but I did spend some time trying to get to the site and I just can't understand why it isn't working.

Needless to say it used to work until about two weeks ago.

At my wits end :o

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Guys, I haven't been able to get to www.thanni.com for a couple of weeks now.

First, I thought their website was down and just thought I'd give it some time.

The error message is


You don't have permission to access / on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Yesterday i was checking my mail on my tungsten W and thought I'd check Thanni again just for fun.

Lo and behold it came up allright.

Back to the old PC, try again and the same error message.

Turned off zonealarm and tried again, same prob.

Did ipconfig release and reset, same prob.

Cleared my cache and cookies, same same

Switched from firefox to IE. I don't have to tell you do I?

Tried another computer and the problem is still there.

The only think I can think of is that they are blocking my IP. ( the release and reset didn't work properly)

I am on XP sp2 all the latest updates, BUT i connect via bluetooth to mobile and GPRS .

Could it be that my bluetooth stops the release and reset from working?

Since I can get to the site from my Tungsten it isn't a big problem, but I did spend some time trying to get to the site and I just can't understand why it isn't working.

Needless to say it used to work until about two weeks ago.

At my wits end :o

Check your security settings and make sure cookies are enabled.

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delete the cookies from the website you are having problems accessing.

perhaps a damaged cookie is causing these problems.

The problems could also be in your hosts file.

In win xp:-


open this file in notepad and see if you got any entry containing the domain name you are having problems with, if its there then you need to delete those lines.

another problem would be with your routers DNS cache.

try turning ot off and on again.

another thing is clear your computers dns cache.

on command prompt type:-


This deletes the DNS cache of your computer....

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I also connect to thanni.com without problems. The site is working, I'm able to log in, and so on...

Just a couple of month ago, I purchased a lot of stuff from them.

It is definitely some problem with your system. Are you using a proxy? If not, you may try one.

I do not think that they are able to block your IP (it would require to block all the range).

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Ok, I have searched for a file or folder named "hosts" on my computer. No Luck. Neither do I have any cookies for Thanni.

Done the ipconfig/flushdns

I am not conneted via router. Bluetooth and gprs.

Thank you for all your suggestions, but I am still unable to connect.

i am aware that the problem lies somewhere in my computer, just can't figure out how to solve it.


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Ok, I have searched for a file or folder named "hosts" on my computer.

1) Normal when you use the search feature, it omits system files and folders.

2) "hosts" is not a folder it is a file.

to edit hosts file...

open notepad.

click file

then click open.

in the file name type in "C:\windows\hosts" without the quotes

Then click open.

I suspect some spyware or something has edited your hosts file to direct you to their site instead of the intended site, which is blocked by the cyber police.

EDIT: the i got confused between threads...the above statement was intended to be:-

I suspect some spyware or something has edited your hosts file to direct thanni.com to some IP other than the actual thanni.com IP.

open command prompt.

type in "ping thanni.com" without the quotes and let us know the first line of the output.

mine is :-

Pinging thanni.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

If you get the same too...then my approach in solving your problem is totally wrong.

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My guess is ... if the thanni.com was listed on the hosts file there would no be 404, Forbidden or other errors mentioned in the original post.

I am quite sure that due to some reason, the IP for thanni.com is resolving to some other IP for this person.

now when he tries to access thanni, the browser requests thanni.com from another server, not the actual thanni server. Now this server doesnt know what is thanni, hence acts strangely.

Perhaps this server doesnt have a default website setup and has no entry for thani.com in the virtual host settings.

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Perhaps this server doesnt have a default website setup ...

Is it possible?

Yes its possible.

These days a single server hosts many domains.

When you try to visit a website by its domain, your browser first translates the domain into an IP address. Then the browser requests for the website on that domain from the webserver runing on that IP address.

Usually if the requested domain name isint set up on the server, it shows some error page or a default website. The error mentioned on the opening post sounds like apache of which i dont have much idea.

Try this out(with smaller websites i.e. runing on shared server).

on command line type "ping domainname" without the quotes, it would show you the websites IP address, type the IP address into your browser and you would see some under construction page...or some web hosting company's website.

On IIS, if a domain name is pointing to the server and the default website is disabled, the error is:-

"Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)"

On apache by default it will show you some information about the apache webserver.

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Guest endure
Ok, I have searched for a file or folder named "hosts" on my computer. No Luck.

If you're using Windows XP your hosts file will be in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc

If you're using Windows 2000 your hosts file will be in C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc

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First of all, Thank you all for trying to help out!

This is a great community.

@ SMS I get the same as you "Pinging thanni.com [] with 32 bytes of data"

and then it times out.

@ Endure, in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc there is no mention of thanni.com in any of the different host files.

I have done the ipconfig/flushdns. Same old same old. Then tried to do the release reset, but that doesn't seem to work when you run over a bluetooth connection??

This is irritating, If I wasn't allready bald.....................

Edited by touch
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