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Deportation threat: Indian business chairman Satish to seek justice from Thai court


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lashing out at the government probably isn't the best line of defence. Get a lawyer, try to get diplomatic support from india and stop appearing in the media, to calm thing down

Quite true, when you lash out publically against the government who with the flick of a pen can kick you out of their country it is not a good move. Now this story will go international which is like hitting the thai government squarely in the face with the back of a shovel isn't going to help your defence. The government will want to repair that face. As many have said on here we are guests as you are (I prefer the term commodity over guest) and you don't upset your hosts at a dinner party.

And if it goes international then who is to blame? I guess as always will it be the 'foreigner'?

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So special laws for Indians ?

He was warned like all foregners .

Thai leaders/voters were not arrested ,yet as the Police and government stated it may exacerbate the tensions.

If this guy was so well respected/connected it could not happen ,I hope his supporters have deep pockets.Good riddance to law breakers they only make lifeharder for us who play by the rules,the foreign drug dealers pimps boiler room scammers,if you can't do the time don't do the crime,I am minded the authorities are sufficently corrupt that he'll pay off and shut up if he knows what's good for him ,Lord Buddha was Nepalese and Indians are pretty near the bottom in Thai thinking as anyone familiar with local "nicknames" jek,kek and falang will know..

Can you please prove to us that he is not a Thai citizen?
No country can ever 'deport' it's own citizen. If he was a citizen, they would have used the word 'exile'. In any case it was widely reported in the media, and a simple google search will provide you all the details you need. He is 70yrs old, claims to have come here as a young child but never taken citizenship in the 50+ years he has been here.

Citizens, can be deported. You are confusing a citizen with a national.

My wife is now an Australian citizen, but if she broke the law she could be deported back to Thailand.

I don't care if this guy stays or goes and am not choosing sides, just clarifying a point.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Australian citizens can't be deported. Full stop.

Only if it has been shown that they have obtained that citizenship fraduently. Other than that, the have every right to enter Australia without restriction.

Australian citizens may, in certain cases, be denied passports for travel, but that is a totally seperate issue.

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Stupid CMPO. Details, details. I wouldn't mess with the chairman of the business association. Threatening him with deportation will just ioen a can of worms. He represents a lot of investment for Thailand and although he may not hold a Thai passport, he and his family have been good standing residents and/or citizens. From a damage control standpoint the Thai government just continues to waste time, energy and money for the wrong reasons. Idiots.

So you are saying he is powerful and one of the elite so let him be? The same goes for the redbull guy. don't interfere with the upper class let them do as they want, who cares if they are involved in corruption, who care if they are involved in criminal activity. Don't rock the boat

Who cares about corruption - unless your life is destroyed by it - then I wonder if you will have the same opinion or like many others will be wandering around helplessly with no one to assist you and certainly no 'organisations' to point you in the right direction. You will then be at the mercy of lawyers who work together against you because you are a foreigner no matter what offence has been committed against you and who will harass and bribe any lawyer trying to seek justice because foreigner shouldn't sue Thias, police who scam you at every opportunity when you ask them to do their job like enforce an arrest warrant and your embassy throwing the end of the rope to your lifebuoy telling you to use the system which you already know is absolutely set against you. Perhaps people should be a little less selfish in their 'who cares' attitude for that type of attitude will never progress society. People should care about these things.

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Stupid CMPO. Details, details. I wouldn't mess with the chairman of the business association. Threatening him with deportation will just ioen a can of worms. He represents a lot of investment for Thailand and although he may not hold a Thai passport, he and his family have been good standing residents and/or citizens. From a damage control standpoint the Thai government just continues to waste time, energy and money for the wrong reasons. Idiots.

So you are saying he is powerful and one of the elite so let him be? The same goes for the redbull guy. don't interfere with the upper class let them do as they want, who cares if they are involved in corruption, who care if they are involved in criminal activity. Don't rock the boat

This is different to the Red Bull guy.

This is a political play by the CMPO. He has every right to appeal it to the fullest extent, provided he gets in early.

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If per the article he is truly a Thai citizen, as it appears he states then they cannot deport him, and if they do it is a violation of international human rights......PTP democracy in action again it seems

In another paper which we dare not speak of, he says he arrived in Thailand at the age of 15. His 4 siblings are Thai citizens born in Thailand but he has never applied for citizenship.

So he is not Thai. Lest you have forgotten, Abhisit deported foreigners who supported the red shirt protests in 2010. Or is there a different rule of law for PAD/PRDC supportes?

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Stupid CMPO. Details, details. I wouldn't mess with the chairman of the business association. Threatening him with deportation will just ioen a can of worms. He represents a lot of investment for Thailand and although he may not hold a Thai passport, he and his family have been good standing residents and/or citizens. From a damage control standpoint the Thai government just continues to waste time, energy and money for the wrong reasons. Idiots.

So you are saying he is powerful and one of the elite so let him be? The same goes for the redbull guy. don't interfere with the upper class let them do as they want, who cares if they are involved in corruption, who care if they are involved in criminal activity. Don't rock the boat

No...I do not think he is saying that.

I think he is saying that if you are going to take action like this you have to be very very sure of your ground. I am sure as a policeman you would take a lot more care in ensuring there are grounds and that everything was done correctly if you were arresting say Mr Palmer than you would if you were arresting some shop assistant.

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I am casting any aspersions on anyone, but I think it should be a requisite, that if you are going to campaign against corruption, you should have to declare your personal income tax statement for last year.

Beyond that, this NACC rubbish declares assets but shows no income. I want to know how much tax yingluck and all the rest of them paid last year.

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So he's been here for 50 years and is actually a naturalised Thai with a Thai passport? If that's the case, what gives the Shinawatras the right to deport him? He's no tourist joining the protest, he's a Thai exercising his right to protest. Just goes to show how far the Shins will go to be vindictive. They're really getting desperata.

He has no Thai passport. If a farang goes on to the stage he would be deported as well. You don't really need a court approval. Immigration is under the Police and they can easy get him deported. He is also not a powerful tycoon as the press like to point out. He run Look East and the Thailand Airline Time Table. The Sehgal Group itself is not only close to India but also very close to Pakistan.

As I said earlier if he will would be from the Narula or Srichawla clan he would have no problem even if he is a citizen of India.

BTW: Some of the Sehgal family which are Thai's will stay clear and away from him as they have deep links in supplying weapons to the Thai armed forces and the RTP.

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If the courts decide that standing on stage speaking on economics and not protesting in being against the Govt then is he not like a newspaper being read but people hear his voice. if you follow my drift then the Govt declaring it is unlawful to speak out could backfire on them. I do agree that all foreigners warned not to join the protest but if one does not protest but provide information that is readily available then does he have a case.

i think that India not accepting dual nationalty made him choose India as being his first priority not Thailand for business reasons

He stood on stage and spoke at a protest, what he spoke about is irrelevant.

He took part in a protest, we had all been warned not to.

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This is a subject that i have always wonderd about, so much that this is my first post . i will ask a question to all the Falang in Thailand , If i come and live in your house and go round the neighbour hood bagging the sh*t out of you, it wouldnt take long for you to kick me out. So i say to all think about the comments you post , you are a gest in THAILAND be carfull what you say . It wont be hard for either side of politics to find you IP address and come knocking on your door at 3 am.

A lot of my friends say about freedom of speach, we dont vote and have minimal rights . So i say have an opinion BUT keep to your self.

Just something to think about

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...speaking for himself....he never participated in any anti-government activities....

...unless they have proof to the contrary...aside from dancing or waving a flag....this is a racist....and...fascist act...

Edited by SOTIRIOS
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I don't know all the facts in this mess. I just recognize that this man has dedicated his life to this country and tried to do his best to serve it. I wish him the best of luck and hope that he will not be separated from his family due to one fugitive's vindictiveness....

Oh please Thaksin did not bring in this law. It was there well before 2006. The guy has broken the law and he should not be protected because he is a hi so and rich. The red bull guy should also be chased down like this Indian

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It's funny that the people who claim to support democracy the most are the same ones that think someone that has lived her for 50 years should have no rights and all. In a real democracy someone like this would never be deported. This is obviously an extreme measure to shut him and other up. Is that what democracy is all about? As far as i can tell he hasn't broken any laws. In a true democracy, governments don't have the power to deport people in this way. It's not up to the government to decide what people can say and do. That's down to the laws passed by parliament. So what law has he broken? If he's broken any, them charge him. To deport him in this way is not good and it's a shame, though not surprising, that countries such as the US seem to support this behavior.

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AS i said this is there country we are only guests KEEP OUT OF POLITCS sooner than latter someone will have had an eough off our bull sh*t and come a knocking .This may be just the first.

And of course all it takes is a stroke of a pen in Thailand and life could start becoming very hard to stay long term in Thailand for farangs, a couple a simple changes to immigration rules and many may have to leave en mass

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I don't know all the facts in this mess. I just recognize that this man has dedicated his life to this country and tried to do his best to serve it. I wish him the best of luck and hope that he will not be separated from his family due to one fugitive's vindictiveness....

Oh please Thaksin did not bring in this law. It was there well before 2006. The guy has broken the law and he should not be protected because he is a hi so and rich. The red bull guy should also be chased down like this Indian

Who decides guilt...has he been tried and judged in a court?

UDHR Article 10.
  • Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.
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If per the article he is truly a Thai citizen, as it appears he states then they cannot deport him, and if they do it is a violation of international human rights......PTP democracy in action again it seems

In another paper which we dare not speak of, he says he arrived in Thailand at the age of 15. His 4 siblings are Thai citizens born in Thailand but he has never applied for citizenship.

So he is not Thai. Lest you have forgotten, Abhisit deported foreigners who supported the red shirt protests in 2010. Or is there a different rule of law for PAD/PRDC supportes?

If I remember rightly at least one of the persons deported was on overstay prior to the Red Shirt Protest.

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If the courts decide that standing on stage speaking on economics and not protesting in being against the Govt then is he not like a newspaper being read but people hear his voice. if you follow my drift then the Govt declaring it is unlawful to speak out could backfire on them. I do agree that all foreigners warned not to join the protest but if one does not protest but provide information that is readily available then does he have a case.

i think that India not accepting dual nationalty made him choose India as being his first priority not Thailand for business reasons

He stood on stage and spoke at a protest, what he spoke about is irrelevant.

He took part in a protest, we had all been warned not to.

Standing on a stage is illegal.

This is a bit of legal minefield I fear.

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If per the article he is truly a Thai citizen, as it appears he states then they cannot deport him, and if they do it is a violation of international human rights......PTP democracy in action again it seems

In another paper which we dare not speak of, he says he arrived in Thailand at the age of 15. His 4 siblings are Thai citizens born in Thailand but he has never applied for citizenship.

I think the Bangkok Post said the same thing.

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