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Shutdown Positives?


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I would say less tourists. Unfortunately, Chiang Mai is buried in tourists at the moment.

Are people not allowed to come on holiday and experience Thailand. Thailand certainly welcomes their presence and their satang. When you first came I expect it was as a tourist though you will probably have some other long winded reason.

Really we are all tourists here.

agreed in full.

it always strikes me how some farang consider themselves "special" because of what? having a thai wife, having a non-O or retirement visa, NOT having a house in their own name, having to report to immigration, etc.

i live here as a tourist and enjoy it very much. whenever i want i act (and talk) like a light-version of a local, whenever i want i act like a light-version of a farang. i have the best of both sides.

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Just kick all government out and take over as the "perfect none-governmental Dictator". appears to me more and more that this is what they want, so - yep - go for, Go! GTHBMIF

There you have your positive.

Just one question... why always bring the Americans into these crap topics?

Edited by NHT
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Every one of my children was more emotionally mature at 12 than most of my Thai graduate students.

But many girls still like to have dolls even as teenagers. . .

My 52 y.o. sister is still very attached to hers.

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I was around asok last night bar hoping, less noisy smog-spewing traffic so when you sit at that outdoor garden near koreatown it is more pleasant, less traffic down sukhumvit where i live, the Siam area turns into a big festival with vendors everywhere, i'd say that the 'protesters' are in the minority especially at night( in the daytime there are virtually no protesters, just guards and stages) and most are just people out for the night like me, this is a big production that costs 10million baht a day according to the papers, it's a free nationalistic festival hosted by the Bangkok money elite complete with free food for thai's and live music.

That sounds great for the short term.. But what happens long term? What are the plans for the future if the present (albeit caretaker) government is forced out? Who will fill the void, and what agenda will they bring to the table? Stop corruption? Stop floods? Stop the poverty? These have all been tried before with the same results and that won't change in the foreseeable future regardless of who is in power.

But more to the point, how long would the new government remain in control before some power monger, with his own agenda, decides to protest to the point where they defy the laws of the land and attempts to oust them from seat?

As to what good has it done for Thailand, I hope you can see further than imagined pollution improvement, free food and music on your nights out. This is not a dig at you personally pkspeaker, please don't take it as such, but your impression seems to be the observations of many, nothing changed...............sad.png

I see your points and yes a new government could be forced out easy again. However I am more possitive as you I really do hope that strong anti corruption laws will come from this. Sure it has never worked before but if you don't try it will never work either.

But you are 100% right about the next power monger waiting for it. But he will need a real good excuse to have people rally behind him. But to accept the corruption.. nepotism and stupidity of this government and letting them break all the rules just because of the risks. I just can't agree with that.

Until money is taken out of politics (corruption) there will always be power mongers. They only care to rape the country. So good strong laws would make sure that nobody on either side can do that. Maybe have the opposition (red or democrat) man an anti corruption agency that is entitled to check the government. This way we can be sure corruption is attacked. I care not for corruption on either side and as long as people can get rich fast in government it will keep attracting crooks. So doing nothing is not an option.

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Being an upholder of all things positive, I couldn't help but reply to this one .....

The Baht will slide, helping expats who live here.

It will all eventually come to a head and whatever is to follow it, will undoubtedly follow.

Certain Protest leaders will spend time in Jail for incitement. (This is positive as it sends out a message to those who want changes, protest by all means but you cannot occupy government buidings and close major intersections)

That ought to do it .......

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