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Problem Online Games (pings)


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World of Warcraft

I am able to play this game here in Thailand, the servers are based in EU. I use Buddy internet as its the only one in my Condo. When i connect with just buddy using a USB modem i have huge lag issues and unable to play the game. Yet, when i use a proxy (if im able to find the good ones) my ping is not there and i have an awsome game time. Could this in fact but cured using a lan instead of a USB connection? Is there away to get around having to use the proxys to get rid of the lag issues? My connection speed to the net is the 2k package at 500baht per month, unlimited. Download and upload are great with very few interuptions. hope this is the only nfo needed to get help.


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Cant stick with the same proxy because as we all know, some work others do not. they are always closing and new ones poping up. The ammount of time it takes to find a new and good proxy is so long. I have programs already that find the proxys for me, i just have to see if they are able to be used is all.

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I am also playing WoW on an EU server (Bloodscalp - H). Usually I have around 800ms from Bangkok which is playable...

Just wondering what proxy tools/applications you are using to get a decent latency, and how to set it up with WoW? And where do you usually find the list of good proxy's? :o


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It's probably because of the way Buddy is configured, and not because of the connection type you're using. If you had connection problems, it wouldn't matter whether you used a proxy or not.

As I've said before, Buddy's system is configured for excellent HTTP (website) performance, and lousy "everything else" performance. Gaming probably falls into this category.

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800ms Playable??? Lol - if you like a slideshow!

I found that anything above 600ms was unplayable, but that was on the US servers

800ms is actually playable... np when doing instances or grinding, just have to get use to the delay, and especially when doing PvP :o

The 'slideshow' effect you are referring to, would be if I had a low spec pc, which is not the issue here.

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Well i have found using the program called (proxycap), you will need to find a good proxy ip, works great. I get about 500ms when using it.

To get proxycap is very easy, free google.com it.

once you have that program you can contact me via msn if you like or pm me for phone number and i can explain what to do.

The problem is not Buddy, the problem is Blizz does not like us playing on EU servers from Thailand. Proof? the proxy!!!

Do a trace check and youll find we go from here to USA to EU. EU friends go from EU to EU.

msn [email protected]

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I came across this the other day. Although it will not improve the lag it should tell you where it is occuring.



LagMeter - A new application that enables you to measure and analyze your online lag.

EndLagNow.org is ecstatic to announce the release of LagMeter, a powerful software application that finally gives you the ability to not only measure the Lag you are living with in your games, but also to understand where your problems are coming from.

Finally, the causes of your Lag will not be a mystery because LagMeter will tell you if it is your gaming PC, the network, or the gaming server that is giving you grief. Once the causes of Lag are better understood, then gamers, game developers, and hardware manufacturers can work together to provide solutions to our #1 problem – LAG!!!!!!!

A special thanks to Bigfoot Networks who developed this technology for all of us. The beta version of LagMeter is available today as a free download"


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Got the program and ran WoW without the proxy. After a bit of time it adds up to being in the red saying its the client side of the issues for the lag 2k.

Went back to trying the proxy and there once again was no lag with the game. Intresting.

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Its not always just about ping, I have crap ping on Xbox360 but suffer almost no lag because I have a fairly solid connection with 256kbps available to me 95% of the time.

US servers are generally faster than the EU ones!

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Its not always just about ping, I have crap ping on Xbox360 but suffer almost no lag because I have a fairly solid connection with 256kbps available to me 95% of the time.

This makes no sense to me. Your ping measures how long it takes a packet to travel round trip between your system and the server. A ping of 800ms cut in half to 400ms is best case how long it takes for your machine to get updated from the server about other players. So for instance if you are playing a first person shooter, another person can see you and kill you within about a half second and you won't even have seen them appear yet because no packets have made it to your system yet. Likewise when you hit the fire button, your gun doesn't actually fire for another 0.4 seconds when the server receives your packet at which time the other player has already moved somewhere else and you miss (you learn to not shoot at them, but where you think they will be). First person shooters are "playable' as long as you don't mind being a sitting duck and not being able to hit the broad side of a barn.

There's also a lot of packet loss with true. That makes your ping very inconsistent because you at first miss a packet and eventually get it later at which time things happen out of order. I've played FPS on ADSL in Thailand for years and some games that require precision like BF1942 just aren't practical and others that are more generous margins you can barely play, but you'll never be the best player.

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I have xbox 360 and 90% of my online games are smooth too. Much better than PC ever was

Most games are 8-16 player max so it might be due to the lower player count?

I never play online PC games now... only 360

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Its not always just about ping, I have crap ping on Xbox360 but suffer almost no lag because I have a fairly solid connection with 256kbps available to me 95% of the time.

This makes no sense to me. Your ping measures how long it takes a packet to travel round trip between your system and the server. A ping of 800ms cut in half to 400ms is best case how long it takes for your machine to get updated from the server about other players. So for instance if you are playing a first person shooter, another person can see you and kill you within about a half second and you won't even have seen them appear yet because no packets have made it to your system yet. Likewise when you hit the fire button, your gun doesn't actually fire for another 0.4 seconds when the server receives your packet at which time the other player has already moved somewhere else and you miss (you learn to not shoot at them, but where you think they will be). First person shooters are "playable' as long as you don't mind being a sitting duck and not being able to hit the broad side of a barn.

There's also a lot of packet loss with true. That makes your ping very inconsistent because you at first miss a packet and eventually get it later at which time things happen out of order. I've played FPS on ADSL in Thailand for years and some games that require precision like BF1942 just aren't practical and others that are more generous margins you can barely play, but you'll never be the best player.

Its also about packet loss, connection consistency etc... a connection that gives you 400ms ping but at solid 256kbps will give amuch more fulfilling game than a connection at 200ms where your 256kbps bandwidth is contended.

I'm constantly within the top two slots at COD2 on the 360, with a ping of 400ms vs players from around the world with 100ms on average ping time, I have a non-contended 256kbps VDSL copper line though.

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maybe one of you can explain this, in basic terms please.

Why, when i connect to the game its huge lag unplayable, but when i connect to the game with a proxy its awsome and not an issues. Is this in fact Blizz doing something to prvent me from playing in certain countries? Or, can this have to do with my modem? Right now im using Buddys modem and its a usb connetion. If i get my own modem using LAN will that help? Just find it wierd that this only started 2 months ago now. never had to do it before.

Thanks for your insite guys.

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  • 4 months later...

800ms Playable??? Lol - if you like a slideshow!

I found that anything above 600ms was unplayable, but that was on the US servers

800ms is actually playable... np when doing instances or grinding, just have to get use to the delay, and especially when doing PvP :o

The 'slideshow' effect you are referring to, would be if I had a low spec pc, which is not the issue here.

I agree I play from Bangkok and Aranyaprathet with about 800 and no problems I'm a lvl 60 Priest.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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