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Heart attacks Thai vs. Farang


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I doubt Nationality is changing anything.

There are differences caused by the diet people eat:

Slim people who eat a lot fish and work outside every day of course get less heart attacks than fat one that eat a lot low quality fat and only sit on the computer.

That might just happen with some hard working Thai village people / vs lazy fat Farang.....but has nothing to do which countries Passport they carry.

There might be genetic differences:

Look at the "real" Thais....even when old they have in average perfect teeth and full black hair (even the man).

Than look at Thais with Chinese heritage: They have the same problems as Farangs: bad teeth and the man get bald.

So it would be possible that there is also a difference in how likely they get hearth attacks.

An interesting question would be if that is caused by different genetic or if the Chinese just eat different and the lots of fat pork is causing that.

I doubts there are much studies.....it wouldn't bring any financial advantage and it would upset all the political correct.....

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I doubt Nationality is changing anything.

There are differences caused by the diet people eat:

Slim people who eat a lot fish and work outside every day of course get less heart attacks than fat one that eat a lot low quality fat and only sit on the computer.

That might just happen with some hard working Thai village people / vs lazy fat Farang.....but has nothing to do which countries Passport they carry.

There might be genetic differences:

Look at the "real" Thais....even when old they have in average perfect teeth and full black hair (even the man).

Than look at Thais with Chinese heritage: They have the same problems as Farangs: bad teeth and the man get bald.

So it would be possible that there is also a difference in how likely they get hearth attacks.

An interesting question would be if that is caused by different genetic or if the Chinese just eat different and the lots of fat pork is causing that.

I doubts there are much studies.....it wouldn't bring any financial advantage and it would upset all the political correct.....

Yes studies that compare one race / ethnicity with an other are often not popular.

Also any study that does not have a potential for big $$ is not going to be popular that is why many folk remedies and herbs and stuff that can't be patented isn't researched. It would be nice if governments instead of putting all that money into weapons (though i believe my government has a modest military budget) put some in research. Not going to happen in these times that is for sure.

On every weapon purchase is at least a 10 % kickback in the western world.....(in the third world of course more).

So what is the profit of doing some health research? The state owned university won't pay any kickback.

My university made some very small study on vitamins. And my friend who made it, got the idea to include apples (which were complete unrelated, but it wouldn't be much extra work, the lab is there and he anyway worked without payment). They got an order direct from the ministry which forbid to check the Vitamin C of apples.

(My best guess was that these "modern" apples after long gas controlled storage have far less Vitamin C that people would believe. Different than the old style, not so pretty, apples. And some interest group didn't want to get this in the news and best is to stop it at the root).

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Lots of nonsense getting posted here.

There has been plenty of research on causes of death and incidence of various diseases in Thailand, nothing secret about it.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2885317/#!po=7.89474 for an in-depth study.

I only cross/read it, so I may have overlooked something. But what I saw it is just a bit statistics why people died. But not even tried to find any causes for it.

Based on nationality, no differences how the people live or what ethnic they are.....a hard working rice farmer, a fat farang with Thai Nationality or a fisherman who eats mostly fish are in the statistic are mixed.

It has value for planing hospitals and resources but it does not help if I want to know if Thai food makes it less likely to get a heart attack or if I want to know if Thai ethnic is more likely to get diabetes than European (someone told that, but can't recall who).

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Lots of nonsense getting posted here.

There has been plenty of research on causes of death and incidence of various diseases in Thailand, nothing secret about it.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2885317/#!po=7.89474 for an in-depth study.

Those statistics are not what we are referring too. Also and it might be different in the USA because i heard that there they do look at decent in statistics that is not something that is real common or accepted in at least my country (Netherlands). Slowly they are changing this but for a long time these kind of research including ethnicity were a taboo.

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Prepare yourself for a surprise-Thai people are of the same species. They die of heart attacks, stroke and a number of other diseases as well as old age. Country is not relevant, but perhaps culture and lifestyle might have an impact. The question is idiotic, the posts around it are generally in the same category.

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Here is food for thought.....as Farang from France know...

"The French may have a higher consumption of butter and cheese, but if their calorie consumption is better matched to their level of activity, what seems like a diet too high in unhealthy fats may be less harmful than we imagine."


Of course the french are less obese...but then, so are the thais.

Wine, moderate exercise, and less smoking as well., on the part of the French... Hard to nail down, eh?

Further North...the more problems with Heart attacks.... generally speaking.

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Here is food for thought.....as Farang from France know...

"The French may have a higher consumption of butter and cheese, but if their calorie consumption is better matched to their level of activity, what seems like a diet too high in unhealthy fats may be less harmful than we imagine."


Of course the french are less obese...but then, so are the thais.

Wine, moderate exercise, and less smoking as well., on the part of the French... Hard to nail down, eh?

Further North...the more problems with Heart attacks.... generally speaking.

I don't know for the French, but these areas in Greece and Japan where people get very old in average and since a long time their food and lifestyle is discussed are maybe not what they seem.

In both areas they found massive fraud to cash pension...The grandma died with 70 but on the paper she got 95 to get her monthly payments. It is currently unknown how much this really changes the facts.....

(PS.: I always thought the French are one of the heaviest smoker in Europe)

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Lots of nonsense getting posted here.

There has been plenty of research on causes of death and incidence of various diseases in Thailand, nothing secret about it.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2885317/#!po=7.89474 for an in-depth study.

I only cross/read it, so I may have overlooked something. But what I saw it is just a bit statistics why people died. But not even tried to find any causes for it.

Based on nationality, no differences how the people live or what ethnic they are.....a hard working rice farmer, a fat farang with Thai Nationality or a fisherman who eats mostly fish are in the statistic are mixed.

It has value for planing hospitals and resources but it does not help if I want to know if Thai food makes it less likely to get a heart attack or if I want to know if Thai ethnic is more likely to get diabetes than European (someone told that, but can't recall who).

How many die of heart disease was the question OP asked (or more exactly, how common heart attacks are, but this is best seen in where it ranks among causes of death.)

there are plenty of studies as to risk factors and they are no different in Thailand than anywhere else:



sedentary lifestyle


male gender (up to a certain age..after menopause women's risks increase)



Several of these are in turn affected by diet (obesity , dyslipidemias and diabetes).

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Lots of nonsense getting posted here.

There has been plenty of research on causes of death and incidence of various diseases in Thailand, nothing secret about it.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2885317/#!po=7.89474 for an in-depth study.

Thanks for the wed site it was a very in-depth study on death and diseases in Thailand also liked the Lincoln quote..... I would like to add a comment, I recently met with one of the top Cardiologist in my state in the U.S. he said one of the leading causes of heart disease and heart attacks in Thailand is their cooking oil he said their oil is loaded with Trans fats which your body cannot digest or eliminate it clogs the arteries and leads to heart disease, eating deep fried food is the worst because they do not change the oil regularly.. Thai food is great if cooked at home with healthy cooking oils and fresh ingredients...

"Lots of nonsense getting posted here."

I hope you don't find that surprising. The most impressive thing is the rush to post lengthy, unsubstantiated but dearly held nonsense.


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'...I can tell you that Thailand has one of the lowest rates of breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men in the world, due to their low consumption of dairy. Although Thais eat eggs, they rarely drink cows' milk, preferring milk from soy, or eat cheese, preferring tofu. I am not talking about Westernised Thais who will happily tuck into a full English fried breakfast with the best of us. The same applies to the Japanese, who have been known to say on meeting Westerners for the first time, that we smell of cheese. Thais also have low rates of osteoporosis, again caused by meat and dairy. Meat and dairy is highly acidic. An alkaline, plant-powered diet is much healthier.

The body must keep the correct pH of between 7.30 to 7.45 or disease sets in, so when faced with too much acidity it must pull in an alkaline source to balance the pH. It does this by pulling calcium from the bones thus weakening them over time, so in actual fact, when you were told milk was good for you it was actually weakening your bones not strengthening them. It is now known that dairy triggers breast cancer and prostate cancer. The famously vegetarian Linda McCartney died of breast cancer, but although vegetarian she drank milk and ate cheese. Milk is nasty pus-filled stuff anyway...But that's another story. (It is worth noting here that cancers can only thrive in acidic conditions. ALL cancers are killed in an alkaline environment, so keep your body alkaline. They also feed off sugar, so minimise your sugar intake, especially hidden sugars in fizzy drinks and ketchup etc.)

Thais eat a very healthy diet. Your diet MUST consist predominantly of carbohydrate for energy and glucose from the carbohydrate for the brain, with the addition of a little protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. The centre piece of a Thai meal is rice (carb) or noodles (carb) with a little meat or fish, much smaller amounts than the West together with uncooked vegetables in the form of uncooked/fresh/raw herbs. Compared to the West, Thais also eat lots of fresh fruit such as pineapple, papaya, water melon from the hawkers, often several times a day. Most Thai meals are finished off with fresh fruit, not ice cream, cake or a pudding, although Thais do have a sweet tooth.

An adult male needs 50 grams of protein per day. A woman 45 grams. These amounts are easily obtained from a couple of 3-ounce servings of lean meat, fish or poultry, or from just two eggs PER DAY, OR 4 slices of bread and one Yoghurt, so you will see most people eat way too much animal protein. The metabolism of animal protein and indeed excess calories is proven to cause premature ageing...But that's another story.

Meat, poultry and fish are protein with high levels of cholesterol and even the leanest meat has fat running through it. It is fat that makes you fat, not sugar or carbs. Worse still; the fat around your middle isn't even YOUR fat, you are carrying it around but it belongs on the cow.

There is no fibre, vitamin C or carbohydrate in meat...NONE!.. which is why meat eaters often have sluggish bowel movements requiring laxatives and often have problems such as Haemorrhoids and stubborn bowel movements requiring such things as Metamucil...although spicy food can also help to move things along.

Vegetables are carbohydrate...But you can get ALL your daily protein needs from vegetables as well. Dead animals are not necessary. Vegetables also have lots of fibre which is why what a vegetarian/vegan eats is usually eliminated in a few hours resulting in a much lower incident of bowel cancer among vegetarians and especially vegans. Bean sprouts have a whopping 13% of healthy protein.

So to drive that point home:

  • Vegetables are carbs that also have protein and fibre...plus all the vitamins and minerals. (Even B12 can be obtained from vegetables if you wipe them clean rather than peel them)
  • Meat. poultry. fish is protein - has NO carbs, NO fibre, and is deficient in some vitamins, as meat-eaters often are. Despite what you are told, healthwise there is little difference choosing chicken or fish over other meat.
  • You should also have NO OIL, not even what is considered healthy virgin olive oil, but that's another story.

Strokes and heart attacks are caused by fat clogging up the arteries. The kind of fat you can ONLY get from eating animals. You are NEVER going to hear that someone died from a broccoli-induced cardiac arrest or stroke. The first capillaries to clog are the smallest (obviously) and some of the smallest capillaries in a man are those that lead to the penis to provide an erection. If you need the little blue pills, get your blood pressure checked as it could be the first sign of clogged arteries...and that could mean YOU, even if you are only in your twenties. Vegetarians and especially vegans are much more active, longer in the bedroom and, as they tend to be skinnier, are more athletic. (More and more body builders and professional athletes are choosing a vegan diet while women are realising sex is better with vegetarians and vegans. Don't take my professional word for it (I am a trained nutritionist) - Google it!)

This rant has now given me time to check the stats. Thailand is ranked 128th worldwide for Coronary Heart Disease. To see if that is good or bad compared to other countries, all countries ranking and all causes of death including road traffic deaths, alcohol and drugs induced deaths can be found here: http://www.worldlifeexpectancy.com/

Anyone seriously interested in their health in 2014 such check out Dr, Michael Greger either on YouTube or his website which has the same videos: http://nutritionfacts.org/

Also look up John mcDougall: http://www.drmcdougall.com/

Michael Klapper: http://doctorklaper.com/

Oh! And do yourself a favour. Eat the dam_n salad! - theMagician

No diet is going to substatially affect the Ph of your body. Everything you eat passes through the stomach of course which has a ph of around 3.5. Your blood ph level should be around the 7.35 to 7.45 mark. The ph in your urine varies and this is how the body controls the ph level in your body. It does not matter what you eat; you will not change the ph of your body, just your urine.

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Thanks, magician, for your enlightening info.

At 65, I have had prostrate cancer for 10 years and I certainly drank a lot of milk in my life, thinking it to be healthy. "Milk is nasty pus-filled stuff"-- but, clearly this does not apply to babies.

I am a heavy smoker and know I should give it up....Except that the father of a friend died suddenly at 62 after stopping heavy smoking and a year later the same happened to her mother. Could it be that the body adjusts to bad habits ( like smoking or eating unhealthy foods) and cannot adjust to an all too sudden change?

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Funny.. linking meat consumption to weight gain and then to cancers and other diseases. So its not the meat but the weight gain.. I can do many statistics too and they always forget to take into account correlation is not causality. But hey it always makes a great rant as people love new outlandish theories like themagician showed.

I am quite healty consume loads of dairy and loads of meat and in top form, arguably the best form in my life. So for me it obviously does not make much of a difference. Proteins are good from meat and dairy especially if your not leading a sedentary life and I am not. We don't have our incisors for nothing and there is a reason we started to evolve.. yes it happened when we started eating meat.

But live and let live have fun with your theory, I keep doing my thing and my cholesterol values are great and so are all other values from blood and health tests. No protate cancer traces found nothing.

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Funny.. linking meat consumption to weight gain and then to cancers and other diseases. So its not the meat but the weight gain.. I can do many statistics too and they always forget to take into account correlation is not causality. But hey it always makes a great rant as people love new outlandish theories like themagician showed.

I am quite healty consume loads of dairy and loads of meat and in top form, arguably the best form in my life. So for me it obviously does not make much of a difference. Proteins are good from meat and dairy especially if your not leading a sedentary life and I am not. We don't have our incisors for nothing and there is a reason we started to evolve.. yes it happened when we started eating meat.

But live and let live have fun with your theory, I keep doing my thing and my cholesterol values are great and so are all other values from blood and health tests. No protate cancer traces found nothing.

Same here but +10 years.

Sitting on your bum all day with a beer, burger and ciggy, will get you fer sure.

The trick is, not letting the fat accumulate in your body. My fat/meat/dairy intake all gets used PDQ.

Edited by FiftyTwo
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Funny.. linking meat consumption to weight gain and then to cancers and other diseases. So its not the meat but the weight gain.. I can do many statistics too and they always forget to take into account correlation is not causality. But hey it always makes a great rant as people love new outlandish theories like themagician showed.

I am quite healty consume loads of dairy and loads of meat and in top form, arguably the best form in my life. So for me it obviously does not make much of a difference. Proteins are good from meat and dairy especially if your not leading a sedentary life and I am not. We don't have our incisors for nothing and there is a reason we started to evolve.. yes it happened when we started eating meat.

But live and let live have fun with your theory, I keep doing my thing and my cholesterol values are great and so are all other values from blood and health tests. No protate cancer traces found nothing.

'...Not a theory. Proven science':

We do NOT have incisors like natural meat-eaters such as the big cats, but forgetting teeth for a moment, or the fact natural meat-eaters have a short intestine and humans have a long intestine like natural plant-eaters, let me ask a couple of quick questions of you:

When you drink, do you sip or lap? Meat-eaters lap.

When you are hot, do you sweat or pant? Meat-eaters pant.

Now then, tell me you pant, lap your drink, have a small intestine with no enzymes to digest food in your saliva so no chewing necessary and have a jaw that doesn't go from side to side for grinding only a jaw that goes up and down and have teeth for KILLING animals you then eat eat raw and don't eat again for several days, not prepared meat from a supermarket that you only eat when cooked and the taste disguised with fancy sauces and I will agree. Congratulations! You are a natural carnivore!' - theMagician

I never said we were carnivores we are omnivores.. but we started to evolve when we started eaten meat.. that is proven.

Also stupid remarks like what other animal does this.. we go into space.. we fly ect.. i can go on we are not just any other animal. We import foods and eat certain foods out of season because of greenhouses. So the what other animal quote really is b.s because there is so much we do that animals don't.

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Just to ad to the madness of the what other animal does that and saying because it is not natural it is bad.

Suppose oranges are only in season for half a year and so naturally you could only eat them half a year and now we import them from an other place and we can eat them year round. Did that turn oranges into something deadly and bad ? Just because first it was not naturally possible ?

Its so nice to use catchy phrases that catch the people who want to believe and are not critical of things but not all of use stop using their brain once they hear something.

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Posted A minute ago

Healthy Foods, less sweets, moderate alcohol, exercse, genetics, no smoking, weight...

Why are people asking what is right and wrong...they heard it all a million times.

Our problem is habit...and implementation. Most people just do not want to do the right thing.

How many times did a fat man eating a bacon cheeseburger tell you he would rather die happy?

Same with the smokers/heavy drinkers

Same with the guys who would rather sit on the couch then run around the park or ride a bicycle.

It does not take a doctor, nor a lot of brains....

It takes a desire. That is the bottom line.

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It is the second leading cause of death in Thailand, second only to stroke.

It is the second leading cause of death in Thailand, second only to stroke.

If that's the case, the claim by "school-medicine", that STRESS is a major factor concerning heart-attacks, must be put into question.

= Daily life (especially in Rural-Thailand ), is far less stressful than in the "West".

Therefore, could it be, that "school-medicine" needs another "adjustment".?


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It is the second leading cause of death in Thailand, second only to stroke.

It is the second leading cause of death in Thailand, second only to stroke.

If that's the case, the claim by "school-medicine", that STRESS is a major factor concerning heart-attacks, must be put into question.

= Daily life (especially in Rural-Thailand ), is far less stressful than in the "West".

Therefore, could it be, that "school-medicine" needs another "adjustment".?


No of course not.

How difficult is it to understand that heart disease has MANY CAUSES. All of them are important. If stress is a cause, and eating masses of fat and sugar and taking no exercise is an equally important cause, then surely you can see that you can have heart disease caused by one or the other!

In fact heart disease is known to be triggered by a very large number of causes that can act together or separately, including: high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, no exercise, high saturated fat consumption, and smoking. There are likely to be many others.

In a country where , for example, no-one eats saturated fat but everybody smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day, the incidence of heart disease could be huge. Anyone who took this to mean that eating saturated fat is not really a cause of heart disease would not be thinking straight!

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