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Heart attacks Thai vs. Farang


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Funny.. linking meat consumption to weight gain and then to cancers and other diseases. So its not the meat but the weight gain.. I can do many statistics too and they always forget to take into account correlation is not causality. But hey it always makes a great rant as people love new outlandish theories like themagician showed.

I am quite healty consume loads of dairy and loads of meat and in top form, arguably the best form in my life. So for me it obviously does not make much of a difference. Proteins are good from meat and dairy especially if your not leading a sedentary life and I am not. We don't have our incisors for nothing and there is a reason we started to evolve.. yes it happened when we started eating meat.

But live and let live have fun with your theory, I keep doing my thing and my cholesterol values are great and so are all other values from blood and health tests. No protate cancer traces found nothing.

'...Not a theory. Proven science':

We do NOT have incisors like natural meat-eaters such as the big cats, but forgetting teeth for a moment, or the fact natural meat-eaters have a short intestine and humans have a long intestine like natural plant-eaters, let me ask a couple of quick questions of you:

When you drink, do you sip or lap? Meat-eaters lap.

When you are hot, do you sweat or pant? Meat-eaters pant.

Now then, tell me you pant, lap your drink, have a small intestine with no enzymes to digest food in your saliva so no chewing necessary and have a jaw that doesn't go from side to side for grinding only a jaw that goes up and down and have teeth for KILLING animals you then eat eat raw and don't eat again for several days, not prepared meat from a supermarket that you only eat when cooked and the taste disguised with fancy sauces and I will agree. Congratulations! You are a natural carnivore!' - theMagician

I never said we were carnivores we are omnivores.. but we started to evolve when we started eaten meat.. that is proven.

Also stupid remarks like what other animal does this.. we go into space.. we fly ect.. i can go on we are not just any other animal. We import foods and eat certain foods out of season because of greenhouses. So the what other animal quote really is b.s because there is so much we do that animals don't.

I am more carnivore than my dog :-)

But he has a point with the the short intestine....I think if you eat mostly meat like myself and excrement it every day than it is OK. Surely you have noticed that if you eat a lot meat than your excrements smell worse...Also a cats excrements smell way worse than these of a horse

If you eat a lot meat but visit the toilet just twice a week (or less) and many people live like that, than that smelly stuff is for half a week in your body. That simply can't be good.

That might be an advantage of the spicy food in Thailand...it leaves the body faster.

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It is the second leading cause of death in Thailand, second only to stroke.

It is the second leading cause of death in Thailand, second only to stroke.

If that's the case, the claim by "school-medicine", that STRESS is a major factor concerning heart-attacks, must be put into question.

= Daily life (especially in Rural-Thailand ), is far less stressful than in the "West".

Therefore, could it be, that "school-medicine" needs another "adjustment".?


No of course not.

How difficult is it to understand that heart disease has MANY CAUSES. All of them are important. If stress is a cause, and eating masses of fat and sugar and taking no exercise is an equally important cause, then surely you can see that you can have heart disease caused by one or the other!

In fact heart disease is known to be triggered by a very large number of causes that can act together or separately, including: high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, no exercise, high saturated fat consumption, and smoking. There are likely to be many others.

In a country where , for example, no-one eats saturated fat but everybody smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day, the incidence of heart disease could be huge. Anyone who took this to mean that eating saturated fat is not really a cause of heart disease would not be thinking straight!

I know that Heart-Attacks can be a combination of many factors. But "stress" is still considered as a "MAIN-CAUSE". (Or maybe the most singular cause).

Remember, in the late 50ties and early 60ties (before knowing of the many factors that can cause heart-desease), heart-attacks were called "Managers-Desease". Even in those days = manager equals stress, while in the rest of the population "managers-desaese" was quite unknown.

As long as stress is considered as a main cause of heart-attacks in Europe, I will still question the ratio of heart-attacks Thai vs. Farangs.

No offence Sheryl, I suppose you rely on Thai-Statistics.


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Lots of nonsense getting posted here.

There has been plenty of research on causes of death and incidence of various diseases in Thailand, nothing secret about it.

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2885317/#!po=7.89474 for an in-depth study.


Thanks Sheryl.

It was headed far out of control there for a while. 555

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