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Should I be suprised at the claimed discrimination?


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Wow! What a bunch of stupid replies. Not all older men teaching English are just idiots in Thailand for the girls. they don't hire women to teach younger kids because they think men are pedophiles. Younger people are naturally better at teaching younger kids. The energy level has to be higher. And young women are better at kindergarten. What older man wants to change nappies and dry tears?

My school nine farang teachers. 2 women, 7 men. No blondes. 4 in their thirties, 5 over fifty, one in his sixties.

South Africans, Indians, Africans, Philipinos, are overlooked not because of skin colour, but because of accents.

Australians and Irish over looked because of accent as well.

An African-American would be hired over a European simply because my school wants the American/Canadian accent. (Maybe not Texas lol!)

Thailand does have an issue with dark skin I realize though. There is discrimination against both foreigner and Thai people who are darker as they think they are lower social class.

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Isn't Thailand great this way. Instead of always having to make sure you do not offend every race, creed or color of a person. The West has gone way to far in it's political correctness. If this company wants to hire a blonde haired, blue eyed woman under 30 then that is up to them.

However a company in the US wanting to do the same thing must accept applications from hundreds of people screen everyone to make sure they do not offend people by excluding them (otherwise there is a law suit). Can not ask if you are male, female, black, white, chinese, how old, how fat, smoker, non smoker, gay or straight....sheesh. At the same time the company has to practice due diligence in making sure when it hires the blued eyed, blonde haired woman under 30 that they can explain to every advocacy group that this was the best candidate for the job!

Yeah it's "great" . . . until white people get overcharged on the basis of their skin colour being associated with greater wealth; then you get the same tired old, whinging voices come out saying the locals are racist and discriminatory and "it shouldn't be allowed".

It's only "political correctness" when your particular racial group doesn't get the shitty end of the stick

Edited by HardenedSoul
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As I posted before, the worst RACIAL discrimination - yes age and attractiveness as well - is in the commercial TEFL sector, simply because the CUSTOMERS want very strongly to be in a class with a young attractive teacher. As the director for several years of a school with 35+ teachers, this was just a market reality, the few dark-skinned teachers we had no matter how qualified and well-spoken had huge numbers of students asking to be transferred and if we didn't comply they's simply go off to another school, almost never left with enough bums on seats to for their classes to break even.

A bit less so in the "school school" environment, and least in tertiary level. But still there.

And yes absolutely females are preferred because of the (real not just perceived) sex maniac issue, just they are so thin on the ground.

At the international schools I taught at, it is true that men were in the minority below 2nd grade, but even with the 3-4 year olds several males were doing just fine, taught there myself and personally loved it. Have to admit the TAs did most of the bum-wiping duty though. (Duty heh heh get it? 8-)

And for the 12 months 100+K THB salary for 180 days of work you can bet there are plenty of sexpats that would line up if given the chance.

Anyone here who's actually advertised for EFL teachers knows that 90% of your applicants will be older white guys, and once you get to know them a bit you get confirmation that 99% of those are here for the girls, just a fact of life and of course that's why wages here can be kept so much lower than other countries.

Edited by wym
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Why has it always got to be about the sex ? Does it never occur to you that the reason that the blonde, blue eyed woman got the job was because she was more qualified, experienced or better suited to the job and not simply that she was a good looking woman ?

Usually not , did you ever work on an office ? I had seen the most qualified woman beeing rejected for an useless outstanding blonde as you described , many times . Bosses on those companies did not last long either....

at least they got to go balls deep in the " outstanding blond" with no qualifications :D

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Isn't Thailand great this way. Instead of always having to make sure you do not offend every race, creed or color of a person. The West has gone way to far in it's political correctness. If this company wants to hire a blonde haired, blue eyed woman under 30 then that is up to them.

However a company in the US wanting to do the same thing must accept applications from hundreds of people screen everyone to make sure they do not offend people by excluding them (otherwise there is a law suit). Can not ask if you are male, female, black, white, chinese, how old, how fat, smoker, non smoker, gay or straight....sheesh. At the same time the company has to practice due diligence in making sure when it hires the blued eyed, blonde haired woman under 30 that they can explain to every advocacy group that this was the best candidate for the job!

Yeah it's "great" . . . until white people get overcharged on the basis of their skin colour being associated with greater wealth; then you get the same tired old, whinging voices come out saying the locals are racist and discriminatory and "it shouldn't be allowed".

It's only "political correctness" when your particular racial group doesn't get the shitty end of the stick

if you want to be black maybe thailand is the wrong country to have an equal opportunities experience

some hookers wont even shag blacks ,arabs indians etc

just the way it goes

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Isn't Thailand great this way. Instead of always having to make sure you do not offend every race, creed or color of a person. The West has gone way to far in it's political correctness. If this company wants to hire a blonde haired, blue eyed woman under 30 then that is up to them.

However a company in the US wanting to do the same thing must accept applications from hundreds of people screen everyone to make sure they do not offend people by excluding them (otherwise there is a law suit). Can not ask if you are male, female, black, white, chinese, how old, how fat, smoker, non smoker, gay or straight....sheesh. At the same time the company has to practice due diligence in making sure when it hires the blued eyed, blonde haired woman under 30 that they can explain to every advocacy group that this was the best candidate for the job!

Yeah it's "great" . . . until white people get overcharged on the basis of their skin colour being associated with greater wealth; then you get the same tired old, whinging voices come out saying the locals are racist and discriminatory and "it shouldn't be allowed".

It's only "political correctness" when your particular racial group doesn't get the shitty end of the stick

if you want to be black maybe thailand is the wrong country to have an equal opportunities experience

some hookers wont even shag blacks ,arabs indians etc

just the way it goes

cheesy.gif "If you want to be black"

I'm black, been here 6 years, never had the slightest bit of aggro or discrimination because of the colour of my skin.

As for equal opportunities, you're right; I'm discriminated against big time because every single day here in BKK, I see white people being overcharged. I don't

Maybe I should cry foul - I wanna be overcharged too laugh.png

Oh and, hookers will shag anything that pays them cash money, black, white or green with red spots.

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Isn't Thailand great this way. Instead of always having to make sure you do not offend every race, creed or color of a person. The West has gone way to far in it's political correctness. If this company wants to hire a blonde haired, blue eyed woman under 30 then that is up to them.

However a company in the US wanting to do the same thing must accept applications from hundreds of people screen everyone to make sure they do not offend people by excluding them (otherwise there is a law suit). Can not ask if you are male, female, black, white, chinese, how old, how fat, smoker, non smoker, gay or straight....sheesh. At the same time the company has to practice due diligence in making sure when it hires the blued eyed, blonde haired woman under 30 that they can explain to every advocacy group that this was the best candidate for the job!

Yeah it's "great" . . . until white people get overcharged on the basis of their skin colour being associated with greater wealth; then you get the same tired old, whinging voices come out saying the locals are racist and discriminatory and "it shouldn't be allowed".

It's only "political correctness" when your particular racial group doesn't get the shitty end of the stick

if you want to be black maybe thailand is the wrong country to have an equal opportunities experience

some hookers wont even shag blacks ,arabs indians etc

just the way it goes

Oh and, hookers will shag anything that pays them cash money, black, white or green with red spots.

no ,they wont

ive heard arguments over the very same thing between mamasans and the girls

you should get out more

dont blame us because your percieved to be from "poor africa " and charged less than

white people who "can afford it "

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no ,they wont

ive heard arguments over the very same thing between mamasans and the girls

you should get out more

dont blame us because your percieved to be from "poor africa " and charged less than

white people who "can afford it "

Yes they will

I suppose these fantasy "arguments" were conducted in pidgin English just so that you could understand, eh? Right- o rolleyes.gif

Ok well in keeping with the spirit of er . . . anecdotal evidence . . . I've overheard the motobike taxis, taxi drivers and food stall owners having a pow wow. It seems they overcharge white people because they're perceived as too weak-minded to complain and they know they'll get away with it.

Anyway, I get out plenty, mate. Ok maybe not to the sorts of places you obviously go to with mamasans and the like - way beneath my tastes, I'm afraid - but I get more offers from Thai women than I can politely refuse. Just not into hookers

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no ,they wont

ive heard arguments over the very same thing between mamasans and the girls

you should get out more

dont blame us because your percieved to be from "poor africa " and charged less than

white people who "can afford it "

Yes they will

I suppose these fantasy "arguments" were conducted in pidgin English just so that you could understand, eh? Right- o rolleyes.gif

Ok well in keeping with the spirit of er . . . anecdotal evidence . . . I've overheard the motobike taxis, taxi drivers and food stall owners having a pow wow. It seems they overcharge white people because they're perceived as too weak-minded to complain and they know they'll get away with it.

Anyway, I get out plenty, mate. Ok maybe not to the sorts of places you obviously go to with mamasans and the like - way beneath my tastes, I'm afraid - but I get more offers from Thai women than I can politely refuse. Just not into hookers

why would they speak "pidgin English " to converse with each other ? i am perfectly capable of speaking and understanding thai ,get your head outta your ass

and you might pick it up ,its not that difficult

no need to be so negative blackie

lighten up :D

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no ,they wont

ive heard arguments over the very same thing between mamasans and the girls

you should get out more

dont blame us because your percieved to be from "poor africa " and charged less than

white people who "can afford it "

Yes they will

I suppose these fantasy "arguments" were conducted in pidgin English just so that you could understand, eh? Right- o rolleyes.gif

Ok well in keeping with the spirit of er . . . anecdotal evidence . . . I've overheard the motobike taxis, taxi drivers and food stall owners having a pow wow. It seems they overcharge white people because they're perceived as too weak-minded to complain and they know they'll get away with it.

Anyway, I get out plenty, mate. Ok maybe not to the sorts of places you obviously go to with mamasans and the like - way beneath my tastes, I'm afraid - but I get more offers from Thai women than I can politely refuse. Just not into hookers

why would they speak "pidgin English " to converse with each other ? i am perfectly capable of speaking and understanding thai ,get your head outta your ass

and you might pick it up ,its not that difficult

no need to be so negative blackie

lighten up biggrin.png

Who's being negative?

You're the one who has to resort to puerile name calling.

Wonder if you do that in person.

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Why has it always got to be about the sex ? Does it never occur to you that the reason that the blonde, blue eyed woman got the job was because she was more qualified, experienced or better suited to the job and not simply that she was a good looking woman ?

Yep, and maybe she got the job because she was good looking, blue eyed & blonde


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no ,they wont

ive heard arguments over the very same thing between mamasans and the girls

you should get out more

dont blame us because your percieved to be from "poor africa " and charged less than

white people who "can afford it "

Yes they will

I suppose these fantasy "arguments" were conducted in pidgin English just so that you could understand, eh? Right- o rolleyes.gif

Ok well in keeping with the spirit of er . . . anecdotal evidence . . . I've overheard the motobike taxis, taxi drivers and food stall owners having a pow wow. It seems they overcharge white people because they're perceived as too weak-minded to complain and they know they'll get away with it.

Anyway, I get out plenty, mate. Ok maybe not to the sorts of places you obviously go to with mamasans and the like - way beneath my tastes, I'm afraid - but I get more offers from Thai women than I can politely refuse. Just not into hookers

why would they speak "pidgin English " to converse with each other ? i am perfectly capable of speaking and understanding thai ,get your head outta your ass

and you might pick it up ,its not that difficult

no need to be so negative blackie

lighten up biggrin.png

Who's being negative?

You're the one who has to resort to puerile name calling.

Wonder if you do that in person.

youre getting negative ,go back and read what you wrote

another black angry at the world because of distorted perception of reality

this shits getting old ..........

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youre getting negative ,go back and read what you wrote

another black angry at the world because of distorted perception of reality

this shits getting old ..........

Angry? Me? blink.png

Deary me, I only asked you a question - don't be so defensive

There, there . . . you've gone as white as a sheet . . . laugh.png

I don't need to review what I've written because none of it warranted your thinly-veiled digs.

Anyone reading the tone of both our posts on this forum would instantly deduce that you're the one who seems to far more dissatisfied with his existence in this country despite the discrimination you swear blind I, as a black man, am subjected to.

Breathtaking ignorance

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youre getting negative ,go back and read what you wrote

another black angry at the world because of distorted perception of reality

this shits getting old ..........

Angry? Me? blink.png

Deary me, I only asked you a question - don't be so defensive

There, there . . . you've gone as white as a sheet . . . laugh.png

I don't need to review what I've written because none of it warranted your thinly-veiled digs.

Anyone reading the tone of both our posts on this forum would instantly deduce that you're the one who seems to far more dissatisfied with his existence in this country despite the discrimination you swear blind I, as a black man, am subjected to.

Breathtaking ignorance

If i wasnt happy ,i wouldnt be here ;)

30 years ago there used to be signs on london pubs saying no blacks ,no dogs ,no irish

ive gotten over it ,but you havent lol :D

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youre getting negative ,go back and read what you wrote

another black angry at the world because of distorted perception of reality

this shits getting old ..........

Angry? Me? blink.png

Deary me, I only asked you a question - don't be so defensive

There, there . . . you've gone as white as a sheet . . . laugh.png

I don't need to review what I've written because none of it warranted your thinly-veiled digs.

Anyone reading the tone of both our posts on this forum would instantly deduce that you're the one who seems to far more dissatisfied with his existence in this country despite the discrimination you swear blind I, as a black man, am subjected to.

Breathtaking ignorance

If i wasnt happy ,i wouldnt be here wink.png

30 years ago there used to be signs on london pubs saying no blacks ,no dogs ,no irish

ive gotten over it ,but you havent lol biggrin.png

Course you would and you wouldn't be the first . Where else someone like you gonna get tail?laugh.png

Gotten over what? None of that <deleted> in my manor 30 years ago, mate.

We sorted that shit out waaaaaaayy before that.

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youre getting negative ,go back and read what you wrote

another black angry at the world because of distorted perception of reality

this shits getting old ..........

Angry? Me? blink.png

Deary me, I only asked you a question - don't be so defensive

There, there . . . you've gone as white as a sheet . . . laugh.png

I don't need to review what I've written because none of it warranted your thinly-veiled digs.

Anyone reading the tone of both our posts on this forum would instantly deduce that you're the one who seems to far more dissatisfied with his existence in this country despite the discrimination you swear blind I, as a black man, am subjected to.

Breathtaking ignorance

If i wasnt happy ,i wouldnt be here wink.png

30 years ago there used to be signs on london pubs saying no blacks ,no dogs ,no irish

ive gotten over it ,but you havent lol biggrin.png

Course you would and you wouldn't be the first . Where else someone like you gonna get tail?laugh.png

Gotten over what? None of that <deleted> in my manor 30 years ago, mate.

We sorted that shit out waaaaaaayy before that.

ok lord of the manor :D

you sound like chris eubank now trying to be middle class

and hes a cock jockey as well so you two would probably get along like a house on fire

no danger of getting burnt black anyway is there ?cheesy.gif

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ok lord of the manor biggrin.png

you sound like chris eubank now trying to be middle class

and hes a cock jockey as well so you two would probably get along like a house on fire

no danger of getting burnt black anyway is there ?cheesy.gif

Corny as your corned-beef skin, mate

corned beef -so delicious for those who cant afford proper meat,enjoy it mate

be a nice change from all that fried chicken :D

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I CANNOT BELIEVE the racist insults being posted here. Watermelon seeds? I'm as white as it gets and I love watermelon.

I'm also proud of HS for being so calm with you <deleted>. What a bunch of fkn jerks.

HS, I'm your friend.

Cheers NS but it doesn't even nudge the needle on the bother-meter

Nevertheless, it does confirm what I've always said; specifically that pretty much 99% of the racism I've encountered in Thailand has come from basket-case Westerners like this idiot.

His ex-wife probably got bottomed-out by a soul brother back in the day biggrin.png

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I CANNOT BELIEVE the racist insults being posted here. Watermelon seeds? I'm as white as it gets and I love watermelon.

I'm also proud of HS for being so calm with you <deleted>. What a bunch of fkn jerks.

HS, I'm your friend.

Cheers NS but it doesn't even nudge the needle on the bother-meter

Nevertheless, it does confirm what I've always said; specifically that pretty much 99% of the racism I've encountered in Thailand has come from basket-case Westerners like this idiot.

His ex-wife probably got bottomed-out by a soul brother back in the day biggrin.png

back in what day ? whats the differnce in a soul brother and a hardened soul btw ? :D

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"she wants me to apply for an English teaching job."

If I was you the last thing I would be worried about is discrimination. The fact that you can't devise a succinct thread title relevant to the content would be more of a concern.

The thread title came first. If I was to be succinct and relevant to the content of the thread, I would need to be psychic.

If I were you, I would pay more care to the use of the subjunctive form before trying to criticise someone else's English skills. Mixed tenses too. Paying attention to punctuation, also, would make you a better qualified critic.

Edited by Seastallion
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Trying to play grammar nazi can't spell surprised.

Lol. I am the first to admit that I don't always spell correctly, so thanks Mr Spelling Nazi. I am not a grammar nazi, but when someone, out of the blue, wants to cast aspersions at my language skills for no apparent reason except to make an unwarranted dig, I will point out their own failings in that area.
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