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Is this a fair representation of many Thai men?

Khon Thai Ben Khon Dee

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^ When will you first be visiting Thailand?

early June, 1967, why?


You'll be able to give lots of examples of when many expats here exhibited these behavioral patterns then. smile.png

"They seem to be very territorial, about the space around them being their space, and can get very worked-up if another ‘intrudes’ on to it in a way that they perceive to be a challenge to their ego. They seem to have very delicate egos and almost everything seems to be a challenge to them. Their ego can be hurt very easily as a result.

They have massive amounts of repressed anger built up, mainly due to cultural issues such as repressions all negative emotions in order to keep face.

They seem to be very cowardly in their actions and instead of a face to face talking through of things, will instead opt for very spiteful, malicious actions behind the other persons back, unless they know they cannot lose through numbers of people having their back, or unless their repressed anger explodes to the front in which case extreme violence with whatever weapons they have/can get will ensue until the other person is dead or as good as.

They love to gloat when they see themselves as victorious in one of their perceived challenges against another. Consideration is an acceptance of being lower than the other person, so is not to be exercised unless the other is known to them and of higher status to them."

Looking forward to hearing of your examples that give you such an impression. Thanks. smile.png

Edit: Berkshire too.

Thanks guys. smile.png

Seriously? Well let's see, delicate egos, repressed anger, cowardly in their actions, love to gloat....I'd say there are a few TV members who fit the description. Starting with YOU. And before you claim that I don't know anything about you--I know you as well as you know the Thais you're speaking of.

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Says the fat old ex-pat sitting moaning about Thailand all night, drinking cheap beer. Pretty tooled up yourself I'd say.

I´m drinking expensive import beer while I post rubbish on TV.....

I think he was directing this at me because I called him a tool for telling us to watch what we say about Thai's otherwise we will be found hanging up country with our throats slit.

Really I have come across a lot of prize cod pieces in this country but this guy just seems to be in a league of his own. I really can't figure out if he is trolling or if he is just plain stupid. I think he is possibly looking for a visa extension and will use this thread as evidence for his love of Thai's. Sad

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Out of interest, wouldn't that have to be 'all' or 'most' and not just 'many'? :huh:

I think it is also interesting how stereotypes become stereotypes, what is the source of their creation? Perhaps because they are a correct representation, perhaps because of how various experiences have affected the views of the person doing the stereotyping. Fascinating stuff really. :)

So I take you disagree with the ideas put forward in the OP?

Hitler held a few stereotypes.

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Out of interest, wouldn't that have to be 'all' or 'most' and not just 'many'? huh.png

I think it is also interesting how stereotypes become stereotypes, what is the source of their creation? Perhaps because they are a correct representation, perhaps because of how various experiences have affected the views of the person doing the stereotyping. Fascinating stuff really. smile.png

So I take you disagree with the ideas put forward in the OP?

Hitler held a few stereotypes.

Now everyone who has a stereotype is in the same league as Hitler ? coffee1.gif

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Out of interest, wouldn't that have to be 'all' or 'most' and not just 'many'? huh.png

I think it is also interesting how stereotypes become stereotypes, what is the source of their creation? Perhaps because they are a correct representation, perhaps because of how various experiences have affected the views of the person doing the stereotyping. Fascinating stuff really. smile.png

So I take you disagree with the ideas put forward in the OP?

Hitler held a few stereotypes.

Now everyone who has a stereotype is in the same league as Hitler ? coffee1.gif

Just saying they ain't all true. Mmmmmmm

But don't jump to conclusions too quick.

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What's funny is that out on the streets you wi like a little bitch when you meet a Thai guy, you have to come on here to vent your pent up anger. Maybe you'd like to confront some Thai men with all your issues, but we both know how it would end. I choose to have mostly Thai friends, a first timer in Thailand from Sweden said to me recently, the ex-pats here are mostly sad old sex tourists.

I still really do not get how you come to the conclusion that anyone who find's Thai men remotely annoying are automatically fat old sexpats ? I am clueless to understand how from a few messages written on a silly forum you can make so many assumptions about people. I am sorry your friend from Sweden is totally wrong, I have been living in Bangkok since I was 18 and believe me there has been a pretty decent expat 18-28 year old group of people in the last 10 years. There are also loads of nice expats living in Koh Phangan just taking it easy and partying. I really do not think you know what you are talking about and are obviously some sort of nerd. Seriously, your assumptions are just so ludicrous and wrong that as I mentioned before, I honestly think you might just be trolling.

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I suspect most women from any culture in the world would say you've just described a "typical" male, irrespective of race. coffee1.gif

Yes so true.

OP imagine your own home country, it was invaded by guys from another country who had a salary 15 times you and your friends salary, and these guys, was struttin around, arm in arm, with your local chicks, it would not take long before many of, if not you, many other males in your city would show aggression towards these men. And add on top of that, many of these rich men, you walked arm in aem with your local chicks, would also look down on you, and treat you like a monkey...

I am actually amazed how much Thai men put up with us and our snobbish attitude towards many of them

Thai men are usually amused when seeing local girls with farangs, as these women are often worth less than nothing on the Thai social scale due to their having children from previous relationships.

Secondly, they are usually very happy to deal with farangs professionally as it allows them to grossly inflate prices and make a lot more money than back home.

I've never seen a Westerner treat a Thai like a monkey nor show racism as we are typically born and bred in melting pot societies. I have, however, on numerous occasions heard Thais insult farangs openly between each other, arrogantly assuming nobody understands what they say.

Apart from Bangkok, Phuket and its surrounding islands, Pattaya, Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai, the remaining 95% of the country have an extremely low proportion of foreigners so we're hardly dealing with "invasion" here.

The traits described in the OP are a local thing and a typical product of Thai culture, foreigners have nothing to do with it.

Edited by Sam Gold
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They seem to be very territorial about space...

My own experience is just the opposite- Thais seem to have no concept of personal space, often crowding others and acting as if no one else is present smile.png

Definitely agree with this. Been in a few Thai friends cramped rooms and they are very hospitable about their private living space as well.

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I skim your messages, there mostly the same. I had you sussed from the start, you're an old ex-pat who's been here for 18 years and developed a bad attitude. You think you're superior to Thais, full stop. I urge you to confront some drunk Thai men with your issues, after all you're a superior being so can't possibly let this continue. Let them know that you're more important to Thailand and contribute more than they do. Hopefully I'll read about the outcome on here, soon.

Obvious troll, get a life

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