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Me and my family are flying out in the summer to work in BKK. Both my wife and I are teachers and have got jobs in a big international school. We have a lot of electronic stuff that I would like to bring but I am worried I will get stung by customs. I plan to bring everything over in our cases and hand luggage. There is me, my wife and two girls. So I plan to bring...

4 laptops (1 each)

1 xbox

1 projector

3 PSP's

2 external hard drives (ALL my data is on here)

2 hand held screens with built in hard disks (for watching divxs on)

Mac Mini

3 MP3 players

PDA (sat nav)

and possibly speakers (harmon karmon sticks) although the sub is heavy so I might not bother and maybe a 19in monitor.

I know I can buy most of this in BKK but these are newish and I would have to faff about selling them and then paying slightly more in BKK. Trust me I am leaving behind a hel_l of a lot of my goodies too!!!(BTW I will be teaching ICT if that makes any difference)

thanks for the advice


If you spread it between 4 people's carry-on luggage I don't think anyone will raise an eyebrow about it.

thanks madsere,

Why just the carry on, are they more likely to check the luggage in the hold? TBH I would try and get in in hand luggage after seeing how the handlers chuck luggage around.


If you spread it between 4 people's carry-on luggage I don't think anyone will raise an eyebrow about it.

thanks madsere,

Why just the carry on, are they more likely to check the luggage in the hold? TBH I would try and get in in hand luggage after seeing how the handlers chuck luggage around.

Man ,you really don't want to put laptops and fragile stuff in the "regular" luggage, big risk imho.


I agree... spread among 4 people, it's not going to be much (but really, leave the speakers, and perhaps the monitor). The harddrives and laptops should be carry-ons, while the rest will probably survive the cargo hold as long as you pad them well with your clothes (I take it you are bringing clothes?).

These days, there is no custom declaration form, and you just pass through. From what I've seen, a search is rare, and usually that's only for folks that have an *extreme* amount of stuff. So, if each of you limits yourself to 2 checked bags and 2 carry ons, you'll probably pass right through.


My wife and I go through customs every few months with a similar quantity of cr@p. I have been harrassed on the US side, but never in Thailand. Customs isn't your concern.

If you can't fit everything of real value in your carry-ons, don't do it. You will curse yourself later if you bring the monitor or speakers. The games should survive checked bags.


My wife and I go through customs every few months with a similar quantity of cr@p. I have been harrassed on the US side, but never in Thailand. Customs isn't your concern.

If you can't fit everything of real value in your carry-ons, don't do it. You will curse yourself later if you bring the monitor or speakers. The games should survive checked bags.

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