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Immigration Reaffirms Warning to Foreigners Involved in Protests

Jonathan Fairfield

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You're clearly getting emotional now and losing your logic, the question was posed whether farangs should have more rights in Thailand and I said no, you and one other disagreed so I've tried to explore with you both the logic of why those increased rights should be given. The other poster got confused as to what the subject was and you've resorted to name calling and talking about personal hardship, none of which addresses the question of why farangs should be given more rights here.

As I pointed out earlier, it's all foreigners who are being warned not just white people.

Currently they are only trying to deport a kairk, no white people at risk so far.

This whole topic is about nationality, not race.

Whilst it's true that the subject does apply to all foreigners, the debate was specifically focused on farangs in post number 8!

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welcome to our country, you are welcome to spend all your money, use it to build up a business, live here for the rest of your life, marry a thai person but you are not allowed to have an opinion different from ours.

How long will it be before Thai Visa records will be confiscated so they can find Farlang who are trying to influence the thai people

Use a search engine that doesn't link your IP, like Startpage

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welcome to our country, you are welcome to spend all your money, use it to build up a business, live here for the rest of your life, marry a thai person but you are not allowed to have an opinion different from ours.

It is to all Farangs benefit to remember that!

So dispense with the phony, displaced, outrage, and remember this is their home, As the citizens of Thailand do have the rights that visitors or resident do not have. It is hypocrisy to want to be protected by the laws of Thailand's Democracy while actively supporting people that want to destroy that Democracy!


indeed what a pity for Thailand that the PTP government are a bunch of crooks. A democracy that has failed Thailand in Favour of corruption, I wonder who really has corrupted democracy for Thailand in the name of DEMOCRACY?

Who's being protected by laws that have no effect?

Of course you have the proof that the person's you state are crooks, simply post it and that would speak volumes by it self you would not need to say anything, It is widely understood that most people are innocent until proven guilty by a court..

Many on this forum, simply parrot what they saw other posters post.

So many yellows backed the shut down of the Election, when the voters of Thailand turned out to vote and proved the yellow supporter were wrong,. That the people of Thailand opted for the democratic process of an election to see who is to lead the country, none of this non-elected appointment B/S.

One should be ashamed at being a Farang!


one should be ashamed to try and mask what will be proven to be correct all be it at the pace of Thai Justice if at all. Suffice to say that if Thaksin was so so clean what is he doing living in Dubai, maybe it's for health reasons! prison doesn't agree with him? what do you think?

what will you say if the EC annul the election of the 2 Feb? better get your excuses ready when they do!

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It is to all Farangs benefit to remember that!

So dispense with the phony, displaced, outrage, and remember this is their home, As the citizens of Thailand do have the rights that visitors or resident do not have. It is hypocrisy to want to be protected by the laws of Thailand's Democracy while actively supporting people that want to destroy that Democracy!


indeed what a pity for Thailand that the PTP government are a bunch of crooks. A democracy that has failed Thailand in Favour of corruption, I wonder who really has corrupted democracy for Thailand in the name of DEMOCRACY?

Who's being protected by laws that have no effect?

Of course you have the proof that the person's you state are crooks, simply post it and that would speak volumes by it self you would not need to say anything, It is widely understood that most people are innocent until proven guilty by a court..

Many on this forum, simply parrot what they saw other posters post.

So many yellows backed the shut down of the Election, when the voters of Thailand turned out to vote and proved the yellow supporter were wrong,. That the people of Thailand opted for the democratic process of an election to see who is to lead the country, none of this non-elected appointment B/S.

One should be ashamed at being a Farang!


Kikoman, you don't have a clue what democracy is and what it entails. Voting is just one part to it, but it seems to be all that you understand. And not everyone who is for very good reasons against PTP is against elections or pro-violence or any other BS you are categorically accusing all those that are not of your opinion. You would make for a good PT crony, if you were Thai.

And to do away with some other rubbish. In many countries with real/functioning democracies, there is no way that a foreigner who peacefully voices his opinion and supports demonstrators could be deported and definitely not without proper process.

So, soon the elections (at least at some stage) will be over, so what? Do you really think it will solve any problem at all? I am against the stupid actions to prevent people from voting, but still, if YS really thinks she can sit it out and solve the problem or wait until the protesters will lose steam, she is dead wrong and it will cost Thailand dearly.

There is no way that TS, YS and PTP can get back to how it was before the diasaster trying to change the consitution, the senate and bring TS back and there is of course also no way that ST or the democrats can just take over and no more problem. But, nobody seems to be honestly trying to find a way that could be really acceptable to all (more than just the supporters of one party, never mind which one) and could finally lead to a solution.

He is a PT crony! with equal intelligence!

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"You probably, would be suspended to stay in the Kingdom"?

lovely translation.

I personally wouldn't take part, as I have scant regard for either side.

however, if I felt strongly enough about an issue anywhere in the world and had the opportunity, being a citizen of that country or not most certainly would have little bearing upon whether or not I took part in demos..........I remember Bellamy protesting against deforestation in Tasmania, and people all over the world demonstration against Japanese whaling, imprisonment without trial, racist government policies, settlement of indigoes people's land, fracking etc etc..........

If they feel strongly enough and love Thailand and their Thai friends, want to show their solidarity I can see their point, good luck.

Quite frankly if the authorities take action against them, then it really underlines how parochial and niggardly some aspects of Thai authority can be.

Freedom of expression is not a national right, it is a world right, and those who try to suppress it will in the end lose out.

Freedom of expression is one thing, outright hatred of everything that is Thai is another!!

As many on this forum have expressed, some of us personally take offence as they are talking about "all" Thai's which includes our family and friends. I suppose I could take the high road and not respond to their racist comments!

But having that freedom of expression, I take it upon myself to respond, to not allow those A*****e venom to go unchallenged, is not a part of who I am!


What an utterly disconnected response - it doesn't actually seem to connect with anything I posted - however it is quite clear that you are overlaying the situation with your own biased, distorted and purely subjective viewpoint. It doesn't even qualify as an opinion under the accepted definition thereof.

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Talking about the UK now,but when i lived there i used to get pissed off when Muslims ect stood in the streets waving banners saying we want Sharia law ect , also when people from other countrys "demand" that signs ,councill leaflets ect be printed in their language and immegrants wanted girl or boy only schools ,my feeling was if you do not like the way we the British run our country ,then go home .

i feel the same way here ,i am allowed to live here ,and its their country ,i can live with that ,cant you?

Absolute nonsense, you clearly have no idea of what a democracy is or how it works.

Edited by wilcopops
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Shows that you have no rights as a foreigner in Thailand, no matter how long you have lived here.

Actually you do both under Thai and International law.Please get informed before making sweeping comments like that.

Such as ?.....you seem to making sweeping comments as well...rolleyes.gif

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Talking about the UK now,but when i lived there i used to get pissed off when Muslims ect stood in the streets waving banners saying we want Sharia law ect , also when people from other countrys "demand" that signs ,councill leaflets ect be printed in their language and immegrants wanted girl or boy only schools ,my feeling was if you do not like the way we the British run our country ,then go home .

i feel the same way here ,i am allowed to live here ,and its their country ,i can live with that ,cant you?

Difference is between wanting and getting, fine to protest and ask but thats it... after you protest you go home. Or your made to ~Your also trying to compare religious belief and pandering to a minority..

these are two different things but have one thing in common with the protests... they are a minority request that isnt a human right just a demand and would affect the majority who do not deserve to be treated with the contempt this movement would have.

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Shows that you have no rights as a foreigner in Thailand, no matter how long you have lived here.

Actually you do both under Thai and International law.Please get informed before making sweeping comments like that.

Such as ?.....you seem to making sweeping comments as well...rolleyes.gif

I'm makling a very specific comment - that poster doesn't know the facts.

I'm not everyone's teacher - they should do some research before posting an opinion which likely as not has no basis in fact at all.

You really don't have to look or dare I say THINK much to realise that foreigners have certain rights in Thailand.

Go figure.

Edited by wilcopops
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welcome to our country, you are welcome to spend all your money, use it to build up a business, live here for the rest of your life, marry a thai person but you are not allowed to have an opinion different from ours.

How long will it be before Thai Visa records will be confiscated so they can find Farlang who are trying to influence the thai people

Exactly right. This action if completed will only set a precedent on which the government can deport anyone it deems to be against it.

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welcome to our country, you are welcome to spend all your money, use it to build up a business, live here for the rest of your life, marry a thai person but you are not allowed to have an opinion different from ours.

How long will it be before Thai Visa records will be confiscated so they can find Farlang who are trying to influence the thai people

Exactly right. This action if completed will only set a precedent on which the government can deport anyone it deems to be against it.

err why do they need to set a precendent, as a non citizen or PR, the Thai goverment or more specifically immigration can "deport" you any time it wants to, you have no right of residence in Thailand if your on a visa or extension...why is it so hard for farangs to understand this...you have no right to remain...its that simple

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How long will it be before Thai Visa records will be confiscated so they can find Farlang who are trying to influence the thai people

Exactly right. This action if completed will only set a precedent on which the government can deport anyone it deems to be against it.

err why do they need to set a precendent, as a non citizen or PR, the Thai goverment or more specifically immigration can "deport" you any time it wants to, you have no right of residence in Thailand if your on a visa or extension...why is it so hard for farangs to understand this...you have no right to remain...its that simple

Is this guy on a visa then, for the past 55 years? Wow must be a record if true.

On the other hand Thailand subscribed to the UDHR some 60 years ago, which states

"Article 9. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile."

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1) My 'few satang on the side walk' together with support towards 24 thai families + my wife's contribute locally FAR MORE than any chinese or filipino in any western Country. Reason ? Western Union, Money Graham, tell you anything ?

2) there are ALREADY voting rights for immigrants in my home Country. There is NOTHING they cannot do, buy, work which discriminates them by law. Ask anyone from EU.

3) I am not retired, nor 64 but live and work in LOS. In my case, prices are compared to what I earn here which depends on high and low season and tourism flow. Your monthly pension from abroad can be ok for Chiang Mai. Good for you. Come down in Phuket and see things by yourself.

4) Police corruption is not really about ticketing but the bribe you pay for having your bar still opened after 1:30, for the money the police officer asks you for buying ticket for 'police concert' (....), tuk tuk fares, goods bought in some local market plaza, just to give you few examples.

5) If you would have worked here in your 10 years, you would be telling a different story. Too easy to judge things with a constant monthly income from abroad. And please, spare me the widespread 'if you do not like it, go home farang' cause THIS is my home together with my beautiful children and gorgeous Thai wife.


Foreigner working and supporting LOS

I've read your two posts several times and to be honest I'm struggling to understand your point. So you own a bar that employs people and presumably that's the support of 24 that you talk about, the support of your wife and children is to be expected and I do similar. You are annoyed at the cost of doing business in Phuket, as was I when I lived there for four years, for that reason and others I moved to a more normal location and those problems went away. BTW I derive most of my income from inside Thailand and there is no steady stream from overseas.

To summarize, you chose to move to Thailand knowing full well there are restrictions placed on foreigners living here and you elected to open a business on the island knowing full well there are hidden on-costs. You and I remain a small fractional percentage of the population by race yet your expectations are that you should have representation/voting rights/laws to specifically protect you because similar laws "may" exist where you came from? I have to ask myself, why would they do such things, I simply don't see it as being even warranted even a little bit.

You should ask yourself more than that for example why yr name is not Kim Jong Un as I can see how much regard you have for human beings. Oh yess !! All expats like me who came in Phuket, opened 3 business, went through tsunami, coups, yellow and red shirt riots, protests, strong baht appreciation vs € $ £ should have known very well in advance in your mentality, is'n it ? Same as rohingya: as they are just a small fraction in LOS, what do they complain about ? Do you really see yrself as normal person ?

You're clearly getting emotional now and losing your logic, the question was posed whether farangs should have more rights in Thailand and I said no, you and one other disagreed so I've tried to explore with you both the logic of why those increased rights should be given. The other poster got confused as to what the subject was and you've resorted to name calling and talking about personal hardship, none of which addresses the question of why farangs should be given more rights here.

This is a debate, it's not personal, my view is that countries such as the UK and the US for example are really quite difficult to legal enter as a a foreigner in order to live there permanently, both countries have a high cost of living also. Thailand makes it very easy to enter and live here and for many it's still a desirable location, the climate is mostly pleasant, the cost of living is inexpensive and so on and so on, Given that all we need to do presently is to renew/extend our visa every year and report for 90 every quarter, should we really expect to be granted further privileges, I don't think so and a large majority seem to agree.

Over and out.

What you call emotional is just the answer to the NONSENSE uttered by a 64 y.o. man who posted about cheap food, beautiful girls to f***, no taxes to pay, etc in LOS thus implying all expats here have no rights to complain. A 54 y.o. man doing business in phuket, moving after 4 years in C.M. and living on a monthly income from abroad IS NOT A SURPRISE he got all thumbs up from the 'large majority that seems to agree' of farting old expats community happy with their singha and thai teerak a gogo.

Which sort of logic works for you Chiang Mai ? The logic of getting rich till 54, move to LOS, invest some money in phuket which does not work out then moving to North where cost of living is lower with the guarantee of a monthly income from abroad. That's all you need right ? No risks, no families to support besides your companion. It is true that countries in EU have stricter regulations about visas but with a contract of employment you get your visa and SAME RIGHTS which means buying properties and business 100%. Is this something you and your regiment of thumbs up do not care ? Well, I DO CARE and my educated thai wife understands this but an expat owning a house or villa 100% is normal in US and EU but, in your reasoning, in LOS is a "privilege" we expacts cannot ask. 1 year visa reporting every 90 days is all you need for making your life here, right ? How about your house ? Happy to pay your lawyer for bypassing thai law or everything put in yr wife's name ? Happy to be subject to standard double pricing practice ? How would you feel when your thai wife enters a shop alone asking the price of a pair of trousers which costs 300 baht but when she sees you joining her the price changes to 450 ? How would you feel knowing that yr VISA credit card has a limit of 15,000 baht which requires a deposit for the same amount as guarantee but the teller at the banks asks you 30,000 because you are a farang ? And I could go on and on based on real facts not 'emotions' and you are telling me that we do not need more rights, we do not need to be represented at any level in thai society.

Pointless arguing with somebody who sees his lucky life's story same as everyone here. Totally pointless.

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This is understandable. I noticed that some foreigners are getting involved in protest. They might have Thai spouses and/or Thai children and they want to make Thailand a better place to live. I understand their emotional reasons to join. But if you are not Thai, the best thing you can do is that you sit back and support your spouse. It is not worth getting kicked out from this country if you have loved ones in Thailand. This government does anything if you are against them. It is not worth taking the risk, if you intend to stay in Thailand.

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How long will it be before Thai Visa records will be confiscated so they can find Farlang who are trying to influence the thai people

Exactly right. This action if completed will only set a precedent on which the government can deport anyone it deems to be against it.

err why do they need to set a precendent, as a non citizen or PR, the Thai goverment or more specifically immigration can "deport" you any time it wants to, you have no right of residence in Thailand if your on a visa or extension...why is it so hard for farangs to understand this...you have no right to remain...its that simple

Is this guy on a visa then, for the past 55 years? Wow must be a record if true.

On the other hand Thailand subscribed to the UDHR some 60 years ago, which states

"Article 9. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile."

I believe the guy in question is a PR, not a Thai citizen, then yes then his PR can be withdrawn and he can be deported, although a little more complicated than someone on a visa or extension, as the first step would be revoking his PR, then deporting him, a visa or extension doesnt infer PR, mearly your a "tourist" or visitor thats all, irrespective of how long one is in a country and its a relatively simple process to get a visa withdrawn or an extension not granted and down to the specific official dealing with your visa or extension, while withdrawing a PR coomes from higher up the food chain, but once with drawn he can be deported easily.

To be exiled from somewhere in this sense one suspects one needs to be a citizen of that country in the first place, deported and exiled are not the same thing - therefore in the case of article 9 I dont beleive this would apply to the Indian guy, or any foreigner living in Thailand if they are not citizens

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