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Bangkok protesters march to collect donations for farmers


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Bangkok protesters march to collect donations for farmers


BANGKOK, Feb 7 - Anti-government protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban led his supporters marching across the capital's business district today to collect donations for protesting farmers suffering from overdue payments for the rice they have sold under the government’s rice pledging scheme.

Today is Mr Suthep's first march to pressure the caretaker government of Yingluck Shinawatra to resign and press ahead with national reform after arrest warrants were issued for him and other leading protesters for violating the state of emergency.

The PDRC procession started from Charoen Krung heading to Silom Road, the capital's commercial district, where throngs of supporters waited along the route to donate cash and displayed banners bearing messages to boost the spirits of disgruntled farmers.

Mr Suthep will end his 3-kilometre march at nearby Lumpini Park which is the new rally site for the PDRC protesters.

The donation, targeted at Bt10 million, will later be presented to the protesting farmers. The PDRC will organise a similar move again next Monday with the marching route to be announced later. (MCOT online news)

-- TNA 2014-02-07

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the usual 10% for drumming up business?

would be just fair :)

on the way should also try his luck with the Shinawatras...afterall Taksin just got some 1 billion unfreezed a short while ago, maybe got some spare change for them. Yingluck did heis task freeing the ramsoned money, if not much else.

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This is a very good move by the PDRC, as I'm sure the farmers will appreciate the help. The more the PDRC focuses on the real effects of the Yingluck administration - like the rice scandal - they will remind people of why they are protesting. Addressing the urgent needs of the farmers is the first step in continuing to build up support for reform. When over 68 % of the country either didn't vote or voted " no ", you have a tremendous credibility problem. The vote proceeded smoothly in the North and Northeast. As that is the Pheu Thai stronghold, the 8 millions votes they received - half of what they received in 2011 - is a staggering decline. The public trust in the Yingluck administration - from now every sector of society - can no longer be ignored.

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Now we see why they don't want the protesting farmers joining up with the PDRC protesters! Wonder if Thaksin is going to put his hand in his pockets for the farmers before Suthep gets a chance to hand over the donations?

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This man a very big bastard.

Before has threatened banks to stop borrow to government to pay rice for farmers, and now collects ....


very nice the life in yellow.

and only can guess how much money goes to his own pocket from collection.


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Would also be nice to see the democrats doing something separate to help the farmers, that ought to have a double barreled effect on the rice farmers and should surely drag even more support away from the gov.

I have no doubt though that Thaksin will attempt to hijack it by making a large donation.... Then we will have donations wars.

But so long as Suthep and Abhisit get the first ones in, Thaksin's will seem like he is just copying because he is afraid of losing his entire support.

Very good tactics indeed, which seems to be working considering how angry some of the red supporters on TVF are childishly reacting.

Nice one lads, keep it up.

Would be great to see Abhisit personally handing out food, blankets and tents to the farmers, what a great photo op..... that would make Thaksin puke.

Edited by mightyatom
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A nice PR exercise from Suthep and well timed indeed, the farmers will have to be forceful to get anything from The PTP, whether they have what it takes to apply pressure remains to be seen, the likely hood of receiving any money from the PTP will be like getting blood out of a stone, as the financial fortunes of the PTP unfold , Suthep has fitted nicely into position, to increase the pressure from he's perspective, in a peaceful but a well thought out plan.coffee1.gif

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I donated today as did most of the company, and I tried to also meet with farmers upcountry via my family to push cash directly into their hands - I think our office alone was close to 50,000b.

Even if there are management fees to get money to the farmers (certainly nothing like the skim from rice pledging scheme itself), right now there is little else we can do to relieve the pressure on the rice farmers, as long as the govt keeps lying.

As I have said many times, if the Shinawatra family want to play politics, they should offer to take on the debt of all the rice pledging themselves - it was their idea to make money out of rice, they think it's a good plan, and it is not a huge amount compared to the cash they have profited out of Thailand. If they did this, their dynasty would be secure.

Instead, they want US (the tax payers) to fund THEIR method to be elected.

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This man a very big bastard.

Before has threatened banks to stop borrow to government to pay rice for farmers, and now collects ....


very nice the life in yellow.

and only can guess how much money goes to his own pocket from collection.


At least he's proactive, out on the streets trying to make progress and one of the few trying to help farmers/get PTP out. More than you would do sitting around criticizing him, eh?

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This man a very big bastard.

Before has threatened banks to stop borrow to government to pay rice for farmers, and now collects ....


very nice the life in yellow.

and only can guess how much money goes to his own pocket from collection.


At least he's proactive, out on the streets trying to make progress and one of the few trying to help farmers/get PTP out. More than you would do sitting around criticizing him, eh?

and more than you do sitting around and worshipping him, eh?

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I have Sutheps speech ready for tonight courtesy of Pulp Fiction.He acts like a self appointed god

There's a passage I got memorized. Ezekiel 25:17.

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.

Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy My brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay My vengeance upon you."

Under NO circumstances can Banks help you but i can.

Its not vote buying by the way its charity.cheesy.gif

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Good move. The farmers need help disparately. This is how the government should do instead of not doing anything but blaming others.

It is time to unit all the people to help each other. Good will and positive attitude will change people's mind.

It is interesting to see how Thaksin will react on this. He could help the farmers in the first place but he did not do it.

PTP is losing face. Good move by Suthep.

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Suthep needs more money to buy more land.

Please please I am begging you...

stop posting your inane drivel!! You never ever say anything of help to any conversation. It's just not that funny any more.

Almost without exception, everyone on TV posts uninformed drivel, why should he have to be the one to stop particularly based on an instruction from you?

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This man a very big bastard.

Before has threatened banks to stop borrow to government to pay rice for farmers, and now collects ....


very nice the life in yellow.

and only can guess how much money goes to his own pocket from collection.


At least he's proactive, out on the streets trying to make progress and one of the few trying to help farmers/get PTP out. More than you would do sitting around criticizing him, eh?

I have it on good authority that as we speak, Dear YK is busy starting an appeal fund on facebook and is asking her friends for donations to the PTP save the rice scam

Take that Suthep

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Suthep needs more money, he just spent 21 million donation money buying land in the south clap2.gif

Yeah, sure, and you hold all the paperwork to proof this.

Where is that figure from? The one I read was 1.8 million being given by Bangkokians to Suthep, after the government locked away his accounts.

But aside from that, I have seen this coming for a long time. And it's only logical, that the protesters collect money to help the farmers. After all, they are both on the same side in this fight against corrupt politicians and their friends.

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