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Suthep accused of buying land with donation money


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Suthep has a history of doing land scams in the name of his son. Therefor any suspicious land purchase in the name of his son now and in the future must be investigated thoroughly.

Would you like to back up that claim or should we just take your red-tinged word for it?

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What is the accusation trying to cause?

If 'well-wishers' donate to the 'keep suthep happy fund' why is the opposition concerned about what he used it for?

Don't supposed you keep track of the money you have donated in your lifetime... It's like giving to charities and demanding a monthly statement!!!

somtam palah

Under Thai law, you are required to declare donations you received, the amount and who you received it from, unless you are a registered charity, which he is not.

Where is Suthep's bookkeeping on the donations? I haven't seen him writing down every single name of every single person who gives him 20 or 100 or 1,000 Baht.

He just grabs the money from their hands, smiles and walks to the next one.

Thanks for the clarification but if he's not recognized as a charity, why would he need book keeping?

Furthermore, since he's no longer in office why does he still need to adhere to those regulations?

Also don't remember him pleading for funds.. People simply got wind that government has frozen his account and the rest is history.


somtam palah

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...yes, very odd indeed. One day we read that the guy is on his uppers with the arse out of his pants, millions usd of debt, the next day the kids are doing dodgy land deals for mega $$$$$$

The "kids" as you refer to them are fully grown adults with their own children.

Adults are able to do land deals without referring to grandpa for permission or cash.

( except unmarried women, who must get permission from father no matter their age.)

Grandpa may well be in debt, but has a reputation with investors for paying back,

and so gets more loans than his actual net worth, they are called called unsecured loans.

There is no rule that says all business loans must be secured by assets.

Though I won't say partner investors wouldn't be attracted to the son,

because of the 'perceived' power of the family in general.

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Anyway, someone should audit the Islamic Bank of Thailand. Is it common for them to lend such huge sums? I mean legally they're not allowed to pay or receive interest. There must be a loophole in Islamic law.

In some Islamic financial institutions interest can be termed as a gift or 'Hibah' thereby Sharia Compliant that may be announced of the website, others just comply with normal international banking practices.

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Suthep has a history of doing land scams in the name of his son. Therefor any suspicious land purchase in the name of his son now and in the future must be investigated thoroughly.

Ok, so should the same principle be applied to Thaksin and family?

It has been, not land but assets certainly. Or did you conveniently forget the 2010 ruling?

Thailand's highest court has ruled that ousted prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra concealed his assets while in office and abused his power for personal gain, and ordered the seizure of 46bn baht (£923m) of his £1.5bn in frozen assets. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/feb/26/thaksin-shinawatra-abuse-power-ruling
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280mln is just some 15% cut from 2bln donated. Pretty small rate, comparing to 25-30% in the other corruption deals. Small corruption - good. Big corruption - bad

Pretty bad for someone preaching he will get rid of "all corruption in Thailand".

I hope he keeps his word and finally gets rid of himself.

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Suthep is no less corrupt than the rest, never any doubt he would be caught with his hand in the cookie jar. just a matter of when.

What you say is probably true .. except he hasn't been caught YET rolleyes.gif

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Rubbish.. He brought down the lekpai government in the 90s for stealing 1000s of rai of sor por kor land.

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Suthep is no less corrupt than the rest, never any doubt he would be caught with his hand in the cookie jar. just a matter of when.

What you say is probably true .. except he hasn't been caught YET rolleyes.gif

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Rubbish.. He brought down the lekpai government in the 90s for stealing 1000s of rai of sor por kor land.

he created a palm oil shortage and then took advantage of it in 2010 when he was in charge of that industry as well

hes not any better than thaksin ,theyre both theives ,thaksins was just more ambitious and went after larger prizes

billions of dollars instead of billions of baht .........

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What a funny thread, so some think its all perfectly normal for someone with more debt than assets to have a massive Loan greater than the asset Value, a son thats up for land dodgy dealing and a miraculous 280 million ... thats about 5 million £ just hanging around.

If you don't think the father has anything to do with the son or this isnt worth looking seriously and deeply into in light of who Suthep is, his background and his current demands and claims vs others you must be a total crazy.gif either that or post-4641-1156694083.gif

I am sure any Thai with no assets like Suthep could go to the bank and borrow 200 million Baht for unspecified reasons.

Either he would need to know the bank director and give him some money, or he has assets that are undeclared and the bank director knows about.

Oh wait, but then that would be corruption, wouldn't it?

It's not Suthep that is accused of buying the land. It is his adult son. It's only dependents that are included on asset declarations.

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Nice move. Instead of facing the facts, deflect the issue. Just like Abhisit and the Democrats.

The point here is that nobody can borrow 200 million Baht without backing it up with assets. The bank doesn't just give out 200 million without knowing that you can ever pay it back.

And with Suthep having declared only debts, not assets, how can he borrow an additional 200 million?

He's buying land. That's the asset.

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What a funny thread, so some think its all perfectly normal for someone with more debt than assets to have a massive Loan greater than the asset Value, a son thats up for land dodgy dealing and a miraculous 280 million ... thats about 5 million £ just hanging around.

If you don't think the father has anything to do with the son or this isnt worth looking seriously and deeply into in light of who Suthep is, his background and his current demands and claims vs others you must be a total crazy.gif either that or post-4641-1156694083.gif

I am sure any Thai with no assets like Suthep could go to the bank and borrow 200 million Baht for unspecified reasons.

Either he would need to know the bank director and give him some money, or he has assets that are undeclared and the bank director knows about.

Oh wait, but then that would be corruption, wouldn't it?

It's not Suthep that is accused of buying the land. It is his adult son. It's only dependents that are included on asset declarations.

Suthep should still be investigated.

Because it wouldn't be the first time Suthep has done land scams under his son's name.

Wouldn't be surprised if he did it again.

If Yingluck is being investigated for allegations, then so should Suthep.

After all, the protesters are asking for transparency. If he has nothing to hide, he should not be a afraid of being investigated.

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What a funny thread, so some think its all perfectly normal for someone with more debt than assets to have a massive Loan greater than the asset Value, a son thats up for land dodgy dealing and a miraculous 280 million ... thats about 5 million £ just hanging around.

If you don't think the father has anything to do with the son or this isnt worth looking seriously and deeply into in light of who Suthep is, his background and his current demands and claims vs others you must be a total crazy.gif either that or post-4641-1156694083.gif

I am sure any Thai with no assets like Suthep could go to the bank and borrow 200 million Baht for unspecified reasons.

Either he would need to know the bank director and give him some money, or he has assets that are undeclared and the bank director knows about.

Oh wait, but then that would be corruption, wouldn't it?

It's not Suthep that is accused of buying the land. It is his adult son. It's only dependents that are included on asset declarations.

Suthep should still be investigated.

Because it wouldn't be the first time Suthep has done land scams under his son's name.

Wouldn't be surprised if he did it again.

If Yingluck is being investigated for allegations, then so should Suthep.

After all, the protesters are asking for transparency. If he has nothing to hide, he should not be a afraid of being investigated.

Well. Investigate him then! Doohh!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Suthep should still be investigated.

Because it wouldn't be the first time Suthep has done land scams under his son's name.

Wouldn't be surprised if he did it again.

If Yingluck is being investigated for allegations, then so should Suthep.

After all, the protesters are asking for transparency. If he has nothing to hide, he should not be a afraid of being investigated.

Well. Investigate him then! Doohh!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That is what this thread is about. Congratulations for understanding it finally, on page 11.

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They're desperate to divert our attention from all their own graft, loss of face and ineptitude. Pathetic PTP.

Would you similarly paint Suthep's leadership of the current anti-corruption protests as desperation too divert our attention away from his 25 year plus history of corruption - palm oil share scandal, Phuket land scandal, etc?

Or should your avatar have two faces?

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What a funny thread, so some think its all perfectly normal for someone with more debt than assets to have a massive Loan greater than the asset Value, a son thats up for land dodgy dealing and a miraculous 280 million ... thats about 5 million £ just hanging around.

If you don't think the father has anything to do with the son or this isnt worth looking seriously and deeply into in light of who Suthep is, his background and his current demands and claims vs others you must be a total crazy.gif either that or post-4641-1156694083.gif

I am sure any Thai with no assets like Suthep could go to the bank and borrow 200 million Baht for unspecified reasons.

Either he would need to know the bank director and give him some money, or he has assets that are undeclared and the bank director knows about.

Oh wait, but then that would be corruption, wouldn't it?

It's not Suthep that is accused of buying the land. It is his adult son. It's only dependents that are included on asset declarations.

That's funny. It's the same technique that Thaksin used to cover up hs own corrupt practices, isn't it? If this is true (and Suthep is hardly known for his principles and clean hands) then it really should bring the scoundrel down. Then again, this is Thailand, where the rich and powerful can literally get away with murder and the police hassle motorbike riders for not wearing helmets, whilst BMWs and Mercedes speed by, the drivers on thier i-Phones.

It can actually be quite sickening sometimes, can't it?

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Suthep should still be investigated.

Because it wouldn't be the first time Suthep has done land scams under his son's name.

Wouldn't be surprised if he did it again.

If Yingluck is being investigated for allegations, then so should Suthep.

After all, the protesters are asking for transparency. If he has nothing to hide, he should not be a afraid of being investigated.

Well. Investigate him then! Doohh!

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That is what this thread is about. Congratulations for understanding it finally, on page 11.

No. YOU miss the point. This thread is about an unsubstantiated rumor put out by the Phua Thai party spokesperson ..where is the investigation????

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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That is what this thread is about. Congratulations for understanding it finally, on page 11.

No. YOU miss the point. This thread is about an unsubstantiated rumor put out by the Phua Thai party spokesperson ..where is the investigation????

Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


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Suthep should still be investigated.

Because it wouldn't be the first time Suthep has done land scams under his son's name.

Wouldn't be surprised if he did it again.

If Yingluck is being investigated for allegations, then so should Suthep.

After all, the protesters are asking for transparency. If he has nothing to hide, he should not be a afraid of being investigated.

Even IF Suthep's adult son bought land with donations, what would be illegal about it? What is there to investigate?

Before you jump down my throat talking about how bad it is if donations were actually used to buy the land, obviously it would be corrupt, and Suthep would be screwed with the protesters if it was actually true.

But, that is exactly why PTP has made sure this rumour has been highly publicized.

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Suthep should still be investigated.

Because it wouldn't be the first time Suthep has done land scams under his son's name.

Wouldn't be surprised if he did it again.

If Yingluck is being investigated for allegations, then so should Suthep.

After all, the protesters are asking for transparency. If he has nothing to hide, he should not be a afraid of being investigated.

Even IF Suthep's adult son bought land with donations, what would be illegal about it? What is there to investigate?

You can't be serious, can you? rolleyes.gif

Donations given by protesters to support the protests ...used to purchase land for personal gain?

And you see nothing wrong with it?

I rest my case wai2.gif

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Even IF Suthep's adult son bought land with donations, what would be illegal about it? What is there to investigate?

Before you jump down my throat talking about how bad it is if donations were actually used to buy the land, obviously it would be corrupt, and Suthep would be screwed with the protesters if it was actually true.

But, that is exactly why PTP has made sure this rumour has been highly publicized.

Even IF Suthep's adult son bought land with donations, what would be illegal about it? What is there to investigate?

You can't be serious, can you? rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif alt=rolleyes.gif width=20 height=20>

Donations given by protesters to support the protests ...used to purchase land for personal gain?

And you see nothing wrong with it?

I rest my case wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

Why did you cut the part where I said that it is wrong??? I have added my post again for you so you can read it again.

And I'll say it again. Don't snip it next time.


But is it illegal?

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What a funny thread, so some think its all perfectly normal for someone with more debt than assets to have a massive Loan greater than the asset Value, a son thats up for land dodgy dealing and a miraculous 280 million ... thats about 5 million £ just hanging around.

If you don't think the father has anything to do with the son or this isnt worth looking seriously and deeply into in light of who Suthep is, his background and his current demands and claims vs others you must be a total crazy.gif either that or post-4641-1156694083.gif

I am sure any Thai with no assets like Suthep could go to the bank and borrow 200 million Baht for unspecified reasons.

Either he would need to know the bank director and give him some money, or he has assets that are undeclared and the bank director knows about.

Oh wait, but then that would be corruption, wouldn't it?

It's not Suthep that is accused of buying the land. It is his adult son. It's only dependents that are included on asset declarations.

That's funny. It's the same technique that Thaksin used to cover up hs own corrupt practices, isn't it? If this is true (and Suthep is hardly known for his principles and clean hands) then it really should bring the scoundrel down. Then again, this is Thailand, where the rich and powerful can literally get away with murder and the police hassle motorbike riders for not wearing helmets, whilst BMWs and Mercedes speed by, the drivers on thier i-Phones.

It can actually be quite sickening sometimes, can't it?

Except that Suthep isn't an MP lying on his asset statement.

Sent from my phone ...

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Even IF Suthep's adult son bought land with donations, what would be illegal about it? What is there to investigate?

Before you jump down my throat talking about how bad it is if donations were actually used to buy the land, obviously it would be corrupt, and Suthep would be screwed with the protesters if it was actually true.

But, that is exactly why PTP has made sure this rumour has been highly publicized.

Even IF Suthep's adult son bought land with donations, what would be illegal about it? What is there to investigate?

You can't be serious, can you? rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif alt=rolleyes.gif width=20 height=20>

Donations given by protesters to support the protests ...used to purchase land for personal gain?

And you see nothing wrong with it?

I rest my case wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

Why did you cut the part where I said that it is wrong??? I have added my post again for you so you can read it again.

And I'll say it again. Don't snip it next time.


But is it illegal?

It's not illegal? Really? Running out of arguments, are we.

Accepting that Suthep is wrong is a step in the right direction. The next one is admitting that it's illegal.

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