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Australia drug convict Schapelle Corby granted parole


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I don't know about the peddler of death comment but I do know about nearly been bored to death by the 'stoners' argument for wacky weed to be legalised ........ YAWN !

The topics is about little Pelles parole, how bout we stick to that, the stoners need to take a couple of puffs of their rolly and CHILL MAN !

Now the word is that Channel 7 Australia is paying little Pelle $2,000,000 AU (that's about 56 million baht roughly) for exclusive rights to a story that most Australians are fairly familiar with. Of course, really what more can be said and furthermore she's going to have to be careful not to offend the Indonesians because she's still on parole. She'd have to be careful or she might find herself back in the hole again.

They have said her parole period is 3 years.

It is being well published in Indonesia that she's being cashed up by the media and this alone will leave a bad taste in the mouth of many Indonesians. I am sure the local evils have taken note, has she just become a target for the undesirables? Indo can be a lot like Thailand in that way. She won't be able to go anywhere without attention, the indos call her the marijuana queen - lol, how flattering.

Australians for some reason seem to have a fascination with criminals, Ned Kelly, Mark chopper Read and now the convicted Marijuana queen LOL. I don't get it, it might have something to do with only a few hundred years ago Australia was occupied by mainly convicts, something like that, I don't get it.

I'd say the latest episode of the Shappelle show won't be last.

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I don't know about the peddler of death comment but I do know about nearly been bored to death by the 'stoners' argument for wacky weed to be legalised ........ YAWN !

The topics is about little Pelles parole, how bout we stick to that, the stoners need to take a couple of puffs of their rolly and CHILL MAN !

Now the word is that Channel 7 Australia is paying little Pelle $2,000,000 AU (that's about 56 million baht roughly) for exclusive rights to a story that most Australians are fairly familiar with. Of course, really what more can be said and furthermore she's going to have to be careful not to offend the Indonesians because she's still on parole. She'd have to be careful or she might find herself back in the hole again.

They have said her parole period is 3 years.

It is being well published in Indonesia that she's being cashed up by the media and this alone will leave a bad taste in the mouth of many Indonesians. I am sure the local evils have taken note, has she just become a target for the undesirables? Indo can be a lot like Thailand in that way. She won't be able to go anywhere without attention, the indos call her the marijuana queen - lol, how flattering.

Australians for some reason seem to have a fascination with criminals, Ned Kelly, Mark chopper Read and now the convicted Marijuana queen LOL. I don't get it, it might have something to do with only a few hundred years ago Australia was occupied by mainly convicts, something like that, I don't get it.

I'd say the latest episode of the Shappelle show won't be last.

She only has to say one wrong word during the interview that upsets the Indonesians and she will breach her parole. Chanel 7 will also have to present the program in a positive way for the Indonesian authorities.

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The frantic defence of weed by it's supporters puts me in mind of the crazier religious groups, sure it may be less harmful than heroin or methylated spirits but does it really matter?

Do we really need another legal bad habit?

I had an experimental puff or two in my younger day and noted how much certain types of people became attached to it, it certainly rated high among the important things in their life.

The new hydro grown stuff is certainly bad news, if it's adherents were expected to eat food that had had it's genes messed around to that extent you would hear howls of outrage.

Who knows what surprises wait for regular users later in life?

I'll tell you something I know from long term observation of users, and I know plenty, it ranks right up there with booze for eventually messing up the male sex drive.

Schapelle Corby is a one off, she'll have her day in the limelight, do her interview and write her tell all book... which will tell nothing... and ride off into the sunset.

Bye bye Schapelle.

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Neverdie said:

"Don't kid yourself about dope (I assume you are still talking about marijuana when you label it "dope".) though. I'd agree with the statement that generally stoned morons are less aggressive, but I've also had to wipe up the mess behind this drug as well.

As I said before one wrong with one evil drug doesn't improve an argument for another IMHO. So in answer to ur question, yeah I've seen people lose family and jobs because of cannabis. I've dealt with people that just can't help themselves, they must get another smoke, no matter what (it must be some form of addiction)."

I'm not going to dispute what you are saying. Since they are your own experiences, I really can't, can I? But I am not a spring chicken and have known many people who make weed part of their lifestyle, just as some people make alcohol part of their lifestyle. Of those who use weed, I don't know any cases where someone had to "wipe up the mess behind this drug". None of those people have screwed up badly because of weed. On the other hand, I know far too many sad storied that can be directly attributed to abuse of alcohol. You said that you don't want to get into a comparison of alcohol vs weed, but in reality the comparison makes sense since they are the two most common and widely used mood-altering substances. Besides, it is a forum and you can't make the rules about how people choose to reply to your posts. That would be a ridiculous and unrealistic demand.

I would like to hear about some of the cases where people you know have lost their families, jobs, and have needed needed someone to "wipe up the mess behind this drug". Those sound more like cocaine stories.

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Hello Brevity,

I'm not trying to make rules about what other people want to discuss or how they reply to something I may write, I just simply said I don't want to get into one of those tit for tats over cannabis verses alcohol and so forth. I'm not making any demands nor am I trying to create a situation where there's more rules. I only stated what I didn't want to do, fair enough?

Scott (moderator) has requested that we refrain from taking the thread down this path, perhaps you missed his request prior to posting?

I will send you a pm to address your question, I hope this satisfys you.

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Let's face it, the only reason this bint is in the news at all is that she scrubs up well with a load of warpaint and some airbrushing.

If she looked like the British granny that got caught, she'd have been similarly forgotten about by now.


Edited by Chicog
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Dont Blame it on the Sunshine

Dont blame it on the Airline

Dont blame it on the Bali 9

Blame it on the Boogey!

what the boogey man? Does have the same ring as boogie though, something's should just stay on facebook ZZzzzzzz
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So no answer to substantiate the "peddler of Death" claims then.

Iam not surprised actually.

It is pointless getting into a pissing contest with drug addicts. Thier brains are already mashed and they see spacemen in bright suits throwing roses and the whole world is beautiful. oh look at that, it's so beautiful, oh I'm floating on Mars. WOW this is amazing I never want to see reality again.

Edited by chooka
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So no answer to substantiate the "peddler of Death" claims then.

Iam not surprised actually.

It is pointless getting into a pissing contest with drug addicts. Thier brains are already mashed and they see spacemen in bright suits throwing roses and the whole world is beautiful. oh look at that, it's so beautiful, oh I'm floating on Mars. WOW this is amazing I never want to see reality again.

I hope you were better at gathering evidence when you were a copper than that hogwash.

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So no answer to substantiate the "peddler of Death" claims then.

Iam not surprised actually.

It is pointless getting into a pissing contest with drug addicts. Thier brains are already mashed and they see spacemen in bright suits throwing roses and the whole world is beautiful. oh look at that, it's so beautiful, oh I'm floating on Mars. WOW this is amazing I never want to see reality again.

Are you saying Iam a drug addict ?

Edited by Spoonman
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So no answer to substantiate the "peddler of Death" claims then.

Iam not surprised actually.

It is pointless getting into a pissing contest with drug addicts. Thier brains are already mashed and they see spacemen in bright suits throwing roses and the whole world is beautiful. oh look at that, it's so beautiful, oh I'm floating on Mars. WOW this is amazing I never want to see reality again.

It might have been a tough sentence relative to what she would have got in Australia, but one troubling aspect of this case is that some, probably many, actually believed her ludicrous story and felt sorry for her. It says something about the power of those crazy " current affairs" shows on TV at 1830. Lunatic BS story.

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The frantic defence of weed by it's supporters puts me in mind of the crazier religious groups, sure it may be less harmful than heroin or methylated spirits but does it really matter?

Do we really need another legal bad habit?

I had an experimental puff or two in my younger day and noted how much certain types of people became attached to it, it certainly rated high among the important things in their life.

The new hydro grown stuff is certainly bad news, if it's adherents were expected to eat food that had had it's genes messed around to that extent you would hear howls of outrage.

Who knows what surprises wait for regular users later in life?

I'll tell you something I know from long term observation of users, and I know plenty, it ranks right up there with booze for eventually messing up the male sex drive.

Schapelle Corby is a one off, she'll have her day in the limelight, do her interview and write her tell all book... which will tell nothing... and ride off into the sunset.

Bye bye Schapelle.

Corby interview could breach parole

Schapelle Corby's $2 million interview with Channel Seven may be in violation of parole, the head of Bali's Corrections Board has said.


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Hows about a little compassion anyway, whatever happened to you do the crime you do the time ?...she has done it, so leave her be.

How about thinking how hard this might be on her, 9 years in a tiny cell, sleeping on cold hard floor. Do you think she is adjusting well to a soft bed ?

Do you think she might be at risk of catching a chill from the air con in such a swift transition ?

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Hows about a little compassion anyway, whatever happened to you do the crime you do the time ?...she has done it, so leave her be.

How about thinking how hard this might be on her, 9 years in a tiny cell, sleeping on cold hard floor. Do you think she is adjusting well to a soft bed ?

Do you think she might be at risk of catching a chill from the air con in such a swift transition ?


She's on parole, her time is not finished, she should consider herself luck that ; a. She wasn't executed and b. that's she's not sitting in the slammer for another 11 years, remembering that her original sentence was 20 years.

She didn't sleep on a concrete floor, she slept on a foam mattress on a concrete floor. The floor would have been rarely, cold........ Bali gets quite warm actually.

As for the chill, she find her time in the aircon is extremely limited if she breaches her parole or upsets the powers to be. Sounds like she needs to keep her bleeding heart story for later, ie end of parole when she's tucked up in her mothers houso looking home in Qld Australia.

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Hows about a little compassion anyway, whatever happened to you do the crime you do the time ?...she has done it, so leave her be.

How about thinking how hard this might be on her, 9 years in a tiny cell, sleeping on cold hard floor. Do you think she is adjusting well to a soft bed ?

Do you think she might be at risk of catching a chill from the air con in such a swift transition ?


She's on parole, her time is not finished, she should consider herself luck that ; a. She wasn't executed and b. that's she's not sitting in the slammer for another 11 years, remembering that her original sentence was 20 years.

She didn't sleep on a concrete floor, she slept on a foam mattress on a concrete floor. The floor would have been rarely, cold........ Bali gets quite warm actually.

As for the chill, she find her time in the aircon is extremely limited if she breaches her parole or upsets the powers to be. Sounds like she needs to keep her bleeding heart story for later, ie end of parole when she's tucked up in her mothers houso looking home in Qld Australia.

Quite true, one tiny slip up and she will be back in for 6 yrs. Drop a cigarette butt and you're gone girl.

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^ chooka, she's skating on thin ice! alraedy it is reported that her parole officer has paid her a visit and it is being reported that she has received a warning regarding the situation by the media. She outa pull her head in or she'll be back in Kerobakan jail before the other prisoners get halfway through her farewell cake.

I'm almost ready to make a wager on whee this is going next.

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She should get a new passport, do a runner via one of the northern Indonesian ferry ports, move to Thailand, do her interview and invest her money in a Pattaya bar and call it "Schapelle's".

Forget Shappelle & her interview money, Mercedes should do videos on how to slap down tv camera crew and sell them, she'd make a killing.

The other day she slapped down about 3 cameramen per second on her way into the jail.

I couldn't find the footage but here is some other footage of her in action.

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^ chooka, she's skating on thin ice! alraedy it is reported that her parole officer has paid her a visit and it is being reported that she has received a warning regarding the situation by the media. She outa pull her head in or she'll be back in Kerobakan jail before the other prisoners get halfway through her farewell cake.

I'm almost ready to make a wager on whee this is going next.

Looks like the poor little drug trafficker is going to have to find a job. No money for her.clap2.gif

Indonesia puts a stop to Corby interview
Schapelle Corby will be told not to do her anticipated TV interview, after Indonesian authorities agreed it could end her parole.
Deputy Law and Human Rights Minister Denny Indrayana on Thursday night said he had discussed the issue with the minister.
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