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To kill a koel bird


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  • 2 weeks later...

It`s a Greater Coucal, It looks like a species of crow.

I see and here these birds all the time down my way and love them, beautiful creatures.

Cannot understand you people that have no tolerance for nature and the wildlife The Thais say that these birds are the spirits of the dead and harming them brings bad luck and misfortune to those that do injury or kill these birds.


Wrong Bird! You will never see a Nok Gow wow (Koel) on the ground. You'd be lucky to see it in a tree it hides so well.

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OP - Mr Hammer, how are You today? - This might be no help, but at our place the GowWow is only one bird amongst

many others. And so the sound is easily to endure. It all depends: not too frequent, not too loud.

Btw, many good ideas posted here, some relly funny, crazy. OK.

Just to comfort you: in my village people breed more and more roosters that croak, scream, shrill as heck.

No chance to get rid of them by normal means. Of course I could press some wax in my ears, close every window

and every door, at day, at night, only live airconditioned or wear a shooting mask drawn above my head. No.

'And They're coming to take me away Ha Ha
They're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha
to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time,

and I'll be happy to see those nice young men

in their clean white coats
and they're coming to take me away ha ha

...To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds...

Really bad, I think I'll have to move in the near future.

Take care, MrHammer.

(and wolfmuc too.)

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After prior TVF post in which I mentioned that after two hours I thought my own avian torturer was gone: No such luck.

Finally evacuated my long-term hotel accommodations in Chiang Mai 13 days ago.

If I will be at a place for a while, I always make sure no always-barking dogs and no roosters in proximity. Place in CM was well away from such, 5th floor, undeveloped land surrounding, kind of like a jungle, very peaceful for months. Then about a month ago one of those horny F-king birds flies in from Indonesia, takes up residence in the trees outside, starts up at 03:30 every morning, goes on ALL GODDAMN DAY. And I work at home. Wrecked my sleep and my concentration when working. After a couple weeks I was literally losing it, starting to rant to myself.

I thought about paying some village-type Thai guys to maybe trap it, get it the hell out of there, but anytime I mentioned to Thai staff, they are like, "Bird, what bird?" Even as the shrieks are ripping through the lobby. Besides, guy who owns adjacent land where it is had already threatened management when they cleared some poison ivy (or something like it) that was encroaching on the property line.

Finally stored my stuff, vacated room, now in Chiang Rai until I know they are gone.

Anybody who says they like the sound of those little bird bastards... never mind.

Edited by Wordworx
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I hear the coucals all the time and am wondering if you learned how to do an alarm call if that would shut them up. Google "coucal alarm sound" and you will find some mp3 files to play. It is a fairly easy sound to make and I always get their attention with even a poor imitation.

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I saw the little devil for the first time yesterday. It sat on top of a tree and I could see its evil red eyes from afar. I really wished I had some kind of projectile weapon, but no such luck.


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I saw the little devil for the first time yesterday. It sat on top of a tree and I could see its evil red eyes from afar. I really wished I had some kind of projectile weapon, but no such luck.


its easy to make a simple but deadly slingshot from old junk ..........look on youtube lol

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I am a major animal rights sort. Have actually gotten confrontational and, dare I say, violent with A-hole humans while in the act of protecting mammals, fish and birds. But these F-kers...

They are brood parasites, for those not knowing. Means they lay their eggs in other species nests and split. Being a larger bird than those of the nests they infiltrate, the chicks they leave behind kill and/or starve to death the native chicks. If they hatch fast enough, they will kill the native chicks while still in their egg. Then, last remaining, they outgrow the nest. Before they can fly they sit on the branch next to the nest while the unknowing adopted parents knock themselves out trying to feed the little beast.

Back at my former place, one I evacuated due that one horny screeching jerk, if I had on hand thermal goggles and a suppressed long-rifle 22, no problem.

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Something happens this week that makes me remember your posting.....The same bird move to our street. Didn't bother me, but just for fun I imitates its call but louder. It responded, like upset or surprise, and I kept doing it louder and faster. ...until it stop. I did this for 3 days in a roll..and looks like he move to the next street. Its may didn't like to compete with a "bigger" one...

If you try this people will think that your are "din don"..but if works...

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There's at least one in a tree near me. I have seen it on the ground on a couple of occasions. It's quite an attractive bird with its long reddish brown tail. It's actually calling as I type this. They are said to lay their eggs in the nests of crows which is fine by me, I hate those black buggers, I've lost count of the number of turkey eggs they've stolen over the years.

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  • 3 weeks later...

DATELINE CHIANG RAI - The <deleted>[?] birds are everywhere. About a month here, 3rd hotel. First two, could hear them, but far enough away I could handle it. Then, yesterday, I check out of a place due to screaming Thai kids, families letting them run rampant (like in the halls and the pool just outside the room at 07:00), check into new place. Go for corner room in attempt to maybe 50% mitigate potential *neighbor noise*. While unpacking that goddamn brain-piercing call comes in across the balcony. One of the F-kers is just across the street.

That call is now so negatively imprinted to my braincage, I can be on a motorbike, hear it in passing and I wince.

Checked with place I usually stay back in Chiang Mai, they tell me the little bastard just outside my unit, one that essentially ran me out, is still there, shrieking up the place.

OP, maybe follow up, let me know if yours blows town. If I got it right, they are supposed to head back to Indonesia pretty soon.

Also, if you have not yet seen it, scroll down for Aussie takes on this page: http://external-brain.redwolf.com.au/2003/12/18/annoying-bloody-birds/

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I'd try the owl method, but I'm not confident. We had a 4am koel, that has been gazumped by F.I.L's 20 roosters next door. They objected to the competition and mounted a well organised campaign to outlast him. Needless to say the noise was intense for a while. But the koel has stopped !! Unfortunately the roosters not being that clever, are still at it, and are even triggered by my nightime bathroom visits if I turn the light on. Never a dull day, or night, in Thailand.

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DATELINE CHIANG RAI - The <deleted>[?] birds are everywhere. About a month here, 3rd hotel. First two, could hear them, but far enough away I could handle it. Then, yesterday, I check out of a place due to screaming Thai kids, families letting them run rampant (like in the halls and the pool just outside the room at 07:00), check into new place. Go for corner room in attempt to maybe 50% mitigate potential *neighbor noise*. While unpacking that goddamn brain-piercing call comes in across the balcony. One of the F-kers is just across the street.

That call is now so negatively imprinted to my braincage, I can be on a motorbike, hear it in passing and I wince.

Checked with place I usually stay back in Chiang Mai, they tell me the little bastard just outside my unit, one that essentially ran me out, is still there, shrieking up the place.

OP, maybe follow up, let me know if yours blows town. If I got it right, they are supposed to head back to Indonesia pretty soon.

Also, if you have not yet seen it, scroll down for Aussie takes on this page: http://external-brain.redwolf.com.au/2003/12/18/annoying-bloody-birds/

don't get so et up over a little screeching ha ve a thought for them living down in pattaya the birds are up day and night screaming and shrieking outside their nests.w00t.gif

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  • 6 months later...

Sorry but when I read the thread opening "How to kill..." I don't have much understanding for this poor person.

Just two things you might think of: Who was first there, you or the bird? And if you don't like the birds here in Thailand, go back to your home country and kill the birds there (or kill whatever you want...)

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The Koel is a beautiful bird, my wife found a chick and we raised it for four months. It would fly to us in the morning and sit around. Very nice until it realised it could make that deafening noise. Thankfully it never returned, guess it found a mate.

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I must be an exception, Because I truly miss the sound of the Koel here in Issaan.

Rarely during my walks in the rice fields do I hear one, must have been 6 months ago.

Guess they don't like Issaan.

no they are next to my[wifes] house here in korat.

Edited by meatboy
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I must be an exception, Because I truly miss the sound of the Koel here in Issaan.

Rarely during my walks in the rice fields do I hear one, must have been 6 months ago.

Guess they don't like Issaan.

no they are next to my[wifes] house here in korat.

Korat is 300km South....

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I must be an exception, Because I truly miss the sound of the Koel here in Issaan.

Rarely during my walks in the rice fields do I hear one, must have been 6 months ago.

Guess they don't like Issaan.

no they are next to my[wifes] house here in korat.

Korat is 300km South....

issaan birds move fast.and they can make a noise.

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  • 5 years later...

I thought only here in Sg, we face the disturbances of the Asian Koel calling so early in the morning. The noisy bird stay all day long near my place now and it's driving me crazy with its loud calling. Anyone has any idea on how to get rid of it? The National Park of Sg said this is a protected species, cannot kill it because they help to control crow's population. I think it's more of a parasite! I cant even bother if it's a protected species. All I know is that I m losing my sleep because of the Asian Koel.

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